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1、【人教版新目标】九年级英语全册专题复习(5)阅读理解ppt课件A(2015福州)福州)At EFEnglish First,we provide the best English language training program available,and teachers are at the heart of our learning center.EF has over 120 schools in 50 cities,and is a very popular name in China.EF is looking for native English speakers with t

2、eaching experience to help Chinese people learn English well.While teaching English with EF,you will continue to develop as a teaching profession while experiencing life in this great nation.As soon as you walk into an EF school,you will understand why creating a welcoming learning environment is im

3、portant for us to teach English.Our schools have modern well-equipped(准备)(准备)classrooms,computer labs,and teaching preparation areas.Our teachers receive a complete modern teaching program to prepare themselves to teach our high standards.And theyve got high salary.EF was set up a year before 1965 w

4、ith the duty to “break down barriers(障碍)(障碍)in language,culture and geography”.It has helped over 15 million students to learn a new language and travel abroad.( )1.According to the passage,those who _ are likely to be welcomed. A.have rich knowledge B.have teaching methods C.have teaching experienc

5、e D.are healthy( )2.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A.EF is very popular in China. B.The learning environment is important to learn English well. C.Our schools own modern equipment. D.Our teachers have taught English with EF in the foreign country.CD( )3.How long has EF been in China? A.

6、For about 51 years. B.For 50 years. C.For 49 years. D.For 52 years.( )4.Whats the main purpose of the passage? A.To provide the best English language training. B.To ask more English speakers to China. C.To employ native English teachers to teach in China. D.To make people learn about EF.( )5.From th

7、e passage we can see that EF_. A.has the most successful teaching ideas B.has made a great achievement in language training C.is the largest center of English teachers in China D.is one of the worst training schoolsDCB( )1.It is found that _ do less housework. A.wives B.husbands C.parents D.babies(

8、)2.The underlined sentence“It is a different story for mothers.”Probably means _. A.mothers come from different families B.mothers like reading different stories C.mothers work more hours than fathers D.different mothers have different children( )3.What is the “traditional” role of a father? A.Worki

9、ng outside. B.Looking after the baby. C.Doing housework. D.Doing part-time jobs( )4.Which part of a newspaper can this passage be taken from? A.Sports. B.Medicine. C.News. D.Society.BCADC(2015漳州)漳州)Be honest.Thats all you have to do on Honesty Day.It would be great if we were all honest every day of

10、 the year.Its good that there is a day to encourage honesty.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day.He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fools Day,which celebrate lies.On Honesty Day,anyone may ask you any question and you should give a true and honest answer.That means that yo

11、u have knowledge of Honesty Day.M.Hirsh Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies.He said in his book that almost all person lie about 200 times a day.In our daily life,a typical(典型的)(典型的)life for a man is “I did not drink that much” and for a woman is “Nothing is wrong,Im fine.” It is found that nurses

12、 are the most honest people,while sales people and politicians(政客)(政客)are the biggest liars.Every Honesty Day,M.Hirsh Goldberg hands out prizes to honest people.( )1.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day to_. A.celebrate lies B.encourage honesty C.ask questions D.hand out prizes( )2.Which of the foll

13、owing is Honesty Day? A.April 1st. B.April 10th. C.April 20th. D.April 30th.( )3.According to the passage,_ are the most honest people. A.nurses B.sales people C.politicians D.all men( )4.The underlined word “liars” probably means “_”. A.获利者获利者 B.说谎者说谎者 C.影响者影响者 D.领导者领导者BDABD(2015宁波)宁波)A serious ear

14、thquake can be a terrible experience,and it is easy to forget safety measures(措施措施) in disorder(混乱混乱).Fortunately,most earthquake safety measures are common sense,but if you forget everything else,remember the following instructions:drop,cover,and hold on.Also,most of earthquake deaths happen after

15、the earthquake,so remember that the danger does not end when the shaking does!If you stay indoors during an earthquake,move away from unsupported areas and windows.Try to get under a doorway or another area of the building which is held up by strong beams(梁梁).Stay under a table or desk only if it is

16、 very strong.Do not rush to lifts,because it is far safer to stay where you are.Cover your head with your arms around it and curl (蜷缩蜷缩) into a ball,and wait for the shaking to stop.If you stay outdoors during an earthquake,move to an area which is as open as possible.Dont move to buildings,electric

17、 poles and other objects which may fall during an earthquake and injure you.Protect your head and stay low to the ground till the shaking ends and it is safe to move.After an earthquake,many buildings are less strong,although they appear safe.If you stay indoors,move people from the building quickly

18、 and help disabled or injured people.Once outdoors,move well away from the building so that if it falls down,you will not be injured.Wait till public safety officials announce that it is safe to stay indoors.By planning ahead and keeping calm during an earthquake,you can greatly increase your chance

19、s of survival(生存生存) without injury.( )1.The underlined word “Fortunately” in the first paragraph means _. A.especially B.gradually C.luckily D.finally( )2.We can learn from the passage that earthquake safety measures _. A.are planned for children B.help us to keep safe C.are not necessary D.are not

20、easy to understand( )3.According to the passage,it isnt a good choice _ during an earthquake. A.to take a lift B.to stay under a strong table C.to get under a doorway D.to cover the head with arms around it CBA( )4.If you stay outdoors during an earthquake,you can do all the following except _. A.tr

21、ying to protect your head B.moving to an open place C.moving away from buildings D.taking the disabled people into the room( )5.The purpose of the passage is mainly to tell us how to _. A.stay away from an earthquake B.predict an earthquake C.control an earthquake D.keep safe during and after an ear

22、thquakeDDE(2015北京)北京)Have you ever thought of why dogs are humans best friends?Whats the bond(紧(紧密关系)密关系)between human and dogs?A new study by Japanese scientist Miho Nagasawa seems to have found the answer,and it has to do with something named the cuddle(拥抱)(拥抱)chemical.The cuddle chemical has anot

23、her,more scientific name:oxytocin(催产素)(催产素).Oxytocin is something in the blood that encourages bonding.Levels of oxytocin increase,for example,when a mother feeds her newborn baby.According to Nagasawas study,levels of oxytocin can also go up when we look deeply into the eyes of a dog.Humans and dog

24、s have been working together for early 30,000 years.In order to better understand how the cuddle chemical worked between dogs and humans,Nagasawa and his team did an experiment.They tested levels of oxytocin in dogs and humans,and then put them in a room to interact(交流)(交流)with each other.While in t

25、he room,the humans pet the dogs,spoke to the dogs,and looked into the dogs eyes.Then the scientists tested their levels of oxytocin again.The researchers found that levels of oxytocin were higher in both humans and dogs after they interacted.However,levels were the highest in the humans and dogs tha

26、t simply looked into each others eyes,without much petting or talking.The longer the humans looked into the eyes of the dogs,the more cuddle chemical was let out.Nagasawa did the same experiment with humans and wolves(狼)(狼),but it did not give the same results.( )1.The underlined word “it” in Paragr

27、aph 1 refers to _. A.something B.the answer C.a new study D.the cuddle chemical( )2.Nagasawa did the experiment of humans and dogs to know _. A.how oxytocin worked B.how oxytocin was divided C.how they helped each other D.how they interacted with each other( )3.Oxytocin levels reached the highest in

28、 the humans and dogs _. A.when they looked into each others eyes B.when they talked with each other C.if the dogs cuddled the humans D.if the humans pet the dogsBAA( )4.What can we infer(推断)(推断)from the last sentence of the text? A.More experiments are expected to help wolves produce oxytocin. B.The

29、 cuddle chemical in human blood protects us against wolves. C.It makes sense that humans and wolves are naturally best friends. D.Its generally impossible to have the bond between humans and wolves.DF(2015南京)南京)( )1.You do not have to pay money on Tuesday if you go to _. A.Spring Restaurant B.Scienc

30、e Museum C.Sunshine Shopping Center D.Huatai Hotel( )2.What cant you do at 3 oclock on Saturday afternoon? A.Go to Spring Restaurant. B.Have coffee in Huatai Hotel. C.Visit Science Museum. D.Shop in Sunshine Shopping Center.( )3.If you want to drink coffee early on weekdays, you can go to _. A.Peace

31、 Road B.East Road C.West Road D.Green RoadBAC( )4.Which place is still open after 10:00 pm on Thursday? A.Spring Restaurant. B.Science Museum. C.Sunshine Shopping Center. D.Huatai Hotel.( )5.The text is probably taken from _. A.a novel B.a guide book C.a dictionary D.a science reportDBG(2015宁波)宁波)Go

32、od books are like wise friends. They support you to walk forward, and help you understand the world. TIME listed three best books of 2014 for teens. Have you read all of them?( )1.What are good books like? A.Parents. B.Brothers and sisters. C.Wise friends.( )2.Whats the difference for Rose this summ

33、er? A.She lost something important. B.She cant meet her friend. C.Her parents keep fighting.( )3.If youre interested in the secret to immor- tality(永生)(永生), you can read _. A.This One Summer B.The Fourteenth Goldfish C.Absolutely AlmostCCB( )4.The book Absolutely Almost is written by _. A.Jillian Ta

34、maki B.Jennifer L.Holm C.Lisa Graff( )5.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Ellie misses her dearly dead goldfish a lot. B.Rose has the same summer as before. C.Albie never does well in everything before.CAH(2015潍坊)潍坊).( )1.How much should the boys parents pay the babysitter for one day? A.4 B.6 C.8 D

35、.10( )2.You must send newspapers around the village of Clanbrook _. A.by car B.by bus C.by bike D.on foot( )3.Those who can only speak _ are not needed in the City Museum shop. A.French B.English C.German D.Spanish( )4.If you work parttime in Munchies Cafe,you can be free on Saturday _. A.morning B.noon C.afternoon D.eveningCCBD



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