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1、The Story ofChinese Zodiac 2021/6/201Long, long time ago, people always forgot in which year they were born and couldnot figure out exactly how old they were. 2021/6/202The Jade Emperor came up with an idea. Its too difficult to remember a year. It would be easier to remember an animal. Why dont we

2、choose twelve animals to represent the years? 2021/6/203 福德宮The Jade Emperor asked the Earth God to tell every animal how to be chosen as one of the animals for the twelve signs of the zodiac. 2021/6/204玉皇大帝公告The river- crossing race All animals are welcome to compete. The first twelve animals acros

3、s the finish line will be chosen as the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. 2021/6/205After the announcement, all the animals got very excited and everyone was talking about the race. 2021/6/206At that time, the cat and the rat were very good friends. They met to discuss the race. We cant swim. Ho

4、w are we gonna cross the river? Lets join the ox, We can point the way and he can carry us across the river. 2021/6/207The cat and the rat went to see the ox. The ox said okay at once. 2021/6/208十二生肖渡河比賽十 二 生 肖 渡 河 比 賽The day of the race soon came. Early that morning, before the rooster woke up, the

5、 ox, the cat and the rat were already at the riverside. 2021/6/209The cat and the rat climbed onto the back of the ox. And then they started swimming across the river. 2021/6/2010The cat became sleepy because he got up so early that morning. He fell asleep as soon as he got on top of the oxs back.20

6、21/6/2011How eager the rat wanted to win first place. When the ox was a few second away from the opposite bank of the river, the rat pushed the cat into the water and went into one of the oxs ears. 2021/6/2012The ox had no idea of what had just happened but heard the rat saying “ Big Brother Ox, Go!

7、 Go! Go! We are almost there! We can make it.” 2021/6/2013The ox climbed up the shore and ran to the finish line. The rat jumped out of the oxs ear and rushed to the finish line to win first place. 2021/6/2014 The ox was very angry. Ever since then, the ox always looked at the rat with his enormous

8、eyes. 2021/6/2015Then came the tiger. The tiger was roaring,” I am the first, right?” No, you are the third,” said the Jade Emperor.2021/6/2016A whirlwind came in the sky as the dragon arrived. 2021/6/2017But the rabbit sprinted ahead and took the forth place. The rabbit could not swim but jumped ac

9、ross the river on the backs of the other animals.2021/6/2018降 雨 大 典You could fly. Why did you arrive so late? I had gone to the South China Sea to host a rainmaking ceremony and rushed back in a hurry but was too late.2021/6/2019The sky was filled with flying dust. The horse was dashing at full spee

10、d, but as he was about to cross the finish line, the snake suddenly shot through to come in sixth. Poor horse. 2021/6/2020Originally, the horse was very bold and brave, but after being scared by the snake, he became very shy. Originally, the snake had legs, but he raced so hard, he ran his legs off.

11、2021/6/2021Working together, the goat, the monkey and the rooster rowed on a log. As a result, they earned themselves eighth, ninth, and tenth places respectively. 2021/6/2022十一Then came the dog. He was a playful fellow. As he crossed the river, he had such a good time in the water that he forgot th

12、e time. 2021/6/2023Only one opening was left. All the people wanted to see who was in the lead.The pig arrived and said Im starving, Is there any food to eat here?2021/6/2024一二三四五六七八九十十一十二The race was over. The Jade Emperor at once announced the places of the twelve animals in the zodiac. 2021/6/202

13、5At that time, the cat arrived dripping wet. What is my place? You came in thirteenth. 2021/6/2026The cat was mad. “ You bad rat!” He said. “ I wont spare you!”The cat slapped the rat across the face and knocked out all of his teeth except the two in front.2021/6/2027Today when the rat sees the cats

14、 shadow, he runs like crazy. Even in daytime he hides in a hole, not daring to show his face. 2021/6/2028The End2021/6/2029Jade Emperor 玉皇大帝2021/6/2030福 德 宮Earth God 土地公2021/6/2031 鼠Rat2021/6/2032ox 牛2021/6/2033 tiger 老虎2021/6/2034Rabbit兔子2021/6/2035dragon 龍2021/6/2036 snake 蛇2021/6/2037horse 馬2021/

15、6/2038goat羊2021/6/2039monkey 猴子2021/6/2040 rooster 雞2021/6/2041狗dog 2021/6/2042豬Pig2021/6/2043Animal 動物2021/6/2044一二三四五六七八九十十一十二Chinese zodiac 中國生肖2021/6/2045finish line 終點2021/6/2046 river 河川2021/6/2047玉皇大帝公告 announcement 公 告2021/6/2048riverside 河 邊2021/6/2049whirlwind 旋 風2021/6/2050shadow 影 子2021/

16、6/2051hole 洞2021/6/2052Difficult 困 難2021/6/2053across 越 過2021/6/2054excited 興奮的2021/6/2055eager 渴望的2021/6/2056enormous 巨大的2021/6/2057starving 飢 餓2021/6/2058Remember 記 得2021/6/2059 represent 表示;象徵2021/6/2060競爭;比賽compete 2021/6/2061討 論discuss 2021/6/2062吼叫;怒吼roar 2021/6/2063饒恕spare 2021/6/2064掌擊;摑slap

17、 2021/6/2065藏;躲hide 2021/6/2066log原木2021/6/2067分別地respectively2021/6/2068Knock out壓倒;使屈服2021/6/2069Rush 匆促2021/6/2070back返回2021/6/2071dare敢;膽敢2021/6/2072sprint全力衝刺2021/6/2073ceremony典禮2021/6/2074bold大膽的2021/6/2075勇敢的brave2021/6/2076playful 喜遊玩的2021/6/2077opening空缺2021/6/2078place次序2021/6/2079suddenly突然地2021/6/2080部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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