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1、SALES AND PURCHASE CONTRACTSALES AND PURCHASE CONTRACTGranular Sulphur in BulkGranular Sulphur in BulkDRAFT CONTRACT NUMBERDRAFT CONTRACT NUMBER: 100901 100901Offer subject to Sellers final reviewOffer subject to Sellers final review, confirmation and approval. confirmation and approval.This agreeme

2、nt made and entered into on September 2, 2010 by and between:SellerSeller:E-MAIL: 。Phone: _Hereinafter called the “Seller andHereinBuyerBuyer:Address:Address:Tel:Tel:E Emailmail:_Hereinafter called the “Buyer” andWhereas:Whereas: Seller and Buyer, each with full corporate authority, certifies , repr

3、esents and warrants thateach can fulfill the requirements of this agreement and respectively provides the products and the fundsreferred to herein, on time and under the terms agreed to hereafter.鉴于,买卖双方拥有完全法人权利,资格,特征并且双方保证能按照本合同条款规定按时提供货物和支付货款。Whereas:Whereas: Buyer hereby agrees and makes an irrev

4、ocable firm contract to purchase 30,000 MT( Therty thousand Metric Tons) MT (+/-5%) of yellow sulphur, FOB UmmQsaar, Iraq,INCOTERMS 2000。鉴于,买方按照国际贸易术语通则 2000 项下的 FOB 条款,同意并签订不可撤销的 3 万吨硫磺采购合同。 Whereas: Whereas: Seller and Buyer both agree to finalize this contract under the terms and conditions expre

5、ssedherein; the product offered for sale is subject only to the terms and conditions contained in thiscontract and are strictly confidential between Buyer and Seller and is therefore agreed as follows:鉴于,买卖双方一致同意按照下文条款的解释最终订立合同,销售的商品要与本合同条款中规定的一致且买卖双方要严格保密,合同条款如下:DefinitionsDefinitions:定义解释:定义解释“Bus

6、iness day”“Business day” shall mean Monday through Friday, and shall exclude Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.工作日应该为星期一至星期五,应该排除星期六,星期天,和节假日。“Demurrage”“Demurrage” shall mean any surcharge charged for delays beyond the allowed time for loading orunloading the product from the vessel(s), whether charge

7、d by the port or the owner or operator of thevessel(s)。滞期费:是指不论港口、船主、还是船公司超出规定装运或卸载货物时间所产生的额外费用。“Shipment”“Shipment” shall mean a delivery of the entire product which is delivered by one vessel at one time, inquantities outlined in this contract。装运:是指由一艘船一次性装运合同规定数量的全部货物。“Port of Loading Country“Por

8、t of Loading Country shall mean the country in which the Vessel(s) are loaded。“Port of Loading”“Port of Loading” shall be the port in the Port of Loading Country where vessel (s) will be loadedwith Product.装运港:船舶装载货物所在国家的港口。“ “VeVessel”ssel” or “vessels”“vessels” shall mean the vessel(s) which trans

9、port(s) the product.船舶:是指装载货物的船舶。“Holiday”“Holiday” shall mean a holiday recognized by United States banks and the U.S. Federal reserve.节假日:是指美国银行公认的和美国联邦保留的节日.ConventionsConventions:惯例:惯例: :INCOTERMSINCOTERMS 20002000。All terms which are defined by INCOTERMS 2000 shall have the meaninggiven by Inte

10、rnational Chamber of Commerce.国际贸易术语 2000:所有条款应按照国际商会出版的国际贸易术语通则 2000 的解释。TimeTime。 In the event a time period ends or starts on a Saturday , Sunday, holiday or on a day whichdoes not qualify as a business day, the time period shall be extended to the next business day.时间:事件的起止时间如果是周六、日,节假日这些非工作日,则时

11、间应延伸到下一个工作日。LanguageLanguage。 The language of all communications required by or occurring within this contract shall beEnglish。语言:合同中所有交流和时间都应该用英语。UnitsUnits。 Unless otherwise specified herein , currency shall be expressed in US. Dollars (USD。);weight shall be expressed in metric tons (MT。); length

12、shall be expressed in meters (M。) oraccording to the metric system and, months shall be expressed in calendar months according to theGregorian calendar。除特殊规定外,货币应该美元结算;重量用公吨表示;长度用米表示或与米相符的单位 ;月份采用公历。1. 1.Product:Product:Yellow sulphur shall conform to the specifications outlined in Appendix “A”, and

13、/or internationalstandard specifications.货物硫磺的材质应与附件 A或国际标准一致.2.Origin:Origin: 原产地原产地Iraq 伊拉克3 3。Destination and Port of LoadingDestination and Port of Loading:卸货港,装运港:卸货港,装运港Destination port is Nantong / Zhenjiang port, China and loading port is UmmQsaar, Iraq except thatthe port of destination sha

14、ll not be a U.S. sanctioned port or Country 。 Notification of cargo readinessshall begin within thirty (30) days after receipt and confirmation of an operative financial instrument 。卸货港是中国浙江南通港,装运港是伊拉克 UmmQsaar 港,(卸货港应为非美国制裁的伊拉克港口)。在收到并确认买方可操作的 L/C后 30 日内,卖方应向买方发货物准备就绪通知书。A minimum load rate of SEVE

15、N THOUSAND METRIC TONS (7,000 MT) per weather workingday (PWWD) is guaranteed by the Seller. Also buyer must guarantee berthing if he receives the arrivalnotice with seven days in advance。 Also, all unloading charges at per buyers cost and risk.卖方应保证最小的装货率是每晴天工作日 7000 吨.买方必须保证在收到到达通知 7 天内安排泊位。并且卸货中产

16、生的所有费用和风险由买方承担.4. 4.Product delivery at unloading port and acceptanceProduct delivery at unloading port and acceptance:目的港运输和接货:卖方至少应在装运 7个工作日期前安排好船只,船只要求最小装载量为 3万吨,使用期最长不超过20年,最少3个舱门,有全套的装载设备,起重机负荷不小于10吨,;与国际法规完全相符的旗帜、安全性能,以确保船身和设备 -。租船和海运的全部费用由买方负责。Seller shall nominate suitable vessel at least se

17、ven (7) banking days prior to shipment。 Vesselnominated for loading the product shall be a minimum of 30,000 DWCC, max 20 years old,minimum 3 holds/hatches, having fully operational cargo gear of minimum 10 MTS SWL cranes (orotherwise agreed by Seller in Writing), fully compliant with all internatio

18、nal regulations of flag, safety,ism, insured for hull and machinery and covered by a first class P & I club。 All taxes / dues for thevessel and ocean freight shall be the sole responsibility of buyer. Notice of readiness at UmmQsaar, Iraq shall be tendered when the vessel in all aspects are ready fo

19、rberthing in accordance with this contract and under the Charter Party Agreement 。 Seller shall have theberthing arranged at the loading port and ready to start the loading, if buyer inform estimated arrival daywithin 7 days in advance.The seller will grant berthing of the vessel within 7 (Seven) da

20、ys of the receipt ofthe estimated arrival date by the Shipping Agent or Buyer, which may not be unreasonably withhold。伊拉克装运港的装运准备就绪通知应在船只按合同和租船协议规定全方位停泊后发出。如果买方提前7天发出期望到达时间通知,卖方则应安排船只在装运港的停靠和装运,不得无理由拒绝。5. 5.Contracted Quantity:Contracted Quantity:数量数量The total quantity of product delivered in this c

21、ontract shall be determined by the certificationsof weight issued by the inspection authority for each vessel loaded. Buyer shall be responsiblefor payment of the entire quantity shipped and/or delivered.货物数量以船只到港后检验机构出具的重量检验证书为准。买方应负责对全部装运货物付款。6. 6.Product Weight and QualityProduct Weight and Quali

22、ty:重量和质量:重量和质量The Seller guarantees that the product of yellow sulphur be inspected with an inspection certificate of weightand quality and such certificate shall be provided by Socit Gnrale De Surveillance (SGS) and/ orother inspection authority agreed to by the parties at Sellers expense, and shal

23、l be deemed to be final. TheSeller shall instruct said authority to carry out the inspection in strict accordance with the InternationalChamber of Commerce(I.C。C.) rules.卖方应负责 SGS 或双方同意的检验机构检验硫磺重量和质量并出具检验报告 ,费用卖方负责并被认定为最终结果。卖方应指示上述检验机构严格按照国际商会规定进行检验。7. 7.Total Quantity:Total Quantity:全部数量全部数量30,000

24、MT (TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND METRIC TONS) MT (+/- 5%) yellow sulfur.3万吨(+/ 5)的硫磺8. 8.Product Packaging and Packing:Product Packaging and Packing:包装包装The product will be delivered on bulk. 货物散装运输.9 9。Price Per Metric TonPrice Per Metric Ton:单价:单价Yellow Sulfur $_。_ (. USD/MT) per metric ton UmmQsaar Port,

25、Iraq INCOTERMS 2000。 按照国际贸易术语 2000 通则,硫磺价格为-每吨.1010。Total Contract AmountTotal Contract Amount:合同金额:合同金额_ USD (。 UNITED STATES DOLLARS)(+/- 5%)11.11.Payment Terms and Financial InstrumentPayment Terms and Financial Instrument:付款方式和金融工具付款方式和金融工具An Irrevocable Fully Funded, Revolving, Transferable Doc

26、umentary Letter of Credit, payable 100 atsight port of loading and issued of confirmed by a top 25 ranked World Bank ; The final letter of creditshall be in a form acceptable to Seller in its sole and absolute discretion。一份由世界排名前 25 位的银行之一保兑的不可撤销的,可循环可转让的全额付款即期跟单信用证;最终的信用证格式必须经卖方认可。If the terms of t

27、he financial instrument are not in accordance with the terms of the contract or areunacceptable to the Seller and/or the Sellers bank, this contract shall be voidable at the sole discretionof the Seller if the Buyer fails to cure any and all defective terms and/or deficiencies contained in thefinanc

28、ial instrument within 30 days from the original issued payment instrument.如果信用证条款与合同不符,或卖方及卖方银行不认可,而买方在信用证正本开出 30 天内没有改正错误或缺陷条款,则本合同可以根据卖方意见撤销该信用证。Buyer shall arrange for its bank to provide the Seller a copy of the financial instrument via swift and e-mail or fax on the day on which it is issued.买方

29、应令其银行在卖方开证日电传或邮件一份信用证草稿给卖方参考。In the event that the Buyer fails to issue the financial instrument in compliance with this contract, thenBuyer shall immediately pay upon Sellers written demand, without protest an amount equal to twopercent (2) of the aggregate price for all shipments payable under thi

30、s contract。 The partiesexpressly acknowledge and agree that said payment shall be liquidated damages, is considered to befair and reasonable by all parties and is not a penalty。一旦买方未能按合同要求开出信用证,则买方应立即按卖方的要求支付货物总值的 2作为运费,买方不得有异议。双方明确知道上述费用用来清偿卖方损失,是公平合理的而不是惩罚。1212。Performance Guarantee:Performance Gu

31、arantee:银行保函银行保函Buyer hereby waives any right to a performance bond。 买方在此放弃对卖方的PB要求。1313。Proof of ProductProof of Product:供货证明:供货证明Proof of Product shall be provided by Seller after execution of this contract. Proof of Product shall be inthe form of full title showing Seller as the clear and unencum

32、bered owner of 100 of the product.在合同开始执行后卖方应提供供货证明来证明其是全部货物的所有者.1414。Product Documentation:Product Documentation:议付单据议付单据A full set of the following documents will be presented to the Buyer:卖方应提供的单据如下:A. Original signed commercial invoices;正签发票B. Original certificate of quality, quantity and weight

33、 inspection issued by the inspectioncompany only;检验机构出具的关于货物质量,数量,重量的正本检验报告C. Original certificate of origin;正本原产地证书D. Original Packing List;正本装箱单E. 3 originals and 3 copies of charter party bill of lading 。租船协议和海运提单各 3 份正本 3 份复印件。1515。Product InsuranceProduct Insurance:保险:保险The Buyer shall provide

34、insurance for the Product at the Buyers sole expense and responsibility oncetitle has been transferred to the Buyer 。 If damage occurs to the product, product packaging or to anyaspect thereof after Buyer has taken title to the product, the seller shall not be responsible in any matterfor damage occ

35、urring to the product, product packaging or any other aspect thereof after buyer hasreceived title to the product.买方负责办理货物的保险承担保险费并承担货物所有权转移给买方后的风险,如果货物所有权转移给买方后货物发生损坏,则卖方不承担任何责任。(货物损坏包括货物,包装,外观的损坏)16.16.DemurrageDemurrage:滞期费:滞期费Seller is responsible for any and all demurrage charges incurred at an

36、y time after the master or his agentpresent to Seller or his agent a duly notice of readiness at the loading port。 A request ofUS 50,000。00 bank guarantee is required to protect the buyer of demurrage as per the governingcharter party。船主或货运代理代表卖方或卖方代理在装运港发出装运准备就绪通知书后产生的滞期费由卖方负责.按照租船协议的管理办法,要求卖方提供一份

37、5 万美金的银行保函以保证产生滞期后买方的利益。1717。Import Facilities, DocumentsImport Facilities, Documents, Taxes and Fees Taxes and Fees:进口能力,文件,税费,费用:进口能力,文件,税费,费用Buyer and Seller are responsible individually for their own taxes, levies, charges, tariffs, fees andcosts of any nature imposed by any country having any e

38、ffect on this contract。 Buyer must have allpermissions and permits required for the purchase , loading, transportation, unloading and selling ofthe product in the importing country. Buyer is solely responsible for securing all permits, licenses andany and all other documents required by the governme

39、nt of the importing. Seller is not responsible tosecure, nor provide any such documentation。 Buyer is responsible for all costs associated withsecuring such documentation and all costs and penalties imposed by any countrys and/or any countriesgovernmental agencies if such documents are not provided。

40、18.18.Force MajeureForce Majeure:不可抗力:不可抗力Neither party to this contract shall be held responsible for breach of contract caused by an act of god,insurrection, civil war, war , military operation or local emergency. The parties do hereby accept theinternational provision of “force majeure as publish

41、ed by the International Chamber of Commerce ,Geneva, Switzerland, and as defined by I。C.C。 rules uniform customs and practice.1919。Disputes and ArbitrationDisputes and Arbitration:If a dispute arises relating to this contract in any way, the party making said dispute shall forwardwritten notice of t

42、he dispute to the other party via overnight courier with such notices to be sent to theother partys business address.The parties hereby agree to attempt to settle all disputes amicably and expeditiously 。 If settlement isnot reached within ninety (90) days of receipt of written notice of dispute , t

43、he dispute in questionshall be submitted and settled by arbitration at the International Arbitration Association Chambers , inNew York City, New York, U 。S.A。 by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with saidrules.In the event of a dispute, each party is responsible for payment of its own

44、 fees and costs including, butnot limited to, attorneys fees。 Neither party is responsible for the others partysfees and costs,including, but not limited to , attorneys fees, regardless of the outcome to the dispute and withoutrespect to the prevailing party。20.20.Authority to Execute This Contract:

45、Authority to Execute This Contract:The parties to this contract declare that they have full authority to execute this document and agree to befully bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein.2121。Execution of This ContractExecution of This Contract:This contract may be executed simultaneousl

46、y in two or more counterparts via email or facsimiletransmission, each of which shall be deemed as originals and legally binding。22.22.Governing law:Governing law:This contract shall be governed , and interpreted in accordance with the United Nations Conventionfor the Sale of Goods (UN Convention )。

47、 In the event of inconsistency between this contract and theprovisions of the UN Convention, this contract shall have priority for the purpose of Article 39 of theUN Convention。 A reasonable period of time shall be deemed to be Fourteen (14) banking days.23.23.Language used:Language used:The English

48、 language shall be used for all communication.2424。AssignmentAssignment:This agreement is assignable and transferable by either party , with prior written notice given to theother party at least Fourteen (14) days in advance of the assignment or transfer becoming effective。25.25.NonNonCircumvention

49、and NonCircumvention and NonDisclosure:Disclosure:The parties accept and agree to the provisions of the International Chamber of Commerce, Geneva,Switzerland for non-circumvention and non disclosure with regard to all and everyone of the partiesinvolved in this transaction and contract, additions, r

50、enewals, and third party assignments, with fullreciprocation for a period of (3) three years from the date of execution of this contract。Each item of confidential information disclosed by one party shall be held in confidence by the otherparty and used only for the purposes stated in this agreement

51、during the term of this contract and for five(5) years after the termination or expiration of this contract (“confidentiality term)。 Buyer shallhave the right to disseminate and use any such information in the process of sale of the product to itsBuyers。2626。Contract TermContract TermTwelve (12) mon

52、ths and twenty (20) days including the first twenty to thirty(20-30) days whenthe product is being prepared.Buyer confirms that said funds are good, clean, cleared, unencumbered, legitimately earned and ofnoncriminal origin.No modification of this agreement or of any covenant, condition , or limitat

53、ion herein contained shallbe valid unless in writing and duly executed by all parties to this agreement 。 Further, no evidence ofany modification shall be offered or received as evidence in any proceeding or litigation or arbitrationbetween the parties arising out of or affecting this agreement or t

54、he rights or obligations of any partyhereunder, unless such waiver or modification is in writing and duly executed by all parties.27. Default27. DefaultExcept as otherwise referenced herein including , without limitation, a force majeure event , shouldthe either party fail to perform on time as stip

55、ulated in this contract, the Seller or Buyer shall begranted an opportunity to cure said default for a period of fourteen days (14) banking days (“cureperiod)。28.28. Representations and Warranties.Representations and Warranties.Buyer recognizes that Seller is a re-Seller of the product and as such i

56、s not the manufacturer of theproduct.2929。 Understanding of Agreement. Understanding of Agreement.The parties represent and warrant that (a) they have consulted with an attorney of their choosingconcerning this agreement, (b) they have carefully read and fully understand all of the provisions ofthis

57、 agreement, (c) they are voluntarily entering into this agreement, and (d) they are not relying onany representations, warranties, statements, or agreements other than those that are contained in thisagreement。3030。 Counterparts.Counterparts.This agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts

58、, each of which shall be deemed anoriginal, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument 。 Confirmationof execution by electronic transmission of a facsimile signature page shall be binding upon any party soconfirming.31.31. Entire AgreementEntire Agreement。This agree

59、ment represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect tothe subject matter hereof, and supersedes all other negotiations, understandings and representations (ifany) made by and between such parties。32.32. Invalid ProvisionInvalid Provision(s s). .The invalidity or u

60、nenforceability of a particular provision or portion thereof in this agreement shall notaffect the other provisions or portion hereof, and if any one of them is found to be unenforceable, theother provisions shall remain fully valid and enforceable as if such invalid or unenforceable provisionswere

61、omitted.3333。 Waiver of RightsWaiver of Rights。No failure of any party to exercise any rights given such party hereunder or to insist upon strictcompliance by any party with their obligations hereunder , and no custom or practice of the parties invariance with the terms hereof shall constitute a wai

62、ver of the parties right to demand exact compliancewith the terms hereof.34.34. Modification of AgreementModification of Agreement。No modification of this agreement or of any covenant, condition , or limitation herein contained shallbe valid unless in writing and duly executed by all parties to this

63、 agreement。 Further, no evidence ofany modification shall be offered or received as evidence in any proceeding or litigation between theparties arising out of or affecting this agreement or the rights or obligations of any party hereunder,unless such waiver or modification is in writing and duly exe

64、cuted by all parties.3535。 Construction of Agreement. Construction of Agreement.The parties agree that they have participated equally in the preparation of this agreement 。 As a result,the parties agree that no provision of this agreement shall be construed more strictly against any party。3636。 Bind

65、ing Effect of Agreement. Binding Effect of Agreement.This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respectiveheirs, successors, assigns and legal representatives.3737。 Commissions. Commissions.Buyer will pay Discovery Commodities, Singapore US 1。50 per

66、 MT shipped.Seller will pay Hiwa Tillakoy, Sweden US$ 1。50 per MT shipped3838。 Brokers. Brokers.Seller and buyer recognize the brokers involved in this transaction whom facilitate and work togetherwith buyer and seller to get the business done 。 Fernando M。 Perez, Miami, USA; Hiwa Tillakoy,Sweden; D

67、iscovery Commodities, Singapore.SellerSellerBuyerBuyerDate: Date:Signature SignatureFor and on behalf of Seller For and on behalf of Buyer_ _(Print Name)(Print Name)Passport no.:Issued by::Passport no。: Issued by:ADDENDUM “A”ADDENDUM “A”Banking informationSellers banking informationSellers banking i

68、nformationBankName:BankAddress :AccountName :SWIFT:BankerOfficer:Telephone:Buyers and Sellers complete banking information is required with the return of the signed and sealedcontractBuyers banking informationBuyers banking informationBank officer:Product Specification:Commodity:Specifications:Color:Purity on dry basis:Moisture:Acidity:Ash Content:Organic matter:APPENDIX “AGranular Sulphur in BulkBright yellow99.5% Minimum。0.50% maximum0.03% Maximum.0。08 Maximum0。09% Maximum978)



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