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1、初三英语专项复习初三英语专项复习形容词和副词形容词和副词授课教师授课教师: 二里中学二里中学 城固二城固二里里 (一)(一) 用法用法用法用法例例 句句补充说明补充说明作定作定作定作定语语语语This is an This is an interestinginteresting book bookI have nothing I have nothing importantimportant to to tell youtell you形容词作定语形容词作定语形容词作定语形容词作定语时放在被修饰时放在被修饰时放在被修饰时放在被修饰词之前,修饰词之前,修饰词之前,修饰词之前,修饰不定代词放在不

2、定代词放在不定代词放在不定代词放在后面后面后面后面作表作表作表作表语语语语The work is The work is difficultdifficultShe looks She looks happyhappy today today作表语与系作表语与系作表语与系作表语与系动词连用动词连用动词连用动词连用作宾作宾作宾作宾补补补补Please keep the room Please keep the room clean clean I find it very I find it very beautifulbeautiful1 1、形容词的用法、形容词的用法SunRainWindC

3、loudFriendCareInterestUse2.掌握下列名词和形容词的转化掌握下列名词和形容词的转化sunnyrainywindycloudycarefulinterestingfriendlyuseful interested1.副词的作用副词的作用: 用来修饰动词用来修饰动词.形容词形容词.其它副词其它副词.全句或全句或 名词词组及句子名词词组及句子用用用用 法法法法例例例例 句句句句作表语作表语作表语作表语My mother isMy mother is out out 作定语作定语作定语作定语The girl The girl therethere is my friend is

4、 my friend 作状语作状语作状语作状语He runs He runs fast fast 作宾补作宾补作宾补作宾补I found him I found him outsideoutside二 、副词2.有许多副词是对应的形容词有许多副词是对应的形容词加加ly构成构成,real really如如: Strong strongly词尾是词尾是y的要把的要把y变为变为i再加再加 ly,如如:busy busily happy happily有几个特殊的要去有几个特殊的要去e后再加后再加-ly或或y,如如:true truly terrible -terribly以以e结尾的结尾的,大部分直

5、接加大部分直接加-ly, 如如:wide widely brave bravely good的副词是的副词是well.hard 既是形既是形容词也是副词容词也是副词,作形容词是作形容词是“困困难的难的”,作副词是,作副词是“努力地努力地”。hardly的意思是的意思是“几乎不几乎不”它和它和hard没关系没关系注意注意: :三三.形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成是基本相同的是基本相同的,请同学按列项填充表格请同学按列项填充表格走喽走喽! ! 填表去喽填表去喽. .词词词词 尾尾尾尾 变变变变 化化化化原

6、级原级原级原级比较比较比较比较级级级级最高最高最高最高级级级级单音节词在词尾加单音节词在词尾加单音节词在词尾加单音节词在词尾加-er(-er(比较级比较级比较级比较级) )或或或或- -est(est(最高级最高级最高级最高级) )以字母以字母以字母以字母e e接尾的词加接尾的词加接尾的词加接尾的词加r r或或或或ststTall hard Tall hard large widelarge wide以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一个辅音字母应双写辅音字母再加个辅音字母应双写辅音字母再加个辅音字母应双写辅音

7、字母再加个辅音字母应双写辅音字母再加erer或或或或estestBig hot Big hot thin fat wet thin fat wet 以辅音字母以辅音字母以辅音字母以辅音字母+y+y结尾的词变为结尾的词变为结尾的词变为结尾的词变为i i再加再加再加再加er,er,或或或或estestHappy dry Happy dry earlyearly少数以少数以少数以少数以er,ower,ow结尾的双音节词可加结尾的双音节词可加结尾的双音节词可加结尾的双音节词可加erer或或或或estestNarrow Narrow clever clever 多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面多音节词和多

8、数双音节词在其前面多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面加加加加more more 和和和和most most Difficult Difficult popular popular slowlyslowly1. 规则变化Taller harder larger wider Tallest hardest largest widestBigger hotter fatter wetterBiggest hottest fattest Wettest Happier drier earlierHappiest driest earliestNarrower cleverer

9、Narrowest cleverestMore difficult more popularMore slowly Most difficult most popularMost slowly2、不规则变化、不规则变化原级原级原级原级GoodGoodWellWellBadBadillillManyManyMuchMuchLittleLittleFarFaroldold比较级比较级比较级比较级最高级最高级最高级最高级说明说明说明说明巧记:巧记:巧记:巧记:特殊形式比较级特殊形式比较级特殊形式比较级特殊形式比较级共有三对二合一共有三对二合一共有三对二合一共有三对二合一坏病两多并两好坏病两多并两好坏

10、病两多并两好坏病两多并两好littlelittle意思不是小意思不是小意思不是小意思不是小一分为二有两个一分为二有两个一分为二有两个一分为二有两个一是老来二是远一是老来二是远一是老来二是远一是老来二是远Better bestworseworstLess More mostFarther/furtherolderLeast Farthest/furthestoldest3、形容词,副词比较等级的用法、形容词,副词比较等级的用法等等等等级级级级原原原原级级级级句句句句 型型型型1 1、as+as+原级原级原级原级+as+as2 2、not + so/as + not + so/as + 原级原级原

11、级原级+ as+ as例例例例 句句句句She is She is asas kindkind asas her her mother mother Lucy didnt do it Lucy didnt do it so/asso/as wellwell asas you you 比比比比较较较较级级级级比较级比较级比较级比较级 + than+ thanHe is He is tallertaller thanthan lilei lilei The weather is getting The weather is getting hotter and hotterhotter and h

12、otter最最最最高高高高级级级级the+the+最高级最高级最高级最高级+of /in+of /inShe is She is thethe tallesttallest oneone in her classin her class4.使用形容词比较级时使用形容词比较级时(1)在形容词比较级前可用在形容词比较级前可用much, even ,still ,a little Far, a lot来修饰,表示程度。来修饰,表示程度。(2)可用可用“比较级形式比较级形式+than any other +单数单数名词来表达最高级的意思名词来表达最高级的意思 He is taller than any

13、 other student in the school 。注意注意:(3)可用可用the +比较级形式比较级形式+of the two来表达两来表达两者之间的比较。者之间的比较。 如如He is the better of the two 他是两人中较好的他是两人中较好的.(4)可用可用“比较级形式比较级形式+and+比较级形式比较级形式”来来表达表达“越来越的意思,越来越的意思, 表示本身程度的改变,表示本身程度的改变,其动词经常使用其动词经常使用grow ,get, Become , 如如Its spring now . It gets warmer and warmer (5) 可用可

14、用“the +比较级形式比较级形式 , the +比较级形比较级形式式”the +比较级形式来表达,越比较级形式来表达,越就越就越的意思。的意思。如如the more, the better。5. 使用形容词最高级时使用形容词最高级时(1)可用可用“one of +the 最高级形式最高级形式+名词复数表名词复数表示示“是最是最 之一者。之一者。如:如:one of the most beautiful cities is shanghai 上海是最美的城市之一。上海是最美的城市之一。 (2)用用the +形容词最高级形式形容词最高级形式+in 接接单数名词单数名词用用the +形容词最高级形

15、式形容词最高级形式+of 接接复数名词或复数名词或表示复数的代词表示复数的代词。 如如who is the tallest in the class? Who is the tallest of the students 。注意注意:(二)(二)1、The bread is _ than these cakesA、Very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious2. Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting A. Far B.

16、farther C. farthest D. quite far3. When they met in the hotel . They talked and laughed _A.Happily B. happy C. happier D. happiest4.which is _ season in Beijing ?A.Good B. better C. best D. the best CCAD(三)(三)1. I think Yao ming the famous basketball plyer , will be _ new Star in NBAA.Hot B. hotter

17、C. hottest D. the hottest 2. In our city its _ in July ,but it is even _ in August A.Hotter hottest B. hot hot C. hotter hot D. hot hotter3. Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second _ island in chinaA.Large B. larger C. largest D. most largest 4. An elephant is _ than a tiger A.Heavy B. very

18、heavy C. the heaviest D. heavierDDCD5. A horse is _ than a dog A.Much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier 6. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes . She is _A.Care B. careful C. carefully D. careless7. Which subject is _ , physics or chemistry ?A.Interesting B. most interesting C. More interesting D

19、. the most interesting CDC8. He is _ enough to carry the heavy box A.Strong B. stronger C. much stronger . D. the strongest 9. Li lei often talks _ but does _ so everyone says he is a good boy A less more B. few much C. more little D. little many 10. When the famous singer started to sing , everyone began to shout very _ A.Loudly B. loud C.heavily D. high AAA(四)(四)1.系动词系动词+形容词形容词2.名词转化为形容词名词转化为形容词,形容词转形容词转化为副词的方法化为副词的方法3、形容词和副词的比较级和、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成及用法。最高级的构成及用法。



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