商务英语阅读下册第二版 Unit2 绩效考核

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《商务英语阅读下册第二版 Unit2 绩效考核》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语阅读下册第二版 Unit2 绩效考核(73页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit TwoTeaching Objectivesv了解绩效考核的本质v了解绩效考核的重要性v了解绩效考核的步骤Teaching Emphasesvperformance evaluation vfeedback vmonitor vput on the back burner vrole-playing sessionsvcommunication skillsvcustomer-servicevdisciplinary proceduresvtermination proceduresContentvTextvFast Reading IvFast Reading II TEXT Pe

2、rformance EvaluationPre-reading questions 1. What is the significance of performance evaluation?2. What steps should we follow in the performance evaluation?UPPREV.NEXTPerformance evaluations, which provide employers with an opportunity to assess their employees contributions to the organization, ar

3、e essential to develop a powerful work team. Yet in some practices, physicians and practice managers put performance evaluations on the back burner, often because of the time involved and the difficulties of valuating employees with whom they work closely. The benefits of performance evaluations out

4、weigh these challenges, though. When done as part of a performance evaluation system that includes a standard evaluation form, standard performance measures, guidelines for delivering feedback, and disciplinary procedures, performance evaluations can enforce the acceptable boundaries of performance,

5、 promote staff recognition and effective communication and motivate individuals to do their best for themselves and the practice. The primary goals of a performance evaluation system are to provide an equitable measurement of an employees contribution to the workforce, produce accurate appraisal doc

6、umentation to protect both the employee and employer, and obtain a high level of quality and quantity in the work produced. If you are considering creating a performance evaluation system in your practice, please follow these five steps: Develop an evaluation form. Performance evaluations should be

7、conducted fairly, consistently and objectively to protect your employees interests and to protect your practice from legal liability. One way to ensure consistency is to use a standard evaluation form for each evaluation. The form you use should focus only on the essential job performance areas. Lim

8、iting these areas of focus makes the assessment more meaningful and relevant and allows you and the employees to address the issues that matter most. You dont need to cover every detail of an employees performance in an evaluation. For most staff positions, the job performance areas that should be i

9、ncluded on a performance evaluation form are job knowledge and skills, quality of work, quantity of work, work habits and attitude.Performance evaluations for those in management positions should assess more than just the essential job performance areas mentioned above. Other aspects which need asse

10、ssing include the employees skills, ability to motivate and provide direction, overall communication skills and ability to build teams and solve problems. You should have either a separate evaluation form for managers or a special managerial section added to your standard evaluation form.Identify pe

11、rformance measures. Standard performance measures, which allow you to evaluate an employees job performance objectively, can cut down on the amount of time and stress involved in filling out the evaluation form. Although developing these measures can be one of the more time-consuming parts of creati

12、ng a performance evaluation system, its also one of the most powerful. Standard performance measures can even objectively measure some of the more subjective job performance areas, such as work habits. For example, you can establish an objective measure for attendance by defining the acceptable numb

13、er of times an employee can be tardy or absent during a specific time frame. However, standard performance measures dont always work for other subjective areas, such as attitude. In these cases, its still important to be as objective as possible in your evaluation. Dont attempt to describe attitude,

14、 for instance; instead, describe the employees behavior, which is what conveys the attitude, and the consequences of that behavior for the practice. Set guidelines for feedback. Feedback is what performance evaluations are all about. So before you implement your performance evaluation system, make s

15、ure that everyone who will be conducting evaluations knows what kind of feedback to give, how to give it and how to get it from the employee in return. Give balanced feedback. Dont make the common error of glossing over an employees deficiencies and focusing only on his or her strengths. It is by un

16、derstanding their weaknesses that employees can take ownership of their performance and role in the practice. And when given the support they need to make improvements in these areas, employees learn to take pride in their work and are willing to take on new challenges with confidence. Outline expec

17、tations for improvement. When you address areas where improvement is needed, outline your expectations for improvement and how you intend to help the employee meet them. For example, if an employee is speaking harshly with other employees and does not seem tolerant with patients, give the employee s

18、ome examples of his or her behavior and offer some suggestions to resolve the problem, such as role-playing sessions or a communication skills/customer-service workshop or seminar. Define the boundaries by letting the employee know what is acceptable and what will not be tolerated, and then establis

19、h a plan for monitoring performance and re-evaluating the employee. Encourage feedback from the employee. After youve discussed the results of the evaluation with the employee, encourage him or her to give you some non-defensive feedback. Ask the employee whether he or she agrees with your assessmen

20、t, and/or invite suggestions for improvement. Create disciplinary and termination procedures. In some cases, even after a thorough performance evaluation and a discussion of expected improvements, an employee will continue to perform poorly. You need to be prepared to handle such a situation by havi

21、ng well-defined, written disciplinary and termination procedures in place. These procedures should outline the actions that will be taken when performance deteriorates - a verbal warning, a written warning if there is no improvement or a recurrence, and termination if the situation is not ultimately

22、 resolved. Verbal warning. This should be given in private, with the behavior or reason for the discipline clearly stated. After the verbal warning is given, allow the employee to respond, but keep the exchange brief. Written warning. How you handle the written warning plays a critical role in the s

23、uccess of your disciplinary and termination procedures. This is the time to make it clear to the employee just how serious his or her performance problem is. Unfortunately, many practices fail to do this and to follow through with termination if necessary. Once the written warning is mishandled in t

24、his way, it no longer has any merit. Set an evaluation schedule. Once youve built your performance evaluation system - the evaluation form, the performance measures, the feedback guidelines and the disciplinary procedures - you just need to decide when to conduct the performance evaluations. Some pr

25、actices do all employee evaluations at the same time of year, while others conduct them within 30 days of each employees anniversary of employment (the latter may work better since it spreads the work of the evaluations out for employer and employee). A performance evaluation system should be a key

26、component of your practice structure. When implemented effectively, it ensures fairness and accountability, promotes growth and development and encourages a sense of pride in your employees contributions to the practice. Language points performance evaluation绩效考核是绩效管理的一个阶段,一个环节。是对员工一段时间的工作、绩效目标等进行考核

27、,是前段时间的工作总结,同时考核结果为相关人事决策(晋升、解雇、加薪、奖金)、绩效管理体系的完善和提高等提供依据。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points assess- v. to make a judgment about the nature or quality of sb. / sth 评估之性质价值,评价,估价 e.g. How do you assess your students? 你如何评估学生们 (的成绩) ? UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points put on the back burner 我们经常说做事要看轻重缓急,有的时候不得不把正在做的

28、事或计划要做的事先搁置一边。美国人把这叫做:to put on the back burner。Back就是后边,而burner在这儿的是指做饭的炉子。美国的厨房里,炉台上一般都有四个炉口,前面两个,后面两个。人们往往把很快能煮好的东西放在前面炉子上煮,把一些要慢慢煮的东西放在后面的炉子上。这就是to put on the back burner这个俗语的来源。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points outweigh- vt. to be greater or more important than something 优于优于,胜过胜过,较较重要重要 e.g.1. The ad

29、vantages of the scheme outweigh its disadvantages. 该方案的优点超过缺点。 2. With him, honesty outweighs wealth. 对他来说,诚实较财富更重要。 UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points performance evaluation system 绩效考核体系。包括标准的考核表格,标准的考核措施,反馈意见的指导方针和纪律程序等几个方面。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points enforce-vt. to make sure that people obey a particular

30、 law or rule实施,施行 e.g. 1. enforce a law 执行法律 2. Do the policemen here enforce traffic rules strictly? 这里的警察严格执行交通规则吗?UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points promote- vt. to help sth happen or develop 促进;推动e.g. 1. A fair competition can promote trade. 公平竞争能促进贸易的发展。 2. Kindness promotes peace. 亲切的行为可以促进和睦。 UPPREV.

31、NEXTLanguage points equitable- adj. fair and reasonable; treating everybody in an equal way 公平合理的;公正的e.g. an equitable price /arrangement 公正的价格 /协定 UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points legal liability 法律责任。指因违反了法定义务或契约义务,或不当行使法律权利、权力所产生的,由行为人承担的不利后果。就其性质而言,法律关系可以分为法律上的功利关系和法律上的道义关系,与此相适应,法律责任方式也可以分为补偿性方式和制裁性方

32、式。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points cut down on to reduce the size, amount or number of something 削减,缩小(尺寸,数量或数目)e.g. The doctor told him to cut down on drinking.医生劝他少喝酒。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points subjective- adj. based on your own ideas or opinions rather than the facts主观主观 (上上) 的的; 想像的想像的 e.g. a subjecti

33、ve test 主观测验UPPREV.NEXTLanguage pointsobjective- adj. existing outside the mind as an actual object 客观上客观上的;实在的的;实在的 E.g. Its difficult to give objective criticism. 给予客观上的批评是困难的。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage pointsfeedback 绩效反馈。就是将绩效评价的结果反馈给被评估对象,并对被评估对象的行为产生影响。绩效反馈是绩效评估最关键的一环,能否达到绩效评估的预期目的,取决于绩效反馈的实施。UPPREV.

34、NEXTLanguage pointsrole-playing sessions 角色扮演活动。一种有效的绩效管理手段。就是在绩效管理是实施之前企业最高管理者、人力资源经理、直线经理和员工这四种角色的划分。实践证明,角色划分成功与否是绩效管理能否有效实施的关键。角色划分正确了,实施起来就比较容易,没有划分角色或角色划分失败,绩效管理的实施的结果也将是失败的。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage pointscommunication skills 沟通技能。绩效管理的有效技巧之一。包括绩效改进沟通,绩效指导沟通,绩效考评沟通和绩效计划沟通。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points

35、customer-service 顾客服务。顾客服务又称客户服务,作为市场营销第五个因素的服务,从产品的整体概念中延伸出来,服务的对象及内容出现了新的变化。它不仅包括对现实顾客的服务,而且也包括对潜在顾客的服务;不仅要提高顾客的现实的(售后的)满意程度,还要提高预期的(售前的)满意程度。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points monitor- v. to watch sth or check sth监视,监控 e.g. 1. Each students progress is closely monitored. 每一位学生的学习情况都受到密切的关注。 2. How do you

36、 monitor its progress? 你是怎样检验这个进程的呢?UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points disciplinary procedures 违纪处理规程。根据绩效考核对违纪员工作出相应处理的规程,可达到奖罚分明的效果。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points termination procedures 合同终止规程。根据绩效考核对部分员工作出的终止劳动合同的规程。包括如何认定不符合公司录用条件,合同终止的赔偿金认定等方面。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points ensure- vt. to make sure that sth ha

37、ppens or is definite 保证保证 ; 确保确保e.g. The agreement ensured a steady supply of oil. 该协定保证了石油的稳定供给。 UPPREV.NEXTI. Answer the following questions based on the text.1. How to develop an evaluation form?The form you use should focus only on the essential job performance areas and you dont need to cover e

38、very detail of an employees performance in an evaluation. ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.2. What we should do if we want to use standard performance measures to measure attitudes?Dont attempt to describe attitude, instead, describe the employees behavior, which is what

39、conveys the attitude, and the consequences of that behavior for the practice. ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.3. How to set an applicable feedback?Give balanced feedback; Outline expectations for improvement; Encourage feedback from the employee. ReferenceI. Answer the f

40、ollowing questions based on the text.4. What is the difference between verbal warning and written warning?The former should be given in private, with the behavior or reason for the discipline clearly stated while the latter is more standard, written and include more things.ReferenceI. Answer the fol

41、lowing questions based on the text.5. What is the use of evaluation schedule?When implemented effectively, it ensures fairness and accountability, promotes growth and development and encourages a sense of pride in your employees contributions to the practice. ReferenceII. Read the following terms an

42、d match each with its proper definition.1. performance evaluation2. Outweigh3. feedback4. deteriorate5. Assessment6. time-consuming7. Deficiency8. employee9. Accountability10. procedurea. advice, criticism or information about how good or useful sth or sbs work is b. the opportunity for the employer

43、s to assess their employees contributions to the organizationc. taking or needing a lot of timed. a person who is paid to work for sbe. a way of doing sth, the usual or correct wayf. the responsibility for your decisions and actionsg. to be greater or more important than somethingh. to become worsei

44、. an opinion or judgment about sb/sth that has been thought about very carefullyj. the state of not having or not having enough of, that is essential 1.b 2.g 3.a 4.h 5.i 6.c 7.j 8.d 9.f 10.eIII. Translate the following passage into Chinese.Performance evaluations, which provide employers with an opp

45、ortunity to assess their employees contributions to the organization, are essential to develop a powerful work team. Yet in some practices, physicians and practice managers put performance evaluations on the back burner, often because of the time involved and the difficulties of critiquing employees

46、 with whom they work closely. The benefits of performance evaluations outweigh these challenges, though.绩效考核为公司的老板们提供了评估雇员们对公司所作贡献的机会,这对于发展一个强大的团队是非常必要的。但是在实际操作中,内科医生和实习经理却对此之置之不理,因为考核与他们一起工作的雇员实在是件费时费力的事情。虽然如此,绩效考核还是优点多于缺点的。ReferenceIV. Please put the following sentences into English.1.考核表据工作性质由人力资

47、源部设计统一的表格,未经与人力资源部协商通过前,不能擅自调整考评结构和要素分。2.考核成绩由人力资源部存于员工个人档案中,除各部门主管以上人员外,其他人员一概不得查阅。3.年中考核、年度考核是指公司对全体(正式)员工在年中、年终的工作表现进行考核。4.以全面、客观、公正、公开、规范为核心考核理念。5.目的是及时、公正地对员工过去一段时间的工作绩效进行评估,肯定成绩,发现问题,为下一阶段工作绩效的改进做好准备。1. The form is designed by HR Department according to different kind of jobs. Every department

48、 is not permitted to change the structure and factor score of the form without discussion with HR Department.2. HR Department will keep the file of everyones evaluation result. Only managers and supervisors can refer to the file3. Midyear / Year means the time when the Company evaluates performance

49、behaviors of employees during midyear or year-end.4. The heart of the plan is the five key concepts: entirety, impersonality, equity, open and standard.5. The purpose is to evaluate the past performance promptly and equitably, affirming achievements, finding out problems and preparing for the improv

50、ements on next phases. ReferenceFast Reading INew Strategies To Talk About Your Performance Evaluation With Your BossUPPREV.NEXT Is your performance review just around the corner? Theres no need to panic - but now would be a good time to prepare. At some companies, negative comments on performance r

51、eviews are uncommon, so anything thats not glowing is cause for concern. Other companies give every worker areas for improvement. When you walk into your boss office for your performance review, you need a game plan. Documenting your accomplishments is a good starting point. But just as important, y

52、ou need to know how to come out of the meeting with the information you need. Experts offer these tips for handling this sometimes tricky conversation: * Ask questions. Always press for details, says Gail Ginder, an executive coach with the Claros Group. If your boss says youre doing a great job, th

53、is could mean youre about to be promoted. It could also mean that your performance is just OK, but your boss didnt want to take the time to do a more thoughtful review. To find out which is the case, ask for details. What aspects of your performance stand out to your boss? Asking questions becomes e

54、ven more important when the review is negative. Often feedback is given without specifics, Ginder said. Ask for specific examples of times when your performance didnt meet expectations. Then ask, And what would great performance have looked like? What would you have wanted me to do in that situation

55、? * Tell your story. If you disagree with your boss assessment of your performance, ask if you can tell your side of the story. Say, I have a different perspective on this situation. Would you like to hear it? Ginder said. Make sure your tone of voice is not defensive. You want to make your boss cur

56、ious, not annoyed, about what you have to say. Then explain, calmly, why you didnt make the choice your boss now says you should have. Dont feel you need to give an explanation like this in every case, though. Its perfectly fine to say, I hadnt looked at it that way. Id like to try that next time, G

57、inder said. * Play it by ear. Its generally a good idea to discuss your future with your boss at your review. But if youre blindsided by criticism of your performance, it may be better to save that for another day. Only have the big-picture discussion about where you want your career to go if your r

58、eview is going well, said Janet Scarborough Civitelli, founder and president of Bridgeway Career Development. * Dont sweat the small stuff. You dont have to explain or discuss every minor improvement your boss thinks you could make. The key is to know when the issue is something that could put your

59、job or promotion prospects at risk. Once again, the best way to find out is to ask. Ginder suggests saying to your boss, I need a little perspective here. How serious is this? I. Determine whether the following statements are True or False according to the text. Write “T” for true and “F” for false

60、in the brackets.1. ( )employees need to worry about nothing except the negative review, which applies to every company.2. ( )Details are unnecessary, so employees should avoid talking about them with the boss . 3. ( )Employees need to agree with the boss completely, for any disagreement will do harm

61、 to them.4. ( )If employees disagree with the boss, they need to defend themselves. Only by doing this, can they come across as competitive.5. ( )Preparing for the performance evaluation in advance is necessary and absolutely beneficial to employees.1.F 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.TII. Choose the best answer to c

62、omplete each of the sentences.1.If you are criticized unexpectedly ,you should_. A. talk with the boss directlyB. turn dead ears to itC. talk about it laterD. complain to the boss and explain the reason for your mistakeII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.2. If your performan

63、ce evaluation fails to live up to the bosss expectation, you should_.A. remain silent and accept the criticismB.put the problem aside and talk about it later C. explain the reason why your work is unsatisfactoryD. ask for the details about your specific problemsII. Choose the best answer to complete

64、 each of the sentences.3. If you dont see eye to eye with your boss, the appropriate way is to _.A. quit the job and find a betterB. one ask if he would like to listen to your storyC. defend yourself for the sake of your interestD. argue with the boss to prove yourselfII. Choose the best answer to c

65、omplete each of the sentences.4. The fully-prepared performance evaluation can help you _.A. acquire a definite promotionB. obtain the information you needC. get a high salaryD.get the chance to go abroadII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.5. The experts give the following t

66、ips on the handling of the performance evaluation except_A. acting according to circumstancesB. telling your story C. avoiding defensive tone D. attending to each and every aspect of matterFast Reading IIMicrosofts Performance Evaluation System Roils CodersUPPREV.NEXTAccording to a recent report by

67、a technology labor union, Microsoft programmers and workers are mad as heck and dont want to take it anymore. The union hopes this may be a key to promote organizing Redmonds work force. It says that workers are troubled by a range of performance review issues, including managements apparent use of

68、a bell curve grading system for raises and complaints of a well-cultivated culture of Favoritism. The way it works is that under this system, managers can only give out so many high marks. If everyone on a managers team did 4.0 work, only two of them might be able to get them, WashTech President Mar

69、cus Courtney told eWEEK. The report states that the way the review system is set up promotes politics over fair reviews. Some of the inside knowledge was gained through interviews with workers and other information was found in leaked policy documents. Employees say that their annual reviews amount

70、to little more than a closed-door popularity contest in which managers fight for higher scores on their team. Favoritism comes greatly into play. Management has closed-door meetings where they compete for choice employees to get the highest marks. If you have a manager that will fight for you, youll

71、 probably get a raise, but not if you dont. However, Microsoft maintains that its overall compensation packages, from bonuses to stocks and benefits, are highly competitive in the industry. As part of our culture, we remain engaged in an ongoing dialogue with our employees on a range of topics, and

72、will continue to do so in order to help ensure we maintain our competitive edge, whether it is in compensation, or elsewhere, a company spokesperson said to eWEEK in response to the report. Meanwhile, dozens of posts by anonymous, self-described employees defended the report and the unions assertion

73、s on the Mini-Microsoft blog.The sites stated purpose is to transform Microsoft into a lean, mean, efficient customer-pleasing profit-making machine and often discusses worker issues and spirit. WashTech has long hoped to unionize the Microsoft workforce. In June 2004, the group sought to use obtain

74、ed internal Microsoft documents, citing the outsourcing of 1,100 people130 more than the company acknowledged at the timeto fuel its assertion that Microsoft was shifting fundamental work offshore.However, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has repeatedly asserted that the majority of the companys core dev

75、elopmental work will remain in Redmond. In November 2005, WashTech successfully organized a group of 1,000 Cingular Wireless employees in the customer care unit, its first victory in eight years of trying to unionize employees at Microsoft and other Seattle-area tech companies. WashTech was formed i

76、n 1998 by Microsoft contract employees in Redmond. The increasing strength of offshore outsourcing, growing pessimism among US-based technology workers, and a lack of change in conditions for American workers, despite the economy being on an upturn since November 2001 are seen by some as suggestions

77、 that the IT field is ripe for union membership. I. Answer the following questions based on the text.1.What are the employees responses to Microsofts Compensation and Review System? Employees are fed up with it.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.2. How does Microsoft think

78、of its overall compensation packages?It thinks they are highly competitive in the industry .ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.3. What is the stated purpose of Mini-Microsoft blog?The sites stated purpose is to transform Microsoft into a lean, mean, efficient customer-pleas

79、ing profit-making machine and often discusses worker issues and spirit. ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.4. What is the biggest problem concerning performance review system?The biggest issue with the performance review system is transparency. ReferenceI. Answer the follow

80、ing questions based on the text.5. What has Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer always asserted?He asserted that the majority of the companys core developmental work will remain in Redmond. ReferenceII. Determine whether the following statements are True or False according to the text. Write “T” for true an

81、d “F” for false in the brackets. 1. ( ) The employees of Microsoft are far from satisfied with the performance review issues of the company.2. ( ) The way the review system is set up is quite fair.3. ( ) Employees say that their annual reviews is only a closed-door popularity contest in which managers fight for higher scores on their team.4. ( ) WashTech has long been making efforts to unionize the Microsoft workforce.5. ( ) WashTech has never succeeding in unionizing employees at Microsoft and other Seattle-area tech companies. .1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FHOME



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