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1、Iron and the Effects of Exercise Warming up Information about Iron Exercise and health ExerciseInformation about IronnIron deficiencyreading skill: scaning1.scaning the sheets and choosing the proper answers.32Everyone needs iron to grow and stay healthy. It is found in many parts of the body. Choos

2、e one thing iron works in your body: (reference)a.Ithelpsyourfingernailsstaysmooth.b.Ithelpstocarryoxygenfromlungstocells.c.Ithelpsyourhairstayhealthy.d.Ithelpstostrengthenyourmuscles.Iron ChallengeQuestion 1 / 1032Everyone requires a different amount of dietary iron to stay healthy. Which of the gr

3、oups below needs the most iron each day? (reference)Iron ChallengeQuestion 2 / 10a. infants,7-12 months oldb. teen girls,14- 18 years oldc. men,19-50 years oldd. women,19- 50 years old32You may be iron deficient if you are a woman and _. (reference)a.havealongmenstrualperiodb.donatebloodoftenc.donte

4、atmeat,fishorpoultryd.alloftheaboveIron ChallengeQuestion 3 / 1032There are two types of iron. One is heme(亚铁血血红素素), which is easily absorbed by the body; and the other is non-heme, which is not as wellabsorbed. Choose one food that contains heme iron. (reference)Iron ChallengeQuestion 4 / 10a. bran

5、 flakesb. beef hamburgerc. eggsd. red kidney beans32You may be iron deficient if you _. (reference)Iron ChallengeQuestion 6 / 10a.oftenfeeltiredb.lookpalec.havedifficultyconcentratingd.alloftheabove32The amount of non-heme iron you absorb is affected by other foods. Choose one food that increases th

6、e absorption of non-heme iron. (reference)Iron ChallengeQuestion 7 / 10a. orangesb. whole grain breadsc. yoghurtd. tea32People who do not eat meat, fish or poultry need to _. (reference)Iron ChallengeQuestion 8 / 10a)eatfoodsenrichedorfortifiedwithironb)havevitaminC-richfoodswiththeirmealsc)avoidtea

7、andcoffeeduringtheirmealsd)doalloftheabove 32Iron ChallengeQuestion 10 / 10A good way to maintain a healthy level of iron in the body is to _. (reference)a.eatiron-fortifiedbreakfastcerealsoftenb.enjoyavarietyofmeatdishesonaregularbasisc.includevitaminC-richvegetablesinyourmealsd.doallofthese All of

8、 thesePage 20Exercise yogaskateboardingskydivingbungee jumpingWhat is Parkour?Parkour(sometimesabbreviatedtoPK)or“跑酷跑酷” or “城市疾走城市疾走”inChinese,foundedbyDavidBelleinFrance,isanactivitywiththeaimofmovingfromonepointtoanotherasefficientlyandquicklyaspossible.Itfocusesonpracticingefficientmovements to d

9、evelop ones body and mind to be able to overcome obstacles frombranchesandrockstorailsandconcretewallsin an emergency.Exercise and Healthnexercise is important for body and mindnbenefits: better health, increased intelligence, better looks.nnegative effectspage 29text study structure analysis unders

10、tanding detailed studystructure analysisPart I (Para. 1-3)Central topic + Supporting detailsPart II (Para. 4-6)1 Effect + 2 CausesPart III (Para. 7-12)Problems + SolutionsPart I (Para. 1-3)CentralTopic:Exercise,evenmoderateexercise,mayleadtoreducedironinthebloodofwomen.-(para.1)Supportingdetails:Ane

11、wstudyiscitedtosupportthetopic.-(para.2-para.3)Part II (Para. 4-6)EffectandGeneralCauses(Para.4):Irondeficiencyisverycommonamongwomen.SpecificCause1(Para.5)SpecificCause2(Para.6)Part III (Para. 7-12)3stagesofirondeficiency(Para.7-8)-ProblemsCheckirondeficiency(Para.9)-SolutionsSuggestedwaystocorrect

12、irondeficiency(Para.10-12)-SolutionsUnderstandingThe text looks into the question of iron and how exercise can affect its levelsin the human body. With the help of the given hints and according to the text, use your own words to elaborate therelevant points.detailed studyPart I (Para 1-3)central top

13、ic supportingdetails1) sports experts have observed for years that endurance athletes frequently have iron deficiency.(para. 1)2)Roseanne M. Lyles study shows.(Para. 2) 3) The new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels. (Para. 3) Part I (Para 1-3)Exercise,evenmode

14、rateexercise,mayleadtoreducedironinthebloodofwomen.Roseanne M. Lyles study shows:inactivestart; exerciseiron loss+ bounce backLanguage points in part 1Typical patterns for showing the results of sb.s observation / scientific research原句原句: :Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers s

15、uggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. (L. 2)A new study (research / survey) by sb. suggests / indicates that 某人进行的一某人进行的一项新的研究项新的研究(科研调查科研调查)表明表明一系列的一系列的研究研究表明表明, ,失失业和人口增和人口增长不是互不不是互不相关的相关的问题。practiceAnswer A succession of research indicates that unempl

16、oyment and population growth are inseparable issues.moderate adj.1. average in amount, quality, etc.; not extreme2. of or having (usu. political) opinions that are not extreme Thewindismoderatetoday.FOR EXAMPLE:Thehotelismoderateinitscharges.They were moderate in their demands.He is a child of only

17、moderate ability.DIFFERENCE: moderate, temperate这两个词都可指程度、数量“适当,不过分”。但前者仅指“适中,不过度”; 而后者指“自觉节制”。比较:a moderate drinker 随意但不过量地饮酒a temperate drinker 有节制、谨慎地饮酒他们的要求不过分。他是一个能力一般的孩子。1. eat or drink2. use, esp. in large amountsFOR EXAMPLE:consume away:毁掉,毁灭 consume with:为(某种思想)而不断受折磨The children consumed a

18、ll the hamburgers. Arguing about details consumed many hours of his valuable time.孩子们把汉堡全部吃完了。争论细节问题花费了他数小时宝贵的时间。Shewasconsumedwithguilt.她深感内疚PHRASE:consume v.supplement n.&v. Translationamultiplevitaminandmineralsupplement复合维生素和矿物质补剂复合维生素和矿物质补剂复合维生素和矿物质补剂复合维生素和矿物质补剂aspecialsupplementtoamonthlyfinan

19、cialmagazine一份金融月刊的特别增刊一份金融月刊的特别增刊一份金融月刊的特别增刊一份金融月刊的特别增刊Theyaredoingextrajobsoutsidetheirregularonestosupplementtheirincomes.除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。除了常规工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。bounce v.The child bounced on the bed.He bounced the ball against the wall.bounce back:

20、 recover well after a setback PHRASE:Shes had many misfortunes in her life but she always bounces back. He bounced back after his failurePart II (Para 4-6)General Effect (apra.4) general causes (para.4)1. ignore the amount of iron they take in2. monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss3. rejr

21、cting red meat4. not consume enough iron-rich food Why are women more likely to suffer from iron deficiency?Effect(Para4):Irondeficiencyisverycommonamongwomen.teenagers1/4womenaged18to451/5activewomen80%womenofchildbearingageatgreatestriskrespectively adv. spearately in the order mentionedThe nurses

22、 and the miners received pay rises of 8% and 12% respectively.同根词同根词同根词同根词respective: 各自的; 分别的respectful: 恭敬的; 表示尊重的(对待某人/某物)respectable: 体面的;正确的;值得尊敬的respecting: 关于Language points in part II别人尊重自己别人尊重自己去尊重别人去尊重别人respectful a.尊敬的尊敬的,有礼貌的有礼貌的respectable a.受人尊敬的受人尊敬的,高尚的高尚的respective a.与与“尊重尊重”无关无关分别的

23、分别的,各自的各自的respecting prep.关于关于respectively adv.nHe is a _ professor and we are _.nAfter class, we went back to our_ dorms.nWe are preparing to hold a meeting to discuss problems _ the quality of education.Blank FillingBlank Fillingrespective respectful respectable respecting respectablerespectfulres

24、pectiverespectingrisk v.& n.risk ones anger 不顾触怒某人 risk ones health 拿健康冒险 risk ones life 冒着生命危险 risk ones money 赌钱 I dare not risk it, its too dangerous.冒险试试PHRASE:他冒着生命危险把孩子从火中救出来Herisked his life when he saved the kid from the fire. You are taking a big risk driving so fast.at ones own risk 自担风险 t

25、ake risks冒险做可能失败的事 PHRASE:If you go into the cave without waiting for the guide, you do it at your own riskbe liable to(L22) be likely to experience or do something, often something unpleasant or hazardousnotuntil(L41) notbefore a time or event in trouble(L42) discovered in wrongdoing and liable to

26、be punished Its advisable(L51) Its wise Translation1.困难很可能发生。2. 直到星期一他才打开邮件。3. 那个女子出事了!4. 喝酒不可过量。1.Difficultiesareliabletooccur.2.HedidnotopenhismailuntilMonday.3.That woman is in trouble!Itisnotadvisabletodrinktoomuch.More Practice 人易患疾病。他直到读大学的时候才离开家乡。我们正处于严重的困难中。让汤姆做这项工作是明智的。 Man is liable to dis

27、eases.Hedidntleavehishometownuntilhewenttostudyinauniversity.We are in real trouble.It is advisable that Tom be assigned the job.specific causes (para5-6)Effect for active womenBut the ratio is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.(Para. 4)Specific

28、 causes for the effect:(1) take only 2/3 of recommended allowance of iron;additional iron loss from exercise . (Para. 5) (2) Some iron lost in sweat; intense endurance exercise with bleeding of the digestive system. (Para. 6)(3) high-impact sports lead to small blood vessels leak blood. (Para. 6)all

29、owance n.deserve a government allowance 享受政府津贴 draw an allowance 领取津贴 COLLOCATION:especially money, provided regularly or for a special purposetraffic allowance 交通补贴 monthly allowance 每月的零用钱 allowance for board and lodging 食宿补贴 education allowance 教育津贴 housing allowance 住房津贴 sick time allowance 患病期间

30、补助 overtime allowance 加班费 PHRASE:make allowance(s) for: take sth into consideration We should make allowance for the needs of others.digest vt. 1. change (food) in the stomach so that it can be used by the body 2. understand and rememberFOR EXAMPLE:生病时,吃鱼是容易消化的。生病时,吃鱼是容易消化的。 Fish is easy to digest w

31、hen youre ill. 报告内容太多,读一次无法全部报告内容太多,读一次无法全部领会。领会。The report contains too much to digest at one reading. digestive a. Meaning: of digesting (of food)digest n. 摘要;文摘摘要;文摘 read the third part and fill in the blanksThereare_stagesofirondeficiency.However,mostpeoplewithlowiron_dontknowtheyhaveadeficiency

32、.Soitsadvisableforpeopletohavea_bloodtest.Inaddition,peoplearesuggestedto_theirdietortake_suchasaddingmore_ foods.3reservesyearlymodifysupplementsiron-richPart III(Para 7-12)problem: (para.7)3 stages of iron deficiency no symptomsfatigue and poorperformanceoften feel weak, tired and out of breathno

33、matter which stage you are in, harm is there (para. 8)solutions:blood test to check iron reserves (para.9)modifying diet or taking supplements(para.10)eating iron-added food or cooking in iron pans(para.11)sum up: careful about food choices and pay attention to warning signs (para.12)Language points

34、 in part IIIAppositive 同位同位语语1., says Roseanne M. Lyle. She is an associate professor at Purdue University.(L.6)2.The first and most common is having low iron reserves. It is a condition that typically has no symptoms. (L.32) Now combine the following simple sentences into one sentence by using appo

35、sitives.The ancient Chinese were a people of inventors and discoverers.The ancient Chinese were a people of philosophers and soldiers.The ancient Chinese were a people of poets and craftsmen.The ancient Chinese gave the world many of its most useful things.The ancient C hinese, a people of inventors

36、 and discoverers, philosophers and soldiers, poets and craftsmen, gave the world many of its most useful things.morepracticeonpage41compromise v.& n.make an agreement with (sb) by allowing him part of his demandscompromise on 就达成妥协 compromise with 与妥协 I wanted to go to Greece, and my wife wanted to

37、go to Spain, so we compromised Italy.PHRASE:His chances of reelection were compromised the scandal. Is the boss prepared to compromise the workers over their pay demand?BLANK FILLING:onbywithWhy do many people with low iron reserves dont know they have a deficiency, and what can they do in that case

38、? Answer: Because traditional methods of calculating the amount of iron in blood is not sufficient. They can use a better method to check the amount of iron and have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves. sufficient a.派生词派生词 sufficiency (n. )反义词反义词 deficient 不足的不足的 (deficiency n.)近形词近形词 e

39、fficient 有效率的有效率的 (efficiency n.)EXAMPLE:There is no sufficient evidence to show that he is guilty.enoughyearly adj.every year or once a year -ly 加在时间名词之后加在时间名词之后, 表示表示 “与与. . . 时间一块的时间一块的, 每每. . . 的的” e.g. : hourly 每小时的每小时的 quarterly 每季度的每季度的 daily 每天的每天的 nightly 每夜的每夜的 monthly 每月的每月的 加在名词之后加在名词之后,

40、表示表示 “. . .的的, 有有. . . 特征的特征的” e.g.: manly 有男子气概的有男子气概的 costly 昂贵的昂贵的What are good sources of iron, and in what way can people correct the deficiency?Answer: Meat, chicken, fish, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables Select breads and cereals with the iron-added labels; cook in iron pans; avo

41、id drinking coffee or tea with meals. 1. Typical patterns for suggestion原句原句: :In general, its better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings. (L. 53)Its better /suggestive/ advisable (for sb.) to do sth. by v.ing., becau

42、se.Its advisable that sb. should do sth.by v.ing., because.(对于对于 来说来说) 最好是通过最好是通过来来,因,因为为人们最好通过完善自我来面对未来的挑人们最好通过完善自我来面对未来的挑战,因为未来的冲击不是以人的意志为战,因为未来的冲击不是以人的意志为转移的。转移的。EXAMPLE:It is advisable for people to face up to the future challenges by bettering themselves, because the future shock is independent

43、 of mans will. throw up vomit; be sick The strong smell made me throw up. EXAMPLE:throw away throw away 放弃,丢掉;放弃,丢掉; throw out throw out 否决,不接受;否决,不接受;throw over throw over 放弃,放弃,背弃;背弃;PHRASE:Our proposal was not really thrown ; it is still under considerationThey felt inclined to throw the whole th

44、ing . Dont throw those magazines . I havent read them yet.FILLING:outoverawayderive vt. 1. get or obtain (sth.) (from sth. else)2. have (sth.) as an origin derive knowledge from reading derive a conclusion from facts从阅读中学到知识从阅读中学到知识从事实推出结论从事实推出结论EXAMPLE:近形词近形词 deprive deprive : take away from: take

45、away from 剥削,夺去剥削,夺去剥削,夺去剥削,夺去 deprive sb./sth. deprive sb./sth. ofof sth. sth.PHRASE:derive from1) obtain (especially a feeling or an advantage) fromHeisoneofthosepeoplewhocanderivederive pleasurefromfromhelpingothers.有些人从帮助他人中得到快乐,他便是其中之一。有些人从帮助他人中得到快乐,他便是其中之一。2) come from 这个市镇沿河而建,由此得名。这个市镇沿河而建,由

46、此得名。Thetownderivesderivesitsnamefromfromtheriveronwhichitwasbuilt.Sentence Structure : absolute structurel The iron content of tomato sauce cooked in an iron pot for three hours showed a striking increase.l The level went up nearly 30 times.uThe iron content of tomato sauce cooked in an iron pot for

47、 three hours showed a striking increase, the level going up nearly 30 times.独立主格结构是一个独立主格的名词或代词(作为逻辑主格),独立主格结构是一个独立主格的名词或代词(作为逻辑主格),加上一个分词、形容词、副词、不定式、介词短语。其作用相当加上一个分词、形容词、副词、不定式、介词短语。其作用相当于状语,多用来表示行为、方式或伴随的情况,有时也用来表示于状语,多用来表示行为、方式或伴随的情况,有时也用来表示时间和条件。这种结构多用在书面语中。时间和条件。这种结构多用在书面语中。 Translation夕阳西下了,我们

48、动身回家。 因为没有出租车,我们只好走路。KeyThesunhavingset,westartedforhome.Therebeingnotaxi,wehadtowalk.more practice on page 42more practice on page 42interfere with preventsth.orslowdowntheprogress touchorchangesth.withoutpermissionEverytimethetelephoneringsitinterfereswithmywork.很多人认为科学家不该做干涉大自然的事。 Manypeoplefeelt

49、hatscientistsshouldntinterferewithnature.EXAMPLETRANSLATIONEnglish to Chineseasportsmedicineexpertanenduranceathleteenduranceexerciseirondeficiency/ironlossironsupplementswomenofchild-bearingage含铁丰富/加铁的食品运动医学专家耐力运动员耐力运动缺铁铁离子补充剂育龄女性iron-richfood;iron-addedfood;foodwithfortifiedirondigestivesystembloo

50、dvesselfatiguemoleculesofbloodproteinironreservebloodtestphysiciansurgeonsubstance消化系统血管疲劳血蛋白分子铁离子储量验血内科医生外科医生物质1. 恢复恢复; ; 振作起来:振作起来: 2. 高达高达; ; 直到直到; ; 3. 为了为了 : 4. 耗尽耗尽; 用完用完; ; 为零为零: 5. 增加增加: to bounce back up to in an effort to (do sth.)to go to zeroto add toInterviewOn the basis of your underst

51、anding of the text, interview your classmates about their diet. 1.Whatareincludedinyourmeals?Pork,beef,fish,chicken,tofu,spinach,or?2.Doyouliketohavesomedrinksduringyourmeal?Ifso,whatarethey?3.Haveyoueverhadanyironsupplement?4.Doyouoftendonateblood?PresentationMakeapresentationoftheironstatusofyourclassmatesandyoursuggestionsaccordingtoyourinterviews.SuggestedStructureSuggested StructureSuggested Structure1.Whatyougetfromtheinterviews.2.Analysisofyourresults.3.Yoursuggestions.Thank You !Make Presentation much more funWPS官方微博kingsoftwps



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