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1、2015 年中考英语专项突破-形容词和副词易错题汇编(带解析) 满分: 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_ 一、单选题(共 45 小题) 1We should keep _ in the reading-room. Aquite Bquietly Cquiet Dquickly 2The light in the room wasnt _for me to read. Aenough bright Bbrightly enough Cenough brightly Dbright enough 3She is _of the two. Athe cleverest Bthe cleverer Cth

2、e clever Dcleverest 4How far is the factory from here? Its about 4 kilometres _. Afar Blong Caway Dnear 5Do you have enough men to carry these chairs? No. I think we need _ men. Aanother Bother two Cmore two Dtwo more 6How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _ voice. Athe best Ba best Cthe bet

3、ter Da better 7Which is _, the sun, the moon or the earth? Of course the moon is. Asmall Bsmaller Csmallest Dthe smallest 8He has made _ progress this term than before. Alittle Bless Cfewer Dmuch 9What delicious cakes! They would taste _ with butter. Agood Bbetter Cbad Dworse 10Bob never does his ho

4、mework _ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. Aso careful as Bas carefully as Ccarefully as Das careful as 11I must be getting fat I can _ do my trousers up. Afairly Bhardly Cnearly Dseldom 12If you cant come tomorrow, well _ have to hold the meeting next week. Ayet Beven Crather Djust 13Mary kept weigh

5、ing herself to see how much _ she was getting. Aheavier Bheavy Cthe heavier Dthe heaviest 14I dont mind picking up your things from the store. _, the walk will do me good ASooner or later BStill CIn time DBesides 15The great success of this programme has been _ due to the support given by the local

6、businessmen. Arather Bvery Cquickly Dlargely 16Mr. Smith used to smoke _, but he has given it up. Aseriously Bheavily Cbadly Dhardly 17It is _any wonder that his friend doesnt like watching television much. Ano Bsuch Cnearly Dhardly 18The number of people present at the concert was _than expected. T

7、here were many tickets left. Amuch smaller Bmuch more Cmuch larger Dmany more 19That doesnt sound very frightening, Paul. Ive seen _. What did you like most about the film? Abetter Bworse Cbest Dworst 20_, some famous scientists have the questions of being both careful and careless. AStrangely enoug

8、h BEnough strangely CStrange enough DEnough strange 21Mr. Smith owns _ collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met. Alarger Ba larger Cthe larger Da large 22David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels_ desire to go to bed. Athe most Bmore Cworse Dthe lea

9、st 23Bob ran the 100 meters in seconds, and I have not seen _ this year. Athe best Bbetter Cthe most Dmore 24If it is quite _ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. Aconvenient Bfair Ceasy Dcomfortable 25This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses_water and electricity than_ mod

10、els. Aless;older Bless;elder Cfewer;older Dfewer;elder 26I hear_ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. Aquite a lot Bquite a few Cquite a bit Dquite a little 27Of the two sisters, Betty is_one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet. A

11、a younger Ba youngest Cthe younger Dthe youngest 28I wish youd do _talking and some more work. Thus things will become better. Aa bit less Bany less Cmuch more Da little more 29Alan is a careful driver, but he drives _ of my friends. Amore carefully Bthe most carefully Cless carefully Dthe least car

12、efully 30He began to take political science _ only when he left school. Astrictly Btruly Ccarefully Dseriously 31Youre driving too fast. Can you drive _? Amore slowly a bit Bslowly a bit more Ca bit more slowly Dslowly more a bit 32It looks like the weather is changing for _. Shall we stick to our p

13、lan? Athe worse Bworse Cthe worst Dworst 33Ten years ago the population of our village was_ that of theirs. Aas twice large as Btwice as large as Ctwice as much as Das twice much as 34It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was _ journey. Athree hour Ba three-hours Ca three-hou

14、r Dthree hours 35Next to biology , I like physics _. Abetter Bbest Cthe better Dvery well 36This restaurant wasnt _ that other restaurant we went to. Ahalf as good as Bas half good as Cas good as half Dgood as half as 37The more you read, _you will get. Athe less Bthe most Cthe more Dmuch more 38Of

15、all the teams in NBA, I think the Los Angeles Lakers played _ this year. Amost successful Bmost successfully Cvery successfully Dmuch more succes 39Remember this, John. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will take. AThe more; the less BThe more; the fewer CThe less; the fewer DThe more; the more 40Li

16、stening is just as _ as speaking in language learning. Aimportant Bmore important Cmost important Dthe most important 41How can I get well along with others, father? Try to smile to others, boy. That will make _ much _. Athem, easier Bthem, more easy Cit, easy Dit, easier 42Though his grandmother li

17、ves _, she never feels _. Aalone; alone Blonely; lonely Calone; lonely Dlonely; alone 43Many people send cards by e-mail because its much _ this way. Anearer Bshorter Cquicker Dfarther 44I was so tired that I could _ walk any farther. Anearly Bhardly Creally Dsuddenly 45Is this a photo of your daugh

18、ter?She looks _ in the pink dress. Alovely Bquietly Cpolitely Dhappily 答案部分 1.试题解析: 这里的 keep 是连系动词,后面要接形容词作表语。quite:adv. 很;相当;完全。 quiet:adj. 安静的;安定的;故选 C。 答案:C 2.试题解析: enough 修饰形容词或副词时一定要后置;在 be 动词后面作表语时应该用形容词而不用副词。故选D。 答案:D 3.试题解析: 由这里的 two 可知,两者中的比较只能用比较级,而且指特定的两者中“较的那一个”时,比较级前往往要用定冠词 the。故选 B。 答案

19、:B 4.试题解析: 其实,问距离时可以用 How far is . ?,但是 far 不能与表示具体的距离连用,此时应该用away。故选 C。 答案:C 5.试题解析: two more 的意思是“另外两个”。数词+More,表示数量的增加,即表示在原有基础上又增加了若干数量。句意:你有足够的男士来抬这些椅子吗?不是。我认为我们还需要两个人。故选 D。 答案:D 6.试题解析: 其实,这是一个暗含比较级,句子的完整形式应为:I have never heard a better voice than her voice. 故选 D。 答案:D 7.试题解析: 因为是太阳,地球和月亮三者进行比

20、较,选用形容词的最高级,而且最高级之前要加定冠词 the。故选 D。 答案:D 8.试题解析: 因为是现在和过去进行比较,所以要用比较级,又因为 progress 是不可数名词,所以只能用 less, 而不能用 fewer。 答案:B 9.试题解析: 句意:如果加上点黄油,这些蛋糕会更好吃。这里就有一种比较故该句用比较级。所以 A,C,D 要舍去,故选 B。 答案:B 10.试题解析: 因为该词修饰的是动词“做家庭作业”,所以要用副词。as+adj/adv 原级+as:和一样; not+as+adj/adv 原级+as: 和不一样/不如.句意:鲍勃不如玛丽做作业认真。他经常犯很多错误。故选 B

21、。 答案:B 11.试题解析: hardly:几乎不;fairly:相当地;公平地;nearly:几乎;seldom:很少,不常。句意:我肯定变胖了,我几乎提不上裤子了。故选 B。 答案:B 12.试题解析: yet:然而,而又,也,还;even:甚至;rather:相反,更确切地,颇,相当;just:就,正好,刚好。句意:如果你明天不能来,那么会议就推迟到下周召开.故选 D。 答案:D 13.试题解析: 本题指的是每次比上一次重多少, 属于 “渐进比较”, 所以用比较级;形容词和副词的比较级前面不要加 the. 答案:A 14.试题解析: Sooner or later:迟早;Still:仍

22、然, 依然;In time:及时; 终于;Besides:而且, 此外。根据句子的意思, 上句说了 “我不介意”, 而下文讲的是 “对我有好处”, 故选 D。 答案:D 15.试题解析: rather: 宁可,宁愿;相当; very: 非常,很;quickly: 迅速地;很快地;largely: 主要地;大部分;大量地;due to:由于;应归于。句意:这个项目之所以取得成功. 在很大的程度上是由于当地商人的支持。故符合句意的只能选 D。 答案:D 16.试题解析: seriously:认真地;badly:严重地;hardly:几乎不。smoke heavily:烟吸得很厉害。 为固定说法。故

23、选 B 答案:B 17.试题解析: 根据 any 可排除选项 B、C;选项 A 与 any 暗含重复, no=not anya, 也应排除, 故选 D。 答案:D 18.试题解析: 根据 many tickets left 的意思,可知来到现场看音乐会的人要比预期的人要少很多。在英语中人口的多与少要用 large/small 来表示。人口少用 small。而且 small 的比较级为 smaller。同时much 在句中修饰比较级。故选 A。 答案:A 19.试题解析: 根据句意:“听起来, 那还不很可怕, 我见过更可怕的事情呢”得知选项应该用比较级。故排除C,D. 而且 A 项不符合句子要表

24、达的意思。故选 B. 答案:B 20.试题解析: 用副词作状语来修饰主句中的谓语动词, 故排除 C、D;enough 修饰形容词、副词时, 需放在所修饰的词的后面。故选 A。 答案:A 21.试题解析: a +比较级+名词:一个更。的人/物; 而 the +比较级: 两者中较的一个。 根据句意, 可知答案为 B。 答案:B 22.试题解析: 句意:大卫在歌唱比赛中得了第一名;他现在仍然十分激动,所以最没睡觉的渴望。故选 D。 答案:D 23.试题解析: 句意:鲍勃在百米赛跑中跑了秒, 今年我还没见过比这跑得更快的。故排除 A,C. 此处若用 more则表示 “没见过(比这)更多的”, 不符合句

25、意。故选 B。 答案:B 24.试题解析: convenient:便利的, 方便的; fair:公平的; easy:容易的; comfortable:舒适的. 句意:如果你方便的话,我会下周二看你。符合句意的只能选 A。 答案:A 25.试题解析: water and electricity 为不可数名词, 故排除 C、D 两项。elder:年长的; older:更加旧的, 更加旧时的。故选 A。 答案:A 26.试题解析: quite a lot/bit+of+n.;a little+不可数名词;quite a few+可数名词。故选 B。 答案:B 27.试题解析: 两者之中比较年轻的那个

26、时, 要用形容词比较级, 并在比较级前加定冠词 the。故选 C. 答案:C 28.试题解析: 根据 some more work 可知 talking 应该也用比较级修饰。又根据句意:我希望你少说多做,这样的话,事情会变好一点。可排除 C,D.而 any 是不能修饰比较级的,所以选 A。 答案:A 29.试题解析: 由 of my friends 可知应用最高级, 由 but 转折可知他是我朋友中开车最不小心的一个人.故选D。 答案:D 30.试题解析: take 严肃、认真地对待某事, 为固定搭配。故选 D. 答案:D 31.试题解析: 句意:你车开得太快了,你能开得慢一点吗?根据句意得知

27、应该用 slowly 的比较级。而 slowly 的比较级是 more slowly 故排除 B、D;而 a bit 用来修饰比较级,且要放到比较级之前。故选 C。 答案:C 32.试题解析: change for the worse:变坏, 恶化, 是固定短语。故选 A 答案:A 33.试题解析: 根据倍数词+as+形容词/副词原级+as+其他。在英语中人口的多要用 large 来表示。故选 B. 答案:B 34.试题解析: 数词+连字符+名词的用法, 其连字符之后的名词用单数。这个结构作定语来修饰后面的名词。 答案:C 35.试题解析: 此处 best 是副词的最高级,修饰动词 like。

28、句意:除了生物,我最喜欢物理。故选 B。 答案:B 36.试题解析: 句意:这家饭店不及我们去过另一家的一半好。句型:倍数+as+adj/adv 原形+as.根据句意和句型故选 A。 答案:A 37.试题解析: 考查 The more,the more句型,表示越,就越。句意:你读书越多,你将会得到的越多。故选 C。 答案:C 38.试题解析: 根据 of all 结构,这里只能使用形容词/副词的最高级。又根据副词修饰动词/形容词。故排除A,D. 而且 successfully 的最高级为 the most successfully .又因为副词的最高级前面的 the常常可以省略。故选 B。

29、答案:B 39.试题解析: 根据句意:约翰切记,你越仔细,你犯地错误就越少。可排除 C,D.又因为 mistakes 为可数名词。而 less 修饰不可数名词故排除 A. 故选 B. 答案:B 40.试题解析: 根据 as+adj/adv 原形+as 结构,故选 A. 答案:A 41.试题解析: 根据句子意思说的是“它使改善关系更加容易”,所以要用比较级。另外,形式宾语只能用 it。 答案:D 42.试题解析: alone 说的是单独的状态;lonely 是孤独感。故选 C。 答案:C 43.试题解析: nearer:更近;shorter:更短;quicker:更快;farther:更远 句意:许多人用电子邮件的形式发贺卡,因为这样更快。故选 C。 答案:C 44.试题解析: nearly:几乎;hardly:几乎不;really:真地;suddenly:突然地。 句意:我是如此地累以至于我一步也走不动了。故选 B。 答案:B 45.试题解析: lovely:可爱的;quietly:默默地;politely:彬彬有礼地;happily:快乐地。 句意:这是你女儿的照片吗?她穿粉红的连衣裙真好看。这里 looks 是联系动词,后面需接一个形容词。故选 A. 答案:A



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