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1、Unit Seven At the Hospital Part I Culture Background Part II Functional Language Part III Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 Part IV Reproduction Part V Words, phrases and SentencesPart VII Speaking Practice Making a Dialogue Speaking English Through Picture TranslationWarming-up Questions (1) How often do

2、 you go to hospital for checkups? (2) What do you think of the medical welfare in our country? (3) Should doctors take in “Hongbao” (money in red envelops as tips) from their patients? Part I Culture Background There is a large network of public hospitals and nursing posts spread across the State to

3、 provide accessible health care to all communities. There are also hospital support services and palliative care facilities. Hospitals provide a broad range of in-patient and out-patient health care services to match the needs of the community. In-patient services include medical, surgical, pediatri

4、c, obstetric and rehabilitation services. Many hospitals also provide mental health services and services for older people. Most hospitals provide out-patient services including emergency services, day procedures, diagnostic and assessment services, and therapy services. Hospitals also support vario

5、us community-based programs to prevent or reduce the need for hospitalization.Part II Functional Language Inquiry Id like to know where the registration office is, please?Id like to make a registration for the medical department. please. Do you have a record? Do you have insurance? Whats wrong with

6、you? Whats up with you? Whats the matter? Whats the trouble? Is anything wrong? Are your bowels regular? Are you allergic to any medication? Doctor, I have sore eyes for three days, could you give me an examination? Responses It is right in the hall. Go straight and youll see the sign.May I have you

7、r name, please? Please have a seat and fill out this form. When you complete it, please return it to me.Yes.Im sick. My backs giving me a bit of trouble.Im under the weather.Im in bad shape.I dont feel well. I feel awful. I have a headache. Its not a sharp pain, just sort of a dull ache. What sort o

8、f pain do you get here? Ive had two movements this morning. Let me have a look.Part III Sample Dialogues Dialogue 1 (Preston didnt feel good in the cold and foggy winter days in Beijing. So he went to the hospital to check.)Preston: Good morning, doctor. Doctor: Morning, take a seat. What seems to b

9、e the trouble? Preston: Im terribly weak. I think I have the flu.Doctor: Tell me the symptoms.Preston: It all began the day before yesterday. I went to play volleyball with my wife. And I took a cold shower after the game. You know, it was a tough game and I sweat a lot.Doctor: Yeah, thats how you g

10、ot the flu.Preston: Right. The next morning, when I woke up, I found I had lost my voice. I have a sore throat and headaches. I have a running nose, running eyes, and I think I have a temperature.Doctor: Did you take your temperature?Preston: No, I didnt. But I know I must have a fever. I am feeling

11、 all dizzy and I could hear this roaring noise in my ears.Doctor: I see. Michael, open your mouth wide and lets see your throat. Say Ah ”. Preston: “Ah ”. Doctor: Yes, its very red. And Ill have to take your temperature, too. ( After a while )Doctor: Yes, Mr. Johnson, you have a fever. Im afraid you

12、 are right. You might have caught the flu. Ill give you some injections and some medicine for you to take.Preston: OK.Doctor: Heres the prescription. Please go to the injection room on the second floor and then get your medicine on the same floor. You have to have three injections a day. This is for

13、 oral administration. Id like you to take one of these pills three times a day. Preston: I understand.Doctor: And you have to have a good rest. Stay in bed for a day or two. Heres your sick leave certificate. Drink plenty of water and take good care of yourself.Preston: Thank you, doctor. Part IV Re

14、productions Try to reproduce the sample dialogues. Preston went to the hospital because he felt terribly weak. Doctor asked his symptoms. Preston told the doctor that he got a cold shower after a tough volleyball game; the next morning he woke up, he had lost his voice, felt a sore throat and headac

15、hes. He also had running nose, running eyes and a temperatures. Doctor asked what the temperature was. Preston said he did not know but he felt all dizzy and roaring noise in his ears. Doctor then checked his throat, its red; took his temperature, its high. The doctor judged Preston might have caugh

16、t the flu and then gave him the prescription of injections and medicine. Doctor told Preston how to use the injection and medicine and where he could find the injection room and pharmacy. He also told him to have a good rest, drink plenty of water and give him a sick-leave certificate. 3. Useful Sen

17、tences Im in bad shape. 我身体状况不好。Id like to make an appointment to see the doctor. 我想挂号看病。I feel sluggish. (I feel powerless. I feel weary. I feel tired.) 我觉得懒散无力。I just feel all pooped. 我只觉得筋疲力尽。I have a hoarse cough. 我咳得声音都哑了。Its been hanging around four days. 这样已经持续四天了。Youd be well advised not to

18、overwork yourself.你最好不要过度疲劳。I have a heavy feeling in my chest.我胸部有压迫感。I feel dizzy. (I feel light-headed.) 我头昏脑胀。It keeps hanging on.这老是不好。Its sort of hung on.这似乎不见好。I think you need a shot to deaden the pain first. 我看你需要先打一针止疼。These tablets should clear up the trouble. 这些药片可以解除病痛。Get plenty of exe

19、rcise.要多锻炼身体。Keep away from rich foods. (Avoid greasy foods. Avoid heavy foods.)不要吃油腻食物。You should go on a diet.你应该节食。 A change of diet may do you good.改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。This kind of disease is infectious and it is necessary to pay attention to isolation.这病是传染性的,有必要隔离。Keep to your bed. (Stay in bed and

20、rest.)要卧床休息。Drink plenty of water. (Try to have more water.)尽量多喝水。Part VII Speaking Practice 1. Making Dialogues You and your partner are supposed to make dialogues according to the situations. (1) You are Richard, you go to see a doctor. Your head ached but your arms and legs didnt feel weak. The d

21、octor said that Richard didnt have to stay in bed and advised Richard to take some medicine every four hours. (2) Michael doesnt feel well in the stomach and he goes to see the doctor. The doctor examines him and gives him some advice. 4. Translation(1) 英美有许多私人医生和私人诊所。(2) 国外的医疗费用十分昂贵,因此许多人都有健康医疗保险。(3) 这儿正流行着一种讨厌的病毒,问题大概就出在这里。(4) 有些药品需要拿医生的处方到药房才能买到。(5) 关节炎是一种慢性病, 我给你开点中药吧。



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