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1、What is he doing?He is playing the guitar.What is he doing?Hes running.What is she doing ?She is listening to music.中考英语总复习中考英语总复习 -现在进行时现在进行时Review of the Present Continuous Tense一一.现在进行时的定义现在进行时的定义: 现在进行时现在进行时表示现在表示现在(说话瞬说话瞬间间)正在进行或发生的动作。正在进行或发生的动作。eg: Jenny is watching TV now. I am writing.现在进行时也

2、可表示当前一段时间内的现在进行时也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 eg: We are working on a farm these days. I am writing a book this month. . 现在进行时现在进行时的句中常有如下标志的句中常有如下标志性的词:性的词: now(现在现在), right now(现在现在), at present(现在,目前现在,目前), at the moment(此刻此刻), listen(听听), look(看看), these days(这些天这些天), Its oclock(现在是现在

3、是点钟点钟),或是像或是像Keep quiet!Dont make noise!之之类的提示语等等。类的提示语等等。二二.现在进行时的结构现在进行时的结构: 由由be (am/is/are)+doing构成的. . am/is/aream/is/are的选择运用由句子的的选择运用由句子的主语人称或主语人称或数数决定决定。A: I am watching TV at home.B: Dave is cleaning the floor.C: The students are listening to the teacher.一般在一般在动词原形后原形后+ing以不以不发音的音的e结尾尾的,去的,

4、去e,+ing一个元音字母一个元音字母一个辅一个辅音字母音字母” 结尾的结尾的重读重读闭闭音节单词音节单词, 双写双写后面的后面的辅辅音字母音字母后再加后再加ingie结尾则改结尾则改ie为为y再再加加-ing lie tie Lying tying动词动词-ing形式的构成:形式的构成:writingtakinggettingrunningswimminggoinggoaskwritetakeget runswimaskingExercises: 写出下列动词的现在分词形式read play dance write sit gethave eat see listen begin putre

5、adingplayingdancingwritingsittinggettinghavingeatingseeinglisteningbeginningputtingu否定句否定句(be(be后加后加not)not): :u一般疑问句一般疑问句(be(be提到句首提到句首) ): :not主语主语三三.现在进行时的否定句和疑问句现在进行时的否定句和疑问句He is not playing football now.What is your father doing now?Where is Amy swimming?be+ + v-ingbe + + v-ing?u特殊疑问句(疑问词特殊疑问句

6、(疑问词+一般疑问句)一般疑问句)疑问词疑问词+be +主语主语+ v-ing?Is Linda dancing?句型转换句型转换1.I am watering the flowers.(否定句否定句)2.Shes jumping now.(一般疑问句一般疑问句)3.The boys are playing basketball.(划线提问划线提问)4.He is doing his homework.(复数句复数句)I am not watering the flowers.Is she jumping now?What are the boys doing?They are doing t

7、heir homework.汉译英汉译英1.我们正在看电视我们正在看电视.2.他们正在打扫教室他们正在打扫教室.3.汤姆正在吃早饭汤姆正在吃早饭.4.这个婴儿正在睡觉这个婴儿正在睡觉.We are watching TV.They are cleaning the classroom.Tom is having breakfast.The baby is sleeping.5.男孩子们正在踢足球男孩子们正在踢足球.6.她正在铺床她正在铺床.7.我正在玩电脑游戏我正在玩电脑游戏.8.你们在听音乐吗你们在听音乐吗?The boys are playing soccer.She is making

8、the bed.I am playing computer games.Are you listening to the music?链接中考链接中考1.Wheres Tom? His mother him now.【2011北京】A. is looking for B. will look for C. has looked for D. Looks forA2. What is Tom doing now? He _ basketball over there. 【2011山东】 A.is playing B. will play B. C. has played D. was playi

9、ngA3. Whats the weather like?Oh, it _ outside. Take an umbrella with you.【2011辽宁大连】 A. rains B. is raining C. was raining D. rained4. Look! The boys _ football on the playground. 【2011广西桂林】 A. plays B. play C. are playing D. playedBC5. Dont make so much noise. The children _an English lesson. 【2011黑

10、龙江绥化市】 A. have B. are having C. were having 6. Today is Womens Day. My father and I _ a special gift for my mother now.【2011四川南充】A. make B. made C. are makingBC7. Listen! The phone . Please go to answer it. 【2011辽宁沈阳】 A. rings B. is ringing C. rang D. will ring8. The girl with her grandparents for the moment because her parents are both very busy this month. 【2011四川绵阳】 A. lived B. is living C. live D. was livingBB Homework: 复习现在进行时并完成 中考添翼相应部分的练习



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