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1、 Be going to 计划、打算做某事 use “Be going to” to talk about plan.(计划) What are you going to do this Sunday ?SundayLu wei s family What are they going to do ?Mum likes beautiful clothes ,she usually goes shopping for clothes at the weekend .Its raining .She is going to tidy the house and cook yummy food fo

2、r the family.+Dad likes reading very much.Look ,he is taking an umbrella.Where is he going ?He is going to the library and find some CDs about stars . Hua hua likes eating and playing outside. Hua hua It is going to sleep all day long .Its raining .?What is Lv wei going to do ?Listen and guess Mum,

3、can you give me two yuan? What are you going to do with the money, My son ?I am going to give it to the poor (可怜的)(可怜的)old woman .Good boy ! But why are you going to give the money to that woman ? Because she sells (卖)(卖)the sweets .He is going to buy some sweets.What are they going to do on this Su

4、nday ? Retell it .+15 daysAfter =holidayWinter holidayRiyuetanAli MountainLu Wei 吕游手册吕游手册之之台湾台湾When: Winter holidayA trip to TaiwanA trip to TaiwanHow : By play What to do :Who : with my Mum and Dad. 1.Visit Riyuetan and Ali Mountain2.Eat some fish balls. What to take: T-shirts、shorts 、 camera 、book

5、s 、map。吕游手册吕游手册之之台湾台湾When: Winter holidayA trip to TaiwanA trip to TaiwanHow : By play What to do :Who : with my Mum. 1.Visit Riyuetan and Ali Mountain2.Eat some fish balls. What to take: T-shirts、shorts 、 camera 、books 、map。 A trip to Tainwan I am Lu Wei. Taiwan is very beautiful . I am going to Ta

6、iwan on winter holiday. I am going to go with my Mum and we are going to go there by plane. Zibo is cold but it is hot in Taiwan in winter. I am going to take some T-shirts and shorts. We are going to visit Riyuetan(日月潭日月潭) and Ali Mountain(阿里山阿里山). We are going to eat fish balls(鱼丸子鱼丸子) there. Wint

7、er holiday , I am coming! Tainwan , I am coming!How about your plan ?A trip to TaiwanA trip to TaiwanBy a red planeBy a red planeMany clothes Many clothes A trip to TaiwanA trip to TaiwanFish balls Fish balls We live here!We live here!和父母一起修订的旅游计划,做和父母一起修订的旅游计划,做一个旅游手册或备忘录,一个旅游手册或备忘录,旅游结束后把你的旅游故事做成,旅游结束后把你的旅游故事做成,旅行绘本或旅游记,留作纪念。旅行绘本或旅游记,留作纪念。Homework:家庭作业the White HouseNew York Statue of Liberty LondonBig BenWherethereisawill,thereisaway. 有志者事竟成。有志者事竟成。



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