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1、科技论文标题翻译1不把标题译成句子不把标题译成句子译成名词短语译成动名词短语译成介词短语译成不定式短语齿刀是怎样演变成齿轮滚刀的Transformation from Rack2type Geer Cutter into Geer Hobber高等专科学校应有一套实用的英语教材A Great Demand for a Set of Practical English Textbook s in Colleges转换企业经营机制必须改革干部人事制度The Necessity of Reforming the Cadre System for Shifting the Business Manag

2、ement Mode空气等离子水再压缩弧切割不锈钢Cutting Stainless Steel by Recompression of Arc with Air Plasma Water用数理统计方法预测矿石体重值Predicting Ore Weight by means of Mathem atical Statistics用复变函数法求解电力线与等势线方程Solving the Equation of Electric Flux lines and Equipotential Lines by Complex Function浅谈新城金矿床围岩蚀变与金矿化的关系On the Relat

3、ion between A lteration of Surrounding Rock and Gold Mineralization in the Xinchen Gold Ore Deposit略论矿山地质专业测量学的教学改革On the Reform in Teaching of Surveying in Mine Geology浅谈多媒体技术About Multimedia Techniques怎样提高学生的实践能力How to Improve the Students Practical Ability科研如何迈开第一步How to Make the First Step in Sc

4、ientific Researches培养和提高学生使用计算机的能力To Cultivate and Improve the Students Abilities for Operating Computers2防止逐字死译防止逐字死译有些词不必译出根据文章内容来译对排球二传拓宽传球视野的训练探讨How to Broaden Volleyball Setters Setting Field应用PDCA 循环, 提高井巷贯通质量Applying PDCA Circulat ion to Improve Shaft Excavation中国稀土产业如何摆脱困境Chinas Rare-earth I

5、ndustrys Methods of Extricating Itself from a Difficult Posit ion高校德育工作要做到“五到位”The Necessity of “Five Prerequisites” in College Moral Education正确认识运动性疲劳, 搞好体育教学和训练On the Causes of Motor Fatigue in Physical Training and the Methods of Overcoming It化作春泥更护花Devoting Every Effort to Fostering Later Gener

6、ations3恰当使用构词恰当使用构词横山岭-蛇形坪铅锌矿伴生金银赋存状态的多元统计分析Analysis of the Multistatistics of A ssociated Gold and Silver Deposits in Hengshanling-Shexinping Lead-zinc Mine (用了multi-)铜阳极泥中铜的预先控制与脱除Fore-control and Fore-elimination of Copper in Its Anode Mud (用了fore-)青函隧道的跨海测量Transmarine Survey of the Aomoli-Hako-d

7、ate Tunnel (有了trans-)多中段开采分段崩落法通风系统的建立Establishment of the Ventilation System of Sublevel Caving in Polylevel Mining (用了sub-和poly-)4注意冠词的取舍注意冠词的取舍省略冠词保留冠词从废母液中回收皂素的工艺Techniques for Retrieving Saponin from Waste Mother Liquor低浓度SO2 烟气的综合治理Comprehensive Control of Low Concentration SO2 Smoke氧气顶吹自热炉吹练二

8、次铜精矿Top-blown Oxygen Converters Autogenous Smelting of Secondary Copper Concentrate活化被石灰抑制的黄铁矿的新药剂A New Chemical for Activating Pyrite Inhibited by Lime复关与湖南治金工业的对策Hunan Metallurgical Industrys Countermeasures of Dealing with the Situation after Chinas Reacceding to GATT墙壁开洞爆破技术Techniques for Blasti

9、ng through a Hole in the Wall部分常见标题的英文表达格式:On the Discussion of 论An Analysis of (on) 就的分析(研究)Some Notes for (on) 就的几点意见An Introduction of 的介绍Study of 就的研究A Review of 的回顾Some Thoughts on 对的看法A Few Problems on ( for) 的几个问题Some New Ideas for 对的几点见解Some Suggestions to (of) 的建议Report on 的情况报告My Knowledge on ( for) 我对的了解A Research on 对的研究On Characteristics of 论的特征



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