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1、新课程背景下对高中英语词汇新课程背景下对高中英语词汇教学的思考与实践教学的思考与实践台州市路桥中学 管丽娟David Wilkins(1972) : Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. No matter how well he learns grammar, no matter how beautiful he sounds, without rich words to express a wide range of meaning or to und

2、erstand others ideas and thoughts, communication in a foreign language just cant happen in any meaningful way. -Mc Carthy九级九级-高中毕业高中毕业优秀水平优秀水平八级八级-七级七级-高中毕业高中毕业基本要求基本要求六级六级-五级五级-初中毕业初中毕业基本要求基本要求四级四级-三级三级-二级二级-小学毕业小学毕业要求要求一级一级-课程标准分级设计课程标准分级设计课程的分级目标要求课程的分级目标要求 必修必修课程课程2400-2500 2400-2500 单词单词单词单词150

3、0-1600 1500-1600 单词单词单词单词4500 4500 单词单词单词单词600-700 600-700 单词单词单词单词一级一级二级二级三级三级四级四级五级五级六级六级七级七级八级八级九级九级六年级毕业六年级毕业要求要求九年级毕业九年级毕业要求要求普通高中毕业普通高中毕业要求要求顺序顺序选修选修课程课程 任任意意选选修修课课程程我省高考要求我省高考要求3300 3300 单词单词单词单词必修模块必修模块1-5单词、短语、单词、短语、 单词曲线单词曲线176176157157172172149149196196494962628787656599994949404039391818

4、3434目前高中英语词汇教学中存在的主要问题目前高中英语词汇教学中存在的主要问题:1. 对词汇教学的重视程度不够对词汇教学的重视程度不够2.词汇教学的方法比较陈旧词汇教学的方法比较陈旧 1、培养学生正确发音、拼写及词义推测的能力;、培养学生正确发音、拼写及词义推测的能力;2、培养学生根据词汇在句中的使用情况,了解其基、培养学生根据词汇在句中的使用情况,了解其基本用法并模仿使用的能力;本用法并模仿使用的能力;3、指导学生利用词汇间的联系,在大脑中建立相关、指导学生利用词汇间的联系,在大脑中建立相关词汇的记忆网络(词汇的记忆网络(mental lexicon););4、培养学生在特定的语境中正确使

5、用词汇的能力。、培养学生在特定的语境中正确使用词汇的能力。思考一:词汇应该教什么?思考一:词汇应该教什么?思考二:词汇应该怎样教?思考二:词汇应该怎样教?1、教学目标应有多元性、教学目标应有多元性2、教学过程应有递进性。、教学过程应有递进性。3、教学方法应有灵活性。、教学方法应有灵活性。进行词汇教学的一些渠道进行词汇教学的一些渠道:1.通过多媒体直观呈现帮助学生学习词汇通过多媒体直观呈现帮助学生学习词汇幻灯片幻灯片 92.在任务型教学中促进学生学习词汇在任务型教学中促进学生学习词汇幻灯片幻灯片 21 3. 利用利用“蜘蛛图蜘蛛图”拓展延伸词汇拓展延伸词汇幻灯片幻灯片 25 4.在语篇层面上进行

6、词汇教学在语篇层面上进行词汇教学幻灯片幻灯片 265.充分利用充分利用Learning about language进行词汇教学进行词汇教学幻灯片幻灯片 38strawberrywatermelonpineappleBook3 unit 2 Healthy eatinglemoncherrypearpeachcrabshrimpmuttonroast duckcucumberbeanmushroomfried bread sticksteamed stuffed bunsteamed twisted rollsMid- Autumn Mid- Autumn FestivalFestivalCo

7、lumbus DayCherry Blossom FestivalCherry Blossom Festival利用多媒体进行词汇教学应注意的几个问题:利用多媒体进行词汇教学应注意的几个问题:要选择高质量的图片要选择高质量的图片要注意呈现的层次性和科学性,避免多而杂要注意呈现的层次性和科学性,避免多而杂要注意及时巩固要注意及时巩固nutrientsnutrientsmineralsfatproteinvitaminsugarcarbohydrates some essential nutrientssome essential nutrientsfibre What do the foods

8、have in common ?What do the foods have in common ?A protector of African WildlifeBook 4 Unit 1 ReadingA good example for meBook 4 Unit 1 Using language Readingbravegreatwomenintelligentconfidentgenerousmodestunselfishhard-workingwarm-heartedconsiderateknowledgeableresponsibleperseverantdeterminedcar

9、efulpatientenergeticpassionateA playstagecurtainslightsmicrophonescriptthemelinesStage directionsscenesothersbudgetpropscostumescastactressesactorsdirectornarratorplaywrightcharacter蜘蛛图(蜘蛛图(spider-map or spider gram)Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note 词语的呈现需要在典型的语篇中进行,这样才能有利词语的呈现需要在典型的语篇中进行,这样

10、才能有利于学习者理解词语的含义、搭配和句法分布位置等;语言于学习者理解词语的含义、搭配和句法分布位置等;语言在本性上是语篇敏感的(在本性上是语篇敏感的(context-sensitive):脱离了语篇,):脱离了语篇,单个词语的意义就无法确定;脱离了句子的词语是这样,单个词语的意义就无法确定;脱离了句子的词语是这样,脱离了语篇的句子也是这样。脱离了语篇的句子也是这样。Scott T (2003)为什么要在为什么要在语篇层面上开展词汇教学语篇层面上开展词汇教学? 学习词汇不仅仅是量的扩大,还包括对词汇的认识学习词汇不仅仅是量的扩大,还包括对词汇的认识的扩展和加深,需要在不同的语境中多次体会词的用

11、法的扩展和加深,需要在不同的语境中多次体会词的用法,从而使词汇知识不断增长。,从而使词汇知识不断增长。 Cameron (2001) Call for /award/ account for /consider /describe /appreciate/settleRobert Lee Frost was one of Americas best-known and best loved poets. He was born in San Francisco, but was famous for his poetry of _ the natural beauty in New Engla

12、nd. He went to England in 1912 and he _ as a great poet after he published his two books of poems: A boys will in 1913 and North of Boston in 1914. After the popularity of his success made in England, he returned to New England, _ in New Hampshire, and had his poetry-writing and college-teaching car

13、eer there. Frost usually wrote and spoke in simple language with quiet humor, yet he was wise in the ways of the world. His poems often begin in delight and end in wisdom, and _ readers deep thought behind the poets description of familiar scenes in their ordinary life. This simplicity of language e

14、xpresses the universal essence of life. The easy speech patterns and rhymes attract more people _ the meaning of life and become interested in his poems. No wonder the poet _ the Pulitzer Prize for poetry four times. And that fully _ the fact that he was considered to be far more popular and success

15、ful than the majority of his contemporaries. 台州市学年第一学期高二期末质量评估试题词汇运用题台州市学年第一学期高二期末质量评估试题词汇运用题怎么样在语篇层面上开展词汇教学?怎么样在语篇层面上开展词汇教学?一、阅读前热身环节一、阅读前热身环节二、阅读后巩固环节二、阅读后巩固环节三、单元检测环节三、单元检测环节怎么样在语篇层面上开展词汇教学?怎么样在语篇层面上开展词汇教学?一、阅读前热身环节一、阅读前热身环节(Book 6 Unit 3 Reading)目标词:目标词: cigarettealcohol adolescentlung /pregnant

16、 managequitbecome addicted to get into达到目标:达到目标: 能正确拼读目标词,明确其指示意义并能正确拼读目标词,明确其指示意义并初步感知其搭配形式初步感知其搭配形式.语篇示例语篇示例: Health is very important to all, but there are many adolescents/ young people who dont care about it. What health issues do you think concern adolescents most? In fact, cigarette smoking,

17、alcohol drinking and drug taking concern adolescents most. I have never seen adolescents taking drugs, but it is easy to see some of them smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Frankly speaking, my husband started smoking cigarettes before he went to college because adolescents at that time though

18、t it cool. And you must have heard it is easy to become addicted to smoking but very hard to quit it. Fortunately, he was not so addicted to it. After we got married ,he managed to ( succeeded in ) quit /give up smoking. Because a friend of mine, whos a doctor, told him it is harder to become pregna

19、nt for smoking couples and smokers are more likely to get lung cancer. Would you like to tell me your reasons why some adolescents get into the habits of smoking? Thank you for telling me the reasons why many adolescents get into the habit of smoking. Now lets read a passage to get more information

20、about cigarette smoking.阅读后巩固环节阅读后巩固环节目标词:目标词: lungriskquitmanage mentallyautomaticallyeventuallydue toget addicted to get accustomed tofeel like/ pregnant/cigarette 达到目标:达到目标: 在新语篇语境中体会目标词汇的用法,扩在新语篇语境中体会目标词汇的用法,扩展和加深对目标词汇的认识,建立起目标词与展和加深对目标词汇的认识,建立起目标词与其它信息的联系。其它信息的联系。语篇示例:(用目标词语填空语篇示例:(用目标词语填空 )_ s

21、moking does great damage to peoples health. The WHO says diseases that are _ smoking, such as heart disease and _ cancer , kill at least 2,500,000 people each year. Research also indicates that women who become _ to smoking take a _ of failing to become _ or having deformed (畸畸形的形的) babies.After rea

22、lizing the bad effects of smoking, many people try to give up smoking. But in fact , only a few smokers succeed in _ it and most of them cant get rid of the habit of smoking and become _ to making excuses. Why is it so hard to stop smoking?It is nicotine that makes smokers become _ to cigarette smok

23、ing. Smokers can become physically and _ addicted. Besides, they can also become addicted through habit which may force them to smoke _. Here are a few suggestions from those who have _ to _ smoking. Smokers are advised to make a list of the bad effects caused by smoking and reread it every time you

24、 _ smoking. Also, breaking the habit is helpful. Importantly, you must be determined and believe that you will succeed in _ smoking _.AssignmentMake sentences with the target words and phrases.Write a short passage with what youve learned. Im a student of Senior II, studying in Luqiao Middle School.

25、 Now I the life here and getting on well with my studies. However, half a year ago, the influence of my deskmate, I playing computer games. Thus, I became not only physically but also weak. Many times I would just sit before the computer. It was my headteachers help that I decided to this habit. Wit

26、h great efforts, I finally to get rid of it.am accustomed todue togot addicted tomentallyautomaticallyowing toeventuallyquitmanagedUnit 3 A healthy life一生词生词(翻译成英文)名词(n. ):1、酒精 2、性,性别3、压力;重音4、青少年 5、药剂师;化学家6、生产;产量7、危险;风险8、流感9、针头;缝衣针10、陈述;申明11、理解(力)12、意见;看法动词(v. ):13、加压力于-;使紧张14、办事;设法对付;管理;经营15、接吻形容词和

27、副词(adj.& adv. ):16、产生压力的;紧张的17、无意识的;自动的18、无意识地;自动地19、怀孕的20、感到惭愧或羞耻21、最后;终于22、不合法的;违法的23、男性的24、女性的25、完全的;完美的26、完全地;完美地 27、基础的;基本的28、精神的;智力的二词组词组(翻译成中文)1.be due to2. become addicted to2.3. decide on4. feel like (doing)3.5. become accustomed to 6. get into7. in spite of8. take a risk (risks)9. at risk1

28、0.stand for三句子句子(按题后要求)1我发现抽烟上瘾容易戒烟难。(翻译成英文,用it作形式宾语) 2Giving up smoking is difficult to do.- It is difficult to give up smoking.Most people believe smoking causes cancer.(仿上例用it结构改写)3Give at least three pieces of advice on giving up smoking.四、语篇四、语篇(根据语篇及所给的单词的首字母,写出单词的正确形式)Nowadays, many adults ha

29、ve m_ to give up smoking because they have realized lung cancer is d_ to cigarette smoking. However, more and more a_ start becoming a_ to cigarettes because they think it a good way to reduce their s_ of life. How stupid they are ! They dont know once their bodies are a_ to nicotine, its very hard

30、to q_ it ,and even some smoking couples have to take a r_ of failing to become p_. 、应巧妙、灵活运用重复、再现、指代、同义、应巧妙、灵活运用重复、再现、指代、同义 、上下义、上下义等语篇衔接手段。等语篇衔接手段。2、三个环节要体现出词汇教学的连贯性和层次性。、三个环节要体现出词汇教学的连贯性和层次性。3、语篇的设置要符合学生的认知特点和认知水平。、语篇的设置要符合学生的认知特点和认知水平。需要注意的问题需要注意的问题: I like sitting in the sun.Using sun protection

31、 cream(防晒霜防晒霜)prevents me from getting sunburnt.I care little about suffering from hunger when I am waiting for my Mr. Right. I have struggled for five years to earn enough money to marry you.My business expanded by exporting my products to other countries.Rid yourself of smoking !I would rather mar

32、ry a healthy man than a rich one. After I agree to marry him, the news that we will get married circulates (spreads) quickly. Thanks to our hard work, we are leading a happy life now.Task1 (1) 1.darkened skin from spending too much time in the sunsunburnt2.need for foodhunger3.make something or some

33、body free of rid of4.become larger in size, number or amountexpand5. make information and ideas known to many peoplecirculateTask 1 (2)6. live alifelead a life7. prefer towould rather8. because ofthanks to9. try extremely hard to achieve somethingstruggle10. send things to foreign countries for sale

34、exportTask 2 (1)Use one sentence to describe Dr Yuans appearance, life or contribution by using the words or phrases.Task 2 (2) complete the passage about Dr YuanDr Yuan _ a simple life. He _ _ work on the farm than have a rest. He has _ for five decades to search for a way to increase rice harvest

35、without _ the area of fields. _ to the discovery of super hybrid rice, his dream of _ China of _ is realized . Now, he has another dream-to _his rice so that it can be grown all over the world. leadswouldratherstruggledexpandingThanksriddinghungerexport12345678The curtains caught fire, The houses we

36、re on fire. Who set the houses on fire? The boy playing with fire. Book 6 Unit 2 Reading A few simple forms of English poemsTake it easy,No need to worry.Take your time,No need to hurry.Take care,Or youll be sorry. 中学八级中学八级课外阅读量应累计达课外阅读量应累计达到到30万词以上万词以上(每天约每天约300词词)。 日期日期 文章文章出处出处文章文章题目题目主旨主旨大意大意新学新

37、学词汇词汇优美优美词句词句阅阅读读信信息息卡卡大量阅读促词汇量大量阅读促词汇量 词汇教学是英语教学的重要内容词汇教学是英语教学的重要内容,全全新的教材要求我们教师迅速更新教学理新的教材要求我们教师迅速更新教学理念。只要我们努力发挥自己的聪明睿智念。只要我们努力发挥自己的聪明睿智,必能使我们的词汇教学和学生的词汇学必能使我们的词汇教学和学生的词汇学习充满灵性和灵感。只要我们能用新理习充满灵性和灵感。只要我们能用新理念去开拓词汇学习的新方法念去开拓词汇学习的新方法,我们就一定我们就一定能解决好词汇教学这个问题能解决好词汇教学这个问题!结束语结束语 Thank you for your attention !



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