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1、教材版本:仁爱科普教材版本:仁爱科普2011版版工作单位:三门峡市实验中学工作单位:三门峡市实验中学作者:作者: 唐秋雯唐秋雯 2015.0402Section C三门峡市实验中学 唐秋雯1. 能根据图片猜测文章大意以及读完文章后,能根据图片猜测文章大意以及读完文章后, 找出主题句的能力。找出主题句的能力。2. 能运用学过的短语和句子写出语句连贯,表能运用学过的短语和句子写出语句连贯,表 达准确的短文。达准确的短文。3.努力培养学生形成正确的健康观念。努力培养学生形成正确的健康观念。health1.Eating 2.Playing sports3. happiness4.Good habits

2、 Work in pairs and check if the following habits are good. If not, give your advice.Alwaysbehappy. Eatalotofpotatochips. Smokeanddrink. Drinkenoughwater. Playsports.You should eat more vegetables and fruit.You shouldnt eat junk food.You should say no to smoking and drinking.Read 1a and find out the

3、main idea of the passage. Whats the main idea of the passage?A: We should eat the right food to keep fit.B: Its necessary to do exercise.C: Happiness is important to our health.D: A talk about how to keep healthy.Workalone(1 minute)Read 1a again and find out the topic sentence in each paragraph.P1:

4、_P2: _P3: _P4: _You need to have healthy eating habits.Stay safe when you are playing sports.Happiness is important to your health.You must stay away from smoking and drinking.WorkaloneThe topic sentence expresses the main idea of a paragraph.(2 minutes)Read 1a and complete the structure of the text

5、. Keeping Healthy1.Have healthy _ .2.Play _.3.Be _.4.Stay away from _ and _.Eat _.Eat _.Dont eat _.breakfastfruit and vegetablesfast foodsportshappy smoking drinkingeatinghabitsWorkalone(3 minutes)Discuss what the red words refer to in the passage.GroupworkSodontgotoschoolwithoutit.Sotrytostaysafewh

6、enyouplaythem.Itsthebestmedicine.Buttheydontknowsmokingordrinkingbreakfastsportshappinessthe studentsFind the following phrases and underline them.Groupwork1.健康的饮食习惯2.保持健康3.学习急救4.对某人来说做某事是有必要的4.另一方面5.远离6.向说不healthy eating habitsstay healthy keep healthylearn about first aidIts necessary for sb. to d

7、o sth.on the other handsay no tostay away from keep away from1.健康的饮食习惯2.保持健康3.学习急救4.对某人来说做某事是有必要的4.另一方面5.远离6.向说不healthy eating habitsstay healthy keep healthylearn about first aidIts necessary for sb. to do sth.on the other handsay no tostay away from keep away from 现在的中学生大多数都生活在亚健现在的中学生大多数都生活在亚健康的状

8、态下,请你以康的状态下,请你以How to keep healthy 为题,写一篇文章告诉他们怎为题,写一篇文章告诉他们怎样才是健康的生活方式并发表在校报上。样才是健康的生活方式并发表在校报上。How to keep healthy_headbodytail Keeping healthy is important to every-one. 1.Have healthy eating habits. If you do2.Playing sports. 3.Be happy.4.Stay away from bad habits.First,Second,Third,Finally1.1.L

9、earn some new phrases.Learn some new phrases.2.2. healthy eating habits 健康的饮食习惯健康的饮食习惯 stay healthy 保持健康保持健康 learn about first aid 学习急救学习急救 Its necessary for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是有必要的对某人来说做某事是有必要的 on the other hand 另一方面另一方面 stay away from sth. stay away from sth. 远离某物远离某物/ /某事某事 say no to sth. say no to sth. 对对说不说不3.3.Know how to keep healthy in our daily life.Know how to keep healthy in our daily life.1. Retell 1a.2. Finish the exercises in the exercise book.



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