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1、第十四单元 商务性口译(汉译英)Unit 14Interpreting Business Speeches (Chinese-English)2021/8/61Unit 14 Interpreting Business Speeches (C-E)v14-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev14-2:亚洲合作 Asian Cooperationv14-3:外资企业 Foreign-capital Enterprisesv14-4:经济关系 Economic Links2021/8/6214-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev

2、贸易自由化:trade liberalization;v公正地配置资源:allocate resources fairly;v促进生产力发展:expand the productive forces;v多边贸易体制:multilateral trading system;v国际经济新秩序:a new international economic order;v造福人民:benefit all countries;v贸易摩擦/纠纷:trade frictions and disputes;v明智的态度:wise manner;2021/8/63Vocabulary Workv友好协商:frien

3、dly consultation;v互利共赢:mutually beneficial and win-win ;v实实在在的利益:tangible economic benefits;v获利丰厚:make a handsome profit;v驰名品牌:famous brand;v零售企业:retailing firms;v不可逆转:irreversible;v互补性:complementarities;v据统计:statistics show that;2021/8/64Vocabulary Workv劳动密集型:labor intensive products;v低资本产品:low-val

4、ue products;v自动数据处理:data processing;v家用电器:household electric appliances;v劳动力成本优势:labor cost advantages;v美中贸易逆差:U.S. trade deficit with China;v人民币汇率:RMB exchange rate;v知识产权:intellectual property right;v高瞻远瞩的战略眼光:a strategic perspective of vision and foresight;2021/8/65Vocabulary Workv利益所在:the interes

5、t ofv奠定坚实的基础:provide a sound and stable climate for v工商业界:business communitiesv切实有力的措施:forcible policy measures2021/8/6614-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev在经济全球化不断发展的背景下,贸易自由化问题日益受到人们的关注。vAgainst the background of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has captured increasing attent

6、ion.v建议:注意成语或者习惯用法以及专有名词的翻译。2021/8/6714-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev正确认识和把握经济全球化和贸易自由化问题,对促进全球经济健康发展具有十分重要的意义。vTo put economic globalization and trade liberalization in their right perspective is of great importance to the healthy development of the global economy.v建议:有时候顺着句子的顺序翻译就可以了。2021/8/

7、6814-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev关键在于要以冷静而明智的态度正确对待和处理摩擦和纠纷。vThe key lies in how to cope with these issues correctly in a cool and wise manner.v建议:翻译不影响句子的基本意思。因此,在翻译时,也要注意省略的现象。2021/8/6914-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev我们一贯主张,对于双边和多边经济贸易关系中出现的摩擦和争端,有关方面应当本着相互尊重的原则,通过友好协商谋求解决。vWe have al

8、ways advocated that parties involved should adhere to the principle of mutual respect and settle bilateral or multilateral trade disputes through friendly consultation.v建议:注意成语或者习惯用法以及专有名词的翻译。2021/8/61014-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev虽然两国贸易摩擦时有发生,但是具有很大互补性的经贸合作的总体发展是不可逆转的。vAlthough trade dispu

9、tes between the two countries often arise, the overall development in bilateral trade and economic cooperation, which enjoys complementarities in vast fields, is irreversible.2021/8/61114-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev互利共赢的经济关系给两国人民带来了实实在在的经济利益。vMutually beneficial and win-win trade and economi

10、c ties have delivered tangible economic benefits to the two people.2021/8/61214-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev我们希望俩国在对待贸易分歧和摩擦时要有一种高瞻远瞩的战略眼光。vAs for the differences and frictions over trade, the two countries need to take a strategic perspective of vision and foresight toward trade frictions an

11、d disputes.2021/8/61314-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Tradev我们也希望各国政府采取更为切实有力的政策措施,促使俩国在经济、贸易、科技、文化、教育、卫生等领域里的全面合作有更大的发招。vWe wish the government of your country will take forcible policy measures to fuel stronger growth in the all-round cooperation between our two countries in such areas as economy,

12、trade, science and technology, culture, education and health.2021/8/61414-2:亚洲合作 Asian Cooperation (Vocabulary Work)v博鳌亚洲论坛:Boao Forum for Asia;v博大精深:profound;v包容:tolerance;v亚太经合组织:the East Asia regional cooperation;v东盟:ASEAN;v重要渠道:channels of cooperation;v独到见解 :insightful views;v全方位合作:all-round coo

13、peration;2021/8/615Vocabulary Workv优先合作领域:priorities of cooperation;v形成良性互动:well complement each other;v自我封闭:self-reclusive;v排他性集团:exclusive groups;v新跨越:modernization drive;v恪守入世承诺:honor WTO commitments;v有步骤地:in a step-by-step manner;v扩大开放领域:open more;v关税壁垒:tariff;2021/8/616Vocabulary Workv完善法治:impr

14、ove the rule of law;v透明的市场环境:a market environment that is fairer;v可预见的:predictable;v实施“走出去”战略:carry out going out” strategy;v劳动智慧:labor wisdom;v自强不息:persistent in self-development;2021/8/61714-2:亚洲合作 Asian Cooperationv亚洲是地球上最大的洲,资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深,亚洲任命勤智慧,自强不息。vAs the biggest continent on the eart

15、h, Asia has abundant resources, a long history and propound cultures. The people in Asia are diligent, talented and persistent in self-development.2021/8/61814-2:亚洲合作 Asian Cooperationv包容,平等和渐进的地区合作意识近年来日益加强。vIn recent years, there has been a growing awareness of regional cooperation featuring great

16、er tolerance, equality and gradual progress.2021/8/61914-2:亚洲合作 Asian Cooperationv从实际需要和实践看,可以把贸易、交通、农业、信息、能源、作为优先合作领域,并逐渐向其他领域扩展。vGiven our real needs and experience, such areas as trade, communications, agriculture, information and energy can be made priorities of cooperation, which will be gradua

17、lly expanded to include other areas.2021/8/62014-2:亚洲合作 Asian Cooperationv区域合作和双边合作两者可以互补。vRegional cooperation and bilateral cooperation can very well complement each other.2021/8/62114-2:亚洲合作 Asian Cooperationv我们恪守入世承诺,有步骤地扩大开放领域,降低关税水平, 取消非关税壁垒。vWe will honor our WTO commitments, opening more are

18、as in a step-by-step manner, lowering our tariffs and removing non-tariff barriers.2021/8/62214-3:外资企业 Foreign-capital Enterprises (Vocabulary Work)v法规:law;v合法权益:legitimate rights;v利润:profits;v国务院:the State Council;v审查批准:agency authorize;v工商行政管理机关:industry and commerce administrative authorities;v法人

19、资格:the state of a Chinese legal entity;2021/8/623Vocabulary Workv吊销营业执照:cancel business license;v变更、注销登记手续:change administrative authorities;v设置会计账簿:set up account books;v独立核算:conduct independent accounting;v报送会计报表:submit the accounting statements;v财政税务机关:financial and tax authorities;v免税:duty free;

20、2021/8/624Vocabulary Workv缴纳所得税:pay income tax;v清算:liquidation2021/8/62514-3:外资企业 Foreign-capital Enterprisesv设立外资企业的申请,由国务院对外经济贸易管理部门或者国务院的机关审查批审。vThe application to establish a foreign-capital enterprise shall be submitted for examination and approval to the department under the State Council whic

21、h is in charge of foreign economic relations and trade, or to another agency authorized by the State Council.2021/8/62614-3:外资企业 Foreign-capital Enterprisesv外资企业分立、合并或者其他重要事项变更,应当报审查机关批准,并向工商行政机关办理变更登记手续。vIn the event of separation, merger or other major changes, a foreign-capital enterprise shall r

22、eport to and seek approval from the authorities in charge of examination and approval, and register the change with industry and commerce administrative authoriities.2021/8/62714-3:外资企业 Foreign-capital Enterprisesv外资企业终止,应当及时公告,依照法定程序进行清算,并向工商行政管理关办理注销登记手续,缴销营业执照。vWhen terminating its operation, a f

23、oreign-capital enterprise shall promptly issue a public notice and proceed with liquidation in accordance with legal procedures. At the termination, the foreign-capital enterprise shall nullify its registration with the industry and commerce administrative authorities and hand in its business licens

24、e for cancellation.2021/8/62814-4:经济关系 Economic Links Vocabulary Workv世界多极化:a multi-polar world;v经济全球化:economic globalization;v科学技术突飞猛进:the rapid progress in science and technology;v前所未有:unprecedented;v广阔前景:a broad prospect;v指导思想:philosophies and concepts;v处于弱者地位:in the disadvantaged state;v公正配置世界资源

25、:allocate resources fairly;2021/8/629Vocabulary Workv加深数字鸿沟:worsen the digital divide ;v警惕:facilitate ;v商机:business opportunities ;v很有见解的看法:a sensible and well-grounded view ;v全面建设小康社会:build a well-to-do society ;v与时俱进:advance with the times ;v以更加积极的姿态:take a more active part ;v国际通行的市场规则: the univer

26、sally acknowledged market rules;2021/8/630Vocabulary Workv透明的投资政策:open policies;v全方位:multi-directional;v多层次:multi-level;v宽领域:opening up in a wide range of area;2021/8/63114-4:经济关系 Economic Linksv推动新经济的发展,不仅要求我们用先进的科学技术更新经济,而且要求我们适应这个发展趋势来更新经济结构、经济体制、经济机制、更新国与国,企业与企业之间的经济关系,更新推进各国开展经济技术合作的指导思想。vTo pr

27、omote the development of the New Economy, we must not only update our economy with advanced science and technology, but also, in response to this new trend of development, revamp the economic structures, systems, and mechanisms accordingly, readjust the economic relationships between states and betw

28、een enterprises and update our philosophies and concepts for economic and technological cooperation across national boundaries.2021/8/63214-4:经济关系 Economic Linksv在推动经济全球化和贸易自由化的过程中,世贸组织应充分考虑经济发展处于弱势的国家和人民。vThe WTO should give full regard to the interests of the economically disadvantaged countries a

29、nd people while pushing forward economic globalization and trade liberalization.2021/8/63314-4:经济关系 Economic Linksv改革开放以来,中国企业与国外、海外企业积极开展经济技术合作,取得了巨大成就,取得了互利和共赢的结果。vSince Chinas reform and opening up, Chinese enterprises have vigorously undertaken economic and technical cooperation with overseas en

30、terprises and scored tremendous achievement, hence mutual benefit and all-win.2021/8/63414-4:经济关系 Economic Linksv中国将以更加积极的姿态参与区域及全球范围的经济技术合作,进一步推动全方位,多层次,宽领域的对外开放。vChina will take a more active part in regional and global economic technical cooperation, and endeavor to promote a multi-directional and multi-level opening-up in a wide range of areas.2021/8/635本章小结一、经济词汇的意义理解(平时要适当读一些经济方面的书籍)二、贸易中专有名词的翻译(根据意义进行翻译)三、国际商务的英语表达(注意一些约定俗成的表达形式)2021/8/636



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