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1、 .Daily report2011年10月24日星期一天气:晴 Unit 6lDo you like bananas?lwordsThis is a fridge(冰箱冰箱). Whats in the fridge?(猜猜冰箱里有什么猜猜冰箱里有什么?)half an applean apple three applesa piece of orangetwo orangesthree tomatoesa piece of tomatosix pearssome bananasa strawberrymany strawberries broccolisome broccoli n. 花椰

2、菜花椰菜 saladn. 沙拉沙拉 Girls! sald can keep our thin!a potatoFrench friespotatoes= potato chipstwo hamburgersice creamDelicious but too sweet !ice creamFrench friesorangesbananasbroccolistrawberriessaladpearstomatoeshamburgersReview 可数与不可数名词的用法可数与不可数名词的用法Pairwork: Review the words and fill in the chart.

3、(两人为一组将所学单词归类两人为一组将所学单词归类)countable noun(可数名词)(可数名词)apple, banana, orange, pear, strawberry, tomato,hamburger, ice cream, French friescountable noununcountable nounice creamsalad uncountable noun(不可数名词)(不可数名词)broccoli 可数名词可数名词 (countable noun):apple - apples pear - pears hamburger - hamburgers banan

4、a - bananas orange - oranges strawberry - strawberries tomato - tomatoes French fries French fries不可数名词不可数名词 (uncountable noun):broccoliice creamsalad ice creamsalad可数名词可数名词(1)定义:是可以计数的名词(2)可数名词前可以用a, an限定,表示一个(3)可数名词前可以用one, two, three限定。(4)可数名词有复数形式。. 可数名词和不可数名词可数名词和不可数名词 .Grammarla/an: 不定冠词+可数名词单

5、数 例如: a pear a bottle an apple a bottle of water a cup of tealsome: 形容词+1。可数名词复数 2。不可数名词 例如: some pears some apples some water some tea 名词特点名词特点词尾加法词尾加法词尾读音方法词尾读音方法例词例词一般情况一般情况加加-s1.-s在清辅音后读在清辅音后读s2. -s在浊辅音后读在浊辅音后读z3. -s在元音后读在元音后读z4. 以音素以音素 s, z, 结尾结尾的的, 读读izdesksapplestreesoranges以以-s, -x, -sh, -ch

6、 结尾的结尾的加加-es-es读读izboxeswatches以以f 或或 fe 结结尾的尾的改改f或或fe为为v再加再加-es-ves读读vzkniveswives可数名词复数形式的构成可数名词复数形式的构成(1)(1)名词特点名词特点词尾加法词尾加法词尾读音方法词尾读音方法例词例词以辅音字母以辅音字母加加y结尾的结尾的改改y为为i 再再加加-es-ies读读iz familiesdictionaries以元音字母以元音字母加加y结尾的结尾的加加-s-s读读zboyskeys以以o 结尾的结尾的有生命的有生命的事物加事物加-es-es读读ztomatoespotatoes无生命的无生命的事物

7、加事物加-s-s读读zphotosradios可数名词复数形式的构成可数名词复数形式的构成(2)(2)不可数名词不可数名词(1)(1)定义定义: :是指是指不能不能计数的名词。计数的名词。Water milkWater milk(2)(2)不可数名词前不可数名词前不可以不可以用用a , an限定。限定。(3)(3)不可数名词前不可数名词前不可以不可以用用one, two, three 限定。限定。(4)(4)不可数名词不可数名词没有没有复数形式。复数形式。.不可数名词量的表达l1。用some 修饰不可数名词。表示量的多少。 例如:some tea,some bread,some meatl2。

8、用数量词+of+不可数名词,表示具体的量。常用的词有cup,glass,bottle,piece等。 例如:a bottle of orange, two pieces of meat a cup of tea some tea a glass of water some water既可数又不可数名词既可数又不可数名词可数名词与不可数名词在一定条件下可以转化。可数名词与不可数名词在一定条件下可以转化。很多表示蔬菜、动物等的名词很多表示蔬菜、动物等的名词, 一般来说是一般来说是可数的可数的, 但是表示餐桌上的食品时但是表示餐桌上的食品时, 就转换为就转换为不可数名词。不可数名词。(1)(1)a

9、chicken 一只鸡一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉鸡肉(2)(2)an ice cream 一个冰淇淋一个冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋冰淇淋( (指成份指成份) )(3)(3)a salad 一碟沙拉一碟沙拉 salad 沙拉沙拉( (指成份指成份) ) .Everyday EnglishWhat would you like for breakfast?What would you like for lunch? What would you like for supper? .Find the food and drink wordst e athadfm eatghgibfdgw

10、hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifg

11、hjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem

12、ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt

13、 e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nk

14、paarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuoplhachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpjt e athadfm eatghgibfdgw hm breadw nkpaarorangem ncpeartrnifghjlicakeuopl

15、hachuytiiajhbcvB m lnem ilkkkw aterpLnm anw applelpqolretpj .Look and say a pearsome pearsan applesome applesa bananasome bananas. Rewrite the words. 1. tomato (复数复数) 2. fry (复数复数)3. strawberry (复数复数) 4. too (同音词同音词) 5. have(单三单三) 6. she (复数复数) 7. boring (反义词反义词) 8. no (同音词同音词)9. you (形容词性物主代词形容词性物主

16、代词)10. this (复数复数) tomatoesfriesstrawberriestwo/tohastheyinteresting /funknowyourthese11. orange(复数复数) 12. banana(复数复数)13. photo(复数复数)14. family(复数复数)15. bus(复数复数)16. watch(复数复数)17. woman(复数复数)18. child(复数复数)orangesbananasphotosfamiliesbuseswatcheswomenchildren. Translate the phrases.1.一个鸡蛋一个鸡蛋 2. 一

17、些水果一些水果 3. 三个胡萝卜三个胡萝卜 4. an apple 5. some vegetables 6. ice cream an eggsome fruitsthree carrots一个苹果一个苹果一些蔬菜一些蔬菜冰激凌冰激凌 .Exercisel1.Id like a water. A B C Dl2.I can see three glass of milk on the table. A B C Dl3.There are some orange for us. A B C Dl4.Would you like some cake and a cup orange. l A B C D l5.Please give him some meats. A B C D.Ask and answerI can see some apples. I can see some pears.How many apples can you see? How many pears can you see?I can see some.I can see four.



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