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1、外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社希望希望(xwng)(xwng)英语英语 (第二版)(第二版) 综合综合教程教程 1 1 Unit 5 FoodUnit 5第一页,共111页。希望英语(第二希望英语(第二(d r)(d r)版)综合教程版)综合教程 1 Unit 5 1 Unit 5 FoodFoodSpeakingReading AGrammarListeningWritingPresentationReading B & Reading CContents第二页,共111页。SpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Speaking

2、第三页,共111页。Speaking Task 1Look at the pictures on Page 68 and list words or phrases about them. Then share your work with others.S-Task 1第四页,共111页。Speaking Task 2Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases fromTask 1 to describe the pictures on Page 68 to your classmates. A. looks/se

3、ems/tastes/smells B. prefer toS-Task 2第五页,共111页。Speaking Task 3Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the following questions and make notes. Organize your notes and report to the class using the given paragraph as a model. How do you like the food you eat every day? Do you have any favorite

4、food? If yes, what is it? Is there any food you dont like? If yes, what is it and why dont you like it?Model ReportTony is usually not very particular about food. He seems to be able to enjoy anything served to him. Last week, however, Tony had a taste of something that reminded him of the smell of

5、a worm he used to play with as a kid. Tough everyone else thought it was a delicious dish, for him, it was the worst food he ever had.S-Task 3第六页,共111页。Reading ATask 2 TextTask 3Task 1Task 4Task 6Task 7Task 8Task 5Task 9Reading第七页,共111页。Reading A Task 1Try to work out the meanings of the highlighted

6、 words with the help of other words. 1. This letter is to certify that Mr. Thomas Sinclair worked as sales manager in our company from 1998 to 2001.2. A group of naughty boys crushed the glass into pieces. declare that something is correct or truepress with great force so as to destroy the natural s

7、hape or conditionA-Task 1-1第八页,共111页。Reading A Task 1 3. To make egg fried rice, you should use ingredients such as egg, pork, onion and rice. 4. The young man painted his face and was not recognizable even to his friends.5. The transformation of tree leaves from green to yellow means that autumn ha

8、s come. one of the parts of a mixtureable to be known or identifiedchangeA-Task 1-2第九页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text Pizza Pizza is probably the most globally recognizable food today. Originally a food for the poor, it has now become a dish for everyone. Pizza is the result of a transformationtransfor

9、mation developed over the centuries.pizza, transformation1A-Text-1第十页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text The ancestor of pizza is the simple bread. It dominatesdominates history as one of the most used foods for the poor who were forced to eat only cereals and the few products that nature was offering. The

10、y used their own imagination and fantasy to create something tasteful for their meals. Barley was the most common ingredientingredient used to prepare bread and the first bread to take take the the form form ofof the pizza. ingredients, barley2A-Text-2-1第十一页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text The grains we

11、re crushedcrushed, mixed with water and flattenedflattened down on a round thin pan. Then they were cooked over red-hot stones. Later wheat flour substitutedsubstituted the other cereals, becoming the standardstandard grain used. wheat four2A-Text-2-2第十二页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text Through the cent

12、uries pizza took took its its own own coursecourse and developed into the dish that we know today. This dish has inspiredinspired many writers and artists in our history and its from their documents and notes that we know that pizza has truly old origins. Its existence is certifiedcertified long bef

13、ore the discovery of the Americas around the year 1000 in the city of Naples. The modern pizza was developed after the introduction of the tomato to Italy in the 16th century.develop, origin3A-Text-3第十三页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries Naples establishedestablished

14、 itself as the pizza capital of Italy. However, creditcredit for the invention of the truly modern pizza probably goes to a man named Raffaele Esposito. For the 1889 visit of King Umberto I and Queen Margherita, Esposito designed the “Pizza Margherita”, which looked like the Italian flag because of

15、its red, green, and white colors. The Queen loved it, and even today, Pizza Margherita is the world standard.pizza capital, invention, Margherita4A-Text-4第十四页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text Pizza did not find find its its way way intointo the United States until after the end of the Second World War. A

16、t that time, U.S. soldiers returned home. Along Along withwith their return, they also brought back an appetiteappetite for the pizza they had eaten and enjoyed in Italy. Pizza parlors began to spring spring upup in more and more places as hungry people started to eat this one-dish food on a regular

17、 basison a regular basis.United States (after World War II), brought back, pizza parlors5A-Text-5第十五页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text Today, depending depending onon where you live, you can usually find a pizza parlor near your home. Many pizza parlors will even deliverdeliver their food right to your f

18、ront door! Or, if you prefer, most grocery stores sell frozen pizzas and pizza-making kits as well as the separate ingredients for making your own style of pizza too!today, deliver, your own style of pizza6A-Text-6第十六页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text 比萨饼的历史比萨饼的历史(lsh) 比萨饼也许是当今世界上最知名的食品了。起初它还只是(zhsh)穷人的食

19、物,而现在已成为每个人的美味。它的演变与发展历经了好几个世纪。A-Trans-1第十七页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text比萨饼的雏形就是一般的面包。作为穷人最常吃的食物之一,面包在历史上占有重要的地位(dw i),因为过去穷人只能以谷物和大自然馈赠的几种农作物为生。他们发挥想像力尽可能将其制成可口的东西。大麦是做面包最常用的原料,最 早 的 比 萨 状 面 包 也 是 用 它 制 作 的 。A-Trans-2-1第十八页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text人们将大麦碾成粉和上水,在薄薄的平底锅上摊平,然后用烧红的石头烘烤。后来(huli),小麦粉替代

20、了其他谷物,成为比萨饼的标准原料。A-Trans-2-2第十九页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text经历了几个世纪,比萨饼逐渐发展成为我们现在熟知的样子。它给历史上许多作家和艺术家带来了灵感,也正是从他们的作品和文献中我们才了解到比萨饼确实历史悠久。据考证,大约公元1000 年时,那不勒斯城就已经有了比萨饼,比萨饼的出现远远早于美洲的发现。16 世纪西红柿引入意大利之后才出现了现代(xindi)意义上的比萨饼。A-Trans-3第二十页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text历经 17 和 18 世纪,那不勒斯确立了其意大利比萨饼之都的地位。然而,真正现代意

21、义上的比萨饼要归功于一个名叫拉法埃莱 埃斯波西托的人。为了准备1889年乌伯托国王一世和玛格丽特王后的到访,埃斯波西托设计了“玛格丽特比萨饼” 。它由红、绿、白三色组成,因而(yn r)看起来像意大利国旗。王后对其青睐有加。时至今日, “玛格丽特比萨饼”仍被视为世界标准。A-Trans-4第二十一页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text比萨饼直到二战后才进入美国。在意大利时,美国士兵喜欢吃比萨饼,回国后,也带回了这一喜好。随着渴望吃比萨饼的人们开始经常(jngchng)享用这种独盘美食,比萨饼店开始在越来越多的地方涌现。A-Trans-5第二十二页,共111页。Reading

22、 A Task 2 Text现在,你一般都能在住所附近找到比萨饼店,当然这取决于你住的位置。许多(xdu)比萨饼店甚至会送货上门。此外,如果你喜欢,你可以在大多数食品店里买到冷冻比萨饼,也可以买到制作比萨饼的成套用具和单卖的各种原料,这样,你就可以制作适合自己口味的比萨饼了!A-Trans-6第二十三页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text n. complete changetransformation e.g.e.g. The early death of her father caused a transformation in her character. ransl

23、ation 经经过过脑脑手手术术,他他的的性性格格(xngg)大大大改变了。大改变了。 His brain operation caused a great transformation in his character.transformation第二十四页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text v. to have the most important place or position (in)dominate e.g. The industry is dominated by five multinational companies. ranslation 这这张张大

24、大床床独独占占(dzhn)了了房房间间的的中心。中心。This huge bed dominated the centre of the room.dominate第二十五页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text n. . one of the parts of a mixtureingredient e.g. Flour and fat are the most important ingredients for the dish. ranslation 这这儿儿有有些些做做洋洋葱葱(yngcng)汤汤的的原原料。料。 Here are some ingredients f

25、or onion soup. ingredient第二十六页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text v. v. to show up astake the form of e.g. The broadcast took the form of an interview. ranslation 培培训训(pixn)课课程程采采取取一一系系列列研研讨会的形式。讨会的形式。 The training program takes the form of a series of workshops. Take the form of第二十七页,共111页。Reading A Task

26、2 Text v. v. to press something so hard that it breaks or is damagedcrush e.g. This machine crushes wheat grain to make four. ranslation 汽车汽车(qch)辗过箱子时把它压坏了。辗过箱子时把它压坏了。 The box was crushed when the car ran over it. crush第二十八页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text v. v. to make smooth and levelflatten e.g. He

27、was flattening (out) a piece of metal by hammering it. ranslation 她她紧紧贴贴着着墙墙以以免免(ymin)被被人人看看见。见。 She flattened herself against the war in order not to be seen. flatten第二十九页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text v. to put someone/something in place of anothersubstitute e.g. You can substitute oil for butter in

28、 this recipe. ranslation 如如果果(rgu)你你自自己己不不能能去去,请请找找个人代替你。个人代替你。 If you cannot go yourself, please find someone to substitute for you.substitute第三十页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text a a. usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptablestandard e.g.e.g. White is the stan

29、dard color for this model of refrigerator. ranslation ranslation 这这这这 些些些些 是是是是 处处处处 理理理理 客客客客 户户户户 投投投投 诉诉诉诉 的的的的 标标标标 准准准准(biozhn)(biozhn)步骤。步骤。步骤。步骤。 These are standard procedures for handling customer complaints.standard第三十一页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text to develop naturally; to continue to its n

30、atural endtake its course e.g. “I hope we dont have a long winter aslast years.” “Long or short, itll take its own course.” ranslation ranslation 不不不不要要要要太太太太悲悲悲悲伤伤伤伤(bishng)(bishng),一一一一切切切切顺顺顺顺其其其其自自自自然然然然吧。吧。吧。吧。 Dont be too sad. Lets just take its course. Take its course第三十二页,共111页。Reading A Tas

31、k 2 Text v. to fill with, to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, emotion, idea, etc.)inspire e.g.e.g. The design of the car has inspired man imitations. ranslation ranslation 船船船船长长长长(chunzhng)(chunzhng)的的的的英英英英雄雄雄雄事事事事迹迹迹迹激激激激起起起起了了了了他们的决心。他们的决心。他们的决心。他们的决心。The captains heroic effort inspired th

32、em withdetermination.inspire第三十三页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text v. to declare that something is true or correctcertify e.g.e.g. I certify that the facts written here are the truth. ranslation 一一到到医医院院,这这个个(zh ge)司司机机便便被确认死亡。被确认死亡。 The driver was certified(as) dead on arrival at the hospital.certify第三十

33、四页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text v. v. to place (oneself or another) in a (stated) firm or good positionestablish e.g. He established himself as the most powerful minister in the new government. ranslation ranslation 漫漫漫漫 画画画画 家家家家 (cartoonistcartoonist) 已已已已 被被被被 认认认认 为为为为(rnwi)(rnwi)是有影响力是有影响力是有影响力是

34、有影响力 的社会评论员的社会评论员的社会评论员的社会评论员(commentator)(commentator)。 Cartoonists have established themselves as powerful social commentators.establish第三十五页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text n. approval; praise; honor; reputationcredit e.g.e.g. Although the invention was mine, I was given no credit for it. ranslation

35、该该表表扬扬(bioyng)的的就就给给予予表表扬扬(bioyng)。 Give credit where it is due. credit第三十六页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text v. to arrivefind ones way to e.g. Dont bother to meet me at the station. Im sure I will be able to find my way to your house by myself. translation translation 我希望我希望我希望我希望(xwng)(xwng)你能找到回家的路。你能

36、找到回家的路。你能找到回家的路。你能找到回家的路。 I hope you can find your way home.find ones way to第三十七页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text together withalong with e.g. Along with many others, he ran away from the burning house. ranslation ranslation 他他他他和和和和两两两两个个个个(lin (lin )朋朋朋朋友友友友一一一一起起起起踏踏踏踏上上上上旅旅旅旅途。途。途。途。 He went on the

37、journey along with his two friends. along with第三十八页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text n. . a desire, wish especially for foodappetite e.g. Dont eat anything that will take away your appetite for dinner. ranslation 我今天胃口我今天胃口(wiku)不好。不好。 I have a poor appetite today. appetite第三十九页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Te

38、xt v. v. to come into being or action quickly or from nothing; to arisespring up e.g.e.g. Computer shops are springing up all over the place. ranslation ranslation 这这这这些些些些友友友友谊谊谊谊来来来来得得得得快快快快,但但但但往往往往往往往往(wngwng)(wngwng)并不能长久。并不能长久。并不能长久。并不能长久。 These friendships springup fast and very often dont la

39、st.spring up第四十页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text every day, every week, regularly, etc.on a daily/weekly/regular, etc. basis e.g.e.g. All rooms are cleaned ona regular basis. ranslation ranslation 他们每周去看望他们每周去看望他们每周去看望他们每周去看望(kn wng)(kn wng)一次父母。一次父母。一次父母。一次父母。 They go to their parents house on a weekly

40、 basis. on a daily basis第四十一页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text to change according to what else happens or whether something else changesdepend one.g.e.g. The plant may grow to a height of several meters, depending onsoil conditions. ranslation ranslation 我我我我们们们们(w (w men)men)去去去去不不不不去去去去西西西西班班班班牙牙牙牙度度度

41、度假假假假取取取取决决决决于费用。于费用。于费用。于费用。 Whether or not we go to Spainfor our holiday depends onthe cost.depend on第四十二页,共111页。Reading A Task 2 Text v. v. to take goods, letters, etc. to the place where they have been sentdelivere.g. We can deliver goods to your door. ranslation ranslation 商商商商店店店店(shngdin)(shn

42、gdin)周周周周四四四四把把把把我我我我们们们们的的的的新新新新床床床床送过来。送过来。送过来。送过来。 The shop is delivering our new bed on Thursday.deliver第四十三页,共111页。 Put the following statements in the correct order according to the reading on Page 71. A. Using their imagination and fantasy, the poor created a tasteful foodpizza. B. Raffaele E

43、sposito is regarded as the father of modern pizza. C. Pizza, originally the food for the poor, has become the most globally recognizable food today. D. Weve got to know the origins of pizza from the documents and notes of some writers and artists. E. The demand for pizza was brought back to the U.S.

44、 by American soldiers at the end of the Second World War. F. Today it is easy to find a pizza parlor and you can make your own style of pizza at home.Reading A Task 3C A D B E FA-Task 3第四十四页,共111页。 Work in pairs. Find the supporting details for the following ideas from the reading.Reading A Task 4Pi

45、zza is the result of a transformation developedOver the centuriesDetailsIdeasfood for the poor; dish foreveryone; transformationThe development of pizza isaccompanied by the changesin the ingredients.simple bread; barley; the mostcommon ingredient; wheat flour;the standard grainA-Task 4-1第四十五页,共111页

46、。Reading A Task 4IdeasDetailsThe documents and notesof some writers and artistspresent detailed informationon the development of pizza. Rafaele Esposito is regardedas the father of modernpizza.its own course; truly old origins;around the year 1000;modern pizza; tomato; Italythe invention of the trul

47、y modern pizza; Raffaele; King Umberto IAnd Queen Margherita; the “PizzaMargherita”; the world standardA-Task 4-2第四十六页,共111页。Reading A Task 4IdeasDetailsthe history of pizza inAmericathe service offered by apizza parlorthe end of the Second World War;U.S. soldiers; brought back an appetite; pizza pa

48、rlors began tospring upa pizza parlor near your home;deliver to your front door; frozen pizzas and pizza-making kits;separate ingredients; your own style of pizzaA-Task 4-3第四十七页,共111页。Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the reading on Page 71 that match the explanations in the column on th

49、e right. The first letters are already given. b_ a point from which something is made, started, built, or developedi_fill with, to produce or arouse (a feeling, emotion, idea, etc.)d_ have the most important place or position ins_ put someone/something in place of anothere_ place (oneself or another

50、) in a (stated) firm or good positionReading A Task 5asisnspire ominate ubstitutestablish A-Task 5-1第四十八页,共111页。a_ a desire or wish, especially for foodd_ a paper that gives information or support of something elsec _ honor; praisea _ in addition to something/somebodys _ happen or appear quickly fro

51、m nothingReading A Task 5ppetiteocumentreditlong withpring upA-Task 5-2第四十九页,共111页。 Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Task 5. Change word forms if necessary. 1. Dont eat so much bread or youll have no_ for dinner. 2. They wanted to see all the official_ concerning the sales

52、 of the land. 3. Since we have known each other for a long time, I hope to settle this problem on a friendly_ . 4. Towns_ in the desert when gold was found there. 5. Surprisingly, sports, and not learning, seem to_ that one for it.Reading A Task 6appetitebasissprang updominatedocumentsA-Task 6-1第五十页

53、,共111页。 6. The_ for the development of this new technique should go to Mr. Smith, our chief engineer. 7. It was said that his best music_ by the memory of his mother. 8. My father_ his colleagues, believes in the importance of this plan. 9. The Sun Also Rises_ E. M. Hemingway as one of the most impo

54、rtant American writers.10.Since his chair was broken, Michael had to_ a new one for it.Reading A Task 6creditwas inspiredalong with establishedsubstituteA-Task 6-2第五十一页,共111页。 Complete the sentences using the following words or phrases plus some words of your own.Reading A Task 7along with dominate

55、establish spring up substitute1. Im sure her dancing will _ the party but_ .2. He _ himself as a careless driver after _ .3. She wanted me to go shopping _ her, for _ .4. Restaurants _ around the factory when _ .5. We decide to _ our office with a bigger room because _ .dominate its a pity that she

56、isnt free thenestablished several accidents in such a short timealong withthis was the first time shed been heresprang upit was completed last summersubstitutethere are more people in our department nowA-Task 7第五十二页,共111页。Rewrite the following sentences after the models.Model 1:We know that pizza ha

57、s truly old origins from their documents.It is from their documents that we know that pizza has truly old origins.1.One can learn how to swim only by swimming. 2. John gave Mary a handbag at Christmas. Reading A Task 8It is only by swimming that one can learn how to swim.It was at Christmas that Joh

58、n gave Mary a handbag.A-Task 8-1第五十三页,共111页。 Reading A Task 83.We succeeded in doing that experiment with the help of our teacher. 4.The telephone rang when she was about to go to bed. 5. The book took me a long time to finish reading because I seldom had free time. It was with the help of our teach

59、er that we succeeded in doing that experiment.It was when she was about to go to bed that he telephone rang.It was because I seldom had free time that the book took me a long time to finish reading. A-Task 8-2第五十四页,共111页。Rewrite the following sentences after the models.Model 2:Pizza found its way in

60、to the United States, after the end of the Second World War. Pizza did not find its way into the United States until after the end of the Second World War. 1 . The traffic laws took effect, the end of the year 2. It stopped raining, midnight Reading A Task 8The traffic laws didnt take effect until t

61、he end of the year.It didnt stop raining until midnight.A-Task 8-3第五十五页,共111页。Reading A Task 83. I knew something about it, you told me 4.We realized we were lost, we came to a strange village 5.They were satisfied with your reply, I gave some explanation I knew nothing about it until you told me.We

62、 didnt realize we were lost until we came to a strange village.They werent satisfied with your reply until I gave some explanation.A-Task 8-4第五十六页,共111页。Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the highlighted parts.这种疾病常以发高烧的症状出现。 2. 那条公路修好后,这座城市周围(zhuwi)新建了许多工厂。 Reading A

63、 Task 9This disease often takes the form of a high fever.After that road was built, many factories sprang up around this city.A-Task 9-1第五十七页,共111页。Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the highlighted parts.这两个问题在会议上占了首要地位。4. 经过讨论,他们同意(tngy)用国产机器代替原来的外国机器。 5. 20世纪初,两位美国

64、人从飞鸟那里获得灵感,发明了飞机。 Reading A Task 9These two questions dominated the meeting.After discussion, they agreed to substitute machines made at home for the original foreign ones.Inspired by birds, two Americans invented the airplane at the beginning of the 20th century.A-Task 9-2第五十八页,共111页。GrammarTask 1T

65、ask 2Task 3Grammar第五十九页,共111页。Study the following grammar tips for passive voice and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.Grammar Task 1G-Task 1第六十页,共111页。 Put the verbs in brackets into their proper tenses and voices.Grammar Task 21. She had her finger _ (cut) when she peeled an

66、 apple. 2. The boy was seen _ (run away) barefooted. 3. The old woman _ (worry) about her granddaughter.4. In such weather meat wont _ (keep) long.5. Machines made in China _ (sell) very well abroad.cut to run away was worried keep sellG-Task 2第六十一页,共111页。Translate the following into English.这本书写得很好

67、。 他从树上跳下来的时候摔断了腿。 这扇门很好开。 人们经常听见(tng jin)她唱这首流行歌曲。5.这个西瓜重10公斤。 Grammar Task 3The book is well written.He had his leg broken when he jumped of from the tree.The door opens well.She is often heard to sing this popular song.This watermelon weighs 10 kilograms.G-Task 3第六十二页,共111页。ListeningTask 1Task 2Ta

68、sk 3Task 4Task 5Task 6Task 7Listening第六十三页,共111页。 Listen to each of the following statements twice and write them down.Listening Task 1L-Task 12. 2. _ _1. 1. _3. 3. _4. 4. _5. 5. _ _Pizza is the most globally recognizable food today.The modern pizza was developed after the introduction of tomato to

69、Italy.Pizza has inspired many writers and artists in history.Pizza parlors began to spring up in more and more places.Many pizza parlors will even deliver their food right to your front door!第六十四页,共111页。Listen to the four conversations, and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear.Li

70、stening Task 2_1. A. At a Pizza Hut. B. At a grocery store. C. At home._2. A. The woman will cook for him. B. They can order for delivery from Pizza Hut C. They need to go to Pizza Hut to have lunch_3. A. The food is not delicious. B. Mr. Lee is not satisfied with the cooks. C. The cooks are full of

71、 imagination. _4. A. She wants to try some food. B. She doesnt want to eat anything. C. She is very hungry.CBCBScriptScriptL-Task 2第六十五页,共111页。Listening Task 2 ScriptL-Task 2-script第六十六页,共111页。 Listen to the short passage about fast food and fill in the blanks with what you hear. The food is already

72、 prepared so_ . Once you get your food, you either eat it in the restaurant or_ . You can eat with your hands or _ . The taste usually is the same each time _ .Listening Task 3 the waiting time is shorttake it homeuse forks and knivesyou buy itScriptScriptL-Task 3第六十七页,共111页。Listening Task 3 ScriptL

73、-Task 3-script第六十八页,共111页。Listen to the dialog and check the courses the speaker orders on the menu.Listening Task 4Baby Broad Bean SoupBlack Pepper SteakFillet SteakApple PieScriptScriptL-Task 4第六十九页,共111页。Listening Task 4 ScriptL-Task 4-script第七十页,共111页。Practice the following expressions with your

74、 partner.Listening Task 5L-Task 5-1第七十一页,共111页。Listening Task 5L-Task 5-2第七十二页,共111页。Listen to the dialog and check the correct statement according to what you hear. Listening Task 6Talk at the Table The man has never tasted the food before. The woman prefers chicken to fish. They drink some beer an

75、d exchange good wishes. The woman thinks the food is good, but she doesnt enjoy eating with the man.ScriptScriptL-Task 6第七十三页,共111页。Listening Task 6 ScriptL-Task 6-script第七十四页,共111页。Listening Task 7 Gary and Lily sit at a table in a restaurant. They give orders to a waiter, and then talk about the f

76、ood while eating.Work in pairs and create the following role-play. L-Task 7第七十五页,共111页。Reading B & Reading CReading BReading CTextTaskText & TaskReading B&C第七十六页,共111页。Reading B Text Family Mealtime the Importance of Eating Together Sitting Sitting down down for for a a family family meal meal provi

77、des provides more more than than just just good good nutrition. nutrition. It It can can provide provide real real quality quality time time for for the the entire entire householdhousehold. . 1B-Text-1第七十七页,共111页。Reading B Text When When it it comes comes to to our our childrens childrens nutrition

78、nutrition, , we we usually usually think think more more about about what what our our kids kids are are eating eating than than how how theyre theyre eating eating it. it. In In other other words, words, dining dining together together as as a a family family has has become become a a bit bit of of

79、 a a lost lost art, art, which which is is too too bad bad according according to to Anne Anne Lindsay, Lindsay, author author of of Anne Anne Lindsays Lindsays Light Light Kitchen. Kitchen. Thats Thats because because she she feels feels children children have have a a lot lot to to gain gain from

80、from family family mealtimes. mealtimes. 2B-Text-2-1第七十八页,共111页。Reading B Text“Just “Just as as important important as as what what children children are are eating eating is is the the way way they they are are eating,” eating,” explains explains Lindsay. Lindsay. “I “I think think its its very ver

81、y important important that that a a family family sits sits down down around around a a table, table, has has their their meal meal together together rather rather than than on on the the gogo. . When When you you eat eat together together you you enjoy enjoy the the family, family, find find out ou

82、t what what everyone everyone has has done done that that day day and and children children also also learn learn table table manners manners and and pick pick up up your your values. values. Its Its where where families families can can enjoy enjoy time together.” time together.” 2B-Text-2-2第七十九页,共

83、111页。Reading B Text “ “When When parents parents and and children children eat eat together, together, theyre theyre not not only only more more likely likely to to enjoy enjoy a a healthy healthy variety variety of of foods, foods, but but theyre theyre also also more more likely likely to to talk

84、talk together together and and that that makes makes such a difference to kids health and happiness.”such a difference to kids health and happiness.”3B-Text-3第八十页,共111页。 n n. . a domestic unit consisting of the members of a family who live together along with non-relatives such as servantshousehold

85、e.g. The whole household was earlylast Sunday. translation 你们你们(n men)家有多少人?家有多少人? How many people are there in your household? Reading B Texthousehold第八十一页,共111页。 n. the process of nourishing or being nourished, especially the process by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for grow

86、th and for replacement of tissuesnutrition e.g.e.g. This food provides all the nutrition your dogneeds. translation从从营营养养(yngyng)角角度度说说,各各类类食食品品搭搭配均衡是很重要的。配均衡是很重要的。 A balanced diet is important in nutrition. Reading B Textnutrition第八十二页,共111页。 working all the time or being very busyon the go e.g.e.g

87、. Ive been on the go all day and Im worn out. translation translation 约翰一直约翰一直约翰一直约翰一直(yzh)(yzh)忙到午夜。忙到午夜。忙到午夜。忙到午夜。 John has been on the go until midnight. Reading B Texton the go第八十三页,共111页。Reading B TaskRead the passage and choose the best answer.1. For childrens nutrition, people think mostly ab

88、out_ . A. what children are eating B. how children are eating C. both A and B2. According to Anne Lindsay, dining together as a family_ . A. is too bad B. is nothing important C. is a lost tradition3. Anne Lindsay thinks_ family mealtime. A. children can get nothing from B. children can get more fro

89、m mealtime in other places than C. children can get a lot fromB-Task-1第八十四页,共111页。Reading B Task4. When family members eat together, one can get many benefits except_. A. receiving gifs from parents B. learning table manners C. enjoying the family5. Which of the following statements is true? A. Eati

90、ng with your family saves work of cooking. B. Eating with your family improves family relations. C. Eating with your family brings you nothing but nutrition.B-Task-2第八十五页,共111页。Reading C TextRead the passage and fill in each blank with the appropriate word or phrase given below. Each word or phrase

91、can only be used once. The history of the roast duck can go back to as early as the Yuan Dynasty when it was (1) _ among the imperial dishes in the Complete Recipes for Dishes and Beverages. Details regarding the (2) _ process were also described in this early cookbook. listed cooking C-Text-1第八十六页,

92、共111页。Reading C Text In the early 15th century, when the Ming Dynasty capital was shifted from Nanjing to Beijing, roast duck remained one of the famous dishes (3) _ imperial menus. According to the local history, the earliest roast duck restaurant in Beijing was the Old Bianyifang Restaurant, (4) _

93、 opened during the Jiajing period. Distinct (5)_ the method in which the duck is hung from a hook in the ceiling of the oven and roasted (6) _ burning wood, the Old Bianyifang Restaurant roasted its ducks with great heat. on whichfrom overC-Text-2-1第八十七页,共111页。Reading C TextThe walls of the oven wer

94、e first heated and the duck was placed inside and cooked by the heat given off by the walls. A duck roasted in this manner is crisp to the touch and golden brown in (7)_ ; its flesh is both tender and tasty. appearance C-Text-2-2第八十八页,共111页。Reading C Text To satisfy the growing (8) _ for roast duck,

95、 and with an eye to the profits, many restaurants opened. In1864, the Quanjude Restaurant was established in Beijing. Yang Quanren, the founder, (9) _ the hung oven to roast ducks. With its innovations and efficient management, the restaurant became well known in China, introducing the Beijing Duck

96、to the rest of the world. By the mid-20th century, Beijing Duck had become a national symbol of China, enjoyed by tourists and diplomats (10)_ . developed alikeC-Text-3demand第八十九页,共111页。Reading C Text prepprep. in respect of; concerningregarding e.g. The company is being questioned regarding itsempl

97、oyment policy. ranslation 关关于于(guny)这这件件事事情情,我我必必须须跟你谈谈。跟你谈谈。 I must speak to you regarding this matter. regarding第九十页,共111页。Reading C Text v v. continue to be in the same state or condition remain e.g.e.g. The results of these experiments remain a secret. ranslation 他他吃吃得得很很多多,但但仍仍然然(rngrn)很很瘦。瘦。 H

98、e ate much but remained lean.remain第九十一页,共111页。 v. v. put/send forth or emit (heat, light, a smell or a gas, etc.)give off e.g. These flowers give off a very strong fragrance. ranslation ranslation 这这这这块块块块面面面面包包包包散散散散发发发发出出出出难难难难闻闻闻闻(nn (nn wn)wn)的的的的气气气气味。味。味。味。 The bread gave off a terrible smell

99、. Reading C Textgive off第九十二页,共111页。 n n. a way in which something is done or happensmanner e.g.e.g. Theirmanner of educating their childisextremely unusual. ranslation ranslation 他他他他用用用用这这这这种种种种方方方方式式式式说说说说话话话话(shu (shu hu)hu),以以以以至至至至于冒犯了他们。于冒犯了他们。于冒犯了他们。于冒犯了他们。 He spoke in such a manner as to of

100、fend them. Reading C Textmanner第九十三页,共111页。 n n. . a need for something to be sold or supplied demand e.g. Good teachers are always in (great) demand. ranslation 目前目前(mqin)对石油的需求很大。对石油的需求很大。 Oil is in great demand these days.Reading C Textdemand第九十四页,共111页。 having as ones objective; for the purpose

101、ofwith an eye to e.g. This new factory was designed with an eye toproviding a better work environment. ranslation他他买买下下乡乡间间小小屋屋准准备备(zhnbi)退退休休后住在那儿。后住在那儿。He bought the cottage with an eye to retiring there. Reading C Textwith an eye to第九十五页,共111页。 n n. . something that seems to represent a society o

102、r aspect of life, because it is very typical of it symbol e.g.e.g. Perhaps the most glittering symbol of Chinaisthe Great Wall. ranslation ranslation 狮子狮子狮子狮子(sh zi)(sh zi)是勇气的象征。是勇气的象征。是勇气的象征。是勇气的象征。 The lion is a symbol of courage. Reading C Textsymbol第九十六页,共111页。 ad. . used to show that something

103、 applies equally to a number of specified subjectsalike e.g. He talked in a friendly manner to staff andpatients alike. ranslation他他们们穿穿一一样样(yyng)的的衣衣服服,吃吃一一样样(yyng)的东西。的东西。 They dress and eat alike. Reading C Textalike第九十七页,共111页。WritingWriting for General Purposes WritingTaskWriting for Specific P

104、urposes Task第九十八页,共111页。Writing for general purposesCorrect any mistakes in the following sentences. Writing-1第九十九页,共111页。Correct any mistakes in the following sentences. Writing-2Writing for general purposes第一百页,共111页。Correct any mistakes in the following sentences. Writing-3Writing for general pur

105、poses第一百零一页,共111页。Correct any mistakes in the following sentences. Writing-4Writing for general purposes第一百零二页,共111页。Writing for general purposes TaskCorrect any mistakes in the following sentences. 1. She is usually the only one who asks questions. _2. When he will come back are decided. _3. To con

106、trol expenses are our goal. _4. Tree dollars are a reasonable price. _5. Seven million live in this city._ 6. He, as well as you, know the answer. _ 7. The cost, including taxes and shipping charges, were $1,200. _8. What the result will be remains unknown. _ is_isis_knowswasWG-Task 第一百零三页,共111页。 Wr

107、iting for specific purposes A recipe usually includes the name of the food, the ingredients and the method of cooking.Writing for specific purposes-1第一百零四页,共111页。 Writing for specific purposes Writing for specific purposes-2第一百零五页,共111页。 Writing for specific purposes Writing for specific purposes-3第

108、一百零六页,共111页。 Writing for specific purposes TaskStudy the above sample and work out a recipe for Chinese Cucumber Salad (凉拌(lingbn)黄瓜). Chinese Cucumber Saladp Materials: 1 cucumber 1/2 teaspoon of salt 4 teaspoons of soy sauce 4 teaspoons of vinegar 2 teaspoons of sesame oil 4 teaspoons of (superfin

109、e) sugarp Instructions: Peel the cucumber and cut into small dices (丁). Sprinkle with the remaining ingredients and leave for 5 minutes before serving. Make sure sugar has dissolved before serving.WS-Task第一百零七页,共111页。PresentationWork in groups. Give a 5-minute presentation about your field work.Presentation-1第一百零八页,共111页。PresentationPresentation-2第一百零九页,共111页。PresentationPresentation-3第一百一十页,共111页。希望英语希望英语 (第二版)(第二版) 综合综合(zngh)(zngh)教程教程 1 1外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社Thank you第一百一十一页,共111页。



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