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1、 润滑润滑油脂基础油脂基础version 1.1 目的目的:l学习油脂润滑的知识l学习正确选择润滑油脂l理解SKF在润滑领域的能力 v 1.1, 0/3 油脂油脂是是如何工作如何工作的的?l隔离轴承隔离轴承的的接触表面接触表面- 降低磨损- 降低摩擦l保护轴承保护轴承- 防锈- 防止外界污染v 1.1, 1/5 稀油稀油还是油脂还是油脂? 油脂油脂:稀油稀油:+ 易于填充 (成本低!成本低!)+ 额外的冷却能力+ 提供对轴承的额外保护+ 有有过滤能力过滤能力 (防止杂质、潮湿)80% 的轴承采用油脂润滑v 1.1, 1/6 油脂油脂是是如何工作如何工作的的? just like aqua-pl

2、aning !l滚动体在一层极薄的油膜上运动没有金属和金属之间的接触v 1.1, 1/7 润滑润滑油脂不可思议油脂不可思议的的能力能力:油膜的厚度相当于一层纸的1/100承受的压强相当于在指尖上 承受10 部汽车的重量v 1.1, 1/8 显微显微环境环境下的下的轴承表面轴承表面甚至最光滑的表面也需要润滑以防止磨损和减少摩擦v 1.1, 1/9 显微显微环境环境下的润滑下的润滑情况情况: 液动润滑液动润滑最理想的状态边界边界润滑润滑部分情况v 1.1, 1/10 什么什么是是油脂油脂:油脂油脂是是稠化了的稠化了的油油不是: -稠的油 -固体油 (蜡)类似海绵v 1.1, 1/11 基础油(70

3、-95 %)增稠剂(5-30 %)添加剂AntioxidantsRust InhibitorsEP and anti-wearadditives油脂包含油脂包含了了什么什么?油脂 =+v 1.1, 1/12 基油种类基油种类:l矿物油矿物油 (90%)一般应用l合成合成油油 (10%)特殊应用, 价格较贵l天然天然油油 ( 1%)食品级, 环保级v 1.1, 1/13 基油粘度基油粘度:粘度粘度 = 液体液体抵抗抵抗流动流动的的能力能力l水水: 低粘度低粘度(1 cSt 20 C.)l蜂蜜蜂蜜: 高粘度高粘度(1200 cSt 20 C.)v 1.1, 1/15YH ON E 基油粘度基油粘度

4、 (2):寻找寻找正确的正确的平衡平衡点点低粘度低粘度:+ 低摩擦- 油膜薄高粘度高粘度:+ 油膜厚- 摩擦大基油粘度随温度而变!v 1.1, 1/16 增稠剂增稠剂类型类型:l金属金属皂基皂基 (70%)锂、钙等l聚脲基聚脲基 (20%)可代替金属皂基l硅硅 / 粘土粘土 (5%)宽温lPTFE (Teflon) (1%)极高温度, 昂贵v 1.1, 1/17 增稠剂增稠剂类型类型:l金属金属皂基皂基锂标准钙耐水, 铝 热稳定性复合提高某种特性l无皂基无皂基聚脲高温或宽温.粘土无滴点, 宽温.硅 无滴点, 宽温PTFE热稳定性好.高温类型细类特性v 1.1, 1/18 添加剂类型添加剂类型:

5、l抗抗氧化剂氧化剂延长油脂寿命l极压极压 (EP) 添加剂添加剂防止冷焊现象l 防防腐蚀添加剂腐蚀添加剂保护轴承l固体添加剂固体添加剂 (石墨, MoS2)当液体润滑失效的时候 v 1.1, 1/19 为什么油脂为什么油脂会会失效失效?l污染污染由于灰尘、磨屑等l油脂硬化油脂硬化 / 软化软化基油氧化或流失l变软变软机械稳定性不好被水或油污染油脂油脂的的寿命寿命会很长但会很长但不是无限不是无限 !v 1.1, 1/20 油脂油脂的的 保存保存和和使用使用:l不要储存不要储存在在开放开放的的容器容器里里 !l防止灰尘防止灰尘及杂物及杂物 !GREASEv 1.1, 1/21 油脂油脂的特性的特性

6、: 工作温度(OAT)负荷能力/耐磨/极压特性(OAT) (OAT) 耐磨损性 泵送性(TO) 可过滤性(T)噪音特性(TMA) (TM) 机械稳定性 耐水性 (TMA)防锈能力 (TA) 影响因素: O = 基油 A = 添加剂 T = 增稠剂 M = 制造工艺(TOM) 粘稠度淅油率 (TOM)可降解性 (O) (OA) 基油粘度v 1.1, 2/5 T1 T2 temperature T3 T4禁止操作区非安全操作区 (仅可短期运行)安全操作区 i.e. 可预测寿命T1 = 低温极限T2 = 低温寿命极限T3 = 高温寿命极限T4 = 高温极限i.e. 轴承上测得的温度(e.g. 外圈)

7、油脂油脂的的工作温度范围工作温度范围:SKF 的的交通交通灯灯概念概念v 1.1, 2/6 T4T3T2T1球轴承滚子轴承安全操作安全操作区区i.e. 油脂寿命可预测100 10 1 0.1 0.01温度温度对对油脂寿命油脂寿命的的影响影响:starvation process degradation process油脂寿命轴承温度v 1.1, 2/7 LGMT 2-50050100150200250LGMT 3LGEP 2LGWM 1LGMB 2LGHB 2LGEM 2工作温度范围工作温度范围:SKF 服务市场服务市场 (1)deg.Cv 1.1, 2/8 LGLT 2LGEV 2LGLC

8、2LGHQ 3LGWA 2LGFC 2-50050100150200250工作温度范围工作温度范围:SKF 服务市场服务市场 (2)deg.Cv 1.1, 2/9 基油粘度的基油粘度的重要性重要性:l轴承温度轴承温度l转速转速l负荷负荷润滑油膜的润滑油膜的厚度取决于厚度取决于:基油粘度基油粘度 是调整油膜厚度的主要方式v 1.1, 2/10 选择选择基油粘度基油粘度: 如如:选择选择:高速; 低负荷; 低温低基油粘度低基油粘度低速; 高负荷高基油粘度高基油粘度粘度粘度: 应用应用:(at 40 C) (指标) 10-25 cSt低温, 高速70-200 cSt标准应用400-1000 cSt(

9、非常) 重负荷, (非常) 低速v 1.1, 2/11 油脂油脂的粘的粘稠度稠度:粘粘稠度稠度 = 坚硬坚硬的的程度程度l粘粘稠度稠度太低太低: 油脂泄漏 搅动剧烈l粘粘稠度稠度太高太高: 润滑不良 滚道体滑动compare with butterv 1.1, 2/12 NLGI 粘粘稠度稠度系数系数:v 1.1, 2/14 NLGI针入度针入度外观外观 用途用途 系数系数* 0.1 mm 000 445 - 475 流动性非常好 00 400 - 430 流动性好变速箱等0355 - 385 半流动性1310 - 340 非常软2265 - 295 软轴承3220 - 250 中等硬度417

10、5 - 205硬5130 - 160 非常硬密封6 85 - 115 极硬 增稠剂增稠剂 基油基油 温度范围温度范围 C 耐水性耐水性 钠基 矿物油 - 20 to 100 可溶于水锂基 矿物油- 20 to 130 90 C以下耐水锂复合基矿物油 - 20 to 150 耐水钙基 矿物油 - 20 to 50 高度耐水铝基 矿物油 - 20 to 70 耐水复合钠基 矿物油 - 20 to 140 80 C以下耐水复合钙或 钡基 矿物油 - 20 to 140 高度耐水 油脂油脂种类种类 (1):重要重要特性特性:v 1.1, 2/15 增稠剂增稠剂 基油基油 温度范围温度范围 C 耐水性耐

11、水性粘土基矿物油 - 20 to 150 耐水复合铝基矿物油 - 20 to 150 耐水 聚脲矿物油 - 20 to 150 耐水聚脲 SHC 合成油- 40 to 160 耐水锂基双脂 - 50 to 110 耐水锂基 多脂 - 40 to 160 耐水锂基硅油 - 40 to 170 高度耐水 油脂油脂种类种类 (2):重要重要特性特性:v 1.1, 2/16 重要重要的的油脂油脂特性特性:l工作温度范围工作温度范围:l基油粘度基油粘度:l粘粘稠度稠度:v 1.1, 2/4 l一次性一次性润滑润滑密封轴承初始油脂选型非常重要l间断性间断性再润滑再润滑 开放式轴承咨询SKF / 综合型录l

12、连续连续润滑润滑 适用于对润滑要求极高的场合,或密封的目的润滑润滑模式模式:SKF SKFv 1.1, 2/24 l在在以下情况以下情况下下联系联系SKF: - 关键应用 - 特种油脂 - 特殊应用条件 (振动, 污染等)l利用再润滑周期表(SKF 综合型录) l应用的限制条件: - 正常运行条件 - 高质量锂基脂 - 运行温度不超过 70 C再润滑再润滑周期周期:v 1.1, 2/25 取决于: - 轴承转速 (n) - 轴承尺寸 (d) - 轴承形式- 适合 70 C以下以下- 每升高 15 C, ( 110 C), 油脂寿命油脂寿命减半减半 - 每降低 15 C 油脂寿命加倍油脂寿命加倍

13、再润滑再润滑周期周期:v 1.1, 2/26 环保环保 & 安全安全:v 1.1, 2/27安全安全:l铅铅: 无要求l亚硝酸盐亚硝酸盐: 无要求l钡钡: 需标注环保环保:l一次性填充一次性填充: 减少油脂用量l氯氯: 难于处理l可降解可降解: 对环保有要求时的 唯一选择 油脂性能油脂性能:油脂油脂的的性能性能是是一种平衡一种平衡:l在油脂各种性能的冲突中- 高温和低温性能- 温度限制和油脂寿命l在油脂性能和成本之间- 高性能意味着高成本万能万能的的油脂油脂是不是不存在存在的的 !必须必须根据根据应用选择最佳应用选择最佳的的油脂油脂v 1.1, 2/28 在在缺乏缺乏润滑润滑知识知识的的情况情

14、况下下选择油脂选择油脂 :下列情况需要更多下列情况需要更多的的知识知识:l工作温度在 100 C 以上或 50 C以下l轴承转速非常高或者非常低l负荷非常高或振动负荷l要求油脂要求油脂有特殊特性有特殊特性 (特别的耐水性, 低阻力, 低噪声,与其他油脂兼容等)对于绝大部分轴承应用对于绝大部分轴承应用:l高质量的锂基脂,基油为矿物油并且NLGI 2级的油脂v 1.1, 3/4 油脂选择过程油脂选择过程:1 选择粘稠度2 是否需要 EP / 固体添加剂固体添加剂3 选择添加剂特性4 选择基油粘度推荐推荐的的选择过程选择过程, 简单应用简单应用v 1.1, 3/5 1. 选择选择粘粘稠度稠度:NLG

15、I 2 grade:一般轴承应用NLGI 3 grade:大轴承, 振动, 高环境温度,垂直轴NLGI 1 grade:低环境温度,往复应用, 当存在泵送问题时选择选择:v 1.1, 3/6 2. 是否需要是否需要EP/固体固体润滑润滑:需要需要EP添加剂添加剂 - 高负荷 (C/P 5) - 振动负荷 - 频繁起停机 需要固体润滑 (石墨/MoS2) - 轴承速度极低 ( 30,000 mm/min)v 1.1, 3/7只有在需要的情况下选择EP和固体添加剂 ! 3. 选择油脂添加剂选择油脂添加剂特性特性:工作温度范围:添加剂 + 基油(超出 -30 C to +120 C)耐水耐水

16、:添加剂 防锈防锈:添加剂, 增稠剂可降解可降解:基油在不需要特殊特性的情况下: 选择锂基矿物油基油 对于对于: 注意注意:v 1.1, 3/8 4 选择选择基油粘度基油粘度 (1):SKF General Catalogue diagraml稀油润滑是选择适合的粘度1(using diagram from SKF General Catalogue)v 1.1, 3/9 4 选择选择基油粘度基油粘度 (2):(using diagram from SKF General Catalogue)II.转换 到要求的40 C下的粘度1III.选择油脂的基油粘度, 并且乘以系数2 IV. SKF G

17、eneral Catalogue diagramv 1.1, 3/10 油脂填充数量油脂填充数量:开放开放式式轴承轴承:l轴承必须 100% 填满l轴承座的其他空间填充 30-50%密封轴承密封轴承:l一般填充一般填充 = 25-35%l更高的填充量如果有防腐蚀的要求如果轴承转速非常低l更少的填充量如果轴承转速非常高 v 1.1, 3/11 l与其与其他他油脂油脂l与与保护保护剂剂l与与橡胶密封橡胶密封材料材料l与与保持保持架材料架材料油脂油脂的的兼容性兼容性:v 1.1, 3/12 油脂油脂的的兼容性兼容性 (1):与与防护防护剂剂:l传统的聚脲基油脂与绝大部分防护剂均不兼容! 当当出现问题

18、出现问题时,时,彻底彻底清洁清洁轴承并重轴承并重新新填充填充与其与其他他油脂油脂:l检查增稠剂和基油的兼容性!l利用兼容性列表l不兼容并不总会引起问题 当当出现问题出现问题时,时,彻底彻底清洁清洁轴承并重轴承并重新新填充填充v 1.1, 3/13 油脂油脂的的兼容性兼容性 (2):与与保持保持架材料架材料:与与橡胶密封橡胶密封:含有脂类油的油脂通常与ACM 橡胶不兼容橡胶不兼容!lSKF的密封与几乎所有的油脂都兼容.l含硫的含硫的 EP 与黄铜保持架在100 C以上会产生侵蚀.lEP 添加剂在添加剂在110 C以上会影响PA66的保持架.v 1.1, 3/14 + = 兼容 - =不兼容o =

19、 需独立测试Sodium complexLithium soapPolyureaCalcium soapCalcium complexLithium complexAluminium complexSodium (Na) soapClayBarium complexNa compl.Li soapPolyureaCa soapCa compl.Li compl.Al compl.Na soapClayBa compl.+o+-o+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+油脂油脂的的兼容性列表兼容性列表 (1):增稠剂增稠剂-oooooooooooooooooooooo+oooooooo+-o oooooo

20、+-oo+o oooo-oooov 1.1, 3/15 PolyphenyletherMineral oilEster oilSilicone: phenylSilicone: methylPolyglycolPolyphenyletherMineral oilEster oilSilicone: phenylSilicone: methylPolyglycol+ + -+ +-+ -+ + -+ + +-+ +油脂油脂的的兼容性列表兼容性列表 (2):基油基油oo oooo = 需独立测试+ = 兼容- =不兼容+v 1.1, 3/16 lSKF 对轴承的润滑应用有最丰富的知识lSKF 最有

21、资格定义油脂的性能lSKF 发展了最高质量的轴承润滑油脂lSKF 能提供轴承和油脂的整体解决方案选用选用 SKF 提供提供的的油脂油脂的的益处益处:SKF 是是世界世界上上最大最大的的轴承供应商轴承供应商!v 1.1, 3/17 Hightemperatureabove120CBearingworkingconditionsLowtemperatureVery lowspeedand/oroscillatingmovementsVery highspeedLow torqueand frictionrequirementsRustinhibitingpropertiesHeavyloadWat

22、erresistanceSeverevibrationLGMT2LGMT3LGHB2LGEP2LGEM2LGEV2LGFC2LGWA2LGLT2LGHQ3LGWM1LGMB2LGLC2+ooooooooooooooo-+-oo+= Suitableo= Not suitable-= Recommended+oooooooo+oooo+服务市场服务市场的的油脂选择指南油脂选择指南 (1):v 1.1, 3/18 SKF GREASETYPELGMT 2LGMT 3LGEP 2LGWM 1LGMB 2LGHB 2LGEM 2DESCRIPTIONAll purpose Industrial and

23、 AutomotiveAll purpose Industrial and AutomotiveExtreme PressureExtreme Pressurelow temperatureEP high viscosityEP high viscosityhigh temperatureHigh viscosity+ solid lubricantsTHICKENER/BASE OILLithium soap/mineral oilLithium soap/mineral oilLithium soap/mineral oilLithium soap/mineral oilLithium s

24、oap/mineral oilLithium-calciumsoap/mineral oilComplex calciumsulfonate/ mineral oilBASE OILVISCOSITY1)110120190200780420500TEMPERATURERANGE-30/+120 C-22/ +250 F-30 /+120 C-22 / +250 F-20 /+110 C-4 / +230 F-30/+110 C-22/ +230 F-20 /+120 C-4 / +250 F-20/+150 C-4 / +300 F-20/+120 C-4 / +250 FAVAILABLEP

25、ACK SIZES200g (7 oz) tube, 400g (14.1 oz)cartridge, 1-5-18-50-180 kg(2.2-11-33-110-400 lb)400g (14.1 oz) cartridge,1-5-18-50-180 kg(2.2-11-33-110-400 lb)400g (14.1 oz) cartridge,1-5-50-180 kg(2.2-11-110-400 lb)400g (14.1 oz) cartridge,5-50-180 kg(11-110-400 lb)50-180 kg(110-400 lb)400g (14.1 oz) car

26、tridge,1-5-18-180 kg(2.2-11-33-400 lb)18-50-180 kg(33-110-400 lb)Note 1): mm /s at 40 C / 104 F = cSt2服务市场服务市场的的油脂选择指南油脂选择指南 (2):技术技术参数参数v 1.1, 3/19 服务市场服务市场的的油脂选择指南油脂选择指南 (3):技术技术参数参数SKF GREASETYPELGEV 2LGLT 2LGLC 2LGHQ 3LGWA 2LGFC 2DESCRIPTIONLow temperaturehigh speedWide temperatureTHICKENER/BASE

27、 OILLithium-calciumsoap/mineral oilLithium soap/di-ester oilLithium complexsoap/mineral oil1000152311018540TEMPERATURERANGE-100/+120 C+14/ +250 F-55/+110 C-65 / +230 F-30/+150 C-22/ +300 F-20/+80 C-4/ +230 FAVAILABLEPACK SIZES400g (14.1 oz) cartridge,1-5-18-180 kg(2.2-11-33-400 lb)5-50-180 kg(11-110

28、-400 lb)380g (12.1 oz) cartridge,1 kg (2.2 lb)2)Food compatibleHigh temperatureLow temperatureExtremely high viscosity with solid lubricantsNote 1): mm /s at 40 C / 104 F = cStNote 2): LGWA 2 can withstand peak temperatures of +220 C / 428 F2-40/+120 C-40/ +250 F-30/+140 C-22/ +284 FComplex calciums

29、oap/ ester+mineral oilLithium complexsoap/mineral oilCalcium soap/vegetable oilBASE OILVISCOSITY1)200g (7 oz) tube,1-180 kg (2.2-400 lb)200g (7 oz) tube,1 kg (2.2 lb)200g (7 oz) tube,1-5-50-180 kg(2.2-11-110-400 lb)v 1.1, 3/20 TempspeedLoadMain additional propertiesgreaserecomm.MMMLLVLELELMMHHVHVHVH

30、general purpose for small/medium sized bearingsgeneral purpose for large bearingsEP/anti-wear, good corrosion inhibitionEP/anti-wear, good low temperature performance, anti-brinellingexcellent EP/anti-wear (in particular by solid additives)EP/anti-wear, good corrosion inhibitionexcellent EP/anti-wea

31、r (in particular by solid additives)LGMT 2LGMT 3LGEP 2LGWM 1LGEM 2LGMB 2LGEV 2LL+MMEHVHHLMEP/anti-wear, food compatible (no low temperature start-up)quiet running, very low start-upEP/anti-wearLGFC 2LGLT 2LGLC 2HHMLMHMquiet running, leakage resistantEP/anti-wear, corrosion inhibitionleakage resistan

32、t, ability to withstand high peak temperaturesLGHQ 2LGHB 2LGWA 2快速油脂选择指南快速油脂选择指南 !v 1.1, 3/21 特性指标特性指标:TempM = medium:-30 to +110 deg.CH = high:-20 to +130 deg.CW = wide:-40 to +140 deg.CL = low:-50 to + 80 deg.CSpeedEH = extremely over 700,000VH = very up to 700,000H =

33、 up to 500,000M = up to 300,000L = below 100,000Load:H = high:C/P 10v 1.1, 3/22 LGEP 2极压油脂, 极低运行噪声. 瑞典铁路部门选为最佳油脂.LGHB 2高温, 高粘度油脂, 具有极压特性而不含EP添加剂.LGEV 2极高粘度油脂, 特为重工业应用而开发. 采用固体添加剂 而在极低速度下有极为出色的性能.LGHQ 3专为需要低噪声运转的应用开发的高温油脂几种几种特殊的特殊的 SKF 油脂油脂:v 1.1, 3/23 SKF 油脂油脂的的速度速度特性特性指南指南:LGMT

34、 2 300,000LGMT 3 300,000LGEP 2 100,000LGWM 1 100,000LGMB 2 10,000LGHB 2 300,000LGEM 2 30,000LGEV 2 30,000LGLT 2700,000LGLC 2 700,000LGHQ 3 500,000LGWA 2 100,000LGFC 2 300,000Max. values mm/ n = speed (rev./min) dm = average of d and D (mm)v 1.1, 3/25 免维护免维护更多更多免维护(密封)轴承需要更长寿命的油脂降低噪音降低噪音

35、更多低噪声的轴承需要低噪声油脂紧凑紧凑型型设计设计更高的转速和温度要求更高性能的油脂未来的未来的轴承轴承和润滑和润滑发展发展的的方向方向:轴承轴承的的趋势影响趋势影响润滑的润滑的发展发展 !v 1.1, 3/26 decisiverust protection, water resistance and costsubstantialpumpability, mechanical stability, b) load carrying abilitysome-APPLICATION: Agricultural machinery 农机农机typical bearing type/sizeall

36、 / up to d = 130 mmoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedMloada) L, b) Hlubrication moderelubricated Recommended greases a) LGMT 3, LGMT 2; b) LGEP 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/5 Application: metal casting 连铸连铸v 1.1, 3b/6 decisiverust protection, load carrying abi

37、lity, high temperature application limitsubstantialpumpability, water resistance, costsomecopper inhibitionAPPLICATION: Continuous Casting, high temperature area 连铸连铸,高温区高温区typical bearing type/sizeSRB, CRB, DGBB / d = 50 - 160 mmoperating temperature rangeVH (up to +150 C)operating speedVLloadVHlub

38、rication moderelubricated (continuously)Recommended greases LGHB 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/7 decisiverust protection, load carrying ability, water resistancesubstantialstorage stabilitysome-APPLICATION: Dam gates 水闸水闸typical bearing type/sizeSRB / see S-range public

39、ationoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedVLloadVHlubrication moderelubricated Recommended greases LGEP 2 (100% grease fill), LGMB 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/8 decisivequiet running, high base oil viscositysubstantialcorrosion protection, water resistancesome-A

40、PPLICATION: Electric motors, medium size, low speed 中型电机中型电机,低速低速typical bearing type/sizeDGBB / d = 30-75 mmoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedVLloadMlubrication moderelubricated (weekly)Recommended greases LGEP 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/9 decisivelow tempe

41、rature performance, pumpabilitysubstantialcorrosion protection, load carrying abilitysomecostAPPLICATION: Electric motors, large size 大型电机大型电机typical bearing type/sizeDGBB / d = 75 - 200 mmoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedMloadL/Mlubrication moderelubricated (weekly)Recommended greases LGE

42、P 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/10 decisivequiet running, high temperature performancesubstantialrust protection, leakage resistant, low costsome-APPLICATION: Electric motors / small size, high temperature 小型高温电机小型高温电机typical bearing type/sizeDGBB / d = 8 - 30 mmoperati

43、ng temperature rangeHoperating speedLloadLlubrication modelubricated for lifeRecommended greases LGHQ 3Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/11 decisivequiet, rust protection in contaminated air, alkaline water resistancesubstantialleakage resistance, low cost, long grease lifes

44、omelow friction torqueAPPLICATION: Electric motors / small size, agressive environmenttypical bearing type/sizeDGBB / d = 8 - 30 mmoperating temperature rangeM ( -20 C)operating speedLloadLlubrication modelubricated for lifeRecommended greases LGEP 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev

45、 1.1, 3b/12 decisivequiet running, long grease lifesubstantialrust protection, water resistancesomelow costAPPLICATION: Electric motors / medium size, normal conditionstypical bearing type/sizeDGBB / d = 30 - 75 mmoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedMloadLlubrication modelubricated for lifeRe

46、commended greases LGHQ 3Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/13 decisivequiet running, leakage resistancesubstantialfretting protectionsome-APPLICATION: Electric motors / medium size, vibrating conditionstypical bearing type/sizeDGBB / d = 30 - 75 mmoperating temperature rangeM

47、operating speedMloadLlubrication modelubricated for lifeRecommended greases LGHQ 3Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/14 decisiveload carrying ability, high base oil viscositysubstantialrust protection, pumpabilitysomeleakage resistance (rolling), water resistanceAPPLICATION:

48、High pressure twin-roll Grinding Mills 高压双辊碾磨机高压双辊碾磨机typical bearing type/sizeSRB, CRB / d = 200 - 1600 mmoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedVLloadH (accelerations up to 20 g)lubrication moderelubricated Recommended greases LGEV 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/15

49、decisiveload carrying ability, high base oil viscosity, mechanical stabilitysubstantialrust protection, pumpabilitysomeleakage resistance (rolling), water resistanceAPPLICATION: Hammer mills / Jaw crushers 锤磨机锤磨机,爪式破碎机爪式破碎机typical bearing type/sizeSRB (CRB) / d = 200 - 1600 mmoperating temperature r

50、angeMoperating speedMloadHlubrication moderelubricated Recommended greases LGEM 2, LGHB 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/16 decisivelong grease life (despite oil loss due to recess)substantialrust protection, compatibility with NBR and ACM rubberssomequiet runningAPPLICATI

51、ON: Outer ring rotation,(belt tension units, clutch release b.typical bearing type/sizeDGBB / 20 - 50 mmoperating temperature rangeHoperating speedH of outer ringloadLlubrication modelubricated for lifeRecommended greases LGHQ 3Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/17 decisivefr

52、etting protection against false brinellingsubstantial-some-APPLICATION: Oscillatory applications, general 往复应用typical bearing type/sizeanyoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedELloadL/Hlubrication modelubricated for life, relubricated Recommended greases LGHB 2Relevant properties for greaseAppl

53、ication profilev 1.1, 3b/18 1415 15 13515684a4b924a7131511124b4bwet sectiondry sectionYankeecylinderCalenderrollsApplication: paper making, wet & dry sectionv 1.1, 3b/19 decisiverust protectionsubstantialwater resistance, base oil viscositysome APPLICATION: Paper making machines - wet sectiontypical

54、 bearing type/sizeSRBoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedLloadLlubrication moderelubricated (weekly)Recommended greases LGEP 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/20 decisivehigh temperature performancesubstantialhigh base oil viscosity ( 400 mm2/s at 40 C), consistency

55、NLGI 2some-APPLICATION: Paper making machines - dry sectiontypical bearing type/sizeSRB / whole rangeoperating temperature rangeM/Hoperating speedLloadLlubrication moderelubricatedRecommended greases LGHB 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/21 decisiveload carrying ability, r

56、ust protectionsubstantialpumpability, leakage resistance after rolling with water, costsome-APPLICATION: Bulk conveyors: pulley pillow block 散货输送机散货输送机typical bearing type/sizeSRB / d = 60 - 300 mmoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedLloadMlubrication moderelubricated (= 1 year)Recommended gre

57、ases LGMB 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/22 decisivefretting protection, low starting torque, stable torque (optional)substantial-some-APPLICATION: Robots 机器人机器人typical bearing type/sizeDGBB / thin sectionoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedLloadHlubrication model

58、ubricated for lifeRecommended greases LGLC 2 (100% fill)Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/23 decisiverust inhibition, load carrying ability, roll stability with watersubstantialmedium speed capabilitysome-APPLICATION: Rolling mills 碾磨机碾磨机typical bearing type/sizesee S-range

59、publication: TRB, CRB, SRBoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedL/MloadHlubrication modelubricated for life Recommended greases LGHB 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/24 decisivemechanical stability, b) high temp. performance (in R2F)substantialrust protection, load ca

60、rrying ability, fretting protectionsome-APPLICATION: Vibrating screens, normal & high temperature 振动筛typical bearing type/sizeSRB 23 and 32 series / OD 40 mm max.operating temperature rangeM-VH (up to 150 C)operating speedMloadMlubrication moderelubricated at 15% of calculated relub. intervalRecomme

61、nded greases LGHB 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/25 decisiveexcellent low temperature performance, load carrying abilitysubstantialrust protectionsomeleakage resistanceAPPLICATION: Screw conveyor system 螺旋输送系统螺旋输送系统typical bearing type/sizeSRB / medium sizeoperating temp

62、erature rangeLoperating speedLloadM/Hlubrication moderelubricatedRecommended greases LGWM 1Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/26 decisivelong grease life, low friction, high speed capabilitysubstantialstable torque, anti-wear propertiessomerust protection in special mediaAPPL

63、ICATION: Machine tool Spindles 机械工具主轴机械工具主轴typical bearing type/sizeDGBB, ACBB / d = 10 - 240 mmoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedVH/EHloadLlubrication modelubricated for life (15000 h, 200 h at max speed)Recommended greases LGLC 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/2

64、7 decisiverust protectionsubstantialcostsomemechanical stabilityAPPLICATION: Washing machine drums (household) 家用洗衣机家用洗衣机typical bearing type/sizeDGBB / d = 8 - 30 mmoperating temperature rangeMoperating speedLloadVHlubrication modelubricated for life (5000 h, 500 h at max. speed)Recommended greases

65、 LGEP 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/28 decisivehigh temperature application limitsubstantialrust protection, high temperature performance, water resistancesomeload carrying ability, low temp. appl. limit, cost, anti-brinelling propertiesAPPLICATION: Automotive Wheel Bea

66、rings 汽车轮轴承汽车轮轴承typical bearing type/sizeTRBoperating temperature rangeM, with EH for short durationoperating speedMloadMlubrication moderelubricatedRecommended greases LGWA 2Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/29 decisiveexcellent low temperature performance, load carrying abilitysubstantialrust protectionsomeleakage resistanceAPPLICATION: Windmills 风机风机typical bearing type/sizeSRB / medium sizeoperating temperature rangeLoperating speedLloadM/Hlubrication moderelubricatedRecommended greases LGWM 1Relevant properties for greaseApplication profilev 1.1, 3b/30



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