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1、开放英语(3)期末复习开放英语(3)考试题型n n一、交际用语。选择题,一、交际用语。选择题,5 5个小题,共个小题,共1010分。分。n n二、词汇与结构。选择题,二、词汇与结构。选择题,1010个小题,共个小题,共2020分。分。n n三、完型填空题。选择题,三、完型填空题。选择题,1010个小题,共个小题,共2020分。分。 n n四、阅读理解。选择题和正误判断题四、阅读理解。选择题和正误判断题 ,1515个小题,个小题,共共3030分。分。 n n五、书面表达。写一篇五、书面表达。写一篇8080词短文词短文 ,共,共2020分。分。 n n注注: 考试时间已调整为考试时间已调整为90分

2、钟。分钟。 第一部分 交际用语n n这部分的测试题主要是针对英语日常会话而设计的,它反映了英语交际功能的多样性和应用性,目的是检测在不同的情境中运用英语进行交际的能力。因此,在做此类题时应注意以下几点: 一、熟悉交际功能的句型n n在日常交际中,人们常常使用一些具有交际性功在日常交际中,人们常常使用一些具有交际性功能的句型,以获取所需要的信息。这些句型包括能的句型,以获取所需要的信息。这些句型包括了问候、介绍自己(他人)、问路了问候、介绍自己(他人)、问路/ /指路、打电话、指路、打电话、征求意见、提出建议、表示许诺、寻求帮助、表征求意见、提出建议、表示许诺、寻求帮助、表示感谢(同情示感谢(同

3、情/ /道歉)、表示拥有、表达喜好道歉)、表示拥有、表达喜好/ /厌厌恶、描述位置、预约时间、询问恶、描述位置、预约时间、询问/ /描述病情、询问描述病情、询问他人情况、谈论时间他人情况、谈论时间/ /天气天气/ /工作工作/ /旅行、谈论对某旅行、谈论对某人或某事的看法等内容,如果熟悉英语交际功能人或某事的看法等内容,如果熟悉英语交际功能的句型,就能了解说话人的意图及题目的考点所的句型,就能了解说话人的意图及题目的考点所在,为选出正确答案奠定良好的基础。在,为选出正确答案奠定良好的基础。二、探索答语的规律n人们在交流时,谈论着不同的话题,其场景也各异,如果能够探索出答语的规律,就能掌握答语的

4、核心部分。例如:例句 1n nExcuse me, would you lend me a hand?n n A. Certainly, what can I do for you?n n B. Please dont mention it.n n C. Its nothing.n n D. Yes, I have a hand.n n答案:A例句 2n nMay I use your new dictionary?n n A. Yes, Id love to.n n B. Sure. Here you are.n n C. Yes, give you. n n D. Im not sure.

5、n n答案:B例句 3n nI wonder if I can ask you some questions about grammar.n n A. Oh, thank you.n n B. I dont know either.n n C. What is it?n n D. Yes, of course.n n答案:D3个例句的小结n n这三个问题同属于“寻求帮助”这一交际功能,虽然问题的表达形式不同,但答语的核心部分相同,都使用了表示“同意”的词语:Certainly, sure, of course。因此,答语是有规律可循的。规律 1n n答语的其中一规律是答语的其中一规律是“ “礼

6、貌原则礼貌原则” ”:当你接受帮:当你接受帮助时要用助时要用 “ “Thank you.” “Yes, please.” “Its very Thank you.” “Yes, please.” “Its very kind of you to.” kind of you to.” 等答语;当你拒绝帮助时要用等答语;当你拒绝帮助时要用 “ “No, thank you.” “Thats OK. I can manage.” No, thank you.” “Thats OK. I can manage.” 等等答语;当别人向你道谢时,你可使用答语;当别人向你道谢时,你可使用 “ “Youre

7、Youre welcome.” “Its a pleasure.” “Not at all.” welcome.” “Its a pleasure.” “Not at all.” 等答语;等答语;当别人向你道歉时,你可使用当别人向你道歉时,你可使用 “ “Thats all Thats all right.” “Dont worry about that.” right.” “Dont worry about that.” 等答语;当听等答语;当听到不幸的消息时一定要表示同情,要使用到不幸的消息时一定要表示同情,要使用“ “Im Im sorry to hear that.” sorry to

8、 hear that.” 作为答语作为答语; ; 当对方用当对方用 “ “Do/Would you mind if I?” Do/Would you mind if I?” 提出请求时,答语提出请求时,答语往往用往往用“ “No, of course not.” “No, not at all.” No, of course not.” “No, not at all.” 以以示礼貌。示礼貌。规律 2n n当询问的主题为时间、地点、人物、事物时,答语的另一规律是直奔主题,提供所需信息,同时还要注意时态的一致性。例如:n n1A. Excuse me, how far is the airpor

9、t from here? n n B. Its about thirty miles. n n2A. Im sorry. Now what were we talking about? n n B. You were saying that you used to be a physical therapist.三、排除母语的干扰n由于英语和汉语之间存在一定的文化差异,在选择答语时,应尊重英语中的文化习惯,排除母语的干扰。例如:例句 1n nHello, could I speak to Mary please?n nA. Who are you? n nB. Hello, who are y

10、ou looking for?n nC. Are you Jane? n nD. Yes, speaking.例句 1 分析n n 答案为D, 因为A. B. C. 是用汉语接电话的表达方式。如果所找的人在场,其他正确的英语表达方式还有:“This is(speaking).” 或“Whos speaking?” 如果所找的人不在场,可使用“Im afraid he/she is not in. Can I take a message?” 之类的答语。例句 2n nYou havent finished reading that novel, have you?n n A. Yes, I h

11、avent.n n B. No, I have.n n C. No, I havent.n nD. Yes, I did it.例句 2 分析n n答案为C。按照汉语的表达方式,需要先肯定或否定对方的说法,然后再陈述事实;而英语的表达习惯是,无论对方怎么说,只要你认可这一事实就答“Yes”,否认这一事实就答“No”。NO. 1n n Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?n n _.n n A. Thats fine, thank youn n B. Yes, pleasen n C. Take a seatn n D. O

12、f course not n n答案:D n n要点:答复请求。NO. 2n n In my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off.n n_.n n A. Ill take your advicen n B. Let me seen n C. Never mindn n D. Im afraid so n n答案:A n n要点:采纳建议。NO. 3n n Do you think the exam will be put off?n n_.n n A. Not good news n n B. The exam is difficult

13、n n C. Not likely n n D. It was put off yesterday n n答案:C n n要点:表达看法。NO. 4n n Hello, could I speak to Don please?n n_?n n A. Who are you n n B. Whats the problemn n C. Are you Jane n n D. Whos speaking n n答案:D n n要点:接电话的惯用语。NO. 5n n Lets take a walk. n n_.n n A. Yes, lets n n B. Oh, thanks n n C. Ye

14、s, please n n D. No, thank you n n答案:A n n要点:采纳建议。NO. 6n n Must we hand in our homework now? n n_.n n A. Yes, you will n n B. Yes, you mustntn n C. No, you neednt n n D. No, you mustnt n n答案:C n n要点:用 neednt 回复用 must 提出的询问,表示“不必”。NO. 7n n Which language do you speak at home?n n_.n n A. I speak Engli

15、sh very well n n B. I can speak English and Frenchn n C. English is my mother tongue n n D. English, most of the timen n答案:D n n要点:具体回答用 which 提出的问题。NO. 8n n What subjects are you studying? n n_.n n A. Yes, Im studying history n n B. Im studying nown n C. Im studying philosophy n n D. Im doing my ho

16、meworkn n答案:C n n要点:具体回答用 what 提出的问题。NO. 9n n I think the Internet is very helpful.n n_.n n A. Yes, so do In n B. Thats a very good idean n C. Neither do I n n D. Id rather go surfing on itn n答案:A n n要点:表示赞同。NO. 10n n Nice weather, isnt it?n n_.n n A. Im not sure n n B. You know it welln n C. Yes, i

17、t is n n D. Yes, it isntn n答案:C n n要点:回复反意疑问句。NO. 11n n Hello, Sally. Hows everything?n n_.n n A. Good for you n n B. Oh, I agreen n C. Thats rightn n D. Just so-son n答案:D n n要点:回复问候。NO. 12n n Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?n n_.n n A. Certainly. Here you are n n B. Please dont mention

18、 itn n C. Its nothing n n D. Yes, I have a handn n答案:A n n要点:答复请求。NO. 13n n I dont like the spots programs on Sundays.n n_.n nA. So do I n nB. Neither do I n nC. So am I n nD. Neither am In n答案:B n n要点:对否定形式的赞同。NO. 14n n Whats the problem, Harry? Whats the problem, Harry? n n_._.n n A. No problem A.

19、 No problemn n B. No trouble at all B. No trouble at alln n C. Thank you for asking me about it C. Thank you for asking me about it n n D. I cant remember where I left my glasses D. I cant remember where I left my glassesn n答案答案:D D n n要点:具体回答用要点:具体回答用 what what 提出的问题。提出的问题。NO. 15n n What kind of TV

20、 program do you like best?n n_.n nA. I like them very much n nB. I only watch them at weekendn nC. Its hard to say, actually n nD. Im too busy to sayn n答案:C n n要点:对 what 提问的婉转回答。NO. 16n n Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?n n _.n nA. From England n nB. At the officen nC. Hes working n nD. Hes very

21、 busyn n答案:B n n要点:具体回答用 where 提出的问题。NO. 17n n May I help you, madam?n n _.n nA. Sorry, I have no idea n nB. Yes, I know what to buyn nC. Youd better give me a hand n nD. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of orangesn n答案:D n n要点:答复售货员的询问。NO. 18n n Help yourself to the steak, Maggie.n n .n n A. Sorry, Ive had eno

22、ughn n B. Thank you, Helen. Its been a nice dinnern n C. Yes. But it isnt cooked welln n D. Help yourself to it, too.n n答案:B n n要点:接受盛情款待。NO. 19n n What would you like, tea or coffee?n n _.n nA. Yes, I would n nB. Coffee, pleasen nC. Yes, please n nD. Its very nicen n答案:B n n要点:用具体选项回复选择疑问句。NO. 20n

23、n What about going for a walk?n n _.n nA. Why not? A good idea n nB. Thats all rightn nC. So, do I n nD. Walking is good to youn n答案:A n n要点:接受建议。第二部分 词汇与结构n n这部分测试的主要内容是动词的时态、语态、定语从句、动词不定式、动词 ing 形式、主谓语的一致性、连词和介词的用法、名词的词义、动词的搭配等。n n要求同学们掌握语法的基本概念、词汇的意义及固定搭配。NO. 1n nI broke my leg when I _ skiing in

24、 I broke my leg when I _ skiing in America.America.n n A. is A. is n n B. was B. was n n C. ( C. (不填不填) ) n n D. would be D. would ben n答案答案:B B n n要点:主句的过去时限定了从句的过去进行时。要点:主句的过去时限定了从句的过去进行时。NO. 2n nShe was convicted _ murder.n n A. to n n B. in n n C. of n n D. asn n答案:C n n要点:动词与介词的固定搭配。NO. 3n nA n

25、ew hotel _ in the center of town at the moment.n n A. has been built n n B. is built n n C. was built n n D. is being builtn n答案:D n n要点:现在进行时的被动语态。NO. 4n nIt is very convenient _ here.n n A. living n n B. live n n C. lived n n D. has livedn n答案:A n n要点:it 作形式主语,动名词作真正的主语。NO. 5n nI have lived here _

26、 1997. n n A. for n n B. since n n C. at n n D. fromn n答案:B n n要点:现在完成时,时间状语为起点。NO. 6n nThe bedroom needs _.n n A. decorating n n B. to decorate n n C. decorate n n D. decoratedn n答案:A n n要点:物作主语时,need 后接v-ing形式。NO. 7n nHe is the man _ dog bit me.n n A. that n n B. which n n C. who n n D. whosen n答案

27、:D n n要点:whose 引导定语从句,表示所属关系。NO. 8n nIm tired. I _ working very hard.n n A. have n n B. have been n n C. had n n D. hasn n答案:B n n要点:用现在完成进行时说明前一句的原因。NO. 9n nBefore she left on the trip, she _ hard.Before she left on the trip, she _ hard.n n A. trained A. trained n n B. has trained B. has trained n

28、n C. would trained C. would trained n n D. had trained D. had trainedn n答案:答案:D D n n要点:从句的过去时限定了主句的过去完成时。要点:从句的过去时限定了主句的过去完成时。NO. 10n nHe keeps _ at himself in the mirror.n n A. to look n n B. looking n n C. look n n D. looked n n答案:B n n要点:keep 后接 v-ing,表示动作的延续性。NO. 11n nThe sun heats the earth, _

29、 is very important to living things.n n A. that n n B. what n n C. which n n D. wheren n答案:C n n要点:which 引导非限制性定语从句。NO. 12n nIf the man _ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.n n A. will n n B. is to n n C. is going to n n D. shouldn n答案:B n n要点:用be to do 表将来时。NO. 13n nAncient Greece is the _ of

30、western civilization.n n A. origin n n B. source n n C. place n n D. sourcesn n答案:A n n要点:词义辨析。NO. 14n nPlease stop _. It cannot help the situation.n n A. to shout n n B. shouting n n C. to speak n n D. speakingn n答案:B n n要点:动名词做 stop 宾语。NO. 15n nThe big man has always been eating on the go, _ he ha

31、s got stomachache.n n A. so n n B. however n n C. as n n D. becausen n答案:A n n要点:so 表因果关系。NO. 16n nLet me _ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.n n A. look up n n B. look into n n C. look after n n D. look outn n答案:B n n要点:动词词组的语义辨析。NO. 17n nHe, as well as I, _ a student.n n A. be n n B. a

32、m n n C. are n n D. is n n答案:D n n要点:主谓语的一致性。NO. 18n nShe _ her success to hard word and strong will.n n A. owns n n B. gives n n C. owes n n D. regardsn n答案:C n n要点:词义及动词与介词的固定搭配。NO. 19n nMr. Smith _ a most important part in the development of our city.n n A. did n n B. had n n C. played n n D. mad

33、en n答案:C n n要点:动词与名词的固定搭配。NO. 20n nId rather stay at home than _ a walk.n n A. taking n n B. to take n n C. take n n D. to be takingn n答案:C n n要点:用 than 比较的动词形式要一致。NO. 21n nMother was busy. Although she was not Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she _ it on watching

34、 the basketball on TV, she _ it on the radio.the radio.n n A. was listening to A. was listening to n n B. was hearing B. was hearing n n C. was listening C. was listening n n D. was seeing D. was seeing n n答案:答案:A A n n要点:词义及动词与介词的固定搭配。要点:词义及动词与介词的固定搭配。NO. 22n nHardly _ home when it began to rain.n

35、n A. had I got n n B. I had got n n C. had I arrived in n n D. I had arrived atn n答案:A n n要点:Hardly 位于句首,引起倒装句型。NO. 23n nI prefer classic music _ pop music.n n A. than n n B. on n n C. with n n D. to n n答案:D n n要点:动词与介词的固定搭配。NO. 24n nAll the team members tried their best. We lost All the team member

36、s tried their best. We lost the game, _.the game, _.n n A. however A. however n n B. therefore B. therefore n n C. since C. since n n C. as C. asn n答案答案:A A n n要点:要点:however however 作副词,可位于句末,表示转折。作副词,可位于句末,表示转折。NO. 25n nWhen we were having a meeting, the director When we were having a meeting, the

37、director _ the bad news by telephone._ the bad news by telephone.n n A. was telling A. was telling n n B. was told B. was told n n C. could tell C. could tell n n D. would tell D. would telln n答案:答案:B B n n要点:一般过去时要点:一般过去时的的被动语态。被动语态。NO. 26n nSilk _ by Chinese for thousands of years now.n n A. has u

38、sed n n B. has been used n n C. was used n n D. is usedn n答案:B n n要点:现在完成时的被动语态。NO. 27NO. 27n nYou _ to lock the door at night.n n A. should n n B. ought n n C. must n n D. shalln n答案:B n n要点:ought 与 to 搭配使用,语义相当于should, 但语气略弱一些。NO. 28n nBefore I got to the cinema, the film _.Before I got to the cin

39、ema, the film _.n n A. had begun A. had begun n n B. has begun B. has begun n n C. is begun C. is begun n n D. was beginning D. was beginningn n答案:答案:A A n n要点:从句的过去时限定了主句的过去完成时。要点:从句的过去时限定了主句的过去完成时。NO. 29n nThe patient acted on the doctors _ and finally recovered.n n A. advices n n B. advice n n C.

40、 advise n n D. advisesn n答案:B n n要点:词性及不可数名词。NO. 30n nA lecture hall is _ where students attend lectures.n n A. there n n B. which n n C. one n n D. that n n答案:C n n要点:one 指代可数名词的单数形式。NO. 31n nDont worry, your watch _ and you can have it in no time.n nA. is repaired n nB. has been repaired n nC. was

41、 repaired n nD. is being repairedn n答案:D n n要点:现在进行时的被动语态。NO. 32n nThe definition leaves _ for disagreement.The definition leaves _ for disagreement.n nA. a small room A. a small room n nB. much room B. much room n nC. great deal room C. great deal room n nD. not so big a roomD. not so big a roomn n

42、答案:答案:B B n n要点:要点:room room 作不可数名词时,表示作不可数名词时,表示“ “空间空间” ”。NO. 33n nNot always _ they want (to).n n A. people can do what n n B. can people do whatn n C. people cannot do what n n D. cant people do what n n答案:B n n要点: Not 位于句首,引起倒装句型。NO. 34n nSadam _ for 25 years.n n A. got married n n B. was marri

43、ed n n C. married n n D. were marriedn n答案:B n n要点:be married 表示状态;get married 强调动作。NO. 35n nI dont want you to make any trouble, _, I urge you to solve the problem.n n A. thus n n B. consequently n n C. on the contrary n n D. just asn n答案:C n n要点:on the contrary 表示转折。NO. 36n nWhy _ the old block of

44、 flats _ demolished next month?n n A. arebeing n n B. isbeing n n C. hasbeen n n D. havebeenn n答案:B n n要点:用现在进行时表示将来。NO. 37n nIn the fifties last century many new cities In the fifties last century many new cities _ in the desert. _ in the desert. n n A. bring up A. bring up n n B. make up B. make u

45、p n n C. grew up C. grew up n n D. build up D. build up n n答案:答案:C C n n要点:要点:last last 引导时间状语时,动词常用一般过去引导时间状语时,动词常用一般过去时。时。NO. 38n nMore and more people in China now _ More and more people in China now _ to work regularly.to work regularly.n n A. drive A. drive n n B. drives B. drives n n C. drove

46、C. drove n n D. have driven D. have drivenn n答案:答案:A A n n要点:要点:now now 和和 regularly regularly 限定了动词用一般现在限定了动词用一般现在时。时。NO. 39n nAt present, the most important thing is that At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs _ more to improve the Britain needs _ more to improve the relationsh

47、ip with the USA.relationship with the USA.n n A. to do A. to do n n B. doing B. doing n n C. to be done C. to be done n n D. do D. don n答案:答案:A A n n要点:人作主语时,要点:人作主语时,need need 后接动词不定式。后接动词不定式。NO. 40n nWe have our house _ every week by a We have our house _ every week by a cleaner.cleaner.n n A. cle

48、an A. clean n n B. cleaned B. cleaned n n C. cleaning C. cleaning n n D. to clean D. to cleann n答案:答案:B B n n要点:要点:have have sthsth. done . done 表示表示 “ “由他人完成某事由他人完成某事” ”。复习参考n n1. 请做中央电大出版社出版的大学英语(B)网考直通车中的试题。n n2. 关于完型填空题、阅读理解及书面表达的练习题请参看山东电大在线英语II (1) 课程的教学辅导栏目。n n3. 全面复习开放英语(3)教程中的课文、语法及词汇,并完成相关练习题。



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