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1、Section A 3a-3cFull Moon, Full Feelings阅读公开课阅读公开课Goforit人教版九年级Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious.1基础教学Warming-upLets watch a video and be ready to discuss.a kind of dessert /diz3:(r)t/ (甜(甜点)点)mooncakesin the shape of a full moonWe often eat themon Mid-Autumn Festival.2基础教学What to doWhen Wh

2、at stories Mid-Autumn FestivalWhat to eatAugust 15thin lunar calendarBrainstormWhat can you think of when we mention the Mid-Autumn Festival ?3基础教学What do people usually do on Mid-Autumn Festival? get together and have a big meallay out fruits and desserts in the garden and eat mooncakesadmire the m

3、oon(摆放摆放)(花园)(花园)(欣赏欣赏)4基础教学Do you know any traditional folk stories about Mid-Autumn Festival?(传统的传统的)(民间的民间的)Jade Rabbit pounding medicine玉兔捣药玉兔捣药Change flying to the moon嫦娥奔月嫦娥奔月 Wu Gang chopping laurel tree吴刚伐桂吴刚伐桂5基础教学BackgroundDid Change steal magic medicine? ( 偷;偷窃偷;偷窃(stole stolen) )6基础教学Pre

4、-reading Look at the photo and the title and answer the questions below. 1. Who is the girl in the picture?2. What does the passage talk about?Change.It talks about the Mid-Autumn Festival.7基础教学ChangeGoddessThe story of ChangePang Meng Hou YiFast readingListen and finf out:1.How many people are ther

5、e in the text?Who are they? 2.Choose the right answers.1. Change was Hou Yis_.A. wife B. sister C. daughter 2. _ gave Hou Yi magic medicine. A. A god B. A goddess C. Pang Meng3. _ tried to steal the medicine.A. Change B. Hou Yi C. Pang Meng4. _ drank the medicine. A. Change B. Hou Yi C. Pang Meng8基础

6、教学3aRead the passage about the Mid-Autumn Festival and answer the questions.1.How do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?2.What story is the reading about?They admiring the moon and share the mooncakes with their families.Its about the traditional folk story of Hou Yi and Change.9基础教学Para 1Para 2Pa

7、ra 3c: the story of Change and Hou Yi a: how people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festivalb: general introduction about the Mid-Autumn FestivalRead quickly and match.Reading task10基础教学Reading task Read para1 carefully and finish the tasks. 1 Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and en

8、joying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on Mid-Autumn night. They carrypeoples wishes to the families they love and miss.celebrate Mid-autumn Festival庆祝中秋节庆祝中秋节 for centuries 几个世纪几个世纪in the shape of呈呈的形状的形状carry peoples wishes to寄托人们对寄托人们对的祝福的祝福 11基础教学1. What do moo

9、ncakes look like?2.Why we eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival?3. 请翻译请翻译最后一句最后一句_Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on Mid-Autumn Festival.Because many people believe that mooncakes could carry their wishes to the families they love and miss.它们(月饼)把人们美好的祝愿带给了他们所爱的和想念的家人。它们(月饼)把人们美好的祝愿带给了他们所爱的

10、和想念的家人。 Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions below.12基础教学Reading task Read para2 carefully and finish the tasks. 2 There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Change is the most touching. Change was Hou Yis beautiful wife. After Hou

11、Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever took this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to take it with Change. 13基础教学However, a bad man, Peng Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Change refused to give it to him and took it all. Sh

12、e became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that the could see his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chan

13、ge could come back!the most touching最令人感动的最令人感动的 shoot down射下,击落射下,击落a magic medicine仙丹仙丹 live forever长生不老长生不老 refuse to do sth拒绝做某事拒绝做某事 fly up to.飞向飞向 call out ones name大声呼喊大声呼喊的名字的名字 lay out摆开,布置摆开,布置14基础教学1.There is only one traditional folk story about Mid-Autumn Festival.2.A goddess gave Hou Y

14、i magic medicine after he shot down the nine suns. 3.Change refused to give the medicine to Hou Yi and drank it all.4.One night, Feng Meng found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.5.Hou Yi laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. Read Paragraph2 an

15、d decide True or False.15基础教学 Hou Yi _ the nine suns. One night, Hou Yi found that the moon was so bright that he could see his wife. He quickly _ her favorite food.shot downlaid outPang Meng tried to _ the magic medicine when Hou Yi was not home.stealChange _ to give Pang Meng the medicine and dran

16、k it all. She became very light and _ the moon.refusedflew up toGoddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine to _ him.thankChangeGoddessThe story of ChangePang Meng Hou YiPast tense!过去时过去时Complete the blanks below.16基础教学Draw the mind map.Hou YiThe goddessChangePang MengShot downThanked gavecalled out laid out

17、planned torefusedtried to stealtook flew up17基础教学3 After this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families. admire v. 欣赏;钦佩;仰慕欣赏;钦佩;仰慕admire sb. for sth. 因某事欣赏某人因某事欣赏某人 赏月赏月admire the moon和家人分享月饼和家人分享月饼 share mooncakes with their familiesReading task R

18、ead para3 carefully and fill in the blanks.People often celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by _ admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families. 18基础教学 Whats the meaning of the title “Full Moon, Full Feelings”?圆圆的月亮,满满的情思圆圆的月亮,满满的情思Discussion月满,情浓。月满,情浓。19基础教学3bRead the passage again. Put

19、 the events in the correct order._ Feng Meng tried to steal the medicine._ A goddess thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine._ Change refused to give Feng Meng the medicine and took it all. 1 Hou Yi shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth._ Hou Yi was very sad and watched the m

20、oon at night, and wished his wife could come back._ As a result, Change became light and flew up to the sky._ Hou Yi planned to take the medicine with his wife.23456720基础教学Language pointsChinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.数个世纪以来数个世纪以来,中国

21、人一直有庆祝中秋节和吃月饼的传统。中国人一直有庆祝中秋节和吃月饼的传统。 【解读】【解读】 这是一个现在完成进行时的句子。现在完成进行时由这是一个现在完成进行时的句子。现在完成进行时由“have / has + been +现在分词现在分词”构成构成,表示一段时间里一直在进行的表示一段时间里一直在进行的动作动作,这动作可能仍在进行这动作可能仍在进行,也可能已停止。也可能已停止。【活学活用】【活学活用】1) 这工作他已干了三年了。这工作他已干了三年了。 _ 2) 我一直盼望见你。我一直盼望见你。 _He has been doing this work for three years. I ha

22、ve been looking forward to meeting you.21基础教学Whoever took this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to take it with Change. 无论是谁吃下这种仙药都能够长生不老无论是谁吃下这种仙药都能够长生不老,后羿准备和嫦娥一起吃。后羿准备和嫦娥一起吃。 【解读】【解读】 whoever作代词,意为作代词,意为“无论谁;不管什么无论谁;不管什么 人人”,相当于,相当于no matter who, 可引导让步状语可引导让步状语 从句或名词性从句。此处从句或名词性从句。此处whoever

23、引导名性从句,作主语,表达让步之意。引导名性从句,作主语,表达让步之意。【活学活用】【活学活用】1) 不管谁来不管谁来,都叫他走。都叫他走。_ 2) 谁喜欢这本书就给谁吧。谁喜欢这本书就给谁吧。 _ Whoever comes, tell him to go away. Give this book to whoever likes it.22基础教学Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night.后羿十分悲伤后羿十分悲伤,他每晚都对着月亮呼唤嫦娥的名字。他每晚都对着月亮呼唤嫦娥的名字。 【解读】本句是

24、含有结果状语从句的复合句【解读】本句是含有结果状语从句的复合句, so. . . that. . . 意为意为“如如此此以至于以至于”, 引导结果状语从句引导结果状语从句, so后接形容词、副词或由后接形容词、副词或由few, little, many, much修饰的名词。修饰的名词。so(such)that表(如此表(如此以至于以至于 )构成含目的或者结果状语从句的主从复合句,和)构成含目的或者结果状语从句的主从复合句,和tooto(太太而不能而不能)可以互换。可以互换。【活学活用】【活学活用】 她太吃惊了以至于说不出话来。她太吃惊了以至于说不出话来。 _ She was so excit

25、ed that she couldnt say a word. (=She was too excited to say a word. )23基础教学He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.他他很快在花园里摆满了她最很快在花园里摆满了她最 喜欢的水果和甜点。喜欢的水果和甜点。 【解读】【解读】laid out 意为意为“陈列,安排陈列,安排”,原形为,原形为lay out.原形原形 过去式过去式 过去分词过去分词 意义意义 lie lied lied 撒谎撒谎 lie lay lain 位于,躺位于

26、,躺 lay laid laid 摆放、下(蛋)摆放、下(蛋)注意注意:lay也是也是lie的过去式。用作的过去式。用作lie的过去式时,的过去式时,lay意为意为“躺,卧;躺,卧;位于位于”。拓展拓展 lay out的其他含义:的其他含义:(1)计划;安排。()计划;安排。(2)设计。)设计。24基础教学1. in the shape of 2. for centuries2. carry peoples wishes4. the most touching 5. magic medicine6. shoot down 7. refuse to do sth. 8. fly up to th

27、e moon 以以的形状的形状几个世纪几个世纪寄托着人们的愿望寄托着人们的愿望最动人的最动人的神奇的药神奇的药射下射下 (shoot 过去式过去式shot)拒绝做某事拒绝做某事 向上飞到月亮上(向上飞到月亮上(fly 过去式过去式flew)Phrases summary25基础教学9.traditional folk stories 10.the most touching11. so.that. 12. call out sbs name 13. lay out 14. admire the moon 15. share sth. with sb. 16. on the earth 17.

28、as a result 传统的民间故事传统的民间故事最令人感动的最令人感动的如此如此以致以致呼唤某人的名字呼唤某人的名字摆开;布置摆开;布置赏月赏月和某人分享某物和某人分享某物在地球上在地球上因此,所以因此,所以26基础教学3cWithout looking at the passage, try to complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. People like to a_ the full moon on Mid-Autumn night.2. The story of Change is one of many t_ folk

29、 stories.3. Hou Yi got m_ medicine for shooting down the nine suns.4. Feng Meng wanted to s_ the medicine.5. Hou Yi l_ out fruits and desserts in the garden. dmireraditionalagictealaid27基础教学carry peoples wishesMid-Autumn Festival StoryDate August 15thMeaning of mooncakes Activitieseat mooncakesadmir

30、e the moonSummaryArticle structure.28基础教学shot downgave to tried to stealdrankflew uplaid outTell the story. come backRetelling timeRetell the story of Change .29基础教学_,Full feelings_,Full feelings_,Full feelings_,Full feelings_,Full feelingsFull moonA class with youA dinner for my momEnjoying stories

31、 with you30基础教学We have good wishes for each other. So we hope that every story has a good end. But sometimes no matter who we are.Good endingGood endingmanmanwomanwomanThe oldThe youngfriendsstrangersforeigersforeigersforeigersforeigersWe have to face separation from a loved one because of work or study. But we can always believe that our hearts are together . I want to say, though for apart, we can still admire the beauty of the moon under the same sky. And our hearts are full forever.31基础教学32基础教学谢谢21世纪教育网()中小学教育资源网站有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员?欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!月薪过万不是梦!详情请看:https:/



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