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1、海氏评分表-海氏薪点法各评价子因素的等级含义及举例 海氏薪点法各评价子因素的等级含义及举例 一、第一大因素:智能水平 (一)子因素 1:有关科学知识、专门技术与实际方法 等级 含义 岗位举例 基本的 熟悉简单工作程序 复印机操作员 初等业能同时操作多种简单的设备以完成一个工作流 接待员、打字员、订单收订员 务的 程 中等业 对一些基本的方法和工艺熟练,需具有使用专人力资源助理、秘书、客户服务的 业设备的能力 务员、电气技师 高等业能应用较为复杂的流程和系统,此系统需要应 调度员、行政助理、拟稿人、务的 用一些技术知识(非理论性的) 维修领班、资深贸易员 基本专对涉及不同活动的实践所相关的技术有

2、相当的会计、劳资关系专员、工程师、门技术理解,或者对科学的理论和原则基本理解 人力资源顾问、中层经理 的 熟练专通过对某一领域的深入实践而具有相关知识,人力资源经理、总监、综合部门技术或者/并且掌握了科学理论 门经理、专业人士(工程、法的 律等方面) 精通专精通理论,原则和综合技术 专家(工程、法律等方面)、门技术 CEO、副总、高级副总裁 的 权威专在综合技术领域成为公认的专家 公认的专家 门技术 的 (二)子因素 2:管理诀窍 等级 含义 岗位举例 起码的 仅关注活动的内容和目的,而不关心对其它活会计、分析员、一线督导和经 动的影响 理、业务员 相关的 决定部门各种活动的方向、活动涉及几个

3、部门主任、执行经理 的协调等 多样的 决定一个大部门的方向或对组织的表现有决定助理副总、副总、事业部经理 的影响 广博的 决定一个主要部门的方向,或对组织的规划,中型组织 CEO、大型组织的副 运作有战略性的影响 总 全面的 对组织进行全面管理 大型组织的 CEO (三)子因素 3:人际关系技巧 等级 含义 岗位举例 基本的 基本沟通技巧要求在组织内与其他员工进行礼会计、调度员、打字员 貌和有效的沟通,以获取信息和澄清疑问 重要的 此种能力既要理解他人的观点,也要有说服力以 订货员、维修协调员、青年 影响行为和改变观点或者改变处境,对于安排并辅导员 low rotor, until rotor

4、 of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exists must Yang degrees, so should note adjustment makes rotor keep and stator

5、within bore concentric, makes rotor not and coil contact. Panasonic lane hook, remove wire rope hoist, wrapped at the rotor excitation-side shoulder arc washer, and move the lifting wire rope to protect mat. Two 5T chain hoist end beam connections and welded to the rotor carriers, length adjusted fo

6、r field conditions, and at the other end of the stator lifting hook or end cap end lugs connected, as shown in Figure 11.4.3-1. With Lane slightly single head upgrade rotor Reed end, keep rotor level, demolition rotor Bay or support sleepers, then slowly synchronization pull two only chain gourd, ma

7、kes rotor in steam end sliding block of support Xia along arc skateboard to steam end sliding, this process in the, lane must and rotor of sliding keep synchronization, in rotor of steam end and Reed end are due hand guardianship rotor and stator Zhijian of clearance. Dang by steam end side has nurs

8、ing ring protection of coil end Department into stator within bore Hou, slightly upgrade rotor Reed end, in rotor ontology following loaded into Central sliding block, its loaded into Hou must very carefully to along axis to for find are, and note observation rotor coupling in wear loaded process in

9、 the whether turned, as has should stop wear loaded, needed on Central sliding block location again for find are, while should note in Central sliding block placed yihou only allows steam end sliding block beyond stator within bore, and in Central sliding block and steam end rotor nursing ring Zhiji

10、an at least should keep must of distance ( 300MW 76mm, 1000MW is 50mm). When the steam side slider close to steam at the end of the stator bore 督导他人工作的人,需要此类的沟通能力。 关键的 对于需理解和激励人的岗位,需要最高级的沟通人力资源督导、小组督导、 能力;需要谈判技巧的岗位也属此等级 大部分经理、大部分一线督 导、CEO、助理副总、副总 二、第二大因素:解决问题的能力 (一)子因素 1:思维环境 等级 含义 高度常规性的 有非常详细和精确的法

11、规和规定作指导并可获得不断的协助。 常规性的 有非常详细的标准规定并可立即获得协助。 半常规性 有较明确定义的复杂流程,有很多的先例可参考,并可获得适当的协助。 标准化的 有清晰但较为复杂的流程,有较多的先例可参考,可获得协助。 明确规定的 对特定目标有明确规定的框架。 广泛规定的 对功能目标有广泛规定的框架,但某些方面有些模糊、抽象。 一般规定的 为达成组织目标和目的,在概念、原则和一般规定的原则下思考,有很 多模糊、抽象的概念。 抽象规定的 依据商业原则、自然法则和政府法规进行思考。 (二)子因素 2:思维难度 等级 含义 重复性的 特定的情形仅需对熟悉的事情作简单的选择。 模式化的 相似

12、的情形仅需对熟悉的事情进行鉴别性选择。 中间型的 不同的情形,需要在熟悉的领域内寻找方案。 适应性的 变化的情形要求分析、理解、评估和构建方案。 无先例的 新奇的或不重复的情形,要求创造新理念和富有创意的解决方案。 三、第三大因素:承担的职务责任 (一)子因素 1:行动的自由度 等级 含义 岗位举例 有规定的 此岗位有明确工作规程或者有固定的体力劳动者、工厂工人 人督导 受控制的 此岗位有直接和详细的工作指示或者普通维修工、一般文员 有严密的督导 标准化的 此岗位有工作规定并已建立了工作程贸易助理、木工 序并受严密的督导 一般性规范的 此岗位全部或部分有标准的规程、一般 秘书、生产线工人、大多

13、数一 工作指示和督导。 线文员 有指导的 此岗位全部或部分有先例可依或有明 大多专业职位、部分经理、部 确规定的政策,也可获督导 分主管 方向性指导的 仅就本质和规模,此岗位有相关的功能 某些部门经理、某些总监、某 性政策,需决定其活动范围和管理方向 些高级顾问 广泛性指引的 就本质和规模,此岗位有粗放的功能性某些执行经理、某些副总助理、 政策和目标,以及宽泛的政策 某些副总 low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor o

14、f while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exists must Yang degrees, so should note adjustment makes rotor keep and stator within bore concentric, makes rotor not and coil contact. Panasonic lane hook, remove wi

15、re rope hoist, wrapped at the rotor excitation-side shoulder arc washer, and move the lifting wire rope to protect mat. Two 5T chain hoist end beam connections and welded to the rotor carriers, length adjusted for field conditions, and at the other end of the stator lifting hook or end cap end lugs

16、connected, as shown in Figure 11.4.3-1. With Lane slightly single head upgrade rotor Reed end, keep rotor level, demolition rotor Bay or support sleepers, then slowly synchronization pull two only chain gourd, makes rotor in steam end sliding block of support Xia along arc skateboard to steam end sl

17、iding, this process in the, lane must and rotor of sliding keep synchronization, in rotor of steam end and Reed end are due hand guardianship rotor and stator Zhijian of clearance. Dang by steam end side has nursing ring protection of coil end Department into stator within bore Hou, slightly upgrade

18、 rotor Reed end, in rotor ontology following loaded into Central sliding block, its loaded into Hou must very carefully to along axis to for find are, and note observation rotor coupling in wear loaded process in the whether turned, as has should stop wear loaded, needed on Central sliding block loc

19、ation again for find are, while should note in Central sliding block placed yihou only allows steam end sliding block beyond stator within bore, and in Central sliding block and steam end rotor nursing ring Zhijian at least should keep must of distance ( 300MW 76mm, 1000MW is 50mm). When the steam s

20、ide slider close to steam at the end of the stator bore 战略性指引 有组织政策的指导,法律和社会限制,关键执行人员、某些副总、 组织的委托 CEO. 一般性无指引的 只受社会法律制约,受国家或地区宏观董事长 形势影响 (二)子因素 2:职务对后果形成的作用 等级 含义 岗位举例 间接 后勤 这些岗位由于向其它岗位提供服务或某些文员、数据录入员、后勤 信息对职务后果形成作用 员工、内部审计、门卫 辅助 这些岗位由于向其它岗位提供重要的工序操作员、秘书、工程师、 支持服务而对结果有影响 会计 直接 分摊 此岗位对结果有明显的作用 介于辅助部门

21、副经理 和主要之间 主要 此岗位直接影响和控制结果 督导、经理、总监、副总裁 (三)子因素 3:职务责任 等级 含义 财务指标(仅供参 考) 微小 组织中一般岗位的责任 0,1000 元 少量 组织中较重要岗位(主管、重要技术人员)的责任 1000,10000 元 中级 组织中中层岗位、技术权威的责任 10000,100000 元 大量 组织中高层岗位的责任 100000 元以上 low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor

22、 of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exists must Yang degrees, so should note adjustment makes rotor keep and stator within bore concentric, makes rotor not and coil contact. Panasonic lane hook, remove

23、wire rope hoist, wrapped at the rotor excitation-side shoulder arc washer, and move the lifting wire rope to protect mat. Two 5T chain hoist end beam connections and welded to the rotor carriers, length adjusted for field conditions, and at the other end of the stator lifting hook or end cap end lug

24、s connected, as shown in Figure 11.4.3-1. With Lane slightly single head upgrade rotor Reed end, keep rotor level, demolition rotor Bay or support sleepers, then slowly synchronization pull two only chain gourd, makes rotor in steam end sliding block of support Xia along arc skateboard to steam end

25、sliding, this process in the, lane must and rotor of sliding keep synchronization, in rotor of steam end and Reed end are due hand guardianship rotor and stator Zhijian of clearance. Dang by steam end side has nursing ring protection of coil end Department into stator within bore Hou, slightly upgra

26、de rotor Reed end, in rotor ontology following loaded into Central sliding block, its loaded into Hou must very carefully to along axis to for find are, and note observation rotor coupling in wear loaded process in the whether turned, as has should stop wear loaded, needed on Central sliding block l

27、ocation again for find are, while should note in Central sliding block placed yihou only allows steam end sliding block beyond stator within bore, and in Central sliding block and steam end rotor nursing ring Zhijian at least should keep must of distance ( 300MW 76mm, 1000MW is 50mm). When the steam

28、 side slider close to steam at the end of the stator bore 海氏职务分析指导图表(之一) 智能水平 管 理 诀 窍 起码的 有关的 多样的 广博的 全面的 人际关系 基本重要关键基本重要关键基本重要关键基本重要关键基本重要关键技巧 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 50 57 66 66 76 87 87 100 115 115 132 152 152 175 200 基本的 57 66 76 76 87 100 100 115 132 132 152 175 175 200 230 66 76 87 87 10

29、0 115 115 132 152 152 175 200 200 230 264 66 76 87 87 100 115 115 132 152 152 175 200 200 230 264 初 等 76 87 100 100 115 132 132 152 175 175 200 230 230 264 304 业务的 87 100 115 115 132 152 152 175 200 200 230 264 264 304 350 87 100 115 115 132 152 152 175 200 200 230 264 264 304 350 有中 等 关 100 115 132

30、 132 152 175 175 200 230 230 264 304 304 350 400 科业务的 学 115 132 152 152 175 200 200 230 264 264 304 350 350 400 460 知识 115 132 152 152 175 200 200 230 264 264 304 350 350 400 460 高 等 、132 152 175 175 200 230 230 264 304 304 350 400 400 460 528 专业务的 门 152 175 200 200 230 264 264 304 350 350 400 460 4

31、60 528 608 技术 152 175 200 200 230 264 264 304 350 350 400 460 460 528 608 与基本专门 实 175 200 230 230 264 304 304 350 400 400 460 528 528 608 700 技术的 际 200 230 264 264 304 350 350 400 460 460 528 608 608 700 800 方法 200 230 264 264 304 350 350 400 460 460 528 608 608 700 800 熟练专门 230 264 304 304 350 400

32、400 460 528 528 608 700 700 800 920 技术的 264 304 350 350 400 460 460 528 608 608 700 800 800 920 1056 264 304 350 350 400 460 460 528 608 608 700 800 800 920 1056 精通专门 304 350 400 400 460 528 528 608 700 700 800 920 920 1056 1216 技术的 350 400 460 460 528 608 608 700 800 800 920 1056 1056 1216 1400 权威专

33、门 350 400 460 460 528 608 608 700 800 800 920 1056 1056 1216 1400 技术的 400 460 528 528 608 700 700 800 920 920 1056 1216 1216 1400 1600 460 528 600 600 700 800 800 920 1056 1056 1216 1400 1400 1600 1840 low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put

34、 low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exists must Yang degrees, so should note adjustment makes rotor keep and stator within bore concentric, makes rotor not and coil contact. Panasonic lane hoo

35、k, remove wire rope hoist, wrapped at the rotor excitation-side shoulder arc washer, and move the lifting wire rope to protect mat. Two 5T chain hoist end beam connections and welded to the rotor carriers, length adjusted for field conditions, and at the other end of the stator lifting hook or end c

36、ap end lugs connected, as shown in Figure 11.4.3-1. With Lane slightly single head upgrade rotor Reed end, keep rotor level, demolition rotor Bay or support sleepers, then slowly synchronization pull two only chain gourd, makes rotor in steam end sliding block of support Xia along arc skateboard to

37、steam end sliding, this process in the, lane must and rotor of sliding keep synchronization, in rotor of steam end and Reed end are due hand guardianship rotor and stator Zhijian of clearance. Dang by steam end side has nursing ring protection of coil end Department into stator within bore Hou, slig

38、htly upgrade rotor Reed end, in rotor ontology following loaded into Central sliding block, its loaded into Hou must very carefully to along axis to for find are, and note observation rotor coupling in wear loaded process in the whether turned, as has should stop wear loaded, needed on Central slidi

39、ng block location again for find are, while should note in Central sliding block placed yihou only allows steam end sliding block beyond stator within bore, and in Central sliding block and steam end rotor nursing ring Zhijian at least should keep must of distance ( 300MW 76mm, 1000MW is 50mm). When

40、 the steam side slider close to steam at the end of the stator bore 海氏职务分析指导图表(之二) 解决问题的能力 思 维 难 度 重复性的 模式化的 中间型的 适应性的 无先例的 高 度 10, 14, 19, 22, 33% 常规性的 12, 16, 22, 29% 38% 常 规 12, 16, 22, 29% 38% 性 的 14, 19, 43, 25% 33% 半 常 14, 19, 43, 25% 33% 思 规性的 16, 22, 29% 38% 50, 标准 16, 22, 50, 29% 38% 维 化的 1

41、9, 43, 57, 25% 33% 明确 19, 43, 57, 25% 33% 环 规定的 22, 50, 66, 29% 38% 广泛 22, 50, 66, 29% 38% 境 规定的 43, 57, 76, 25% 33% 一般 43, 57, 76, 25% 33% 规定的 50, 66, 87, 29% 38% 抽象 50, 66, 87, 29% 38% 规定的 43, 57, 76, 100, 38% low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay suppo

42、rt, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finished, so stator within bore exists must Yang degrees, so should note adjustment makes rotor keep and stator within bore concentric, makes rotor not and coil contact. Panasoni

43、c lane hook, remove wire rope hoist, wrapped at the rotor excitation-side shoulder arc washer, and move the lifting wire rope to protect mat. Two 5T chain hoist end beam connections and welded to the rotor carriers, length adjusted for field conditions, and at the other end of the stator lifting hoo

44、k or end cap end lugs connected, as shown in Figure 11.4.3-1. With Lane slightly single head upgrade rotor Reed end, keep rotor level, demolition rotor Bay or support sleepers, then slowly synchronization pull two only chain gourd, makes rotor in steam end sliding block of support Xia along arc skat

45、eboard to steam end sliding, this process in the, lane must and rotor of sliding keep synchronization, in rotor of steam end and Reed end are due hand guardianship rotor and stator Zhijian of clearance. Dang by steam end side has nursing ring protection of coil end Department into stator within bore

46、 Hou, slightly upgrade rotor Reed end, in rotor ontology following loaded into Central sliding block, its loaded into Hou must very carefully to along axis to for find are, and note observation rotor coupling in wear loaded process in the whether turned, as has should stop wear loaded, needed on Cen

47、tral sliding block location again for find are, while should note in Central sliding block placed yihou only allows steam end sliding block beyond stator within bore, and in Central sliding block and steam end rotor nursing ring Zhijian at least should keep must of distance ( 300MW 76mm, 1000MW is 5

48、0mm). When the steam side slider close to steam at the end of the stator bore 海氏职务分析指导图表(之三) 承担的职务责任 职大小 微 小 少 量 中 级 大 量 务 等级 责金额 任 范围 间接 直接 间接 直接 间接 直接 间接 直接 职务对后果 后勤 辅助 分摊 主要 后勤 辅助 分摊 主要 后勤 辅助 分摊 主要 后勤 辅助 分摊 主要 形成的作用 10 14 19 25 14 19 25 33 19 25 33 43 25 33 43 57 有规 12 16 22 29 16 22 29 38 22 29

49、38 50 29 38 50 66 定的 14 18 25 33 19 25 33 43 25 33 43 57 33 43 57 76 16 22 29 38 22 29 38 50 29 38 50 66 38 50 66 87 受控 19 25 33 43 25 33 43 57 33 43 57 76 43 57 76 100 制的 22 29 38 50 29 38 50 66 38 50 66 87 50 66 87 115 25 33 43 57 33 43 57 76 43 57 76 100 57 76 100 132 标准 行 29 38 50 66 38 50 66 87

50、 50 66 87 115 66 87 115 152 化的 33 43 57 76 43 57 76 100 57 76 100 132 76 100 132 175 动 38 50 66 87 50 66 87 115 66 87 115 152 87 115 152 200 一般性 43 57 76 100 57 76 100 132 76 100 132 175 100 132 175 230 规范的 的 50 66 87 115 66 87 115 152 87 115 152 200 115 152 200 264 57 76 100 132 76 100 132 175 100

51、132 175 230 132 175 230 304 有指 自 66 87 115 152 87 115 152 200 115 152 200 264 152 200 264 350 导的 76 100 132 175 100 132 175 230 132 175 230 304 175 230 304 400 由 87 115 152 200 115 152 200 264 152 200 264 350 200 264 350 460 方向性 100 132 175 230 132 175 230 304 175 230 304 400 230 304 400 528 指导的 度 1

52、75 152 200 264 152 200 264 350 200 264 350 460 264 350 460 608 132 175 230 304 175 230 304 400 230 304 400 528 304 400 528 700 广泛性 152 200 264 350 200 264 350 460 264 350 460 608 350 460 608 800 指引的 175 230 304 400 230 304 400 528 304 400 528 700 400 528 700 920 2002264 350 460 264 350 460 608 350 4

53、60 608 800 460 608 800 1056 战略性 30 304 400 528 304 400 528 700 400 528 700 920 528 700 920 1216 指引的 264 350 460 608 350 460 608 800 460 608 800 1056 608 800 1056 1400 一般性 304 400 528 700 400 528 700 920 528 700 920 1216 700 920 1216 1600 无指引 350 460 608 800 460 608 800 1056 608 800 1056 1400 800 105

54、6 1400 1840 的 400 528 700 920 528 700 920 1216 700 920 1216 1600 920 1216 1600 2112 low rotor, until rotor of weight by steam end sliding block and Reed end rotor Bay support, in put low rotor of while should in Reed end rotor Bay at added pad sleeper, due to stator has preliminary adjustment finish

55、ed, so stator within bore exists must Yang degrees, so should note adjustment makes rotor keep and stator within bore concentric, makes rotor not and coil contact. Panasonic lane hook, remove wire rope hoist, wrapped at the rotor excitation-side shoulder arc washer, and move the lifting wire rope to

56、 protect mat. Two 5T chain hoist end beam connections and welded to the rotor carriers, length adjusted for field conditions, and at the other end of the stator lifting hook or end cap end lugs connected, as shown in Figure 11.4.3-1. With Lane slightly single head upgrade rotor Reed end, keep rotor

57、level, demolition rotor Bay or support sleepers, then slowly synchronization pull two only chain gourd, makes rotor in steam end sliding block of support Xia along arc skateboard to steam end sliding, this process in the, lane must and rotor of sliding keep synchronization, in rotor of steam end and

58、 Reed end are due hand guardianship rotor and stator Zhijian of clearance. Dang by steam end side has nursing ring protection of coil end Department into stator within bore Hou, slightly upgrade rotor Reed end, in rotor ontology following loaded into Central sliding block, its loaded into Hou must v

59、ery carefully to along axis to for find are, and note observation rotor coupling in wear loaded process in the whether turned, as has should stop wear loaded, needed on Central sliding block location again for find are, while should note in Central sliding block placed yihou only allows steam end sliding block beyond stator within bore, and in Central sliding block and steam end rotor nursing ring Zhijian at least should keep must of distance ( 300MW 76mm, 1000MW is 50mm). When the steam side slider close to steam at the end of the stator bore



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