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1、物理与电子工程学院xxx541111010150The Internet of things物联网Themeaningofitsname It means things and things or people and things are connected with each other by the technology. They can communicate with each other in a new way. WhatistheInternetofthings? The term “the Internet of things has come to describe a

2、number of technologies and research disciplines that enable the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects. Thefoundationof“theInternetofthingsisstilltheInternet.ButitismoreadvancedandusefulthantheInternet. As we all know, people put some information on the Internet and then we ca

3、n see it . But by the technology,the information canbe exchanged among all the connected things directly. Itwillbewhatyoucanseeinthepicturebelow. It will be much more convenient to “talk” and “communicate” with each other among all the things Whats more ,many things will become intelligent.Thetechno

4、logiesrelatedtoitwRFID:(Radiofrequencyidentification)射频识别技术wGPS:全球定位系统wSensingtechnology:传感技术wTheInternetandsoon物联网原理物联网原理1利用RFID、无线数据通信等技术,构造一个覆盖世界上万事万物的“Internet of Things” 2物联网可分为三层:感知层、网络层和应用层。TheinfluenceItwillhavealotofinfluenceonourlife.Suchasintelligenttransportation,publicsafety,environment

5、protection,andsoon.Some examples 1 If the driver does something wrong, the car will have automatic alarm.If the driver is tired, the car can “drive”by itself without adriver. 2Ifyougotoworkinthemorning,yourintelligentbagwillremindyouofwhatyouhaveforgotten.3Ifyouareill,thedoctorcanknowyourconditionno

6、matterwhereyouare.4Ifyouwillgohomeafterwork,youcanturnontheair-conditionerorotherhomeappliancesinadvance.Thetechnologywillbemadeuseofinmanyaspectsofourlife. 智能建筑智能建筑Evaluation(评价) “The Internet of things” is calledthe third wave of world information industry after the computer and the Internet. The end Thank you



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