Franklin and the way to wealth62149

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《Franklin and the way to wealth62149》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Franklin and the way to wealth62149(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Franklin and the way Franklin and the way to wealth62149to wealth62149ReviewPuritanismAmerican DreamPuritanism: Major DoctrinesPredestination Original SinTotal DepravityLimited AtonementPuritanism: Major FeaturesDevotion to GodHard workModest life styleVirtuesAmerican Dream1.Meaning Any AmericansHar

2、d work 2.ExamplesObjectives l1. Benjamin Franklins personal beliefsReligionVirtuesl2. The Way to WealthBenjamin Franklins personal beliefs1.God as the wellspring of morality and goodness in man.2. He had a “passion for virtue.” Franklins Thirteen Virtuesn nDo you know what are the thirteen virtues g

3、iven by Franklin?n nTEMPERANCE ( 节 制 )n nSILENCE ( 寡 言 )n nORDER ( 秩 序 )n nRESOLUTION ( 决 心 )n nFRUGALITY ( 俭 朴 )n nINDUSTRY ( 勤 勉 )n nSINCERITY ( 诚 恳 ) n nJUSTICE ( 公 正 )n nMODERATION ( 适 度 )n nCLEANLINESS ( 清 洁 )n nTRANQUILITY ( 镇 静 )n nCHASTITY ( 贞 节 )n nHUMILITY ( 歉 虚 )“The Way to Wealth”: Theme

4、n nWhat is the main idea?n nIndustry and Frugality lead to wealth. “The Way to Wealth”, Benjamin Franklinn nIf time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be, as Poor Richard says, the greatest prodigality; since, as he elsewhere tells us, Lost time is never found again; and what we c

5、all time enough, always proves little enough.n nThe main character is Richard Saundersn nWhat judgment does the author of this work have of him? n nThough the other authors seldom gave applause to his work, people were the best judges of his merit. n n3. Do you agree with Poor Richards view on time?

6、 Why?n nYES. Why?n nNO. Why?The Way to Wealth: Languagen nWhat are the features of its Language?n n1.Parenthesis, Eg. Para1.n n2.Inversion, Eg. Para. 7n n3.Archaic usage in denotation:Shift, groat, calling, methink, saucy, the constablen n1. Word orderl lO+V: P. 10 O+V: P. 10 n n2. Rhymel lAlliterat

7、ion: P. 10 Alliteration: P. 10 The Way to Wealth: AdagesThe Way to Wealth: Structure1. What is the main idea of para.1-2?An self-evaluation2. Para. 3-11?Persuade people to be industrious.3. Para. 12-22?Persuade people to be frugal.4. Para. 23?A conclusion Group Work Checkn nExercises on P. 11n nGroups report their discussion resultsHome Work: Discussion1. What puritan ideas are reflected in this article?n nVirtuesn nOriginal sinsn nSelf-improvement 2. What is the writing style?Simple, direct, concise



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