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1、Title Unit2 Ways to go to school Sections Part A Lets try,Lets talk Design of Period 2 Teaching Aims And Demands Knowledge Objects: 1、 能够正确听、 说、 朗读 “Where is the science museum ? Its .How can I get there?”等询问某个地方在哪里以及如何才能到达那里的相关问路与指路的交际用语。 2、能够正确听、说、认读表示地点的名词和短语,如:science museum,post office,bookstor

2、e 等,方位介词:next to,near,behind 等,以及动词短语 turn left/right,go straight 等。 Ability Objects: 1、 能够在日常交际用语中灵活运用英语以及回答出行方式。 eg: “How do you?” “By bus/train/plane/taxi/ship/subway” “On foot” 。 2、能够听懂、会说、会表演“Lets talk”的内容,并在真实的场景中交流和运用。 Moral Objects: 培养学生用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音、语调和语感。 Teaching Key Points And Teachin

3、g Difficult Points Teaching Key Points: 学生能表演 Lets talk 的交际内容, 能够根据实际情况用英语问路和指路。 Teaching Difficult Points: 能用英语准确询问并回答地点方位,如: “Where is the post office?Its next to the museum.”等。 Teaching Aids Teaching Procedures Teacher-Student Interaction Student Activities Step 1 Greetings&warming up 1.老师播放歌曲“Ho

4、w do you get there?” Step 2 Revision 1.Review words 教师出示图片 2. Pair work(TPS) T : Im in China now.How can I get to the USA/. Step 3 Presentation 1.学习新单词。T:出示图片“Miss”为“小姐,女士” ,那么“已婚女士”怎么称呼呢?出示“Mrs” 。T:“早起的鸟儿有虫吃, 希望大家以后早到学校, 将英语大声说出来” 。 出示 “早”“early”教师教读。接着引出单词通常 usually,经常 often,有时 sometimes 。 2.教师解释“

5、usually,often,sometimes”的区别。 “usually”通常, 很少例外; “often” 经常, 比 usually 频率低; “sometimes”为有时。让学生按照频率高低自己排序。 3.情景介绍。Amy 和 Mike 早早地来到学校,遇见了 Mrs Smith, Step 4 Consolidation 仿照课本上的表格形式,做一份关于你的同学及老师们如何到校的调查表。学生 7 人一组,相互调查,并结合调查结果,运用“频率副词”写句子,并展示交流。 全班同学一起唱“ How do you get there?” ,进入学习英语的氛围。 学生开火车认读单词词组 “on

6、 foot ” “by bus/train/ship/subway/plane/taxi” 。 Ps:You can by bus /ship /. You can on foot. 1、学生听录音,听第一遍时跟读,模仿准确的语音语调;第二次听录音时,思考下列问 题 : (1)How does Mike come to school? (2)How does Amy come to school? (3)How does Smith come to school? 第三遍听录音时,理解对话大意,并尝试复述。 2.根据所模仿的语言语调,小组合作对话,并戴上人物头饰,表演对话,比一比哪个小组表演得较为优秀,教师进行点评。 Homework 同 桌 二 人 之间 运 用 句 型“ How do you come to school? ” “ I usually/often/sometimes come ”对话。 Blackboard Design (1)How does Mike come to school? (2)How does Amy come to school? (3)How does Smith come to school? I usually/often/sometimes come”对话。



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