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1、I _ (do) my homework already.He _(not finish) his homework yet.This is the most exciting match I _ ever _ (see).Mother _ just _(clean) the house. Its so tidy.They _(practice) this dialogue twice.We _ (learn) English for two years/ since two years ago/since 2010.Mr. Green _ (be) in China these years.

2、have donehasnt finishedhaveseenhascleanedhave practicedhave learnedhas beenhave been to 曾经去过某地(人已回)曾经去过某地(人已回)Someone went to some place and has already come backhave been in 去某地一段时间去某地一段时间(跟时间跟时间) someone stay in some place for some time have gone to 去了某地去了某地 (人未归)(人未归)Someone went to some place an

3、d is still there A BAA BB 1.A: Wheres Jim, Li Lei? B: He _his school library.2.The Greens _ the USA. They wont go there with us this summer.3. We _the Great Wall twice. Its very beautiful.4. My father _ Beijing. He will be back in two days.5. A: _ Tommy _ Shanghai? B: Yes. He went there yesterday an

4、d hasnt come back yet.6. Kitty_ hongkong for 2days.has gone tohave gone tohave been tohas gone toHas gone tohas been in Daniel: _ you ever _ (be) to Singapore, Millie?Millie: No, but I _ (be) to Thailand with my parents.Daniel: Oh, thats great! _ you _ (visit) the famous Grand Palace in Bngkok?Milli

5、e: Yes, we _ (be) to the Grand Palace. It was wonderful! Look at these photos.Daniel: Wow! The palace is really wonderful, and you look great in the photos. Have you visited any other interesting places?Have been have been Have visited have been Millie: We _ also _ (be) to the Pattaya Beach. Look at

6、 this one. Isnt it beautiful?Daniel: Yes, the beach is very beautiful. I see Andy was there too.Millie: Yes. We _ (go) there with his family. Daniel: Really? I _ (not see) him for some time. It seems he _ (not come) back yet.Millie: He and his family _ (go) to Shanghai to visit his grandparents. The

7、y will come back tomorrow morning.have been have gone havent seen hasnt come have gone 1. 知道知道have/has been(to),gone(to), been (in)三者之间的)三者之间的根本区别根本区别: have/has been to 表示当事人曾经表示当事人曾经去过去过 某地。某地。 have/has gone to 说话时当事人不在说话时当事人不在 现场现场,去了去了某地。某地。 have/has been in 强调当事人在某地强调当事人在某地 待过待过一段时间。一段时间。2、三者的、三

8、者的常见用法常见用法 been (to) + 地点地点+次数次数 been (in) + 地点地点 + for+时间段时间段/since+时间点,时间段时间点,时间段+ago,since+句子句子 gone (to) + 地点地点3、共同点共同点 当后跟地点是当后跟地点是副词副词时,介词时,介词 省略。省略。1.We have learnt English_ 3 years. _ 3 years ago._ we _(come)hereforsincecame_How long have you learnt English? for + 一段时间一段时间 since + 过去的时间点过去的时

9、间点 就画线提问用就画线提问用how long想想一想一想since标志词:标志词:for +一段时间一段时间, since+过去的时间点过去的时间点, over these years, so far, in the past/last yearsWe _ (learn) English for three years/ since two years ago/since 2000.Mr. Green _ (be) in China these years.They _(write) 15 songs so far.The population _ (grow) more slowly in

10、 the past ten years.Have learnedhas beenhave writtenhas grownDiscussion: Filling blanks with for or since and rewrite the sentencessince1. We have lived here _ 1990.2. You have studied here _ 5 years.3. The boy has had a bad cold _ last week.4. Mr. Huang has kept the books _ a month ago .5.I have ta

11、ught in the school _ I came here two years ago.6.We have been friends _ years.forsincesincesinceforfor many years.since 5 years ago.for a week.for a month.for 2 years.since years ago.I have already bought a watch.Its very beautiful. When did you buy it?I bought it one year ago. I have had the watch

12、for one year/since one year ago.A:B:A:I have already bought a watch.Its very beautiful. When did you buy it?I bought it one year ago. I have had the watch for one year/since one year ago.buyhave/has hada continuous stateA:B:A:presentlast yearKitty bought her bike two days ago.Kitty _ her bike for tw

13、o days/since two days ago.Kitty has bought her bike.a continuous statehas hadTom borrowed the book from Lisa twenty years ago.Tom has borrowed the book from Lisa.borrowhave/has kepta continuous stateTom _ Lisas book for twenty years / since twenty years ago.borrowfrom, twenty years agoTomLisahas kep

14、tget married, in 2000They got married in 2000.They have got married.They _ for 12 years/since 2000.get marriedhave/has been marrieda continuous statehave been married(we/arrive/two weeks ago)We arrived in Shanghai two weeks ago.We _ Shanghai for two weeks.We _ Shanghai since two weeks ago.have been

15、inhave been in(they/leave/an hour ago)They left an hour ago.They _ for an hour.They _ since an hour ago.have been awayhave been away(LiLei/join the army/last year)LiLei joined the army last year.LiLei _ in the army for one year.LiLei _ in the army since last year.has beenhas been(LiLei/join the army

16、/last year)LiLei joined the army last year.LiLei _ the army for one year.LiLei _ the army since last year.has been a member ofhas been a member of(Lei Feng/die/in 1962)Lei Feng died in 1962.He _ for 60 years.He _ since 1962.has been deadhas been dead(match/begin/15 minutes ago)The basketball match b

17、egan 15 minutes ago.The basketball match has been on for 15 minutes.The basketball match has been on since 15 minutes ago.(the match/stop/5 minutes ago)The match stopped 5 minutes ago.The match has been over for 5 minutes.The match has been over since 5 minutes ago.常见的非延续性动词与延续性动词的转换。常见的非延续性动词与延续性动词

18、的转换。go out be out leave be awaycatch a cold have a cold become befall asleep be asleep open be open get to know know close-be closedfinishbe over get up-be upbegin to study-study put on-wear/be onGo to school-be a student get to know-knowCome to work-work kept been on1. This TV programme started an

19、hour ago.(be on)2. His father died two years ago.(be dead)3. They joined the Chess Club a year ago.(be a member of)This TV programme has been on for an hour.His father has been dead for two years/since two years ago. They have been members of the Chess Club for a year.4. I borrowed the book about Am

20、erican history last week. (keep)5. Peter bought the computer last year.(have)6. The rainstorm stopped the day before yesterday.(be over)I have kept the book about American history for a week. Peter has had the computer for a year/since last year.The rainstorm has been over for two days.(1) I bought

21、this dress two years ago. I _ this dress _ _.(2) She borrowed a book from the library yesterday.She _ a book from the library since yesterday.(3) Uncle Li arrived in Beijing three days ago.Uncle Li _Beijing since three days ago.(4) My parents got married twenty years ago.My parents _for twenty years

22、.(5) The rain stopped five minutes ago.The rain _ since_. Exerciseshave hadfor two years/since two years agohas kepthas been inhave been marriedhas been overfive minutes agoHello, Sandy. This is Millie. What are you doing now?Im watching an interesting TV programme. It _ (start) at 7 p.m. and _ (be)

23、 on for half an hour. What are you doing?Well, Im reading Kittys letter from Hong Kong. Kitty has written a letter! When _ you _ (receive) her letter?startedhas beendidreceiveComplete Millie and Sandys conversation with the verbs in brackets.Millie:Millie:Sandy:Sandy:I _ (have) her letter for five d

24、ays. I _ (receive) it last Sunday. Now, Im reading it again.She must be very happy now.Yes, I think so. Sandy, do you want to go to the shopping mall with me tomorrow? I _ (stay) at home for a week!That sounds great. Im going to buy a gift for my parents. This Sunday is an important day for them. Th

25、ey _ (be married) for fifteen years.have stayedhave had receivedhave been marriedMillie:Millie:Sandy:Sandy:Do you mean they will celebrate their fifteen years of marriage this Sunday?Yes.My parents _ (get married) fifteen years ago too.Really? Maybe you should buy your parents a gift too. Lets meet

26、at the shopping mall at ten tomorrow morning. See you then,Ok. Bye.got marriedMillie:Millie:Millie:Sandy:Sandy: Translation 1. 你曾经去过日本吗你曾经去过日本吗? 没有,但我和我的父母没有,但我和我的父母去过法国两次。去过法国两次。2. 三天前,我妈妈去了香港。她已经去那儿三三天前,我妈妈去了香港。她已经去那儿三天了。天了。Have you been to Japan?No, but my parents and I have been to France twice.

27、 My mother went to Hong Kong three days ago. She has been there for three days. 3. 你表弟在哪儿你表弟在哪儿?我已经很久没有见过他了。我已经很久没有见过他了。 他去美国度假了。他去美国度假了。4. 我是三年前加入阅读兴趣小组的。我是三年前加入阅读兴趣小组的。 我已经加入我已经加入阅读兴趣小组三年了。阅读兴趣小组三年了。 Where is your cousin? I havent seen him for a long time.He has gone to the USA for a holiday. I jo

28、ined in the Reading Club. I have been in the Reading Club for three years/since three years ago. 5.自从我三岁时,我外祖父就死了。自从我三岁时,我外祖父就死了。6. 电影已经开始多久了?半小时。电影已经开始多久了?半小时。7. 我父母已经结婚二十年了。我父母已经结婚二十年了。 My grandfather has been dead since I was three years old. How long has the movie been on? For half an hour. My p

29、arents have been married for twenty years. 8. 这家书店开了六年了这家书店开了六年了(be open)。9. 李雷买这辆自行车有两年了。李雷买这辆自行车有两年了。10.李雷两年前买了这辆自行车。李雷两年前买了这辆自行车。 11.我三天前得的感冒。我三天前得的感冒。12.我已经感冒三天了。我已经感冒三天了。This book shop has been open for six years. Li Lei has had the bike for two years. Li Lei bought the bike two years ago. I ca

30、ught a cold three days ago. I have caught a cold since three days ago/for three days. 二 translate the sentences into English1.到目前为止到目前为止(so far),我已看了五部英国电影。,我已看了五部英国电影。2.他从未踢过足球。他从未踢过足球。3.你去过长城吗?去过。我去年去的你去过长城吗?去过。我去年去的。4.这家书店开了六年了这家书店开了六年了(be open)。I have seen five English films so far .He has never

31、 played football .Have you been to the Great Wall?Yes ,I went there last year.This bookshop has been open for six years .5 自从布朗夫人来这里,她就在这所学校里教英语了。自从布朗夫人来这里,她就在这所学校里教英语了。6 布朗夫人两年前教我们英语。布朗夫人两年前教我们英语。7前天他是骑自行车去学校的前天他是骑自行车去学校的 。8 李雷买这辆自行车有两年了。李雷买这辆自行车有两年了。9李雷两年前买了这辆自行车。李雷两年前买了这辆自行车。Mrs Brown has taught

32、English in this school since she came here.Mrs Brown taught us English two years ago .He went to school by bike the day before yesterday . Li Lei has had this bike for two years .Li Lei bought this bike two years ago .1. Review the table on Page 32 and how to use for, since and ago.2. Finish the exercise in Workbook.



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