动词不定式 (2)

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《动词不定式 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《动词不定式 (2)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(中考考点中考考点)The infinitive The infinitive 动词不定式动词不定式(to do)【考点一考点一】常用的常用的只带动词不定式只带动词不定式to doto do的词的词: :【考点二考点二】wantwant toto dodowould likewould like to do to do agreeagree to do to do decidedecide to do to do refuserefuse to do to dolearnlearn to do to dotootooto doto doadj.+ enoughadj.+ enough to d

2、o to do常用的既带常用的既带to doto do, ,又带的又带的doingdoing的词的词: :beginbegin to doto dobegin begin doingdoingforgetforget to doto doforget forget doingdoingrememberremember to doto doremember remember doingdoingstopstop to doto dostop stop doingdoingdecidedecide not tonot to do docontinuecontinue to doto doconti

3、nue continue doingdoing【考点三考点三】常用的带常用的带to doto do做宾语补足语做宾语补足语 (v. + sb. + to do )(v. + sb. + to do )的词的词: :askask sb. to do sth.sb. to do sth.telltell sb. to do sthsb. to do sthwantwant sb to do sth. sb to do sth. would likewould like sb to do sth. sb to do sth.wishwish sb to do sth. sb to do sth.te

4、achteach sb to do sth. sb to do sth.allowallow sb to do sth. sb to do sth.encourageencourage sb. to do sth. sb. to do sth.help help sb (to) do sth.sb (to) do sth.askask sb. sb. notnot to do sth. to do sth.telltell sb. sb. notnot to do sth to do sth【考点四考点四】letlet sb. sb. dodo sth. sth.makemake sb. sb

5、. dodo sth sthhad betterhad better dodo sth. sth.Will you pleaseWill you please do do sth.sth.LetLets s dodo sth. sth.Why notWhy not dodo sth. sth.常用的不带常用的不带to to 的情况的情况: :had betterhad better not donot do sth. sth.Will you pleaseWill you please notnot do do sth.sth.warn sb. not to do sth.warn sb. n

6、ot to do sth.【考点六考点六考点六考点六】句型句型句型句型: :【考点五考点五】see sb.see sb. do do sth.sth.see sb.see sb. doing doing sth.sth.hear sb.hear sb. do do sth.sth.hear sb.hear sb. doing doing sth.sth.It is + adj + It is + adj + forfor sb + sb + to do sth.to do sth.It is + adj + It is + adj + ofof sb + sb + to do sth.to d

7、o sth.【考点七考点七考点七考点七】用作定语时用作定语时, ,若是不及物动词,介词不能省略。若是不及物动词,介词不能省略。He asked for a room He asked for a room to live to live inin. .I donI dont have a pen t have a pen to write to write withwith. .The ice is hard enough The ice is hard enough to skate to skate onon. .He bought a toy He bought a toy to pla

8、y to play withwith. .think/find + it +adj.+ think/find + it +adj.+ to do sth.to do sth.It takes/took sb. +It takes/took sb. +时间时间+ + to do sth.to do sth.sb.+ be + adj. + sb.+ be + adj. + to do sth.to do sth.be seen be seen toto dodo常用的带常用的带do/doingdo/doing做宾语补足语的词做宾语补足语的词: :【考点八考点八】疑问词疑问词 who, what,

9、 which, where, who, what, which, where, when, how when, how 加加 to doto do可构成不定式短语,特别注意可构成不定式短语,特别注意以下情况:以下情况:I donI dont know t know what to dowhat to do. .I donI dont know t know how to do ithow to do it. .I donI dont know t know what to do about itwhat to do about it. .【考点九考点九】常用的常用的只带只带 doingdoin

10、g的词的词: :keepkeep doingdoingenjoyenjoy doing doing practisepractise doingdoingfinishfinish doing doingmindmind doingdoinghow abouthow about doing doingbe busybe busy doingdoingspendspend(in)(in) doing doingsuggestsuggest doing doingpreferprefer doing doing toto doing doing介词介词+ + doing doingof/for1.1.It is helpful _the It is helpful _the studentsstudents to learn computer. to learn computer.for2. It is clever _you to do 2. It is clever _you to do so.so.of3. It is necessary _us to3. It is necessary _us to protect the earth. protect the earth.for



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