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1、新能源系统诊断规范 1 / 47 XXXX 系统诊断规范 “填写项目代号” 文件编号: “向项目申请编号” 编制 : 校对 : 审核 :“业务高级经理” 会签 :“控制系统集成主管” 批准 :“部长” XXX 年 XXX 月 新能源系统诊断规范 2 / 47 版本信息 版本 日期 编制 校对 审核 更新描述 V1.0 初始版本 V1.1 崔晓静 崔晓静 1、 修改数据链路层描述; 2、 删除 31 服务的 02 子服务; 3、 删除 28 服务的 01、02 子服务; 4、 删除 27 03、04 子服务; 5、 27 添加 seed 为四个字节的随机数; 6、 seed 和 key 在列表中

2、定 4 个字节; 7、 删除 2F 02 子服务; 8、 删除 19 06 子服务; 9、 status 改为仅 bit0、3 支持 10、删除 NRC11; 11、F184 修改为 9 个字节; 12、添加故障码中英文对照表; 新能源系统诊断规范 3 / 47 目录 版本信息. 2 1. 参考文献 . 5 2. 网络拓扑 . 5 3. 诊断接口 . 6 4. 诊断需求 . 7 4.1. 诊断协议. 7 4.1.1. 物理层 . 7 4.1.2. 数据链路层 . 7 4.1.3. 网络层 . 7 4.1.4. 应用层时间参数 . 8 4.2. Diagnostic Services(ISO14

3、229-1) . 8 4.2.1. Supported Diagnostic Services . 9 4.2.2. DiagnosticSessionControl(10H) . 11 4.2.3. ECUReset (11H) . 13 4.2.4. CommunicationControl(28H) . 14 4.2.5. SecurityAccess(27H) . 15 4.2.6. TesterPresent(3EH) . 21 4.2.7. ControlDTCSetting(85H) . 21 4.2.8. ReadDataByIdentifier(22H) . 23 4.2.9

4、. WriteDataByIdentifier (2EH) . 24 4.2.10. InputOutputControlByIdentifier (2FH) . 26 4.2.11. ClearDiagnosticInformation (14H) . 27 4.2.12. ReadDTCInformation (19H) . 28 4.2.13. RoutineControl (31H) . 35 4.2.14. RequestDownLoad(34H) . 37 4.2.15. TransferData (36H) . 37 4.2.16. RequestTransferExit (37

5、H) . 37 5. 故障定义 . 38 6. 故障码 DTC 中英文对照表 . 38 附录 A: 冻结帧信息 . 39 附录 B: . 41 B.1 版本信息参数列表: . 41 新能源系统诊断规范 4 / 47 B.2 数据流参数列表: . 41 B.3 版本信息参数定义 . 43 B.4 数据流参数定义 . 45 新能源系统诊断规范 5 / 47 术语 DTC 故障诊断码 BS Block size STmin Minimum Separation Time C 有条件的 M 强制性执行 U 用户选用 TBD 待定义 SID 服务标识符 DID 数据标识符 NRC 负响应码 UDS 统一

6、的诊断服务 Server 服务器 Client 客户端 ECU 电控单元 1. 参考文献 NO. 参考文档 题目 1 ISO11898-1: 2003 Road vehicles - Controller area network (CAN) Part 1:Data link layer and physical signaling 2 ISO11898-2: 2003 Road vehicles - Controller area network (CAN) Part 2: High-speed medium access unit 3 ISO11898-5: 2007 Road vehic

7、les - Controller area network (CAN) Part 5: High-speed medium access unit with low-power mode 4 ISO15765-2: 2004 Road Vehicle - Diagnostic on CAN Part 2: Networking Layer Services 5 ISO15765-3: 2004 Road Vehicle - Diagnostic on CAN Part 3: Application Layer Services 6 ISO14229-1: 2006 Road Vehicle -

8、 Diagnostic Systems Diagnostic Services Specification 7 ISO15031-6: 2005 Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emission-related diagnostic Part 6: Diagnostic trouble code definitions 2. 网络拓扑 新能源系统诊断规范 6 / 47 “由网络工程师统一发布网络拓扑” Fig 1. C70GB-2014 整车网络拓扑结构 3. 诊断接口 Fig 2

9、. OBD 诊断接口 管脚 描述 1 EVBUS CAN_H 2 / 新能源系统诊断规范 7 / 47 3 / 4 接地 5 接地 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 EVBUS CAN_L 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 电源 Tab 1. OBD 诊断接口针脚定义 “由线束工程师统一发布 OBD 接口定义” 4. 诊断需求 4.1. 诊断协议 4.1.1. 物理层 物理层应满足 ISO11898-2 要求及北京新能源汽车股份有限公司企业标准新能源汽车高速 CAN 网络节点级电子控制单元( ECU)技术要求要求。 4.1.2. 数据链路层 数据链路层应满足 ISO1

10、1898-1 要求。 所有诊断请求和应答帧的数据长度应为 8 字节, 否则电控单元将忽略该诊断请求帧。当诊断响应长度不足 8 字节时,空余的字节应用 0xAA 填充。 4.1.3. 网络层 网络层应满足 ISO15765-2 要求和下述要求: 新能源系统诊断规范 8 / 47 寻址方式 可以支持物理寻址和功能寻址。 诊断消息 ID 描述见下表: Tab 2. 诊断 ID 列表 “由网络工程师统一发布所有诊断ID分配,各系统填写各自的诊断ID至上表” 网络层时间参数 Parameter Value Unit BS 8 - STmin 20 ms Paramet

11、er Timeout Performance Requirement Unit N_As/N_Ar 70 n/a ms N_Br n/a 70 ms N_Bs 150 n/a ms N_Cs n/a 70 ms N_Cr 150 n/a ms Tab 3. 网络层时间参数需求 4.1.4. 应用层时间参数 Parameter Min Max Timeout Unit P2server 0 50 n/a ms P2client n/a n/a 150 ms P2*server 0 2000 n/a ms P2* client n/a n/a 5000 ms P3client_phys2 P2se

12、rver n/a n/a ms P3client_func P2server_max n/a n/a ms Parameter Min Nominal Timeout Unit S3server n/a n/a 5000 ms S3client 0 2000 4000 ms Tab 4. 应用层时间参数需求 4.2. Diagnostic Services(ISO14229-1) Services shall be implemented according to ISO14229-1. Additional details are 控制器名称 简称 物理寻址诊断请求ID(Hex) 诊断响应I

13、D(Hex) 功能寻址诊断请求ID(Hex) 实施网段 驱动电机控制器 MCU 0x7E0 0x7E8 0x7DF EVBUS 新能源系统诊断规范 9 / 47 specified in this section. 4.2.1. Supported Diagnostic Services The overview of ECU supported diagnostic services is described in the following table. Table 5 Supported diagnostic services of ECU Diagnostic Services Lis

14、t Session Security Access Addressing SID (Hex) Service Name Default Extended Programming Physical Address Function Address 10 DiagnosticSession Control 11 EcuReset 27 SecurityAccess 28 CommunicationControl 3E TesterPresent 85 ControlDTCSetting 22 ReadDataByIdentifier 2E WriteDataByIdentifier 1 3 2F

15、InputOutputControlByIdentifier 1 14 ClearDiagnosticInformation 19 ReadDTCInformation 31 RoutineControl 1 3 34 RequestDownLoad 3 36 TransferData 3 37 RequestTransferExit 3 说明:访问权限1 表示需要扩展安全级权限, 3 表示需要编程安全级权限。 The services need to support suppressPositveResponseBit (SPRS) are showed in following table

16、. Tab 5. Services supported SPRS bit Diagnostic Services List Support SPRS bit SID (Hex) Service Name 10 DiagnosticSessionControl 新能源系统诊断规范 10 / 47 Diagnostic Services List Support SPRS bit SID (Hex) Service Name 11 EcuReset 27 SecurityAccess 28 CommunicationControl 3E TesterPresent 85 ControlDTCSet

17、ting 22 ReadDataByIdentifier 2E WriteDataByIdentifier 14 ClearDiagnosticInformation 19 ReadDTCInformation 2F InputOutputContorlByIdentifier 31 RoutineControl 34 RequestDownload 36 TransferData 37 RequestTransferExit The negativeResponseCodes (NRC) used by ECU are defined as follows: Tab 6. Negative

18、Response Codes NRC(Hex) Description 11H serviceNotSupported 12H subFunctionNotSupported 13H incorrectMessageLengthOrInvalidFormat 22H conditionsNotCorrect 24H requestSequenceError 36H exceededNumberOfAttempts 31H requestOutOfRange 33H securityAccessDenied 37H requiredTimeDelayNotExpired 35H InvalidK

19、ey 72H generalProgrammingFailure 78H responsePending 7FH serviceNotSupportedInActiveSession 92H/93H VoltageTooHigh / voltageTooLow 7EH subFunctionNotSupportedInActiveSession If two or more NRCs are reasonable, the ECU could send the negative response 新能源系统诊断规范 11 / 47 message according to the follow

20、ing priority rules : The 7Fh NRC have the highest priority; For others, the NRC with smaller number has higher priority. 4.2.2. DiagnosticSessionControl(10H) This service is used by the client to enable different diagnostic sessions in the server(s). A diagnostic session enables a specific set of di

21、agnostic services in the server(s). Message Format Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 10 #2 Sub-function = DefaultSession ProgrammingSession ExtendedDiagnosticSession M 01 02 03 Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 50 #2

22、Sub-Function= DefaultSession ProgrammingSession ExtendedDiagnosticSession M 01 02 03 P2server = #3 byte#1 M 00-FF #4 byte#2 M 00-FF P2*server = #5 byte#1 M 00-FF #6 byte#2 M 00-FF Timing P2server value is provided in 1ms resolution. Timing P2*server value is provided in 10ms resolution. Negative Res

23、ponse: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 10 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Sub-function Parameter Definition HEX Description Cvt 01 DefaultSession This diagnostic session enables the default diagnostic session in the server(s)and does not supp

24、ort any diagnostic application timeout handling provisions. (e.g. no TesterPresent service is M 新能源系统诊断规范 13 / 47 the S3servertimer will reset. Fig 3. Session transition diagram 4.2.3. ECUReset (11H) This service requests the server to effectively perform an ECU reset based on the content of the Res

25、etType parameter value (suppressPosRspMsgIndicationBit (bit 7) not shown). Message Format Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 11 #2 Sub-Function= ResetType: HardReset SoftReset M 01 03 Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M

26、51 #2 Sub-Function= ResetType: HardReset SoftReset M 01 03 Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 11 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Sub-function Parameter Definition Option (Hex) Description Cvt 01 HardReset This value identifies

27、 a “hard reset” condition which simulates the M 新能源系统诊断规范 14 / 47 power-on / start-up sequence typically performed after a server has been previously disconnected from its power supply (i.e. battery). 03 SoftReset This value identifies a “soft reset” condition, which causes the server to immediately

28、 restart the application program if applicable. The performed action is implementation specific and not defined by the standard. A typical action is to restart the application without reinitializing of previously learned configuration data, adaptive factors and other long-term adjustments. M Negativ

29、e Response Codes (NRC) NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong M 22 The criteria for the ECUReset request are not met. M Implementation Rules The positive response shall be sent before performing the

30、 ECU reset. The execution of reset will take ms, which means the ECU can t respond to any new request sent within this time. 4.2.4. CommunicationControl(28H) The service is used to “switch on/off” the transmission and/or the reception of certain messages of (a) server(s). Message Format Req

31、uest: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 28 #2 Sub-Function = EnableRxAndTx DisableRxAndTx M 00 03 #3 CommunicationType= NormalCommunicationMessagesNetworkManagementCommunicationMessages NetworkManagementCommunicationMessagesAndNormalCommunicationMessages M 01 02 03 Positive Resp

32、onse: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 68 #2 Sub-Function = EnableRxAndTx EnableRxAndDisableTx DisableRxAndEnableTx DisableRxAndTx M 00 01 02 03 新能源系统诊断规范 15 / 47 Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M

33、28 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC) NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong M 22 The operating conditions of the server are not met to perform the required action. M 31 None of the r

34、equested CommunicationType values are supported by the device. M Sub-function Parameter Definition: Option(hex) Description Cvt 00 EnableRxAndTx This value indicates that the reception and transmission of messages shall be enabled for the specified CommunicationType. M 03 DisableRxAndTx This value i

35、ndicates that the reception and transmission of messages shall be disabled for the specified CommunicationType. M Data Parameter Definition: Option(hex) Description Cvt 01 NormalCommunicationMessages This value references all application-related communication (inter-application signal exchange betwe

36、en multiple in-vehicle servers). M 02 NetworkManagementCommunicationMessages This value references all network management related communication. M 03 NetworkManagementCommunicationMessagesAndNormalCommunicationMessages This value references all network management and application-related communicatio

37、n M Implementation Rules There are no special general implementation rules for this service. 4.2.5. SecurityAccess(27H) The purpose of this service is to provide a means to access data and/or diagnostic services, which have restricted access for security or safety reasons. Diagnostic servic

38、es for downloading/uploading routines or data into a server and reading specific memory locations from a server are situations where security access may be required. Improper routines or data downloaded into a server could potentially damage the electronics or other vehicle components or risk the ve

39、hicles compliance to safety, or 新能源系统诊断规范 16 / 47 security standards. The security concept uses a seed and key relationship. The client shall request the server to unlock by sending the service SecurityAccess-RequestSeed message. The server shall respond by sending a seed. The seed is the input para

40、meter for the key calculation algorithm. It is used by the client to calculate the corresponding key value. In a second step, the client shall request the key comparison by sending the calculated key to the server using the appropriate service SecurityAccess-SendKey. The server shall compare this ke

41、y to one internally stored/calculated. If the two numbers match, then the server shall enable (unlock) the clients access to specific services/data and indicate that with the service SecurityAccess-SendKey. If the two numbers do not match, this shall be considered as a false access attempt. If acces

42、s is rejected for any other reason, it shall not be considered as a false access attempt. An invalid key requires the client to start over from the beginning with a SecurityAccess-RequestSeed message. If a server supports security, but is already unlocked when a SecurityAccess-RequestSeed message is

43、 received, that server shall respond with a SecurityAccess-RequestSeed positive response message service with a seed value equal to zero (0). The client shall use this method to determine if a server is locked by checking for a non-zero seed. The Seed-Key algorithmfor SecurityAccess(Mandatory): Key

44、= (seed4) XOR seed)3) XOR seed) 。 The Security Seed is 4Bytes random numbers. 新能源系统诊断规范 17 / 47 Compute KeyCompute KeyGenerate SeedCompare KeyTesterECUSecurity AccessRequest Seed $27 $xxPositive ResponseSend Seed $67 $xxSecurity AccessSend Key 27 $yyResponseAccept Key $67 $yy/Reject Key $7F $27 $35

45、Fig 4. Security Access procedure Message Format Request Seed This service requests a seed from the server. Based on this seed, the client is able to calculate the corresponding key to be sent for unlocking the server. Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier

46、M 27 #2 SecurityAccessType = RequestSeed M 01,11 Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 67 #2 SecurityAccessType = RequestSeed M 01,11 SecuritySeed = M #3 seed#1 (high byte) M 00-FF 新能源系统诊断规范 18 / 47 #6 seed#m (low byte) M 00-FF Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt

47、 Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 27 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC) NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong. M 22 The criteria for the

48、SecurityAccess request are not met. M 37 requiredTimeDelayNotExpired M Send Key This service sends a key calculated by the client to the server. The server shall compare this key to one internally stored/calculated. If the two numbers match, then the server shall enable (“unlock”) the cli

49、ents access to specific services/data. Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 27 #2 SecurityAccessType = SendKey M 02,12 SecurityKey = M #3 key#1 (high byte) M 00-FF #6 key#m (low byte) M 00-FF Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 67

50、#2 SecurityAccessType = SendKey M 02,12 Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 27 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC) NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not suppor

51、ted. M 13 The length of the message is wrong. M 22 The criteria for the SecurityAccess request are not met. M 24 requestSequenceError The “sendKey” sub-function is received without first receiving a “requestSeed” request message. M 35 invalidKey M 36 exceededNumberOfAttempts Send if the delay timer

52、is active due to exceeding the maximum number of M 新能源系统诊断规范 19 / 47 allowed falseaccess attempts. Sub-function Parameter Definition HEX Description Cvt 01 requestSeed(level 1) M 02 sendKey(level 1) M 11 requestSeed(level 3 flash) M 12 sendKey(level 3 flash) M Implementation Rules After Pow

53、erOn/Reset the ECU is in locked state. The security access failure counter is set to 0. The ECU shall wait 10 s before accepting the first RequestSeed message after EcuReset/PowerOn. After the third failure attempt the ECU shall wait 10s before accepting the next “Request Seed” message. A flag is st

54、ored in the EEPROM of the ECU. On every PowerOn/Reset, the ECU checks for this flag,then waits again 10s before accepting the next “Request Seed” message (It is allowed to implement the Security Access requirement without based on the Flag ) Any SecurityAccess request during this time will be reject

55、ed with the negative response code “Required time delay not expired” (37h). If the tester requests a seed, it has to send the corresponding key to the ECU. This sequence is mandatory. If the tester sends a consecutive “Request Seed”, the request is accepted and the same seed is returned, but the sec

56、urity access failure counter is incremented. If the tester sends an invalid key, the request is rejected with negative response code “InvalidKey”, the sequence sh all be reset (any current seed becomes invalid) and the security access failure counter is incremented. When the security counter reaches

57、 the value of 3 (i.e. 3 failed tries), the ECU shall wait 10s before accepting another “Request Seed” message. Any such request during this time will be rejected with the negative response code “Required time delay not expired” (37h). When the 10s wait time is elapsed the security access failure cou

58、nter is decremented by one and another try is allowed. When during this try the security access failure counter is incremented again (due to an invalid key), the ECU shall wait again 10s before accepting another “Request Seed” message. When this try is valid, the security access failure counter is n

59、ot changed. BJEV uses four states (three different levels): Locked, Unlocked (Level 1), Unlock (Level 2) and Unlocked (Flash). The ECU could support some of them according to the requirement. 新能源系统诊断规范 20 / 47 Fig 5. SecurityAccess Fig 6. SecurityAccess NRC requirements 新能源系统诊断规范 21 / 47 4.2.6. Test

60、erPresent(3EH) This service shall be used to indicate to a server that the client is present. This service is required in the absence of other UDS services to prevent servers from automatically returning to normal operation and stop communication. Message Format Request: Byte Name Cvt Value

61、(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 3E #2 zeroSubFunction M 00 Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 7E #2 zeroSubFunction M 00 Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 3E #3 NegativeRespons

62、eCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC): NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong. M Sub-function Parameter Definition HEX Description Cvt 00 ZeroSubFunction This parameter value is used to indicate that no s

63、ub-function value beside the suppressPosRspMsgIndicationBit is supported by this service. M Implementation Rules There are no special general implementation rules for this service. 4.2.7. ControlDTCSetting(85H) This service is used to enable and disable the setting of Diagnostic Trouble Cod

64、es, DTCs, in the ECU(s). The ControlDTCSetting request message can be used to stop the setting of diagnostic trouble codes in an individual server or a group of servers. If the server being addressed is not able to stop the setting of diagnostic trouble codes, it shall 新能源系统诊断规范 22 / 47 respond with

65、 a ControlDTCSetting negative response message indicating the reason for the reject. Message Format Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 85 #2 DTCSettingType = On Off M 01 02 Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M C5 #2 DTCSe

66、ttingType On Off M 01 02 Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 85 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Sub-function Parameter Definition HEX Description Cvt 01 On The server(s) shall resume the setting of diagnostic trouble codes acco

67、rding to normaloperating conditions M 02 Off The server(s) shall stop the setting of diagnostic trouble codes. M Negative Response Codes(NRC) NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong M 22 The operating conditi

68、ons of the server are not met to perform the required action. U Implementation Rules The setting of DTCs in the ECU shall be switched off directly after the request ControlDTCSetting with setting mode 2 (switch off) is received (Option: Suppress positive response message indication bit is s

69、et) or after successful transmission of the positive response (Option: Suppress positive response message indication bit is not set). The setting of DTCs in the ECU shall be switched on again, when one of the following events occurs: 新能源系统诊断规范 23 / 47 The request ControlDTCSetting with setting mode

70、1 (switch on) is received (Option: Suppress positive response message indication bit is set) or after successful transmission of the positive response (Option: Suppress positive response message indication bit is not set). The ECU power supply voltage is down (reset or ECU power down event). The dia

71、gnostic session changes from Extended Diagnostic Session to Default Session. The services ReadDTCInformation - ReportDTCByStatusMask, ReadDTCInformation - ReportSupportedDTCand ClearDiagnosticInformation shall not be affected by this service. 4.2.8. ReadDataByIdentifier(22H) The request message requ

72、ests data record values from the server by one or more dataIdentifier(s). When receiving a ReadDataByIdentifier request, the server will access the data elements of the records specified by thedataIdentifier parameter(s) and transmit their value in ReadDataByIdentifier positive response containing t

73、heassociated dataRecord parameter(s). Message Format Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 22 DataIdentifier #1 = #2 byte#1 (MSB) M 00-FF #3 byte#2 M 00-FF . DataIdentifier #m = #n-1 byte#1 (MSB) U 00-FF #n byte#2 U 00-FF Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 P

74、ositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 62 DataIdentifier #1 = #2 byte#1 (MSB) M 00-FF #3 byte#2 M 00-FF DataRecord #1 = #4 data#1 M 00-FF 新能源系统诊断规范 25 / 47 #4 data#1 U 00-FF #m+3 data#m U 00-FF Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 6E DataIdentifier #1 = #2 byte#1

75、 (MSB) M 00-FF #3 byte#2 M 00-FF Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 2E #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC) NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 13 The length of the message is wrong. M 22 1. The operating conditio

76、ns of the ECU are such that it cant performthe required action (e.g.,the data for a DataIdentifier is stored in EEPROM and an EEPROM failurehas occurred). 2. The ECU internal conditions do not allow the writing of anyDataIdentifier/ IdentificationOption. 1) The system is currently in initialization.

77、 2) The system is currently in InputOutputControlByIdentifier service active stage. 3) The system is currently busy at modifying memory. 4) The vehicle is moving. U 31 1. The dataIdentifier in the request message is not supported in the server or the dataIdentifier is supported for read only purpose

78、 (via ReadDataByIdentifier service). 2. Any data transmitted in the request message after the dataIdentifier is invalid (if applicable to the node). M 33 The dataIdentifier, which reference a specific address, is secured and the server is not in an unlocked state. M 72 The server detects an error wh

79、en writing to a memory location. M Data Parameter Definition: For dataIdentifier supported by the ECU, please refer to appendix B. Implementation Rules It is the system suppliers responsibility that the server conditions are met when performing any action request by this service, including

80、but not limited to the following: 1)The high and low voltage current faultdoes not existin the system. Please specify other rulesin your module. 新能源系统诊断规范 26 / 47 4.2.10. InputOutputControlByIdentifier (2FH) This service is used by the tester to substitute a value for an input signal, internal ECU f

81、unction and/or control an output of an electronic system referenced by an inputOutputDataIdentifier . Message Format Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 2F DataIdentifier #1 = #2 byte#1 (MSB) M 00-FF #3 byte#2 M 00-FF ControlOptionRecord#1 = #4 ControlState#1/In

82、putOutputControlParameter M/U 00-FF #4+(m-1) ControlState #m C 00-FF ControlEnableMaskRecord#1 = #4+m ControlMask #1 C 00-FF #4+m+(r-1) ControlMask #r C 00-FF Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 6F DataIdentifier #1 = #2 byte#1 (MSB) M 00-FF #3 byte#2 M 00-F

83、F ControlStatusRecord#1 = #4 ControlState#1/InputOutputControlParameter C 00-FF #4+(m-1) ControlState #m C 00-FF Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 2F #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC) NRC (Hex) Cond

84、itions Cvt 13 The length of the message is wrong. M 22 ConditionsNotCorrect M 24 The “returnControlToECU” sub-function is received without first receiving a “ShortTermAdjustment” requestmessage. M 新能源系统诊断规范 27 / 47 31 1. The server does not support the requested dataIdentifier. 2.The user optional i

85、nputOutputControlParameter contains invalid data. 3. One or multiple of the controlState are invalid. M 33 The corresponding security is not yet granted to perform the required service. M Data Parameter Definition Option (Hex) Description Cvt 00 returnControlToECU This parameter specifies that the E

86、CU shall take control of the value of dataIdentifier. M 01 ResetToDefault The value shall indicate to the server that it is requested to reset the input signal, in-ternal parameter or output signal referenced by the inputOutputLocalIdentifier to its default state. Number of controlState bytes in req

87、uest: 0 Number of controlState bytes in pos. response: depends on the dataIdentifier M 03 ShortTermAdjustment This parameter specifies that the ECU shall set the value of dataIdentifier to request value of the controlStateParamter.If the diagnostic communication with the tester is broken, the contro

88、l shallbe given back to the ECU. M Implementation Rule It is the system suppliers responsibility that the server conditions are met when performing any action request by this service,including but not limited to the following: 1) The high and low voltage current faultdoes not existin the s

89、ystem. 2)The controlled system, including the actuator, has no fault. Please specify other rules in your module. 4.2.11. ClearDiagnosticInformation (14H) This service is used by the client to clear diagnostic information in the servers memory. Message Format Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(he

90、x) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 14 GroupOfDTC = #2 groupOfDTCHighByte M 00-FF #3 groupOfDTCMiddleByte M 00-FF 新能源系统诊断规范 28 / 47 #4 groupOfDTCLowByte M 00-FF Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 54 Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseSer

91、viceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 14 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC) NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 13 The length of the message is wrong M 22 The ECU internal conditions do not allow deletion of thediagnostic information stored in the node. These are: 1) The veh

92、icle is moving. 2) The system is currently in initialization or shutdown process. 3) The system is currently in I/O Control. 4) The system is in the process of changing some Memory content. M 31 Wrong groupOfDTC values in request. M Data Parameter Definition: Option (Hex) Description FFFFFF All Grou

93、ps (all DTCs) xxxxxx A particular DTC Implementation Rule The implementation of clearing diagnostic information will take the time of seconds. The DTCs stored in RAM and non-volatile memory shall be cleared before the positive response is sent. With the parameter groupOfDTC it is also poss

94、ible to clear only a specific group of DTCs or a specific DTC. A subsequent call to read out the fault memory shall not retrieve any DTC which has been set before the last execution of ClearDiagnosticInformation. Even if no DTC was stored, the ECU shall return with a positive response. There shall b

95、e no sequence dependency to any other service. Even if the fault memory was not read, it may be cleared. A DTC can just be cleared by tester with service 14h. 4.2.12. ReadDTCInformation (19H) This service allows a client to read the status of server-resident Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) information

96、 from any server, or group of servers within a 新能源系统诊断规范 29 / 47 vehicle. Message Format ReadDTCInformation-ReportNumberOfDTCByStatusMask(0x19 0x01) Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 Sub-Function= M #2 ReportNumberOfDTCByStatusMask 01 #3 DTCStat

97、usMask M 00-FF Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 59 Sub-Function= M #2 ReportNumberOfDTCByStatusMask 01 #3 DTCStatusAvailabilityMask M 01-FF DTCFormatIdentifier = #4 ISO15031-6DTCFormat M 00 DTCCount= #5 DTCCountHighByte M 00-FF #6 DTCCountLowByte M 00-FF

98、Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC): NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is

99、wrong M 31 requestOutOfRange M ReadDTCInformation- ReportDTCByStatusMask (0x19 0x02) Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 Sub-Function= M #2 ReportDTCByStatusMask 02 #3 DTCStatusMask M 00-FF Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceId

100、entifier M 59 新能源系统诊断规范 30 / 47 Sub-Function= M #2 ReportDTCByStatusMask 02 #3 DTCStatusAvailabilityMask M 01-FF DTCAndStatusRecord C #4 DTCHighByte#1 00-FF DTCMiddleByte#1 00-FF DTCLowByte#1 00-FF statusOfDTC#1 00-FF DTCHighByte#2 00-FF DTCMiddleByte #2 00-FF DTCLowByte#2 00-FF statusOfDTC#2 00-FF

101、00-FF DTCHighByte#m 00-FF DTCMiddleByte#m 00-FF DTCLowByte#m 00-FF #N statusOfDTC#m 00-FF Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC): NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-func

102、tion parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong M 31 requestOutOfRange M ReadDTCInformation-reportDTCSnapshotIdentification (0x19 0x03) Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 Sub-Function= M #2 reportDTCSnapshotI

103、dentification 03 Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 59 Sub-Function= M #2 reportDTCSnapshotIdentification 03 DTCRecord C #3 DTCHighByte#1 00-FF #4 DTCMiddleByte#1 00-FF #5 DTCLowByte#1 00-FF #6 DTCSnapshotRecordNumber #1 00-FF 新能源系统诊断规范 31 / 47 DTCRecord #m

104、 C #n-3 DTCHighByte#m 00-FF #n-2 DTCMiddleByte#m 00-FF #n-1 DTCLowByte#m 00-FF #n DTCSnapshotRecordNumber #m 00-FF Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC): NRC (Hex) C

105、onditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong M 31 requestOutOfRange M ReadDTCInformation- reportDTCSnapshotRecordByDTCNumber (0x19 0x04) Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 Sub-Func

106、tion= M #2 ReportDTCSnapshotRecordByDTCNumber 04 DTCMaskRecord = #3 DTCHighByte M 00-FF #4 DTCMiddleByte M 00-FF #5 DTCLowByte M 00-FF #6 DTCSnapshotRecordNumber M 00-FF Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 59 Sub-Function= M #2 ReportDTCSnapshotRecordByDTCNu

107、mber 04 DTCAndStatusRecord C #3 DTCHighByte 00-FF #4 DTCMiddleByte 00-FF #5 DTCLowByte 00-FF #6 statusOfDTC 00-FF #7 DTCSnapshotRecordNumber#1 00-FE #8 DTCSnapshotRecordNumberOfIdentifiers #1 00-FF DTCSnapshotRecord #1 = #9 dataIdentifier#1 byte (MSB) 00-FF #10 dataIdentifier#1 byte (LSB) 00-FF 新能源系

108、统诊断规范 32 / 47 #11 snapshotData#1 byte #1 00-FF #11+(p-1) snapshotData#1 byte #p 00-FF #11+(p-1) +(p+2)*(w-2)+1 dataIdentifier#w byte (MSB) 00-FF #11+(p-1) +(p+2)*(w-2)+2 dataIdentifier#w byte (LSB) 00-FF #11+(p-1) +(p+2)*(w-2)+3 snapshotData#w byte #1 00-FF #11+(p-1) +(p+2)*(w-2) +3+(p-1) snapshotDa

109、ta#wbyte #p . #t DTCSnapshotRecordNumber#x 00-FE #t+1 DTCSnapshotRecordNumberOfIdentifiers#x 00-FF DTCSnapshotRecord#x= # t+2 dataIdentifier#1 byte (MSB) 00-FF # t+3 dataIdentifier#1 byte (LSB) 00-FF # t+4 snapshotData#1 byte #1 00-FF # t+4+(p-1) snapshotData#1 byte #p 00-FF # t+4+(p-1) +(p+2)*(w-2)

110、+1 dataIdentifier#w byte (MSB) 00-FF # t+4+(p-1) +(p+2)*(w-2)+2 dataIdentifier#w byte (LSB) 00-FF # t+4+(p-1) +(p+2)*(w-2)+3 snapshotData#w byte #1 00-FF # t+4+(p-1) +(p+2)*(w-2)+3 +(p-1) snapshotData#w byte #p Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 Reque

111、stServiceIdentifier M 19 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC): NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong M 31 requestOutOfRange M ReadDTCInformation-ReportSupportedDTC (0x19 0x

112、0A) Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) 新能源系统诊断规范 33 / 47 #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 Sub-Function= M #2 ReportSupportedDTC 0A Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 59 Sub-Function= M #2 ReportSupportedDTC 0A #3 DTCStatusAvailabilityMask M 01-FF DTCAndStatu

113、sRecord = #4 DTCHighByte #1 M 00 #5 DTCMiddleByte #1 #6 DTCLowByte #1 M 00-FF #7 statusOfDTC #1 M 00-FF #7+4*(m-2)+1 DTCHighByte #m M 00-FF #7+4*(m-2)+2 DTCMiddleByte #m M 00-FF #7+4*(m-2)+3 DTCLowByte #m M 00-FF #7+4*(m-2)+4 statusOfDTC #m M 00-FF Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeR

114、esponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 19 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC): NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt 12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M 13 The length of the message is wrong M 31 requestOutOfRange M Data Param

115、eter Definition The following dataparameters are defined for this service. Parameter Description DTCStatusMask The DTCStatusMask contains 8 DTC status bits.This byte is used in the request message to allow an external test tool to request DTC information for the DTCs whose status matches the DTC Sta

116、tus Mask. A DTCs status matches the DTC Status Mask if any one of the DTCs actual status bits is set to “1” and the corresponding status bit in the DTCStatusMask is also set to “1”. (i.e., if the DTC Status Mask is bit-wise logically ANDed with the DTCs actual status and the result is non-zero, then

117、 a match has occurred). If the external test tool specifies a status mask that contains bits that the ECU does not support, then the ECU shall process the DTC information using only the bits that it does support. The ECU supported DTC statuses are described in the following table. Bit Field Bit Fiel

118、d Description Cvt 新能源系统诊断规范 34 / 47 0 test failed 0x00 false 0x01 true This bit shall indicate the result of the most recently performed test. A logical 1 shall indicate that the last test failed meaning that the failure is completely matured (Active). A logical 0 shall indicate that the result of t

119、he most recently performed test returns a “pass” result. Reset to 0 after a call of Clear Diagnostic Information. M 1 Test failed this operation cycle 0x00 false 0x01 true This bit shall indicate that a diagnostic test has reported a Test Failed result at any time during the current operation cycle.

120、Reset to 0 when a new operation cycle is initiated or after a call to Clear Diagnostic Information.Once this bit is set to 1, it shall remain a 1 until a new operation cycle is started. 2 pending DTC 0x00 false 0x01 true This bit shall indicate whether or not a diagnostic test has reported a Test Fa

121、iled result at any time during the current or last completed operation cycle. The status shall only be updated if the test runs and completes. The criteria to set the Pending DTC bit and the Test Failed This Operation Cycle bit are the same. The difference is that the Test Failed This Operation Cycl

122、e is cleared at the end of the current operation cycle and the Pending DTC bit is not cleared until an operation cycle has completed where the test has passed at least once and never failed. Reset to 0 after a call of ClearDiagnosticInformation. 3 confirmed DTC 0x00 false 0x01 true This bit shall in

123、dicate whether a malfunction was detected enough times to warrant that the DTC is stored in long-term memory (Pending DTC has been set = 1 one or more times for emission relevant electronic control units). This information can be used by the external test tool to request additional diagnostic inform

124、ation such as Extended Data Records or Snapshot Records. A Confirmed DTC does not indicate that the malfunction is present at the time of the request (Pending DTC or Test Failed can be used to determine if a malfunction is present at the time of the request.). Reset to logical 0 after a call to Clea

125、r Diagnostic Information or after self-healing criteria has been satisfied or after discarding this DTC due to Fault Memory overflow. M 4 Test not complete since last clear 0x00 false 0x01 true This bit shall indicate whether a DTC test has run to completion since the last time a call was made to Cl

126、ear Diagnostic Information. One (1) shall indicate that the DTC test has not run to completion. If the test runs and passes or fails (Test Failed This Operation Cycle = 1) then the bit shall be set to a Zero (0) and latched. Reset to One (1) after a call to Clear Diagnostic Information. 5 Test faile

127、d since last clear 0x00 false 0x01 true This bit shall indicate whether a DTC test has ever returned a Test Failed = 1 result since the last time a call was made to Clear Diagnostic 新能源系统诊断规范 35 / 47 Information (latched Test Failed This Operation Cycle =1).Zero (0) shall indicate that the test has

128、not run or that the DTC test ran and passed (but never failed). If the test runs and fails then the bit shall remain latched at a 1. Reset to Zero(0) after a call to Clear Diagnostic Information. In contradiction to the Confirmed DTC this bit is not reset by self-healing criteria or when it was over

129、written due to an overflow of the fault memory. 6 Test not complete this operation cycle 0x00 false 0x01 true This bit shall indicate whether a DTC test has ever run and completed during the current operation cycle. One (1) shall indicate that the DTC test has not run to completion during the curren

130、t operation cycle. If the test runs and passes or fails then the bit shall be set (and latched) to 0 until a new operation cycle is started. Reset to 1 after a call to Clear Diagnostic Information. 7 Warming indicator requested Warning indicator requested 0x00 false 0x01 true This bit shall report t

131、he status of any warning indicators associated with a particular DTC. Warning outputs may consist of indicator lamp(s), displayed text information, etc. If no warning indicators exist for a given system or particular DTC, this status shall default to a logic”0” state.The bit is set to 1 when the per

132、formed test results failed.Reset to a logical 0 after a call to Clear Diagnostic Information. 冻结帧具体信息参见附录 A。 4.2.13. RoutineControl (31H) This service is used by the client to start/stop a routine and request routine results in the servers memory. The routine is identified by a 2-byte RoutineIdentif

133、ier. Message Format Request: Byte Name Cvt Value(hex) #1 RequestServiceIdentifier M 31 #2 RoutineControlType M 00-FF RoutineIdentifier = #3 byte#1 (MSB) M 00-FF #4 byte#2 (LSB) M 00-FF RoutineControlOptionRecord = . #5 routineControlOption#1 C/U 00-FF #n routineControlOption#m C/U 00-FF 新能

134、源系统诊断规范 36 / 47 C: This parameter is user optional to be present for sub-function parameter startRoutine and stopRoutine. Positive Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 PositiveResponseServiceIdentifier M 71 #2 RoutineControlType M 00-7F RoutineIdentifier = #3 byte#1 (MSB) M 00-FF #4 byte#2(LSB) M 00-FF

135、RoutineStatusRecord = . #5 routineStatus#1 U 00-FF #n routineStatus#m U 00-FF Negative Response: Byte Name Cvt Value #1 NegativeResponseServiceIdentifier M 7F #2 RequestServiceIdentifier M 31 #3 NegativeResponseCode M NRC Negative Response Codes(NRC): NRC (Hex) Conditions 12 The sub-function paramet

136、er in the request message is not supported. 13 The length of the message is wrong. 22 The criteria for the request RoutineControl are not met. 24 This code shall be returned if the “stopRoutine” or “requestRoutineResults” Sub-functionis received without first receiving a “startRoutine” for the reque

137、stedroutineIdentifier. 31 This code shall be returned if: 1) the server does not support the requested routineIdentifier; 2) the user optional RoutineControlOptionRecord contains invalid data for therequested routineIdentifier. 33 The corresponding security is not yet granted to perform the required

138、 service. Sub-function Parameter Definition: Option (Hex) Description Cvt 01 StartRoutine This parameter specifies that the server shall start the routine specified by theroutineIdentifier. M 03 RequestRoutineResults This parameter specifies that the server shall return result values of the routines

139、pecified by the routineIdentifier. M Data Parameter Definition: RoutineIdentifier (Hex) Description 0203 CheckPreprogramConditon This value shall be used to check the servers preprogram condition before reprogramming the ECU. FF00 eraseMemory This value shall be used to start the servers memory eras

140、e routine. 新能源系统诊断规范 37 / 47 FF01 checkProgrammingDependencies This value shall be used to check the servers memory programming dependencies. 0202 CheckDataIntegrity This value shall be used to check the servers memory data integrity, it is recommended to use CRC32 algorithms. Implementati

141、on Rule It is the system suppliers responsibility that the server conditions are met when performing any action request by this service. Please specify other rules in your module. 4.2.14. RequestDownLoad(34H) 参见北汽新能源 Bootloader 刷新规范。 4.2.15. TransferData (36H) 参见北汽新能源 Bootloader 刷新规范。 4.2.16. Reques

142、tTransferExit (37H) 参见北汽新能源 Bootloader 刷新规范。 新能源系统诊断规范 38 / 47 5. 故障定义 序号 故障名称 故障码 DTC 2 MCU 相电流过流故障 P113519 3 电机超速故障 P0A4400 具体参见北汽新能源 XXXXX 系统故障定义。 6. 故障码 DTC 中英文对照表 序号 故障码 DTC 故障中文名称 故障英文名称 2 P113519 MCU 相电流过流故障 3 P0A4400 电机超速故障 新能源系统诊断规范 附录 A:冻结帧信息(附录 A 与正文进行“分隔符下一页“设置,纸张大小设置 A3,纸张方向设置横向,在下表格属性设

143、置“在各页顶端以标题形式重复出现” ) (冻结帧编号代表冻结帧涉及不同 DID 的组合, 如果组合一样, 则为同一编号, 编号为 16 进制 Hex,从 01FF)(以下表格以 MCU 为例进行设计,各分系统应根据各自故障库对冻结帧信息进行设计) 编号 故障码 DTC 是否冻结 DID 组合 3 2 209 020C 020E 020D 020F 020A 020B 0 1 P116016 是 P116116 P116216 2 P113519 是 3 P0A4400 是 4 P114017 是 5 P114016 是 6 P117098 是 P117198 P117298 7 P117F98

144、 是 8 P0A2F98 是 9 P112164 是 10 P118A12 是 P118B12 P118C12 11 P0A3F00 是 12 P11801C 是 P11811C P11821C 13 P11881C 是 14 P0A001C 是 15 P11841C 是 新能源系统诊断规范 40 / 47 编号 故障码 DTC 是否冻结 DID 组合 3 2 209 020C 020E 020D 020F 020A 020B 0 16 P0A5101 是 17 P113064 是 18 U040186 是 19 U010087 是 20 P0A0A94 是 21 U300317 是 22 U

145、300316 是 23 P11A01C 是 24 P118A28 否 P118B28 P118C28 25 P118D28 否 26 P060444 否 27 P060545 否 28 P062F46 否 新能源系统诊断规范 附录 B: 参数定义(附录 B 与上文附录 A 进行“分隔符下一页“设置,纸张大小设置 A4,纸张方向设置纵向,在下表格属性设置“在各页顶端以标题形式重复出现”) B.1 版本信息参数列表: 编号 名称 DID(Hex) Read Write 备注 1 VIN F190 2 零件号 F187 3 应用软件指纹 F184 4 供应商代码 F18A 5 ECU 硬件版本号 F

146、191 6 ECU 软件版本号 F195 7 编程日期 F199 B.2 数据流参数列表: (以下表格为 MCU 涉及 DID,各分系统应根据各自情况设计 DID) 编号 名称 DID(Hex) Read Write 备注 1 驱动电机工作模式命令 0202 2 整车行驶状态命令 0212 3 驱动电机控制器工作状态 0203 新能源系统诊断规范 42 / 47 编号 名称 DID(Hex) Read Write 备注 4 整车 State 状态 0213 5 直流母线电压 0200 6 直流母线电流 0201 7 驱动电机目标转矩命令 0204 8 驱动电机目标转速命令 0206 9 驱动电

147、机当前转矩 0205 10 驱动电机当前转速 0207 11 MCU IGBT 温度(A 相) 0214 12 MCU IGBT 温度(B 相) 0215 13 MCU IGBT 温度(C 相) 0216 14 MCU 温度 0208 15 驱动电机温度 0209 16 Id 给定值 020C 17 Id 反馈值 020E 18 Iq 给定值 020D 19 Iq 反馈值 020F 20 Ud 020A 21 Uq 020B 22 转子位置电角度 0217 23 转子位置初始角度 0218 24 MCU 低压电源电压 0210 新能源系统诊断规范 B.3 版本信息参数定义(B.3 与上文附录

148、B.2 进行“分隔符下一页“设置,纸张大小设置 A3,纸张方向设置横向,在下表格属性设置“在各页顶端以标题形式重复出现” ) DID 信号/变量名称 访问权限 数据宽度/字节 描述 分辨率 偏移量 最小值 最大值 22 2e 2f F190 VIN 0 1 17 VIN 字符#1: “L” 字符#2: “N” 字符#3: “B” 字符#4: “S” 字符#5: “C” 字符#6: “C” 字符#7: “3” 字符#8: “H” 字符#9: “x” (随机) 字符#10: “E” 字符#11: “M” 字符#12-字符#17:Serial Number “000001-999999” F187

149、零件号 0 9 零件号 字符#1-字符#9:Serial Number”E00008200-E00009000” 参见 Q-BJEV 01.6-2012 产品零部件号和图样号编制及要求 F184 应用软件指纹 0 3 9 应用软件指纹 字符#1:年(BCD 编码) 字符#2:月(BCD 编码) 字符#3:日(BCD 编码) 字符#4:诊断仪串号(0-FF) 字符#5:诊断仪串号(0-FF) 字符#6:诊断仪串号(0-FF) 字符#7:诊断仪串号(0-FF) 字符#8:诊断仪串号(0-FF) 字符#9:诊断仪串号(0-FF) F18A 供应商代码 0 10 供应商代码 字符#1-字符#10: A

150、010E00656 北汽大洋电机科技有限公司 D010E01018 北京大郡晟誉驱动系统技术有限公司 A010J00417 苏州和鑫电气股份有限公司 A411E01241 大连电机集团有限公司 新能源系统诊断规范 44 / 47 DID 信号/变量名称 访问权限 数据宽度/字节 描述 分辨率 偏移量 最小值 最大值 22 2e 2f F191 ECU 硬件版本号 0 9 ECU 硬件版本号 字符#1-字符#9:Serial Number”E10000001-E10000050” 参见 Q-BJEV 01.12-2012 控制器版本和刷新管理规定 F195 ECU 软件版本号 0 9 ECU 软

151、件版本号 字符#1-字符#9:Serial Number”E10000051-E10000255” 参见 Q-BJEV 01.12-2012 控制器版本和刷新管理规定 F199 编程日期 0 3 3 编程日期 字符#1:年(BCD 编码) 字符#2:月(BCD 编码) 字符#3:日(BCD 编码) 说明:访问权限0表示不需要安全级权限,1表示需要扩展安全级权限,3表示需要编程安全级权限,表示不支持相应服务。 新能源系统诊断规范 45 / 47 B.4 数据流参数定义(B.4 与上文附录 B.3 进行“分页符下一页“设置,纸张大小设置 A3,纸张方向设置横向,在下表格属性设置“在各页顶端以标题形

152、式重复出现” ) (以下表格为 MCU 涉及 DID,各分系统应根据各自情况设计 DID) DID 信号/变量名称 单位 访问权限 数据宽度/位 描述 分辨率 偏移量 最小值 最大值 22 2e 2f 0202 驱动电机工作模式命令 N/A 0 Byte 0 0 MCU 使能命令 0-Disable 1-Enable 1-3 驱动电机工作模式命令 0-待机模式 1-转矩模式 2-转速模式 37-Void 4-5 驱动电机转矩、转速指令方向命令 0-Void 1-正指令 2-负指令 3-Void 6-7 保留 03-Void 0212 整车行驶状态命令 N/A 0 Byte 0 0-1 保留 0

153、3-Void 2-4 档位信号 0-Void 1-P档 2-N档 3-R档 4-D档 5-L档 6-B档 7-Invalid 5 制动信号 0-未踩制动踏板 1-已踩制动踏板 新能源系统诊断规范 46 / 47 6 保留 0-Void 1-Void 7 防溜坡功能使能命令 0-Disable 1-Enable 0203 驱动电机控制器工作状态 N/A0Byte 0 0 MCU 初始化状态 0-初始化未完成 1-初始化已完成 1-2 驱动电机当前状态 0-待机状态 1-电动状态 2-发电状态 3-Void 3-5 驱动电机当前工作模式 0-待机模式 1-转矩模式 2-转速模式 37-Void 6

154、-7 驱动电机当前旋转方向 0-待机状态 1-正转(前进) 2-反转(倒车) 3-Void Byte 1 0 驱动电机控制器高压检测完成标志 0-未完成 1-已完成 1 EEPROM 写数据完成标志位 0-未完成 1-已完成 2 驱动电机控制器高压放电完成标志位 0-未完成 1-已完成 3 驱动电机控制器低压下电请求标志 0-未完成 新能源系统诊断规范 47 / 47 位 1-已完成 4 驱动电机系统降功率请求标志位 0-全功率运行 1-降功率运行 5 驱动电机控制器关闭使能请求标志位 0-不关使能 1-关使能 6-7 保留 03-Void 0213 整车 State 状态 N/A016 整车

155、状态机编码 1 0 0 65534 0200 直流母线电压 V 0 16 直流母线电压实际值 0.02 0 0 1310 0201 直流母线电流 A 0 16 直流母线电流实际值 0.04 - 0 0204 驱动电机目标转矩命令 Nm 0 16 MCU 接收到的转矩指令 0.04 - 0 0206 驱动电机目标转速命令 rpm 0 16 MCU 接收到的转速指令 0.6 -1 660 0205 驱动电机当前转矩 Nm 0 16 电机当前转矩实际值 0.04 - 0 0207 驱动电机当前转速 rpm 0 16 电机当前转速实际值 0.6 -1 660 0214 MCU IGBT 温度(A 相)

156、 0 8 A 相 IGBT 模块当前内部温度 1 -48 -48 206 0215 MCU IGBT 温度(B 相) 0 8 B 相 IGBT 模块当前内部温度 1 -48 -48 206 0216 MCU IGBT 温度(C 相) 0 8 C 相 IGBT 模块当前内部温度 1 -48 -48 206 0208 MCU 温度 0 8 MCU 当前散热底板温度 1 -48 -48 206 0209 驱动电机温度 0 8 驱动电机当前温度 1 -48 -48 206 020C Id 给定值 A 0 16 D 轴电流给定值 0.04 - 0 020E Id 反馈值 A 0 16 D 轴电流反馈值 0.04 - 0 020D Iq 给定值 A 0 16 Q 轴电流给定值 0.04 - 0 020F Iq 反馈值 A 0 16 Q 轴电流反馈值 0.04 - 0 020A Ud V 0 16 D 轴电压 0.04 - 0 020B Uq V 0 16 Q 轴电压 0.04 - 0 0217 转子位置电角度 0 8 转子位置电角度 1.5 0 0 382 0218 转子位置初始角度 0 8 转子位置初始角度 1.5 0 0 382 0210 MCU 低压电源电压 V 0 8 MCU 低压供电电源电压 0.12 0 0 30



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