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1、 Unit3 Period Three 第 2 页 Period Three Task .重点单词 1relation n关系;亲戚 2conduct vt.实施;指挥乐队 3majority n多数,大多数 major adj.主要的;多数的;vi.主修 4summary n总结;概括,概要 5 consideration n 仔细考虑; 必须考虑的因素;体谅,顾及 consider vt.思考,考虑 6hunger n饥饿;饥荒 hungry adj.饥饿的 7ordinary adj.普通的,一般的 8reliable adj.可依靠的,可信赖的 rely vi.依靠,依赖;信任,信赖

2、9accurate adj.精确的,准确的 10brief adj.短时间的,短暂的;简洁的,简单 第 3 页 的 11actual adj.真实的,实际的 actually adv.事实上,实际地 12. confirm vt.& vi.证实,证明;确认;使确信 .重点短语 1follow in ones footsteps 效仿某人 2in summary 总的来说,概括起来 3take.into consideration 认真考虑 .重点句式 1so that 引导目的状语从句 We can clone a cow so that it will produce high-qualit

3、y milk. 我们可以克隆一头牛, 以便于生产出高质量的牛奶。 2that 引导宾语从句 In summary,I insist that you take the opinions of the people of the UK into consideration,and end this practice immediately. 第 5 页 . Ato follow in his fathers steps Bto follow his fathers advice Cfollowing in his fathers steps Dfollowed his father 答案 C 解

4、析 句意为: 毕业后, 他继承了他父亲的事业,做了一名律师。he 与 follow 存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语;follow in ones steps 步某人后尘,继承某人的事业。 2I am sure that if you conducted a survey among UK citizens,it would show that the majority of people would not support this type of scientific research. 我确信如果你在英国民众中做一次调查的话,结果将说明大多数人不支持这种类型的科学研究。 (1)c

5、onduct vt.实施;指挥乐队;n.行为,举止;管理方法 第 6 页 conduct oneself.(formal)举止,表现 (2)majority n多数,大多数 in the majority 占大多数 major adj.主要的;n.主修(课程);v.主修 注意:“the majority of复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数;其后接不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数;the majority 单独使用时,谓语动词用单、复数均可。 (1)Who will you arrange for to conduct the concert? 你将安排谁来指挥这次音乐会? (2)Your chi

6、ldren conduct themselves well. 你的孩子们表现甚佳。 (3)The majority is/are young people. 大多数是年轻人。 (4)The majority of us lads are professional drivers. 我们大多数小伙子是专业司机。 (5)At present,I major in Software Engineering at a common university. 目前,我在一所很普通的大学主修软件工程。 单项填空 (6)When the headmaster spoke out his plan,the 第

7、7 页 of the students in the class against it.(2022南京淳辉高级中学高二月考) Amajority;were Bmost;were Cmost;did Dmajority;did 答案 A 解析 句意为:当校长说出他的方案时,我们班上多数学生是反对的。“大多数学生可用“the majority of the students或者“ most of the students表达; 又因 the majority of 修饰的是复数名词,所以选 A。 3In summary,I insist that you take the opinions of

8、the people of the UK into consideration,and end this practice immediately. 总之,我坚持认为你要考虑英国人民的想法,并且立即结束这种做法。 第 8 页 (1)take.into consideration 把考虑在内 in consideration of 考虑到;由于;作为对的报酬 under consideration 在考虑中 (2)considering prep.鉴于,就而言 (3)considerate adj.考虑周到的 (4)consider n.doingwh-to dothat从句宾语to ben./

9、adj.sb.to have done sth.认为某人做了某事 (1)In consideration of the extra work Tom had done,his boss gave him an extra weeks pay. 考虑到 Tom 做的额外的工作,老板多付给了他一周的薪水。 (2)We must consider what to do next. 我们必须考虑下一步怎么办。 (3)Hes considering studying abroad. 他正考虑出国留学。 单项填空 (4)It is acknowledged that an iPhone 6s , to b

10、e the most useful and fashionable,is what 第 9 页 many teenagers are dying for. Aconsider Bconsidered Cconsidering Dto be considered 答案 B 解析 句子主语 iPhone 6s 和动词 consider 是被动关系,过去分词短语在句中作后置定语。应选B。 4For example,cloned animals are not very healthythey nearly always live brief,painful lives compared with o

11、rdinary animals. 例如,克隆的动物并不健康与普通动物相比,它们的一生更短暂、更痛苦。 brief adj.短时间的,短暂的;简洁的,简单的 in briefto be briefbriefly speaking简言之,简单地说;总之 (1)Please be brief. 请简洁地说。 (2)In brief/To be brief/Briefly speaking,your 第 10 页 work is badly done. 总之,你工作做得不好。 单项填空 (3)There is not much time left,so I tell you about it . Ai

12、n short Bin time Cin brief Din particular 答案 C 解析 句意为: 时间不多了。 我就简要地说一下。短语 in brief 简要地,符合题意。应选 C 项。 5Therefore,we cannot confirm that food from cloned animals is really safe for humans to eat. 因此, 我们不能证明人类食用来自克隆动物的食物是平安的。 confirm vt.& vi.证实,证明;确认;使确信 confirm sb.in.使某人在方面更加坚决 confirm sb.in the belief

13、 that.使某人坚信 It is/has been confirmed that.已经确定 (1)It has been confirmed that the meeting will be 第 11 页 held next week. 已确定会议将在下周举行。 (2)This latest information confirms me in the belief that he is to blame. 这一那么最新消息使我坚信他该受到责备。 单项填空 (3)Im calling to our lunch appointment.Its tomorrow at twelve oclock

14、,right? Absolutely.(2022无锡江阴四校高二期中) Aconfirm Backnowledge Cattain Dadvocate 答案 A 解析 句意为: 我打电话来确认一下午饭时间,明天 12 点钟,是吗?是的。confirm 确认,符合题意。应选 A 项。 .单词拼写 第 12 页 1 We seek to improve relations between our two countries. 2The food provides all the nutrition your dog needs. 3Accurate(精确的) records must be kep

15、t. 4Youd better make a general summary. 5He suffered a lot from hunger(饥饿) those days. .选词填空 错误! 6In summary,their performance was great. 7Tom decided to study medicine,following in the footsteps of his father. 8Compared with cars,bicycles have many advantages. 9The majority of books have been sent

16、to the rural school,where students are eager for them. 10 You must take her inexperience into 第 14 页 Cconducted Dhaving conducted 答案 C 解析 conduct 与 a study 为被动关系,所以用conducted 作后置定语。应选 C。句意为:回到水污染问题,我想要你们看看澳大利亚 2022 年进行的研究。 17Before you the design of this product, you need to study the market careful

17、ly. Amemorise Bconfirm Corder Dexpress 答案 B 解析 句意为:在你确认这个产品的设计之前,你需要认真研究一下市场。memorise 记住;confirm 确认;order 命令;express 表达。 18Cathy had quit her job when her son was born she could stay home and raise 第 15 页 her family. Anow that Bas if Conly if Dso that 答案 D 解析 句意为: 当儿子出生时凯茜就已辞去了工作,以便她能够待在家里抚养孩子。now t

18、hat 既然,引导原因状语从句;as if 好似,仿佛,引导方式状语从句; only if 只要, 引导条件状语从句;so that 目的是,结果是,引导目的状语从句或结果状语从句。由句意知此处为 so that 引导的目的状语从句。 19 Whatever he promises , you cant anything. Arely his doing Brely on him to do Cdepend his doing Dadvise him to do 答案 B 解析 句意为:无论他承诺什么,你不能依靠他 第 16 页 做任何事。 rely on sb.doing/to do sth

19、.依赖某人做某事。所以选择 B。 20Everything into consideration,they believed themselves more and returned to their positions. Ato take Btaken Cto be taken Dtaking 答案 B 解析 everything taken into consideration 是独立主格结构在句中作状语。 建议信是向收信人对某事提出写信人的建议或忠告。建议可以是写给个人的,就某些问题提出自己的看法或建议; 也可以是写给单位或机构的, 这类信往往就改良其目前的不合理现状提出建议或忠告。 建

20、议信要写出提建议的原因,建议的内容,以及如果被采纳可能会出现的积极结果。 提出理 第 17 页 由一定要合情合理,语气要委婉。建议信的写作要简明扼要、目的明确,具有合理性和说服力。 建议信的写作步骤: 首段:说明写作意图。陈述事由,简单介绍自己,注意语气要委婉。 主体段落:应该首先肯定对方的优点,然后再写需要改良的地方或针对具体情况提出具体建议或忠告。 千万注意不要让别人以为你是在投诉或说教,而不是提建议。 结尾段:对提出的建议进行总结,展望建议被采纳后的良好结果,要注意礼貌用语,使被建议者容易接受。 友情提醒:写作这类题目时,考生要注意不要跑题,因为这类题很有可能写成议论文,如“我认为一二,

21、所以要如何如何。考生应该时刻记得书信的交际功能, 要考虑到收信人的感受。在给对方提建议时应该不时地说到 I和 you,要让人时刻感受到这是一种交流。 第 18 页 1我写信的目的是 Im writing to. 2很遗憾我听说/我知道你在方面有困难 Im sorry to hear/know that you have some difficulty/trouble/problems with sth./in doing sth. 3我的建议是: (1)May I suggest that you should.? (2)I wish. (3)I really hope that. (4)Wh

22、at about.? (5)How about.? (6)My suggestions are as follows. (7)It is my pleasure to offer you some advice on. (8)When it comes to such a situation,I would like to suggest that you should. 4如果你采纳了我的建议,情况是容易改变的。 第 19 页 The situation is easy to change if you follow/take my advice. 5对某人来说,做是明智的。 It is a

23、dvisable for sb.to do sth. 假设你是高二一班学生李华, 有感于校园中存在的随意涂写和乱丢垃圾的不文明行为, 请用英文给校长写一封 150 词左右的信, 信中包括以下内容: 1写信的目的; 2对这些行为进行批评; 3提出建议。 参考词汇:随意涂写 scribble;乱丢垃圾 litter 写作步骤 Step One 审题谋篇 写作要求是写一封建议信, 写作时应注意下面几点: 1确定文体:这是一篇应用文,写作时应注意书信的常规格式。 第 20 页 2主体时态:一般现在时。 3主体人称:第一、三人称。 Step Two 联想词汇 1我写信的目的 I am writing t

24、o./I am writing with the intention of./I am writing intending to. 2吸引的注意力于draw/attract.attention to. 3随意涂写和乱丢垃圾 scribbling and littering 4 对有害 do/cause harm to./be harmful to 5对某人来说做某事是不适宜的 Its not appropriate/improper for sb.to do sth. 6与此同时at the same time/meantime/meanwhile 7约束自己 behave/control/c

25、ontain oneself 8 在的共同努力下with the joint efforts of. Step Three 句式升级 1我写信的目的是引起你对学生在校园内的一 第 21 页 些不良行为随意涂写和乱丢垃圾的关注,这些行为使我们的校园脏乱并且不适宜学习。 I am writing to inform you of some improper behavior among us students on our campus:scribbling and littering,making our school a dirty and unpleasant place to study

26、in.(现在分词作状语) I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavior among us students on our campus:scribbling and littering,which makes our school a dirty and unpleasant place to study in.(which引导非限制性定语从句) 2很显然学生到处乱涂乱扔是不适宜的。 Many students tend to litter and scribble about, and it is clearly

27、an improper behavior.(并列句) It is clearly not appropriate for a student to 第 22 页 litter and scribble about.(it 作形式主语) 3我相信如果老师和学生共同努力,我们的学校会在不久的将来成为一个更怡人的地方。 I believe that our school will surely become a more enjoyable place in the near future if teachers and students are willing to work together.(

28、if 条件状语从句) I believe that,with the joint efforts of both teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future.(withn.) Step Four 连句成篇 Dear Mr Headmaster, I am Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Senior .I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavior among

29、 us students on our campus:scribbling and littering,which makes our school a dirty and unpleasant place to study in and does great harm to the image of our 第 23 页 school.I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about.I wonder if th

30、e school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such behavior.At the same time,students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. I believe that,with the joint efforts of both teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable pl

31、ace in the near future. Thank you for your consideration. Yours faithfully, Li Hua .单项填空 1This treatment is not available in of hospitals. Amost Bmajority Cthe most Dthe majority 第 24 页 答案 D 解析 句意为:大多数医院不采用这种治疗方法。the majority of hospitalsmost of the hospitals。 2 Please bring something with you that

32、your identity. Aconfirms Bsays Cexplains Ddesires 答案 A 解析 句意为:请带上能证明你身份的东西。confirm 证明,证实,符合题意。 3A long-term study by the medical school shows that babies of smoking mothers will be less healthy than those of non-smoking mothers. Aperformed Bundergone Cmanaged Dconducted 第 25 页 答案 D 解析 句意为: 一项由医学院进行的

33、长期研究说明, 母亲不吸烟的婴儿比那些母亲吸烟的婴儿的身体状况好。conduct 实施,进行,符合句意。 4He considered medicine and up the pen in order to do more for the people. Ato drop;took Bdropping;taking Cdropping;to take Dto drop;take 答案 B 解析 consider doing sth.为固定结构,意为“考虑做某事;and 前后为并列成分,所以选 B 项。 5If he that he to work there then,everything w

34、ould be OK now. Ainsisted;be sent Binsisted;was sent Chad insisted;be sent 第 26 页 Dhad insisted;was sent 答案 C 解析 句意为: 如果那时候他坚持要求被送到那里工作,现在一切都好了。而事实并非如此,此句是对过去的虚拟,insist 表示“坚持要求,坚决认为时,从句用 should do,should 可省略,应选 C 项。 6Letter boxes are much more in the UK.than in the US.,where most people have a mailb

35、ox instead. A common B normal C ordinary D usual 答案 A 解析 common 常见的,尤其指许多人或事物所共同具备的;normal 正常的,侧重“无异常;ordinary 普通的,指平常的,平淡无奇的;usual 第 27 页 通常的,多指习惯性的,遵循常规的,一贯如此的。根据句意知选 A 项。 7I cant possibly tell it .I would like to write the whole thing in detail. Ain silence Bin surprise Cin brief Din turn 答案 C 解析

36、 句意为:我不可能只简单地表达此事,我想要把它详细地写下来。in brief 简言之,符合题意。 8 Id like to arrive 20 minutes early I can have time for a cup of tea. Aas soon as Bas a result Cin case Dso that 答案 D 解析 句意为:我想早到 20 分钟,这样我可以 第 28 页 有时间喝杯茶。so that 在这里引导目的状语从句,从句中常常有 can,could,might,may 之类的情态动词。in case 也可引导目的状语从句,意为“唯恐,万一;as soon as

37、引导时间状语从句,意为“一就;as a result 意为“结果是,均不符合语境。 9It suddenly to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter. Ahappened Boccurred Cthought Dtook place 答案 B 解析 It occurred to sb.that.为固定句型,意为“某人突然想起某事。 10 snacks and drinks,but they also 第 29 页 brought cards for entertainment

38、 when they had a picnic in the forest. ANot only they brought BNot only did they bring CNot only brought they DNot only they did bring 答案 B 解析 句意为:他们不仅带了小吃和饮料,还带了扑克, 这样他们在树林中野餐时可以娱乐。 not only.but also. 的 意 思 为 “ 不 仅 而且, 当引导并列分句且 not only 位于句首时,该句使用局部倒装语序。 .完形填空 (2022南京高二月考) The long journey to clone

39、 my two beloved dogs began about fifteen years ago. 第 30 页 It was the year 2022 and my life was 11 .At 30 years old,I was poor.I spent all my money and I 12 from my wife.It was at that very moment that my two wonderful dogs Wolfie and Bubble cared for my 13 heart.Until this day,I have no idea how I

40、would have gone through those horrible times 14 them. I realized what my 15 in life was.My happiness was 16 related to my two dogs whom I considered my children. I 17 a simple 15-year plan.I would start a company, 18 only purpose was to make enough money 19 I could pay to have them cloned when the t

41、ime came. I would start my own 20 and save money.Work hard, save, and live 21 .Today I feel I have walked a million miles.I am very tired, 22 have finally reached my goal. 第 31 页 In July of 2022,I found a dog cloning company Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in Korea 23 by the top cloning scientist

42、and father of dog cloningDr Hwang,who was the first scientist to successfully 24 a dog.In fact,he was the one who cloned Snuppy,the worlds first cloned 25 that I had met in May 2022. Dr Hwang and his staff 26 me with open arms.He told me that the Wolfie clones should not grow up 27 .He was going to

43、clone Bubble 28 and I was also relieved that the money would be enough. Two healthy Wolfie clones were born on December 23,2022,just three months from the time they 29 Wolfies cells.I have been so used to waiting that even until now Ill take out my phone and stare at the images of the clones just to

44、 make sure I didnt 30 at 第 32 页 all.Ill have another chance to love them all over again. 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。当作者处于人生低谷时,两只小狗成了作者最好的陪伴。为了克隆出同样的小狗,作者创办了公司,省吃俭用,最终实现了自己的愿望。 11A.satisfying Bterrible Ccomfortable Ddangerous 答案 B 解析 根据下文中的“I was poor,“I spent all my money和“those horrible times可知作者当时的生活状况很糟糕。 12

45、A.stopped Bseparated Cdivided Descaped 答案 B 解析 “我花光了所有的钱并且和妻子分居了。separate from sb.与某人分开,(夫妻)分居,符合语境。 13A.determined Bdetermining 第 33 页 Csoft Dbroken 答案 D 解析 cared for my broken heart 表示抚慰“我破碎的心。从上文可知作者的处境艰难,故心是破碎的(broken)。 14A.without Bexcept Cbesides Ddespite 答案 A 解析 直到现在“我都不知道如果没有它们,“我该如何度过那些可怕的日

46、子。without无相伴,没有,符合语境。 15A.ability Bstrength Cadvantage Dpreference 答案 D 解析 由下文作者开公司、存钱去克隆狗可推 第 34 页 知, 这里指“我意识到了“我的生活偏爱是什么。preference 偏爱,此处是指对狗的偏爱。 16A.blindly Bcarefully Cclosely Dhelplessly 答案 C 解析 “我的幸福与“我的两只狗密切相关。 be closely related to 和密切相关。 closely密切地。 17A.put up with Bkept up with Ccaught up

47、with Dcame up with 答案 D 解析 “我想出了一个简明的十五年方案。put up with 忍受;keep up with(与)并驾齐驱;catch up with 赶上;come up with 提出。 18A.which Bthat 第 35 页 Cwhose Dwhat 答案 C 解析 由语境及句子结构可知, 空处缺少非限制性定语从句的引导词,且与其后的 purpose 有所属关系,故应选 whose。 19A.so that Bnow that Cin that Dsuch that 答案 A 解析 由语境可知,空处引导目的状语从句,故应选 so that 以便,为了

48、。 20A.shop Bcenter Ccompany Dfactory 答案 C 解析 start my own company 表示“创办自己的公司。上文中提到的“start a company是 第 36 页 信息提示。 21A.easily Bsimply Cpeacefully Dnormally 答案 B 解析 为了攒钱,作者努力工作并且生活节俭。live simply 简朴地过活。simply 简朴地。 22A.and Bso Cbut Dor 答案 C 解析 “我非常疲倦, 但是终于到达了“我的目标。前后分句之间是转折关系,应选 but。 23A.run Bfollowed C

49、cared Dhelped 答案 A 解析 “我发现了由顶尖克隆科学家同时也是狗克隆之父经营的克隆公司。 run 经营, 管理; 第 37 页 follow 跟随;care 关心;help 帮助。 24A.raise Bclone Cfind Dfeed 答案 B 解析 根据上文中的 father of dog cloning“狗克隆之父可知, 黄博士是第一个成功克隆出狗的科学家。 25A.sheep Banimal Chuman Ddog 答案 D 解析 此句中 he 指的是 Dr Hwang, 他是顶尖克隆科学家同时也是狗克隆之父,因此他克隆的Snuppy就是世界上第一只被克隆出来的狗。

50、26A.introduced Brefused Cwelcomed Dconcerned 答案 C 第 38 页 解析 根据下文中的“with open arms(张开双臂)可知,黄博士及其员工欢送“我。welcome(打招呼)欢送(某人的到来)。 27A.alone Bquietly Cahead Dhealthily 答案 A 解析 根据下文黄博士还要克隆 Bubble 可知,alone 单独,单独,符合语境。 28A.for safety Bfor long Cfor free Dfor fear 答案 C 解析 根据空后的“and I was.be enough可知答案。for fre

51、e 免费地,符合语境。 29A.produced Breceived Cbought Dbrought 答案 B 第 39 页 解析 在他们得到(receive) Wolfie 的细胞三个月之后,两只克隆小狗诞生了。 30A.disappear Blike Cthink Ddream 答案 D 解析 “我拿出手机看着克隆出的小狗的照片只是为了确保自己不是在做梦。 .书面表达 请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150词左右的文章。 “When should I begin to acquire good habits? a young boy asked his teacher. “How

52、 old are you? asked the teacher. “Eight years old, sir, answered the boy. “Then you have just lost eight years, the teacher replied. There is no doubt that habits are formed at 第 40 页 a very early age.When one is young,it is easy to acquire good habits. Good habits are practices that help us in our

53、daily life.The habit of brushing ones teeth in the morning, for instance, keeps ones teeth clean and prevents a bad smell which is unpleasant to others.Bad habits such as sticking ones tongue out, biting ones fingernails and picking ones nose,are undesirable ways of behaving in front of others.If we

54、 want people to enjoy being with us,we should try to develop habits that are pleasant. It is said,“We sow an act;we reap a habit.We sow a habit and we reap a character. The habits we formed at an early age shape our character.Habits are like tributaries( 支 流 ) which flow into a river.The river is ma

55、de up of all its tributaries; a persons character is made up of all the habits that he or she has acquired 第 41 页 over the years. 写作内容 1用约 30 个单词概括本文内容; 2 用约 120 个单词谈谈你对养成好习惯的看法,并包括以下要点: (1)你认为好习惯重要吗,为什么? (2)你身上有哪些好习惯, 它们对你的学习或生活有什么影响? (3)怎样才能养成良好的习惯?给出两条建议。 写作要求 1写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

56、 3不必写标题。 评分标准 内容完整,语言标准,语篇连贯,词数适当。 参考范文 The author tells us that habits are formed when we are young and we should try to develop 第 42 页 good habits,for they benefit us in our daily life and help us shape our character. I cant agree more with the author.Cultivating a good habit can not only shape ou

57、r character,increase our inner beauty but also influence those people around us.Therefore, I think it is of great significance to form a good habit. As for me,I benefit a lot from my good habits like getting up early to speak English aloud,reviewing and previewing lessons before going to bed every d

58、ay.In the past,I didnt dare to speak English before others because of my poor pronunciation and I also did badly in my English tests.Thanks to my good habits,I have been making progress in my English study.Now I am proud of my speaking and writing in English. Then how can we form a good habit?First

59、第 43 页 of all,you should be determined to fight against your laziness.Once you make up your mind to do something,never give up easily.Then,you have to be confident,believing that you can become a better person.Last but not least,keep pushing yourself.It may take a long period for you to form a good habit but remember it is perseverance that makes you successful!



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