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1、1中国乳业如何应对外资乳企的竞争How Chinas Dairy Industry Responds to Foreign Challenge2024/8/182 2孔祥智简介孔祥智简介 Bion 现任中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院教授、博士生导师,党委书记兼副院长。nVice-Dean of School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, RUCProfessor of School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, RUC22024/8/183 3孔祥智简介孔祥智

2、简介 Bion近年来公开发表学术论文180余篇,著作(含合著)20余部。代表作:聚焦三农、中国三农前景展望、制度创新与中国农村城镇化、中国农家经济审视地区差异、政府干预与农户行为、谁来养活我们、中国粮食流通体制改革透视等。nIn recent years, more than 180 academic papers and over 20 books (including co-authored ones) have been published. Representative works: “Focusing on Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers”,

3、 “Outlook for Chinese Agriculture”, “Institutional Innovation and Urbanization in Chinas Rural Areas”, “Examination of Chinese Rural Household EconomiesRegional Differences, Government Interventions and Rural Household Behaviors”, “Who to Feed Us”, “Perspectives on Institutional Reform of Chinese Fo

4、od Circulation”. 32024/8/184 4孔祥智简介孔祥智简介 Bion入选教育部2004年度“新世纪人才支持计划”,曾获第二届中国农村发展奖、北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖等。中华人民共和国农民专业合作社法起草小组成员。nIncluded in 2004 Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of MOE; The Second Session of Chinas Rural Development Award; The Second-class Beijing Philosophy and Soc

5、ial Sciences Outstanding Achievements Awardn研究领域:奶业经济、合作经济、农业政策分析。nAreas of Interest: Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Technological Innovation, Rural Urbanization4报告的主要内容 Contentsn2008年中国乳业面临的形势分析nSituation Analysis of 2008 Chinese Dairy Industryn国内乳品行业存在的主要问题nMajor Issues in Chinese Dairy Industr

6、yn练好“内功”,迎接挑战 nBuilding “Inner Strength” to Meet Challenges5形势严峻:外资乳企将大举进入Tough Challenge: Foreign Dairy Enterprises Flood into Chinese Marketn至2001年,世界排名前20位的乳业品牌通过不同渠道已全部进入中国nBy 2001, all worlds top 20 dairy brands have entered the Chinese market through various channelsn外资乳业公司在中国市场的竞争绩效并不明显n Fore

7、ign dairy enterprises dont have much competitive edge in Chinese market6形势严峻:外资乳企将大举进入Tough Challenge: Foreign Dairy Enterprises Flood into Chinese Marketn2008年的形势发生了变化nChanges in 2008q经过近两年的调整,中国奶业正在从数量型向质量型转变,正在迎来健康、稳定的黄金阶段qAfter a 2 years adjustment featured by a shift from quantity oriented to q

8、uality oriented, Chinese dairy industry is expecting a golden era with sound and steady development q利润空间小,小企业很难继续生存qNarrow profit margin makes it difficult for small businesses to surviveq新的政策提高了从业门槛 qNew policies raise industry entry threshold72008年外资企业的举动Moves of Foreign Dairy Enterprises in 2008

9、n韩国东远集团打算在山东威海建设奶牛养殖和乳品加工企业nDongwon Group of South Korea plans to set up a dairy cattle raising base and dairy processing corporations in Weihai, Shandongn日本朝日啤酒株式会社和伊藤忠商事株式会社宣布两家公司共同设立“山东朝日绿源乳业有限公司” nAsahi Breweries and Itochu Corporation of Japan announced the establishment of Shandong Asahi Lvyua

10、n Dairy Co., Ltd82008年外资企业的举动Moves of Foreign Dairy Enterprises in 2008n韩国每日乳业公司开始进入中国市场nMaeil Dairy of South Korea starts entering Chinese marketn达能(中国):nDanone China:q收购妙士乳业 qPurchased Miaoshi Dairyq控股新希望乳业qHolds majority shares of Newhope Dairy9形势展望Outlookn未来若干年内,外资乳企在中国市场的比重将大大提高nForeign dairy e

11、nterprises will take a bigger share in Chinese market in the new few yearsn在高端乳品市场,外资乳企的话语权会越来越大 nForeign dairy enterprises will have a bigger say in high-end dairy market10软肋:我国乳业存在的主要问题1Weakness: Major Issues in Chinese Dairy Industry-1n乳品加工企业过度密集,无序竞争,导致奶源不足问题日益突出,奶源不足又反过来导致了企业产能的相对过剩 nOverfull i

12、ndustry and unhealthy competition result in milk source shortage, which in turn leads to production capacity surplus11软肋:我国乳业存在的主要问题2Weakness: Major Issues in Chinese Dairy Industry-2n乳企和农户之间的关系需要规范和重新定位nRelations between dairy enterprises and farmers need to be further regulated and re-shapedq企业、奶站

13、 、奶户qenterprises, milk gathering stations and farmers12软肋:我国乳业存在的主要问题3Weakness: Major Issues in Chinese Dairy Industry-3n原料奶供给的质量和价格使得乳品加工企业很难做大做强 nLimited quality and quantity of raw milk makes it difficult for processing enterprises to growq奶牛养殖的规模小,养殖成本高qSmall raising size plus high raising costq

14、每个农户向奶站交售鲜奶的数量有限qLimited amount of fresh milk gathered from farmers q对奶牛养殖环节的技术服务没有完全到位 qInsufficient technical services13练好“内功”,迎接挑战1Building “Inner Strength” to Meet Challenges-1n重塑乳品加工企业和奶农之间的利益连接机制nReshape the interest sharing mechanism between processing enterprises and farmersq农业产业化的成功经验qSucce

15、ssful experience of agricultural industrializationq加强合作经济组织建设qStrengthen the building of cooperative organizations14练好“内功”,迎接挑战2Building “Inner Strength” to Meet Challenges-2n提高乳业的竞争力要以整个奶业为着眼点,加强对奶农的饲养技术推广和服务,通过技术创新提高奶农的利润水平nEnhance competitiveness by upgrading the whole industry through strengthen

16、ing technique extension and services for farmers and improving their profitability with technical innovationsq加强规模化养殖小区建设 qPromoting large-scale husbandry communitiesq推广“奶联社”养殖模式 qPromoting the “milk cooperative” modelq企业投资奶牛养殖场建设qEnterprises increases investment on raising basesq加强对奶农的技术培训和服务qStren

17、gthen technical training and services for farmers15练好“内功”,迎接挑战3Building “Inner Strength” to Meet Challenges-3n企业要自律,重点在搞好奶源基地建设nThe key to enterprise self-discipline lies in the building of milk source bases.n乳品行业要在高端乳制品和一般乳制品之间寻找平衡点:要“背水一战”,不可“破釜沉舟”nThe dairy industry needs to strike a balance between high-end and average dairy products by adopting the policy of “fighting to win” instead of “reaching the point of no return”.1617 谢谢各位!谢谢各位! Thank you!



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