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1、ADVERTISEMENTThe three parts of our project The linguistic featureof English ADThe culture difference of Chinese and English culture3,The use of acronyms and compound words to save spaceCao Yang4,There are more imperative sentence in advertisement5,The Character of English AdvertisementReligious dif

2、ferences between Chinese and WesternAdvertisement translating under diverse historical and cultural backgroundDifference of view in valueOPENING SPEAKER:LI HAO RAN李浩然Xie MengWang KunLi YueWang Zhong XueThe expression forms of politeDeng Wei Wei1,The Use of Positive adjectives and their Comparative a

3、nd Superlative Degrees2,The Use of Anagrammatic SpellingWay of thinking differenceWang YuZhang Li HuaLi Hao RanWang Jun LingMAIN CONTENTThe Use of Positive adjectives and their Comparative and Superlative DegreesExample:A famous English advertising about loveNew love is brightest,Long love is greate

4、st,Compelled love is dirtiest,Short love is harmest,Revived is tenderest,True love is purest.(love) .新恋的爱情最兴高采烈,长久的爱情最崇高伟大,强迫的爱情最肮脏不堪,短暂的爱情最刻骨铭心,复苏的爱情最娇嫩鲜艳,真正的爱情最纯洁无暇。(爱情) 分析:这则英文广告使用了形容词的最高级(brightest, greatest, dirtiest, harmest, tenderest, purest),有利地表达了几类爱情的鲜明特点,给读者留下了深刻印象。在翻译时将形容词译为四字短语,使译文简洁有力

5、,语言优美。.The Use of Anagrammatic SpellingExample:An advertising of a webWWWhats newww?Atwww. landsend. com ,the answer is - a lot. . . . . .www. landsend. com gives you even more ways to exploreLandsEnd with even more ease, comfort, confidence and security. . . . . .So, wwwhat are you wwwaiting for? .

6、新在哪儿?答案是在www. landsend. com新事很多. Lands End网站,更为轻松、舒适、自信、安全。那,还等什么?这是一则网站的广告。大家都知道互联网网址大都以www开头,此则广告标题采用拼写变异手段 ,“WWWhats newww?”。一方面Whats new?(新在哪儿),引起读者注意。另一方面三个w 提示读者此则广告内容与网络有关。广告最后一句 “wwwhat are you wwwaiting for?”,也有类似功效。翻译时省略了连词and。 .Feature 3 Using of acronyms and compound words to save LOGO W

7、e know that there are a lot of acronyms in English , each field will be a variety of acronyms there, these acronyms can make the article look even more sententious.For example: VS versus K.O. Knock out PK player killing ASAP as soon as possible LOGOLOGOOf course, such form can be seen frequently in

8、English advertisement.1:Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL translation : 乘坐日航班机,乘坐日航班机, 一路无烦恼。一路无烦恼。 JAL is the acronyms of Japan Airlines Corporation. Comment: the literality is “当你乘坐日航班机的时候,你当你乘坐日航班机的时候,你就会远离烦恼。就会远离烦恼。” such translation is not clearly with the proper content.so we use e

9、llipse, such as where , when, you ,your and to 。 LOGOThe following is a very useful sentence.2.We offer 3一R guarantee,namely guaranteed repair,replacement and refund translation :我们实行三包 包修、包退、包换。3一R is the acronyms of repair, replacement , refund .Comment: The literal translation is “我们提供3-R保证,保证为 包

10、修,包退,包换”。According to the meaning of the sentence ,we use the Domestication Translation (归化 ),the words“3-R” is translated into“三包”。 .Feature 4There are more imperative sentence in LOGO The imperative sentence is a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listeners behavior. bazinga! It has

11、 the same meaning of ”Tease you for fun” Of course, such form can be seen frequently in English advertisement.eg: Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country。translation :万宝路香烟万宝路香烟,追寻牛仔风追寻牛仔风-西部潇洒走一回。西部潇洒走一回。Comment: the literality is “光临风味独特的地方光临风味独特的地方万宝路世界万宝路世界”.This translation do not give th

12、e depth impression ,but according to the specific content of advertising, we will have such a picture in our mind a man with deeply looking, rough skin and a heroic spirit .so we can make the AD more attractive with using “foreignization translation ” such as “cow boy ” and “the western”. And domest

13、ication translation, Such as “潇洒走一回潇洒走一回” LOGOThe Character of English Advertisement英文广告的特点5.否定句少,即使使用否定句,也多是为了用其他商品来否定句少,即使使用否定句,也多是为了用其他商品来反衬,或从反面突出产品特性反衬,或从反面突出产品特性 。e.g.1 We would never say the new Audi A4 is the best in its class We dont have to 译文: 我们根本不必说根本不必说新型奥迪A4同类车中最好的。没有这个必要。 意译liberal t

14、ranslation:根本不必说 直译literal translation :从不会说 省略ellipsis .e.g.2:If you cant relax here,you cant relax(anywhere) 译文:此地不能放松,无处能放松。 省略 增词 尼格瑞尔有迷人尼格瑞尔有迷人的白沙沙滩,宁的白沙沙滩,宁静而美丽的珊瑚静而美丽的珊瑚礁,海边有大量礁,海边有大量的海葡萄、椰子的海葡萄、椰子树。当地的建筑树。当地的建筑都是清一色的低都是清一色的低腰设计腰设计,而这种风而这种风格的建筑物看上格的建筑物看上去或多或少地有去或多或少地有些扁平些扁平,但却形成但却形成了尼格瑞尔海滩了尼格

15、瑞尔海滩独特的异国风情独特的异国风情。.6.常用主动语态和现在时,给人一种直接感,并暗示商品的持久性和永恒性。e.g.:A Mars a day keeps you work,rest and play. (Mascarpone) 译文:一天一块马斯巧克力,令您精力充沛精力充沛、生生活愉悦活愉悦。 四字短语four word idioms 该广告套用了英语成语An apple a day keeps the doctor away和All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy广告中day和play押尾韵。 .7. 广告中常使用修辞手段 e.g.1. We

16、 take no pride in prejudice. 译文:以公正为荣,视偏见为耻。(双关double meaning) (泰晤士报泰晤士报为自己做广告时用的一句妙语,它源于奥斯汀的一为自己做广告时用的一句妙语,它源于奥斯汀的一部传世名著部传世名著“Pride and Prejudice”,以标榜自己不偏不倚,主持公道,以标榜自己不偏不倚,主持公道)意译省略归化naturalizing translation:傲慢与偏见是西方名著,译文有点“八荣八耻”的味道。 .e.g.2: We have hidden a garden full of vegetables where youd nev

17、er expect. In the pie. 译文:我们在您意想不到的地方藏着整个菜园,就在馅饼里。(夸张hyperbole) 定语从句前置 四字短语 冠词article的省略 . 1 1.the diversity of the religious.the diversity of the religious the influence to the languagethe influence to the language2 2.religious differences to the.religious differences to thetranslation of the adver

18、tisingtranslation of the advertising随着人类历程的发展,各个国随着人类历程的发展,各个国家都形成了自己的宗教信仰,家都形成了自己的宗教信仰,而这些信仰对他们语言的形成而这些信仰对他们语言的形成和发展都起着不可估量的作用和发展都起着不可估量的作用当我们在做广告翻译的候,当我们在做广告翻译的候,应该注意结合该国的宗教文应该注意结合该国的宗教文化形式以期使我们的翻译达化形式以期使我们的翻译达到最佳的效果到最佳的效果 “Enjoy Quaker Oats. Good for your heart and soul”.译文:享受贵格麦片,净化您的心灵分析:(美国贵格麦

19、片广告) Quaker是基督教的“贵格教派”。该商标词用“贵格教派”的某些教义,如纯洁、忠诚、坚强、果断等来强调该麦片选料纯净、注重信誉等 .一则旅游广告原文:在四川西部,有一美妙去处,它背依岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺,它就是松潘县的黄龙。 . 译文:One of Sichuans finest spots is Yellow long,which lies in Song pan county just beneath Xue bao,the main peak of the Minshan MountainIt has lush green forests fi

20、lled with fragrant flowersIt has lush green forests filled with fragrant flowers,bubbling streams and singing birdsbubbling streams and singing birds . 1:音译音译( transliterating )One of SichuanS finest spots is Yellow long long Chinese dragon Western dragonYellow dragon2:增译增译(主语,冠词,连词,介词) (amplificati

21、on- Subject, Articles, Conjunction, prepositions) .长久长远代表吉祥 皇权邪恶的事物泼妇 译文:One of SichuanS finest spots is Yellow long,which lies in Songpan county just beneath Xuebao,the main peak of the Minshan MountainIt has lush green forests filled with fragrant flowers,bubbling streams and singing birds 3:化句为词化

22、句为词 在四川西部,有一美妙去处 One of SichuanS finest spots4:四词短语四词短语(four character idioms) It has lush green forests filled with fragrant flowers,bubbling streams and singing birds 树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺 .历史文化差异下的广告翻译Advertisement translating under diverse historical and cultural background历史文化差异下的广告翻译Advertisemen

23、t translating under diverse historical and cultural background在英汉广告中,我们会发现一些作为历史沉淀的典故和某些习语引申、发展的文化轨迹。这些与历史文化相关的背景知识往往带来翻译上的困难。广告的翻译,重点在于吸引顾客,有时在翻译中难免会失去原文中的文化内涵,例如:“何以解忧,唯有杜康” (杜康牌酒广告)“万事俱备,只欠东风”(东风牌汽车广告)虽然可以用解释性翻译(Explanatory Translation)来进行补充说明,但是广告原有的语言魅力会在翻译过程中丢失 .1. Wearing is believing. (lovab

24、le内衣广告) 这则广告来自英文谚语“Seeing is believing”. 直译为“穿了就相信/穿着即信仰”,译文中并没有体现出套用的谚语。Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见百闻不如一见Seeing is believing 意思是 “眼见为实”或 “百闻不如一见”, 翻译为“百闻不如一穿” 在形式上更接近广告本意 .2. Better late than the late.这是美国高速公路上常用的广告语,模仿成语“Better late than never” (晚来总比不来好),其中第一个late 含义为迟到,第二个使用了late的双关含义,在此意思为 “ the

25、 dead ” 。翻译过程中,由于英语中双关的修辞特点很难翻译出来, “舍其形,求其意” ,直译为“迟到总比送命好” 。同时为了体现警示语言的特色,可以改译为:宁晚三分不争一秒,晚了总比完了好。 .Better late than never.3. Ask for More. 摩尔香烟,多而不厌 再来一根,还抽摩尔More是美国一种长形香烟的品牌,此处不但一语双关,既有再来一支的含义,同时也有渴望着More 的意思。而且,这句话是狄更斯小说雾都孤儿里Oliver 乞讨时的名句,由于历史文化的差异,在翻译中无法体会。 .中英思维方式差异Way of thinking differenceThe

26、implicit way versus The direct way 翻译技巧:四字短语Four-character phrases . 1、原文: (Travelling advertisement ) Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms and fine white sand. 译文:座座岛屿玲珑小巧,紧密相连,像一串珍珠缀成的项链,环绕着半岛边缘。岛上珊瑚礁红,椰树成片,沙滩如银,景色如诗如画。2

27、、原文:境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。(旅游广告)译文:The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 翻译技巧:Paratactic vs. Hypotactic 中文以意统形, 英文以形统意。中文喜长句, 英文喜短句。 .翻译技巧:Literal translation Liberal translation Explanatory translation .3、原文:雨后春笋译文:Like bamboo

28、shoots after a spring rain.译文:Like mushrooms after the rain.译文:Develops or emerges quickly.Collectivism versus individualismIndividualismCollectivismChinese cultureWestern country“ “集体主义集体主义” ”与与“ “个人主义个人主义” ”是体现中西文化差异对价是体现中西文化差异对价值观念影响的两个基本概念,又称值观念影响的两个基本概念,又称“ “我们文化我们文化” ”(We-(We-culture)culture)和

29、和“ “我文化我文化” ”(I-culture)(I-culture)。 Differences in valueselfless dedicationpersonal freedom ego development personal spirit of enterprise 中国文化崇拜无私的奉献。个人的价值在于奉献。对中国人来说,个人幸福是和集体利益相一致的。因此,中国人们更多地关注国事、家事以及与此相关的一切事情,并给别人以非常周到的关心。 但是在西方社会文化中,人们强调个人自由、自我发展和个人进取心。个人利益胜过集体利益。西方人崇拜财富,注重奋斗,追求成功和实现个人价值。妈妈,我又梦见

30、了村边的小溪,梦见了奶奶,梦见了您。妈妈,我给您捎去一样好东西。威力洗衣机,献给妈妈的爱。 -威力牌洗衣机译文: Mom, I have dreamed of the creek nearby the village , my grandma and you again. “Wei li”washing machine, a good gift I take you, is for your love.Translation skills省略(ellipsisellipsis)与指代:)与指代:中文喜重复,英文喜指代。中文喜重复,英文喜指代。为了避免重复,翻译中省略了为了避免重复,翻译中省略了

31、“ “梦见了梦见了” ”并且用并且用“ “youryour” ”指代前面的指代前面的“ “MomMom” ”。中插与合并(中插与合并(combinationcombination):):采用采用“ “a good gift I a good gift I take youtake you” ”作中插结构,把最后两句话合并成一句话作中插结构,把最后两句话合并成一句话。不同的肤色,共同的选择。 -青岛啤酒如译成 The same choice for different colors 意思是意思是大家都选不同的颜色大家都选不同的颜色,令人感到莫名,令人感到莫名其妙。其妙。应译为:Peoples s

32、kin colors are different,but their choice are the samefor Tsing Tao Beer解析:译文解析:译文2比译文比译文1更忠实、通顺。更忠实、通顺。 .Faithfulness and smoothOnly your time is more precious than this watch. -Watch译文:手表诚可贵,时间价更高 。 逻辑性增词逻辑性增词(AmplificationAmplification) 加词加词“不做的不做的”和和“解决不了的解决不了的”使译文使译文更加更加 忠实流畅。忠实流畅。 . .No busine

33、ss too small ,no problem too big. -IBM译文:没有译文:没有不做的不做的小生意,没有小生意,没有解决不了的解决不了的大问题。大问题。比较结构比较结构套用(套用(citingciting)谚语(谚语(ProverbsProverbs)成语()成语(idiomidiom) 等使得译文更加符合译入语的表达习惯等使得译文更加符合译入语的表达习惯The difference of culture between China and the west in Ads-the expression forms of politeThe difference of cultu

34、re in Adsthe expression forms the expression forms of politeof politeDisgracing oneself to honour others is one of the major characteristics of Chinese culture. As a result, a large number of honorific words appear in Chinese Ads, such as “您”,“君”,and so on. These words not only make people feel warm

35、 and natrual but also create temptations and call to action. Compared with Ads in chinese, there is almost no honorific words in Ads of the west. Instead, they express their polite through the interrogative(疑问句) or intonation(语调). 中文广告用了您来表示礼貌增译(amplification):什么是,它是 省略(ellipsis):in the world通过上边两则中

36、英文广告,我们不难发现中西文化在礼貌表达方式上的差异。从心理学的角度看,疑问句把广告传递信息的过程分成提问和回答两部分,使观众对广告信息由被动接受变为主动理解;从语言学角度看,使用疑问句能减少句子的阅读难度,便于理解和记忆。 .Medical Insurance Cover? The most competitive premiums in the world, The most comprehensive cover in the world. 什么是医疗保险? 它是世界上最具竞争力的,最全面的保险 。Is This A Great Time Or What? MCI Communicati

37、ons这是一段美好的时光,不然,那是什么?Skills: a great time原意为一个伟大的时刻,在这里引申为一段美好的时光,or what 在这里可以划词成句,译为:不然,那是什么?用到了我们上课所讲的划词为句的技巧。 .“Is it live, or is it Memorex? (Memorex video cassettes )这是生活还是梅莫雷克斯 ?Skills:广告中把生活和梅莫雷克斯的电子产品相对比,表面梅莫雷克斯的电子产品相对比,表面看起来没有什么相似的地方,但仔细一看,就会发现广告用看起来没有什么相似的地方,但仔细一看,就会发现广告用生活把梅莫雷克斯产品的效果表现的淋

38、漓尽致。所以在翻译生活把梅莫雷克斯产品的效果表现的淋漓尽致。所以在翻译的时候,的时候,livelive本来是形容词表示活着的、有生命的,我们可本来是形容词表示活着的、有生命的,我们可以把它以把它转化转化为名词为名词“ “生活生活” ”,这样就和后面的梅莫雷克斯形,这样就和后面的梅莫雷克斯形成了对比,增加了广告的效果。成了对比,增加了广告的效果。 . .CONCLUSIONConclusion:English Advertisement Translation and Cultural DifferencesThe Characteristic of English AdvertisementE

39、nglish advertisements reflected the major cultural differences .The advertisement is the carrier of cultureLanguage translation must be accurate and authenticWe translator should deeply understand the essence of culture .Learn lots of techniques of translationCome to understand the different culture of advertisementsKnow different friendsEnhance our ability Thank Miss Liu Thank my teammates . Thank you!



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