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1、MODUIE 6readingSiberian tiger and great pandaIntroduction: Vocabulary and speaking1 : Introduce some animals in danger2 : Match the words in the box with their meanings. conservation endangered extinct habitat reserve species struggle survival wild wildlife1 a type of animal or plant ( )2 the place

2、where an animal lives naturally ( )3 protection ,especially of natural things ( )4 in danger ( )5 a fighter which lasts a long time ( )specieshabitatconservationendangeredstruggle3 Look at the reasons why some animals are becom- ing extinct. Which is the most important?(1)They are killed for body pa

3、rts or food .(2) People want them for pets .(3) People have moved into their natural habitat .(4) They are killed by pollution .(5) They are killed by climate change .Now work in groups .Discuss your ideas with other Students .Reading :Step one : Leading in 1 Give some examples of the animal species

4、 now in danger . 2 Look at the pictures and try to guess what the animals they are in the picture . 3 Look at the title and guess what the passage is about . 4 Tell them some information about the animals in the pictures .Step two : Listening Listening to the tape and try to finish the exercises.Cho

5、ose the best answers .1 ( )How did Jiesang Suonandajie die ? a He froze to death b He was killed by criminals c He had an accident in his jeep2 ( )Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger ? a They have lost their natural habitat b They are killed for their wool c They cannot survive at high altitude b b3

6、 ( ) What has the Chinese government done to help the antelopes ? a It is protecting the antelope in a natural reserve . b It has sent police to countries where “shahtoosh” is sold . c It has closed the border with India .4 ( )Whats happened to the trade in “shahtoosh”? a It has grown quickly b It h

7、as become legal c It has become harder to sell “shahtooh”. a c5 ( ) What will happen to the Tibetan antelope ? a Its number will continue to increase . b It may survive. c It will soon become extinct. aStep Three :Reading Read the passage and try to find the words in the passage which mean: 1 high g

8、round _ 2 a piece of cloth people wear on their shoulders _3 money you make by selling something _ plateau shawlprofit4 a group of animals which live or move together _5 to cut the skin off an animal _6 an order not to do something _7 a surprise visit (especially by police) _8 take away officially _

9、9 hard _10 working together _ herd skin ban raidconfiscated tough co-operationRead the passage again .Say what the numbersand dates refer to .1 50,000:The number of antelopes left by the 1990s. 2$5,000:The price of a shawl made from “shatoosh” 31975:The year when the trade ban on “shatoosh”shawls wa

10、s started.4138:The number of “shatoosh”shawls found in a London shop.5 2%: The percentage of the antelope population those shawls represented. 63,000:75,000 metres:8 1997:The number of poachers caught in ten years.The height of Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau.The year when the antelope population started t

11、o grow again.Step four:Work in pairs ,try to get the main ideas of each paragraph .Para 1:Para 2:Para 3: Para4 :Jiesang Suonandajie gave his life to save the Tibetan antelope.A large number of antelopes have been killed for their wool.The business of antelope wool is illegal but it is not easy to be

12、 stopped .The Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes.Para 5:Progress has been made in protecting the antelopes.Step Five :Language points:1 a group of poachers who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope. endanger :to cause danger to the endangered Tibetan a

13、ntelope = the Tibetan antelope that is endangered .2 Although surprised,the poachers had an advantage - there were more of them. although surprised =although they were surprised,过去分词短语做状语,表状态。过去分词短语做状语,表状态。 e. g :Moved to tears ,the boy stood still at the door .Translate the sentence :他们大为震惊,不知说什么好他

14、们大为震惊,不知说什么好 Greatly shocked ,they didnt know what to say .3Often working at night ,leaving only the babies . leaving only the babies 现在分词做状语,表结果现在分词做状语,表结果 e. g :In a few minutes ,the tiger ate the wolf ,leaving bones . The old man died,leaving his grandson a big fortune. 4 The animals are skinned

15、on the spot and skin a 皮、皮肤皮、皮肤 ( n ) b 剥剥的皮的皮( v )此外:此外:peel ( 水果等)的皮(水果等)的皮( n )、)、 除去除去的皮(的皮( v ) e. g :Be careful ,there is a banana peel on the ground . Look ,the monkey is peeling a banana . bridge 桥(桥(n )bridge the gap 填补空白的间隙(填补空白的间隙(v ) e. g :There is an old stone bridge here . Frequent com

16、munication can bridge the gap between parents and the children .But today the government seems to be winning the battle seem to be doing / seem to have done seem to be doing 表示不定式动作与谓语动作同时进行表示不定式动作与谓语动作同时进行 seem to have done 表示不定式动作在谓语动作之前进行表示不定式动作在谓语动作之前进行 e. g :They seem to be talking in the offic

17、e now . He seemed to have known the bad news .Step Six :Discussion What should we do to save the animals in danger ?Step Seven:Homework Do the exercises in the workbook . GRAMMARExercises :1Look at the underlined clauses and answer the questions .(1) It is soft,light,and warm the ideal coat for an a

18、nimal which has to survive at high altitudes.(2) The poachers leave only the babies, whose wool is not worth much. (3) The wool is taken to Indian , where it is made into the shawls.(4) Sometimes there were gunfights,like the one in which Jiesang Suonandajie was killed .(5) Officials who work in the

19、 reserve are helped by volunteers who come from all over the country. a Which one refers to people ? b Which one refers to a place ? c Which one refers to a situation ? d Which one refers to an animal ? e Which one refers to the relationship between a thing and its owner ?(5)( 3 )( 4 )( 1 )( 2 )2 Co

20、mplete the sentences with who , which , or whose.1)The World Wide Fund for Nature is an organisa-tion _aim is to protect wildlife.2)A volunteer is someone _ works without being paid.3)Animals _ live on the Tibetan plain have to survive in a hard climate .4)The Tibetan antelope is an animal _ wool is

21、 worth a lot of money.5)The shawls _were found in London had just arrived from India .6)Jiesang Suonandajie was the nature reserve official_ gave his life for the antelope. whose who which whosewhichwho3Complete the sentences with when ,where or why.1)The reason _ the antelopes are in danger is clea

22、r.2)A reserve is a place _ animals are protected .3)Spring is the time _ the antelopes move .4)The day _ the killing stops will be a happy day.5)I want to go to a place _ I can see a lot of wildlife. whywherewhenwhenwhere4Complete the sentences with of whom , to whom , for which or in which.1)The re

23、gion _ the antelopes live is very cold.2)The volunteer _ I spoke said conditions were difficult.3)Jiesang is a hero _ we should be proud .4)There are several animals _ special laws have been introduced. in which to whom of whom for whichVocabulary and Listening :1 Complete the meaning with the words

24、 in the box. bird insect mammal reptile1)A(n)_ is a small animal with six legs . Some have wings.2) A(n) _ is an animal which drinks its mothers milk when it is young.3) A(n) _ has cold blood and lays eggs.4) A(n) _ has warm blood and lays eggs.insectsmammalreptilebird2 Add some more words to each l

25、ist . Bird InsectMammalReptile eagle hawk swan duck sparrow swallow kingfisher thrush gull butterfly fly wasp bee moth beetle wolf lion tiger panda deer fox mouse rat snake lizard gecko crocodileFunction :Expressing concern1Read the example and choose the meaning of the underlined sentence.Example:T

26、here are still poachers who kill elephants. Its really upsetting . a It is difficult to believe . b They frighten everybody. c I am very worried. ( c )2 Complete the sentences in your own words. Write about animals in danger.Speaking :1 Work in groups.Talk about an animal in danger. Follow these ste

27、ps.1)Decide which animal(s) to talk . 2) Identify the problem and express concern .3) Think of ways to help the animal(s). If you like, use the following ideas : more laws more police more volunteers more information more reserves2 Discuss your ideas with your partners.Everyday English:Choose the co

28、rrect meanings.1 To keep an eye on something means _. a) watch it carefully b) think about it 2A terrible din is _. a) a loud noise b) a bright light3If you go for someone you _. a) visit them b) attack them4Its a pity means_. a) Im angry b) Im sorry a a b bCultural CornerStep One : ListeningListen

29、to the tape and try to understand what the passage is about .Step Two :Reading Read the passage and answer the questions.1 What is the WWF?2 What is the aim of the organisation ?3 When and where was it founded?4 Who designed the famous panda logo ?5 What has the WWF been doing since the 1980s? Read

30、the text again and tell the sentences are True or False.1 The WWF was founded in Switzerland in the year 1961.2 Peter Scott was both a painter and a naturalist .3 At present the organisation has branches in 130 countries.4 The WWF only pays attention to protecting wild animals in danger .5 It was Dr

31、 George Shaller who set up an office of WWF in Beijing .6 Saving the panda is one of the projects that the WWF is carrying out in China .( F )( T )( F )( F )( F )( T )Task: Making a survey of endangered species in China.1 Work in groups .Choose an endangered animals and find out more about it .2 Describe the animal and its habitat .3 Explain why the animal is in danger .4 Present your findings to the rest of the class.



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