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1、Section BPeriod Twobornbe born withabilitycreatebrainactiveattentionpay attention tov. 出生;出生;adj. 天生的天生的天生具有天生具有n. 能力;才能能力;才能v. 创造;创建创造;创建n. 大脑大脑adj. 活跃的;积极的活跃的;积极的n. 注意;关注注意;关注注意;关注注意;关注Words Reviewconnect connect.withovernightreviewknowledgelifelongwiselyv. (使)连接;(使)连接;与与.有联系有联系把把.和和.连接或联系起来连接或联系起

2、来adj. 一夜之间;在夜间一夜之间;在夜间v. & n. 回顾;复习回顾;复习n. 知识;学问知识;学问adj. 终身的;毕生的终身的;毕生的adv. 明智地;聪明地明智地;聪明地Words ReviewTo learn to use dictionaries To talk about how to be a successful learner.1.What does the passage talk about?2.Whats the secret to be a successful learner?3.What are successful learners habits?4.Is

3、 learning a lifelong journey? Why?1.It talks about how to be a successful learner.2.Your ability to learn depends on your learning habits.3. (1) Creating an interesting in what they learn (2) Practicing and learning from mistakes (3) Developing their study skills (4) Asking questions4. Yes, it is. B

4、ecauseBefore you read1Read the title, subtitles and the introduction on page 6. Then answer the questions below. Read paragraph two and fill in the blanks.Creating an interest in what they learn If you are interested in something, your brain is _ and it is also _ for you to pay attention to it for a

5、 long time. Good learners often _ what they need to learn _ something they _.more activeeasierconnectwithare interested inHow Can You Become a Successful Learner?Practicing and learning from mistakes Good learners think about what they are _ and what they need to _. “Practice makes perfect.” Good le

6、arners are also not afraid of _. They succeed by trying many times and _ their mistakes.good atpractice moremaking mistakeslearning from Developing their study skills Good learners may take notes by _or by _. They also _ to review what they have learned. They may do this by _ every day or by _ to an

7、other student. writing down key wordsdrawing mind mapslook for ways reading their notesexplaining the informationAsking questions Good learners often _ during or after class. They even ask each other and try to find out the answers. _ comes from questioning.ask questionsKnowledge 1. 天生具有天生具有 be born

8、 with 2. 干某事的能力干某事的能力 the ability to do3. 取决于取决于;依依赖于于 depend on4. 共同的共同的 in common5. 创造一种造一种兴趣趣 create an interest6. 注意注意;关注关注 pay attention to7. 把把和和连接起来接起来 connect with 8. 从从错误中学中学习learn from mistakes9. 不用不用则废 Use it or lose it .10.熟能生巧熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect.11.继续(坚持持)做某事做某事 keep doing =go o

9、n doing/continue doing 12.害怕干某事害怕干某事 be afraid to do /of doing 13.写下关写下关键词 write down key words14.画思画思维图 draw mind maps 15.知知识来源于来源于质疑。疑。Knowledge comes from questions.16.终身旅行身旅行 lifelong journey17.聪明地学明地学习learn wiselyTitle of the passageConclusion Learning habits Topic sentenceResearch shows that s

10、uccessful learners have some good habits in common.Learning is a lifelong journey. So learn wisely and learn well.Creating an interest in what they learnPracticing and learning from mistakes Developing their study skillsAsking questions How Can You Become a Successful Learner?Phrases:depend on/ upon; unless ; have sth. in common (with sb./ sth.); be interested in sth./ doing sth. ; pay attention toFour habits of successful learners:(1) Creating an interesting in what they learn(2) Practicing and learning from mistakes(3) Developing their study skills(4) Asking questions



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