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1、Simon-Wakefields-Simon-Wakefields-Yunnan-DiaryYunnan-Diary驴友驴友The World TravelerSimon Wakefields Yunnan Diary学习目标:学习目标:1.掌握以下重点词及短语,并能用所学内容介绍丽江。掌握以下重点词及短语,并能用所学内容介绍丽江。 inherit, run, in use ,get lost in, sound like2.了解独立主格结构了解独立主格结构 ( its peak covered with snow);非限制性定语从句(非限制性定语从句(some of whom)3.通过阅读课

2、文,结合各种练习把握课文主旨,提高自通过阅读课文,结合各种练习把握课文主旨,提高自主学习、合作探究力。主学习、合作探究力。4.了解丽江古城自然风光,风俗文化,及和少数民族了解丽江古城自然风光,风俗文化,及和少数民族 相关的词汇;对纳西文化初步了解,尊重民族文化差异。相关的词汇;对纳西文化初步了解,尊重民族文化差异。Scenery of YunnanThe culture of Naxi Ethnic GroupAuthors feeling123456Simon Wakefields Yunnan DiaryTravellingTravellingdiarydiaryWhy can touri

3、sts get lost in the old town of Lijiang ?Because it is a maze of canals, little bridges and tiny cobbled streets.Scenerytiny cobbled streetcanalLittle bridgesCulture(para3,4,5)The culture Of Naxi Ethnic Groupclothesmusiclanguagefood paintingWomens position in societyCulture(para3-5)1.What is special

4、 about the Naxi culture?2.Can you find out the feature of their clothes?3.What do we know about the Naxi language?4.Naxi culture is particularly famous for its _.What is special about the Naxi culture? Its the women who run Naxi society and they inherited the property.(1)Womens position in societyCu

5、lture(para3)V.继承继承 v. inherit sth from sb(1)继承(2) 经遗传而获得(品质、特征) 1.After he grows up he will inherit the money.2.We have inherited all the fine traditions.TranslationTranslation 3.最终汤姆从他爷爷那里继承了最终汤姆从他爷爷那里继承了10000美元。美元。Finally,Tom inherited 10000 dollars from his grandfather.4.她遗传了她母亲的全部美貌。她遗传了她母亲的全部美貌

6、。She inherited all her mothers beauty.Can you find out the feature of their clothes? A blue or black apronThey wear blue blouses and trousers covered by a blue or black apron. clothesLanguage(para4) ? Love Its the only hieroglyphic language still in use and is over 1,000 years. What do we know about

7、 the Naxi language?in use 在使用中在使用中Seriously damaged ,the bridge is no longer in use.Use 构成的其他短语构成的其他短语make (good/full )use of come into use be of (no) use Fill in the blanks 1.They will _ sun energy to offer horse heating.(充分利用)(充分利用)2.Dont throw away anything that may be _(有用的)有用的)3.The new version

8、 of this dictionary is not _ yet.( 在使用中)在使用中)make use ofof usein use Naxi culture is particularly famous for its _.A. painting B. writing C. musicNaxi music is played by_ men Everyone listened as if someone had put a spell on them. This means _.Naxi music attract everyoneMusic(para5)What were his fe

9、elings after travelling in Yunnan?(para6)Although people may seem different fromeach other; we all laugh, cry and need love and friendship. However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal. 尽管人们看起来彼此不同,但是我们尽管人们看起来彼此不同,但是我们 都会大笑、哭泣,我们都需要爱和友都会大笑、哭泣,我们都需要爱和友 情和爱。无论一开始,我们看起

10、来有情和爱。无论一开始,我们看起来有 多么的不同,但实质上我们都是相同多么的不同,但实质上我们都是相同 的,我们都是平等的。的,我们都是平等的。Although people may seem different fromeach other; we all laugh, cry and need love and friendship. However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal. Enjoy beautiful sentencesand translate them.Para1

11、The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5500 metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow.古城依山而建,对面是海拔古城依山而建,对面是海拔5500米的玉米的玉龙雪山,山顶被积雪覆盖。龙雪山,山顶被积雪覆盖。 独立主格结构:名词独立主格结构:名词/代词代词+过去分词过去分词 做定语或状语。做定语或状语。我们学校位于山脚下,对面就是邮我们学校位于山脚下,对面就是邮局,功课结束后,我去邮寄了一封局,功课结束后,我去邮寄了一封信。信。Ou

12、r school is at the foot of a hill and opposite it is the post office. I went to post a letter , lessons finished.1.He lay on his back, _ _ under his head. (双手交叉在脑后)(双手交叉在脑后)2.2._ _,Lucy decided to go shopping.(作业做完了作业做完了)3.=After her homework was done, Lucy decided to go shopping .独立主格结构:名词独立主格结构:名词

13、/代词代词+过去分词,相当过去分词,相当于于 with +n /pron +-ed ,作状语作状语his hands crossedHer homework done他们演奏的音乐听起来时而像怨妇他们演奏的音乐听起来时而像怨妇哭泣,时而像雪压树枝哭泣,时而像雪压树枝。Sometimes the instruments sounded like women crying, or trees bending under snow.动名词带有自己的逻辑主语动名词带有自己的逻辑主语。听起来好像鸟儿在唱歌听起来好像鸟儿在唱歌1.It sounds _ _ _2.It sounds as if _ _ _

14、likebirdssingingbirdsaresinging演出在木头搭建的大厅里举行,由纳西演出在木头搭建的大厅里举行,由纳西男子表演,有些老人看起来有一百岁了。男子表演,有些老人看起来有一百岁了。It took place in an old wooden hall, and was played by Naxi men, some of whom looked as if they were well over 100 years old! was held= and some of them1.The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people

15、, many of _ left their village homes for a better life in the city. A. whomB. which C. themD. those2.Julie was good at German, French and Russian , all of _ she spoke fluently. A. who B. whom C. which D. that 1.Make a dialogue and act it out.a tour guide/a curious tourist/ local peopleTwo choices for you 2.Watch a video and tell us about Naxi music using your own words.Appreciate Naxi old musicHomeworkWrite down your diary to post on your blog.结束结束



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