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1、冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 7 Always Have Breakfast! breakfastCan you talk about breakfast?strong and healthy Height: _m 身高Weight:_ kg 体重 The boy is strong and healthy. strong 强壮的 healthy 健康的1.765 A: Are you healthy and strong? B : Yes,I am. A : How tall are you? B: I am _metres tall. A : Whats your we

2、ight(体重)? B : My weight is_kg. A : You are a healthy and strong child boygirl. Good health to you!Talk with your friends.stronghealthyHow can we be healthy and strong ?First,always have breakfast.Its good for you.Everyone wants to be healthy and strong.How often do you have breakfast a week?How ofte

3、n 是疑问词,意思是“多长时间一次,多久一次”,用于对频率的提问.once 一次 twice 两次three times 三次How often did Danny have breakfast last week?Danny had breakfast once last week.When did Danny have breakfast ?At about 7: 30 on Tuesday morning.How often did Kim have breakfast last week ?Kim had breakfast six times last week.When did k

4、im have breakfast ?.At about 7: 15When did you have breakfast?How often did you have breakfast last week?I had breakfast .once /times last week.I had breakfast at about .7: 30.last week.Show your dialogue1.( ) Danny had breakfast twice last week.2.( ) Danny had hambuergers for breakfast.3.( ) Danny

5、had breakfast at 6:15 on Tuesday morning. 4.( ) Li Ming has breakfast every day.Read and JudgeTonceeggs, bread and milkT7:30TTPlease show your life habits.A:Do you always have breakfast?B: Yes,I do. No,I dont.A:Good Work,its good for you.You should have breakfast every day. A: How often do you have

6、breakfast?B:I have breakfast _ a week. A: Fruit is good for you. How often do you eat fruit?B : I eat fruit _ a week. My favourite is _. A: Vegetables are good for you. How often do you eat vegetables?B : I eat vegetables_ a week. A: Good work! You need to eat more vegetables. How often do you play

7、sports? B: I play sports _ a week. A: Play sports every day. Be healthy and strong. strong 强壮的 healthy 健康的 This young man is strong and healthy. weak and sick 虚弱的 有病的This old man is weak and sick.strong and 强壮的 healthy 健康的 This flower is _ and _. stronghealthyweak and 强壮的 sick 健康的 This flower is _ and _. weaksickstrong and healthyHow often 是疑问词,意思是“多长时间一次,多久一次”,用于对频率的提问How often did you have breakfast ? How often did LiMing have breakfast ? I always have breakfast I m strong and healthy Homework给自己制定一个健康的、科学的一周早餐食谱MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundaytimewhat



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