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1、 Narration1 narration叙述文叙述文description描写文描写文exposition说明文说明文argumentation议论文议论文 English Writing Styles English Writing Styles 2What is narration ? 3At its simplest, narration is the telling of a story, which involves characters and ongoing actions. To narrate is to give an account of what happened o

2、r is happening. 4It attempts to recreate events so that the reader may vicariously(替代地替代地) share the experience5Two Types of Narration Two Types of Narration Two Types of Narration Two Types of Narration Literary narrative is usually fictitious, found abundantly in literary creations such as anecdot

3、es, tales and fables, romances, short stories, novels, and stories in verse. 6Two Types of Narration Two Types of Narration Two Types of Narration Two Types of Narration Expository narrative is the factual account of events, including history, biography, travels, news reports and journals. 7The ways

4、 to narrate in sequence of time顺叙顺叙 flashback倒叙倒叙 narration interspersed with flashbacks插叙插叙 narration interspersed with comment)夹叙夹叙夹议夹议8The elements of a narrativeThe elements of a narrativeSettingPlotAtmosphere ConflictPoint of View Characterization91.1 Setting 1.1 Setting 背景背景背景背景The time and pl

5、ace in which the events of a story take place . Cultural ,social , physical context of a story.102. Plot 2. Plot 情节情节情节情节 the sequence of events that take place in a story 113 Characterization 3 Characterization 人物的刻画人物的刻画人物的刻画人物的刻画The methods used to present the personality of a character in a narr

6、ative . Direct-the author describes the character .Indirect-the reader judges what the character is like based on what they say or do , or what other characters say about them.124 Atmosphere 4 Atmosphere 气氛气氛气氛气氛The general mood or feeling established in a piece of literature.Atmosphere is created t

7、hrough word choice and pacing .135 Conflict 5 Conflict the central problem that drives the action of a story .Two main typesInternal -the conflict happens in a characters mindExternal-the conflict happens between characters ,or between a character and some outside force.146 Point of View 6 Point of

8、View 视角视角视角视角Who is narrating the storyTwo main types First person-the narrator use “I” to tell the action ,and is involved in the storyThird person-the story is told from a perspective outside the story .The characters are referred to by name ,or as he ,she or they 15What should you consider What s

9、hould you consider when planning a narrative?when planning a narrative? TextPoint of view 视角Theme 主题Setting 背景背景Foreshadowing伏笔Symbol 象征Plot 情节情节Order 顺序16Step1.Context Step1.Context At the beginning of a narrative ,make clear:When Where Who Provide the reader with context to help him the whole narr

10、ative17Step2.PurposeStep2.PurposeThere must be a purpose in telling a story -to prove a theory-to illustrate the concept -to praise a virtue-to condemn a vice ,etc18Step3.Seletion of detailsStep3.Seletion of detailsA narrative is made up of detailsProviding enough and only relevant details or things

11、 that contribute the bringing out the main of the narrative 19Step4.OgnizationStep4.OgnizationChronological orderIn the order in which things occurFlashback To arouse readers interest 20Step5.OutlineStep5.OutlineA beginning The setting A middle The body tells the story itself An end 21 Thank You!22



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