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1、Unit7 EnvironmentUnit7 Environment花东镇迳口中学花东镇迳口中学花东镇迳口中学花东镇迳口中学梁艳芬梁艳芬梁艳芬梁艳芬some kinds of pollution1.Wenchuan earthquake2.snow disaster 3.Ice damage4. drought 5.flood Our world is destroyed!Reading AThe world needs our help!Our world is in great danger! Environmental problems:1.The greenhouse effect2.

2、The act of destroying rainforests3.Bad habitsThe Young Green Consumer Guide青年环保消费者手册青年环保消费者手册The greenhouse effectWhile readingWhile reading1. What What lets sunlight inlets sunlight in and and keepskeeps much of the much of the warmth warmth fromfrom getting out? getting out?The The atmosphereatmos

3、phere around Earth. around Earth.XX XX (HK) LTD 1111/2/2Dept. LogoFill in the blanks.Environmental problemsHuman actionsThe resultsThe greenhouse effectWe pollute our atmosphere with 1. -in the form of 2. and it is keeping in too much 3. .It will cause the level of seas to 4. . and 5. . cities and e

4、ven whole countries.chemicalsgasesheatrisedrownThe act of destroying rainforestsWhat is making the greenhouse effect What is making the greenhouse effect worse?Whyworse?Why? ?The burning and cutting down of trees.Because trees can take in harmful gases and help hold soil together.XX XX (HK) LTD 1313

5、/2/2Dept. LogoFill in the blanks.Environmental problemsHuman actionsThe resultsThe act of destroying rainforestsPeople 1. and 2. many trees.It is making the greenhouse effect 3. . It will cause 4. .burncutworse floodsBad habits“This”refers to “our habit of using things once our habit of using things

6、 once and then throwing them away.”and then throwing them away.” Many of our habit cause pollution, especially our habit of using things once and then throwing them away. This creates moutains of rubbish and it pollutes our land and seas.For example,people throw away as many as seven billion drink c

7、ans in the UK every year. That is enough to reach from Earth to the moon.What are the underline words“This”and“that”refer to?That”refers to “seven billion drink cans ”XX XX (HK) LTD 1515/2/2Dept. LogoFill in the blanks.Environmental problemsHuman actionsThe resultsBad habitsPeople use things 1. .and

8、 throw them awayMany of our habits cause2. . Mountains of 3 . . pollutes our land and seas.oncerubbishpollutionAfter-readingAfter-readingA3 Based on your reading of the review on Page98. choose the correct answers.1.Because of pollution, _.Because of pollution, _.2. a not enough sunlight is reaching

9、 Earth a not enough sunlight is reaching Earth3. b not enough heat is leaving Earth b not enough heat is leaving Earth4.2. The greenhouse effect 2. The greenhouse effect causescauses(造成)(造成)(造成)(造成) the the level(level(高度)高度)高度)高度) of seas to_.of seas to_.5. a rise b fall a rise b fallAfter-readingA

10、fter-reading3. If we cut down more trees, the greenhouse effect will be 3. If we cut down more trees, the greenhouse effect will be _._. a worse b better a worse b better4. Many people use things only once and then throw them 4. Many people use things only once and then throw them away. This _ rubbi

11、sh.away. This _ rubbish. a reduces b creates a reduces b creates5. The books aim is to make _.5. The books aim is to make _. a young people protect the environment more a young people protect the environment more b more young people become consumers b more young people become consumersThe earth is i

12、n our hand. Lets protect it together!After-readingAfter-readingAfter-readingAfter-readingHow can we act as green consumers to protect the environment?1.We should: plant,usepaper,Only buy and usethings2.We shouldnt: throwaway,waste,stop usingfor shopping.XX XX (HK) LTD 2020/2/2Dept. LogoWritingAfter

13、learning this lesson, do you have any ideas or suggestion on protecting the environment? Write a letter to the major of Guangzhou, and give your idea and suggestion. You can begin like thisDear sirs,I am writing to you because I know you are trying to protect the environment. I have some ideas to he

14、lp youYours sincerely,(Your name)XX XX (HK) LTD 2121/2/2Dept. LogoThanks To Everybody !Thank you!See you next time!Before-readingBefore-readingThe world needs your help!a book reviewXX XX (HK) LTD 2323/2/2Dept. LogoDecide whether the staterments are T or F. Children love nature.They love dirt,and th

15、ey love plantinng seeds (种子种子) and watching them grow into plants.However what kids love most are fun plants.Fun plants can hold their interest not only because of their different shapes and colors but also because they can smell,taste,touch,and hear them. Children always think vegetables are fun pl

16、ants because thwy can see the plants grow up day by day and can also eat them when the plants are ripe(成熟的成熟的).Some plants even make interesting sounds.These kinds of plants can also be fun for kids.Many lantern-like seed pods(豆荚豆荚) make interesting sounds when they blow in the world. Kids love anyt

17、hing that can interest them.Give them the chance to fill a garden of their own with their favourite fun plants.Reading assistant1.Kids love fun plants because of their beautiful shapes,colord,sounds and their delicious tastes.( )2.Kids like wegetables only because they can eat them when they are ripe.( )3.Planting and harvesting plants are boring for kids.( )4.Almost no plants in the world can make interesting sounds.( )5.From the passage,we know that the writer wants kids to enjoy nature.( ) TFTFT



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