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1、九限定词DeterminersP Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life, there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望1、Classification of determiners Determiners, as a class of words, includes: nDefinite Article, Indefinite Article, Zero Article.nPossessive Determiner(物主限定词): my, your, his, her, our, their, on

2、es, itsnGenitive Noun(名词属格): Johns, my friendsnDemonstrative Determiner (指示限定词): this, that, these, those, such nRelative Determiner(关系限定词): whose, which nInterrogative Determiner(疑问限定词): what, which, whose2nIndefinite Determiner(不定限定词): no, some, any, each, every, enough, either, neither, all, both

3、, half, several, many, much, a few, a little, other, anothernCardinal Numeral & Ordinal Numeral(基数词和序数词)nMultiplicative Numeral & Fractional Numeral (倍数词和分数词)nQuantifier (量词): a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great deal of, a large quantity of, etc. As for the Articles, weve discussed in lecture8, an

4、d for Numeral , well discuss it 3 in the following lecture in details. Here were going to concentrate on the other kinds of determiners. 2、 A comparative study of some determinersna(n) & one 这两个词都指“一个”,但有所不同,a(n)是指任何一个,着重类别;one指不是一个或两个,着重数量: Is the man over there an Englishman? The drum will collaps

5、e at a/one blow. Im just one player on the team.n both & all 两个词均可译作“都”,但是指两个人或物时只能用both,三个及其以上的人或事物时要用 all:4 My brother bought me “Uncle Toms Cabin” and “The Sun Also Rises”. I like both books.1)作为限定词使用的both和all 所修饰的名词若还有物主代词或定冠词修饰时,要把both 或all放在它们的前面:all the world,all my life,all that afternoon,Fo

6、r example: Both the(his) students smiled.2)All 和both 可用of 结构, 后面是名词时, of 可省去, 但若后面是人称代词时, of 不能省略: Both of them are fond of and good at physics.nall & whole all与表示时间的名词连用时, 用不用the 都可以, 但在否定句中通常不用: I couldnt sleep all night.5 Whole 后面不能接复数可数名词, 代词或专有名词: We cant say:whole inhabitants (全体居民)or whole Ch

7、ina,or whole it. But we can say:all the inhabitants, the whole of China(指领土), or all China(指各地区或全国同胞), the whole of it.what & which What 为泛指限定词, which为特指限定词, 在用于指“什么”时, 一般来说, what 用来指不定数目中的“什么”,which则指一定数目中的“什么”: 1、_car do you like best among the ones made in China? a. What b. Which c. Whose d. What

8、s 2、What kind of sports do you like?6n但实际上, what 也用来指确定数目的“什么”, 比如一年有四季, 十二个月, 一星期有七天, 等等: What season do you like best? What day of the week is today?nWhich 则常用于事先计算的场合: Which day of the week does May Day fall on this year ?nsome & any 两个词都有“一些, 若干,几分, 一点儿”之意, some常用于肯定句, any 用于疑问句,否定句和条件句。但是,some也

9、可用于疑问句表示劝请,命令或预期的肯定的回答等, 而any 在作“任何”解时,可用在肯定句中的单复数名词前: Will you have some tea? Or youll be thirsty very soon. You may take any pictures you like.7nother & another 两个词都可以修饰单数可数名词。Another是指三个以上不定数量中的另一个,而other 前面要加定冠词the,the other指两者中的另一个。Other(其它,另外)后面一般跟复数名词: We had a party last month, and it was a

10、lot of fun, so lets have another one this month. I see there are some clean cups on the table. Can you get me another one since this is dirty? He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other one. There are other ways of doing this exercise.Note: 在other 前还可用any, every, no, some等词修饰,后面所修饰名词可用单数。如:so

11、me other time , on other book, any other pen8nNo one & none No one 表示“一个也没有”只能指人,它只代表单数可数名词,接单数动词,很少和of 短语连用,none可以指人也可指物,既可代表可数名词,也可代表不可数名词。当none代表单数时,用单数动词;代表复数时,用复数动词。None后面常跟of 短语。For example: None of the girls came on the trip. It is surprising that no one in my class has heard about the accide

12、nt. None of us is wholly blameless.n many , much, a lot of, lots of & plenty of 表示“多”的意思,可用many, much, a lot of, lots of , plenty of, a good /great many, a large amount of 等。作为限定词, many和 a good /great many之后须跟9 复数名词,much 和a large amount of之后须跟不可数名词: Many animals have diseases. A rocket has many part

13、s. Many information is now transmitted through E-mail. We have a great many questions to discuss at the meeting. We are going to spend a large amount of money on childrens education.Note: many, much, a great many 等既可用作限定词, 也可用作不定代词: Have you done all these exercises? No, I havent done very much.10 H

14、as she read any English novels in the original? -Yes, a great many.na few & a little 表示“少”的意思,可用(a) few, (a)little, 既可用作限定词, 又可用作不定代词。A few, a little表示“少量”,带有肯定含意: Lets invite a few friends to come with us. Here are a few more books on this subject. I had a little difficulty in solving the problem.n

15、 few / little 若不与a 连用表示否定意义, 相当于not many / much, not enough: I have very few chocolates left. I understand little of his speech.Note: quite a few, a good few , not a few 不表示“少”,11 而表示“相当多”的含义, 相当于a fair number(of): Quite a few of us are getting worried. Youll have to wait a good few weeks. nEach & e

16、very each 强调个体性, 表示“各自不同”;every强调整体的一致性,表示“大家一致”;each用来指两个或两个以上的人或事物,every着重表明三个或三个以上的人或事物;each 可以单独作代词,而every则不可以,只能作定语: I know every member of the family. I know each member of the family. Each of us has to do his way best. Every one of us did a good job in the cleaning. Each of my parents has a b

17、ike.12neither & neither 作为泛指限定词或代词, 后面一般用单数动词。either用于肯定,意思是两者之中的一个,或两者之间的任何一个,neither 用于否定,指两者之中哪一个也不: Both of the roads lead to the railway station. You may go by either road. Neither statement is true, is it?n其他其他 某些限定词修饰单数名词和某些副词修饰形容词+名词时的词序: 不定冠语一般放在它所限定的词之前, 如, what a silly mistake he has ever

18、 made on his road to the stage! 但在下列两种情况下, 不定冠词应后置:1) such,quite, what 可以修饰单数可数名词和不可13 数名词。当它们修饰单数可数名词时, 不定冠词a/an 应放在这三个词后面: I have never seen such a large apple before. We had quite an enjoyable holiday.2)形容词前有so, as, too, how, however 修饰时, 不定冠词应置于形容词之后: how / too +形容词+a” He has too small a car to

19、take us all there. However dark a night may be an owl can see clearly.Conclusion: In this lecture, determiners are briefly discussed: the classification of determiners and a comparative study of some determiners. NowLets practice14Exercises:1._child will find his own personal road to success. a. Eve

20、ry b. Each c. Some d. The (each强调个体性, 表示“各自不同”。)2._work _to be done tomorrow. a. Great deal of / have b. A great deal of / has c. A great of / has d. A deal of / have ( we can say: a great deal of or a good deal of)3.There _a large number of things that I desire to say. a. is b. are c. was d. were a

21、 great / good / large /small number of “许多, 一些”后面接可数名词复数形式, 动词视说话人的意图, 可用单数(集合地看)或复数(个别地看)。154.I like _the books my brother, sister and parents gave me. They know what I like. a. all b. both c. some d. any5.“Are there many men there?” “_, there are_.” a. Yes / few b. No / a few c. No / few d. No / a

22、ny 6.If you want_books. Ill send you_. a. some /any b. any / any c. any / some d. many / few7.Im studying Chinese, history, and _subjects. a. the other b. other c. another d. others(another 和 the other 都只能接单数名词, other后面一般接复数名词。)168.There are shops on_side of the street, where you can buy what you wa

23、nt. a. neither b. both c. any d. either9.In _case will he come. a. either b. both c. some d. neither (neither 作为否定词用于句首时, 需要用部分倒装。)10._world is looking forward to the discovery of a new cure for cancer. a. The all b. The whole c. Altogether a d. Entirely11._alloy may be used to replace copper. a. Su

24、ch a b. Some such c. Such some d. Several such1712.The additional work will take _weeks. a. the other b. another five c. other five d. the more13.Please serve me _soup. a. more some b. the less c. more the d. some more14.Are you going to buy _rice? a. all these b. these all c. all this d. both these

25、15.Either of these books_good. a. is b. are c. a d. were(either 和neither 用作代词时, 后面一般用单数动词。)18十、十、数词(numeral) Words that precede any pre-modifying adjectives in a noun phrase and which denote such referential meanings(所指意义) as definite quantity(确定数量) or indefinite quantity are referred to as numeral.

26、 There are two kinds of numerals: cardinal numeral(one, two, fifty-two etc.) and ordinal numeral( first, tenth, fiftieth etc.)1、Uses of cardinal numeral 1)用作主语:19nIt is said that thirteen is an unlucky number.nThree of them joined the school team. (他们当中有3人参加了校队。如果说the three of them 则意谓“它们3人”。)2)用作表语

27、:nThe boy is ten.nFive times five is twenty-five.3) 用作宾语:nThe shop-assistant wears a nine on her uniform. (那个女售票员的制服上戴着9号徽章。)nIt is worth four hundred.4) 用作定语:nI have invited ten people to the party.nI have told you a hundred and one times.205) 用作同位语:nAre you two reading?nThey three joined the schoo

28、l team.6)用作状语:nI hate riding two on a bike. (我不喜欢骑自行车带人。)nPeople were three or four deep in the streets. (街上的人多达三四层。)2、Uses of Ordinal numeral1)用作主语:nThe first is better than the second.nThe first of October is our National Day.2) 用作表语:nShe was (the) fourth in the exam.n She was the third to arrive.

29、213) 用作宾语:nHe was among the first to arrive.nHe held up a piece of paper folded into fourths. (他拿起一张摺成四摺的纸。)4) 用作定语nJanuary is the first month of the year.5) 用作同位语:nOn Friday, the 10th instant, Mr. and Mrs. Cole celebrated their silver wedding-day. (科尔夫妇于本月10日星期五庆祝他们的银婚。)nWho is that man, the first

30、in the front row?6) 用作状语nWhen did you first meet him?nHe came second in the race.22 3、 Uses of Multiplicative Numeral & Fractional Numeral 1) Multiplicative NumeralnThis room is three times as large as that one.nHow much is three times three?nThe value of the house has increased fourfold since 1939.

31、 房价自1939年以来增加了3倍。Note: 表示倍数时,如表示“增加”用times 与fold,则须注意英语要多说一倍,如说“增加了3倍”,则须用four times 或fourfold,如:nOutput of coal increased four times (或fourfold). 煤产量增加了3倍。n Output of coal was four times as great as that of last year。煤产量比去年增加了3倍。232) Fractional NumeralnPopulation has increased by 200% in the past 2

32、0 years.nThis shows a 300% increase over the previous year.Note:表示分数时,分子须用基数词,分母用序数词。分子如是1以上,分母须用复数形式, 如:n 读作 a(one)half (不读作one second), 数学中可读作one over twon 读作 a (one) quarter (或fourth)n 读作 three quarters (或fourths)n2/5 读作 two fifthsn1/3 读作 a (one) third 2/3读作 two thirdsn5 读作 five and a half 小数的读法是

33、: 小数点前的基数词与前面所讲的基数词读法完全相同, 小数点后则须将数词一一读出, 如:24n1.25 读作 one point two fiven3.728 读作 three point seven two eightn0.56 读作 (naught) (美国用 zero )point five sixn0.009 读作 (naught)point naught naught nine (美国用zero代替naught) 百分数中的百分号%读作per cent, 如:n5% 读作 five per centn0.5% 读作 (naught) point five per cent n300%

34、 读作 three hundred per cent4、Number (编号) 请看下面一些例子:nNumber 6 第六号(读作number six, 缩写式: No.6)nline 4 第四行(读作line four, 缩写式: L.4)nPage 10 第十页 (读作page ten 缩写式: p.1025nLesson Eight 第八课nRoom 101 101房间(读作Room one oh one)nNo. 10 Downing Street 唐宁街10号nPlatform 5 第五站台nBus 332 332路公共汽车nTel. No. 801-4609 电话号码 801-46

35、09 读作telephone number eight oh one four six oh nine, 在eight, oh, one 之后稍加停顿。nPostcode(或zip code)100081 邮政编码1000815、Date, Month, year (年、月、日表示法)n1949 1949年 (读作nineteen forty-nine 或nineteen hundred and forty-nine)n1900 1900年 (读作nineteen hundred)n1960s(1960s) 20世纪60年代(读作nineteen sixties)26 450B.C. 公元前4

36、50年 (读作four fifty B.C. 或four hundred and fifty B.C.)476A.D. (A.D.476) 公元476年 (读作four seventy-six A.D.或 four hundred and seventy-six A.D.)February 7(th) or 7(th) February 2月7日 读February seventh (或February seven 或February seventh)。 7(th) February则读作the seventh of February。6、Hour(时刻表示法)n(at)six oclock

37、(或at six)a.m (或am) (在)上午六时nhalf past six p.m(或pm) 下午六时半n(a) quarter past six a.m (或am) 上午六时一刻n(a) quarter to eight p.m (或pm) 下午八时差一刻nfive to eight p.m(或pm) 下午八时差五分n除用文字外, 还可用阿拉伯数字表示时刻, 如:27n6.00(英式) 6:00(美式) 读作sixn6.25(英式) 6:25(美式) 读作six twenty fiven还有一种以24小时时制的表示法, 如:n06.00 或 6:00 读作 zero six hundr

38、ed hoursn21.25 或 21:25 读作 twenty-one twenty-five7、数词用于惯用法中1.基数词用来表示确定数时不能有复数形式,但在表示模糊数时却用复数形式,这常见于惯用语中: at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 Millions of 数以百计的 by hundreds 成百 thousands of 数以千计的 thousands upon thousands of 千千万万的 dozens of 几十 in twos and threes 三三两两的282.还有些惯用语中, 数词虽是确定的, 但并不表示确切的数值, 却暗含其它意思: a tho

39、usand thanks 多谢 a hundred and one questions 许多问题 have ones forty winks 打盹, 小睡 ten to ten 十有八九 ten cent store 小食杂店 talk nineteen to the dozen 喋喋不休的谈 change seventy-two times 变化无常 at the eleventh hour 在最后一刻Conclusion:nSo much for numerals. Weve discussed the uses of different numerals in this lecture.

40、 Now lets practice 29Exercises:1.The length of the reading passage increased progressively, from about four hundred and fifty words in the early units until to nearly_words in later ones. a. two thousands three hundreds b. two thousand- three hundred c. two thousand three hundreds d. two thousand th

41、ree hundred (英语基数词hundred, thousand 和million 等数词,用作限定词时,不用复数形式。用作名词时, 如果是确定数字(或接近确定)也不加复数。 比如:six hundred,thirty thousand,two hundred million等。)302._would prefer walking to taking a bus. a. Two we b. Our two c. We two d. We of two 3.You will be _ to speak at the meeting. a. first b. the first c. fir

42、st man d. first one (序数词用作定语时, 后面所限定的名词常可以省略。)4.“Have you flown very much?” “As a matter of fact, this trip is _.” a. my first b. the first to mine c. the first one of mine d. my the first(序数词前面的定冠词有时用物主人称代词替代。)315.Press the button _for a doctor and _for a nurse. a. one/two b. once/twice c. one time

43、 /two times d. once time /twice time (note: a time 作“一次”讲, 只能用于Take two pills at a time.)6.We held a grand rally to celebrate _anniversary of the founding of the Republic. a. the 50 b. the 50th c. 50th d. 507.The price of the lathe made in Dalian is _that of the one made in Shenyang. a. three times

44、higher than b. three high times than c. times three higher than d. than three times higher328.The output of cotton this year was five times_it had been in 1973. a. what b. that c. which d. when(用“基数词+times+what 从句”也可表示增加到多少倍, 包括原来的基数。译文:今年的棉花产量是1973年的五倍。)9.He went to night school for adults in_. a. his early thirty b. his early thirties c. the early thirty d. early his thirty10.It s one in _that you passed the entrance examination. a. ten b. a thousand c. a hundred d. a hundred and one ( 惯用法。译文:你通过入学考试真是太好了。)33



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