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1、Doyouwanttoknowyourcharactristicsandpersonalities?assessmentNowletsbegaina: Personality( (性格测试)性格测试) Pay attention Pay attention : every answer to each question is followed by a grade and you need to add up all of them. Because the test result is measured by the whole grade. Therearefifteenquestions

2、forthetest.AndpleasetakeyourpaperandpennowQ1: Which kind of food do you prefer ? A. Strawberry(草莓草莓)(2) B.Apple (3) C.Watermelon (5) D.Pineapple(菠萝菠萝)(10) E.Orange (15)Q2: Where do you usually go for relaxing yourself?A. Suburb(郊外郊外) 2 B. Cinema 3 C. Park 5 D. Maket 10 E. Bar 15 F. KTV 20Q3: Which k

3、ind of person will attract you most easily ?A. Brilliant ones(有才气的人)有才气的人) 2B. The one who always depend on you 3C. Elegant persons 5D. Kind persons 10E. Outgoing persons 15Q4: Which kind of animals do you want to be ?A. Cat 2 B. Horse 3 C. Elephant 5 D. Monkey 10 E. Dog 15 F. Lion 20Q5: Which way d

4、o you most likely to make you feel cool(凉爽的凉爽的)?A. Swimming 5B. Having a cold drink 10C. Opening the air-condition 15Q6: Which kind of animals or insects can you bear if you have to live with them ?A.Snake 2B. Pig 5C. Rat 10 D. Fly (苍蝇苍蝇) 15Q7: which kind of film or soap opera(电视电视剧剧) is inyour favo

5、r?A.detective(悬疑推理类悬疑推理类)B.Fairy tale(神话类神话类)C.Science and natureD.Moral E.War with weaponsQ8: Which one do you think you must take with you ?A. Lighter (打火机打火机) 2B. Lipstick (口红口红) 2C. Textbook 3D. Facial tissue (纸巾纸巾) 5E. Mobile phone 10Q9: Which kind of vehicle do you tend to choose when you go o

6、ut ?A.Train 2B.Bicycle 3C.Bus 5D.Airplane 10E.Walking 15Q10: Which kind of colour do you most enjoy ?A.Purple 2B.Black 3C.Blue 5D.White 8E.Yellow 12F.Red 15 Q11: Which kind of sport is your favourite even if you are not good at ?A.Yoga (瑜伽瑜伽) 2B.Bicycle 3C.Ping-pong 5D.Boxing 8 E.Footbool 10F.Bungee

7、(蹦极蹦极) 15Q12:Where would you build your villa(别别墅墅) if you can possess one ?A.By the lake 2B.On the grass 3C.By the sea 5D.In the forest 10E.In the city 15Q13:Which of the following weather phenomenon do you like ?A.Snow 2B.Wind 3 C.Rain 5D.Fog 10E.Thunder 15Q14: Which storey is your preference if y

8、ou are living in a building that includes 30 storeys?A.The 7th one 2B.The first one 3C.The 23rd one 5D.The 18th one 10E.The top one 15Q15: Which city is the most ideal place to live in in your opinion ? A.Lijiang 1B.Lhasa 3C.Kunming 5D.Xian 8E.Hangzhou 10F.Beijing 15 Please work out your score caref

9、ully.resultresultif your score =180 ,then you if your score =140&=100&=70&=40&=69,then you if your score 40,then you Strong-willed (意志力强)意志力强)have a cool head and astrong desire to lead others (头脑冷静,有较强的领导欲)头脑冷静,有较强的领导欲) You are career-minded and will not stop until you reach your goal ! have a kind

10、ly appearance , exclusive in your heart ( 不达目的不罢休。外表和善,内心自傲)不达目的不罢休。外表和善,内心自傲) value the interpersonal relationship that may do good for you, sometimes impatient (对有利于自己的人际关系比对有利于自己的人际关系比较看重,有时显得性格急噪,咄咄逼人,得理不饶人)较看重,有时显得性格急噪,咄咄逼人,得理不饶人) have the spirit of stiff resistance especially the situation isn

11、t beneficial for you (不利于自己时顽强抗)不利于自己时顽强抗) rational thinking ,思维理性,思维理性,the attitude to marriage and love is realistic ,the desire for seeking money is general(对爱情和婚姻的看法很现实,对金钱的欲望一般对爱情和婚姻的看法很现实,对金钱的欲望一般。) Smart lovely people person be good at making friends calculating career-minded longing for succ

12、eed rational thinking advocate love when love and marriage have a conflict , you will choose the marriage for you own interest. the desire for money is strong . 聪明,性格活泼,人缘好,善于交朋友,心机较深。聪明,性格活泼,人缘好,善于交朋友,心机较深。事业心强,渴望成功。思维较理性,崇尚爱情,但当事业心强,渴望成功。思维较理性,崇尚爱情,但当爱情与婚姻发生冲突时会选择有利于自己的婚姻。金爱情与婚姻发生冲突时会选择有利于自己的婚姻。金钱

13、欲望强烈。钱欲望强烈。 dreamy , emotional thinking , only if he or she has common with you ,you will choose him or her for your friend . exclusive ,sometimes impatient , weak-minded . career ambition is slightly strong , be fond of creative jobs ,be fed up with convention . obstinate , sharp-tongued , be thirs

14、ty for romantic love ,unrealistic ideas. the desire for seeking money is general.爱幻想,思维较感性,以是否与自己投缘为标爱幻想,思维较感性,以是否与自己投缘为标准来选择朋友。性格显得较孤傲,有时较急噪,准来选择朋友。性格显得较孤傲,有时较急噪,有时优柔寡断。事业心较强,喜欢有创造性的有时优柔寡断。事业心较强,喜欢有创造性的工作,不喜欢按常规办事。性格倔强,言语犀工作,不喜欢按常规办事。性格倔强,言语犀利,不善于妥协。崇尚浪漫的爱情,但想法往利,不善于妥协。崇尚浪漫的爱情,但想法往往不切合实际。金钱欲望一般。往不切

15、合实际。金钱欲望一般。 curious , adventurous , career ambition is slightly strong , could be fine with whatever comes in life , easy to compromise ,be good at finding funny things , have little patience , sometimes timid , be thirsty for romantic love , the demand for marriage is realistic , not be good at man

16、aging money.好奇心强,喜欢冒险,人缘较好。事业心一般,对好奇心强,喜欢冒险,人缘较好。事业心一般,对待工作,随遇而安,善于妥协。善于发现有趣的事待工作,随遇而安,善于妥协。善于发现有趣的事情,但耐心较差,敢于冒险,但有时较胆小。渴望情,但耐心较差,敢于冒险,但有时较胆小。渴望浪漫的爱情,但对婚姻的要求比较现实。不善理财。浪漫的爱情,但对婚姻的要求比较现实。不善理财。 Good-tempered ,value friendship , have a stable personality , sometimes crafty , career ambition is slightly

17、strong , have little interest in the other things except their own major , prefer regular life and job ,dont like adventure , have very strong family idea ,be better at managing money性情温良,重友谊,性格塌实稳重,但有时也比较狡性情温良,重友谊,性格塌实稳重,但有时也比较狡黠。事业心一般,对本职工作能认真对待,但对自己黠。事业心一般,对本职工作能认真对待,但对自己专业以外事物没有太大兴趣,喜欢有规律的工作和生专业

18、以外事物没有太大兴趣,喜欢有规律的工作和生活,不喜欢冒险,家庭观念强,比较善于理财。活,不喜欢冒险,家庭观念强,比较善于理财。 discursive ,playful ,dreamy , have no serious standards to make friends. career ambition is weak , be better at enjoying life , have weak willpower and patience. Do whatever he or she wants regardless of others thoughts. Be popular in the opposite gender , dont take love seriously , easy to compromise ,have no sense of property.散漫,散漫,爱玩,富于幻想。玩,富于幻想。聪明机灵,待人明机灵,待人热情,情,爱交朋友,但交朋友,但对朋友没有朋友没有严格的格的选择标准。事准。事业心心较差,差,更善于享受生活,意志力和耐心都更善于享受生活,意志力和耐心都较差,我行我素。差,我行我素。有有较好的异性好的异性缘,但,但对爱情不情不够坚持持认真,容易妥真,容易妥协。没有没有财产观念。念。 Thats the end !



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