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1、English Grammar Sentence II浙江宁波华茂外国语学校浙江宁波华茂外国语学校 薛洪波薛洪波2021/6/301英语句子种类与类型英语句子种类与类型I、句子种类(按交际用途分)句子种类(按交际用途分) 陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句、陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句、 THERE-BE存在句存在句II、句子类型(按句子结构分)句子类型(按句子结构分) 简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句提提 纲纲2021/6/302I、句子种类(按交际用途分)句子种类(按交际用途分) 陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句、感叹句、THERE-

2、BE存在句存在句2021/6/3031、陈述句、陈述句 说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯定式和否说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯定式和否定式,语序是主语在前,位于在后。定式,语序是主语在前,位于在后。 She arrived early. She cannot have arrived now.注:注:1)半否定句半否定句I hardly know anything about it. 2)部分否定句部分否定句与与全否定句全否定句I dont like both the films.I like neither Cathy nor Mary. 3)否定转移否定转移I dont think it

3、 will be very cold today. (believe, expect, suppose,imagine)I、句句子子种种类类2021/6/3042、疑问句、疑问句 有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反义疑问句。疑问句、反义疑问句。I、句句子子种种类类1)一般疑问句)一般疑问句 用来询问一件事,答案通常是用来询问一件事,答案通常是yes或或 no,注意语序。注意语序。Have you anything to say?Did someone phone me last night? Cant you understand it? Isnt it a

4、 beautiful lake? -Havent you been to the UK? -No, I havent.2021/6/3052)特殊疑问句)特殊疑问句 疑问词有疑问词有who,whose,what,which,where,when,why,how等。等。I、句句子子种种类类(1)陈述语序)陈述语序Who was the first man in space?(2)倒装语序倒装语序Who are you talking about?注:注:A、简略式简略式 Why not go alone? Why get so angry? How/What about taking a res

5、t? B、复杂特殊疑问句复杂特殊疑问句 What do you think he has done? 2021/6/306I、句句子子种种类类3)选择疑问句)选择疑问句 (1)以一般疑问句为基础以一般疑问句为基础Is he a teacher or a doctor or a policeman?Shall I help you or can you manage?(2)以特殊疑问句为基础以特殊疑问句为基础Which do you prefer, red wine or white?How shall we go there? By bus or by train? 2021/6/307I、句

6、句子子种种类类4)反义疑问句)反义疑问句 问:问:+ +,- -?或?或- -,+ +? 答:答:+ +,+. +. 或或- -,-.-.1.Tom hardly knows French, _ _?2.Mary didnt fail her exam, did she? -_, she didnt.3.You neednt come, _ you? You need to come, _ you?4.He had a big time there, _ he? He had a car, _ he? We hardly have to get up early, _ we?5.He used

7、 to live in Leeds, _ he?2021/6/3086.Lets go to the match at once, _ we? Leave me alone, _ you?7.They have been learning to drive, _ they?8.No one was hurt, _ _ ?9.There is no doubt() about it, _ _ ?10.Anna hasnt got to go to school on Sunday, _ she?I、句句子子种种类类4)反义疑问句)反义疑问句2021/6/3093、祈使句、祈使句 表达命令、要求、

8、请求、劝告等,用原形。表达命令、要求、请求、劝告等,用原形。I、句句子子种种类类1)带第二人称的祈使句)带第二人称的祈使句 Be quiet, please. Dont make any noise! You call a taxi. Dont you forget it.(强调) Give me a hand, will/wont/would/wouldn you?2)带第一、三人称的祈使句)带第一、三人称的祈使句 Let me try again. Lets go. Let us go. Lets not say anything about it./Dont lets say Let h

9、im be here by 10 oclock. 2021/6/3010I、句句子子种种类类3、祈使句、祈使句注意:1、加强语气 Do be careful of my broken leg. Do let me have another try. 2 、祈使句的省略式 A:Shall I open the window? B:Yes, please do./ No, please dont. A:Shall we watch the game? B:Yes, lets.2021/6/30114、感叹句、感叹句 由由what 或或how引导的,表示惊奇、愤怒、赞赏、喜悦等。引导的,表示惊奇、愤

10、怒、赞赏、喜悦等。I、句句子子种种类类What a cute baby it is!What fine weather we have today!What a good time we had last night!How foolish she is!How clearly you speak!How clever a boy he is!* What a dirty room, _ _? What interesting films, _ _?2021/6/3012I、句句子子种种类类5、 THERE-BE存在句存在句 There is a clock on the table. Onc

11、e there lived a king called Lear. There goes the bell!Here come the bus. Here he comes.There used to be a village at the foot of the mountain.There is certain to be a heavy rain tonight.There seems to be some misunderstanding.There is a baby crying in the next door.There being no bus, we had to walk

12、 home.2021/6/3013II、句子类型(按句子结构分)句子类型(按句子结构分) 简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句2021/6/3014二二、句句子子类类型型1、简单句、简单句 只包含一个主谓结构,个个成分都是单只包含一个主谓结构,个个成分都是单词或短语的句子。词或短语的句子。All roads lead to Rome.He got up, dressed quickly, washed himself and went out.Is he a superman?Dont be shy. Have a try.The man dressed in

13、black seems to be a spy.2021/6/3015二二、句句子子类类型型2、并列句、并列句 包含两个或更多互不依从的主谓包含两个或更多互不依从的主谓结构,分句由并列连词结构,分句由并列连词and,then,but,or,or else,so,for,while,when;bothand,eitheror,neithernor,not only,but also,as well as等来连接。等来连接。He is a basketball fan, and his wife is a volleyball fan.Honey is sweet, but the bee sti

14、ngs.Dont be late, for there is a meeting.Hurry up, or youll be late.He works hard while his brother is a lazy bone.He was enjoying his KFC when a friend came.2021/6/3016二二、句句子子类类型型3、复合句、复合句 复合句的某个成分,如主语、宾语、表语、同位语、定语、状语等,由另一个句子承当。(1)名词性从句)名词性从句 主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句统称为名主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句统称为名词性从句。词性从

15、句。宾语从句注意事项:宾语从句注意事项:引导词、语序、时态呼应、语态引导词、语序、时态呼应、语态。主语主语/表语表语/同位从句注意事项:同位从句注意事项:引导词、语序、语态引导词、语序、语态。注意:注意:1、whether与与if的区别;的区别; 2、陈述句变来的名词性从句由什么引导。那么,一、陈述句变来的名词性从句由什么引导。那么,一 般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、感叹句变般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、感叹句变 来的呢?来的呢?2021/6/3017二二、句句子子类类型型3、复合句、复合句 (2)定语从句)定语从句=先行词先行词+引导词引导词+其它。其它。引导词引导词的选用取决于:的

16、选用取决于:1)先行词;)先行词;2)先行词的修饰语;)先行词的修饰语;3)引导词在定语)引导词在定语 从句中的成分。从句中的成分。注意:定语从句中的主谓一致;注意:定语从句中的主谓一致;2021/6/30183、复合句、复合句(3)状语从句状语从句 即用作状语的分句即用作状语的分句,可作下列状语:可作下列状语:1、时间、时间(after,before,as,when,while,since,till,until, whenever,as long as,as soon as;the moment,every time,next time;no soonerthan,hardlywhen );

17、);2、地点(、地点(where,wherever) ;3、方式(、方式(as,as if,as though) ;4、程度(、程度(asas, more than,sothat,suchthat) ;二二、句句子子类类型型2021/6/30195、原因(、原因(because,since,as,now that,that) ;6、结果(、结果(,so that,sothat,suchthat) ;7、目的(、目的(so that,in order that,in case) ;8、条件(、条件(if,unless) ;9、让步(、让步(though,although,even if,even

18、 though,in spite of the fact that ,whenever,wherever,whoever,whichever,However,no matter how,whether) 。二二、句句子子类类型型(3)状语从句状语从句2021/6/3020二二、句句子子类类型型3、复合句、复合句 并列复合句并列复合句 即并列连词连接了带即并列连词连接了带 从句的并列句。从句的并列句。English is widely used in the world, but China has the largest number of people who speak Chinese.2021/6/3021 结束语结束语若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!



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