大学英语口语教程 Weather

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《大学英语口语教程 Weather》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语口语教程 Weather(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Hows the weather today?OBJECTIVES1.Knowing some words and structures related to weather 3. Talking about some topics related to weather. 2. Understanding and talking about weatherL LInisteningCultural TipCultural TipTalking about the weather is a neutral topic of conversation with people you dont kn

2、ow well; for example, when youre waiting for a bus or sitting in a doctors office.In the United States, Fahrenheit is still the scale for measuring temperature. On the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at 32 and boils at 212. On the Celsius scale, water freezes at 0 and boils at 100. On the Fahrenheit

3、 scale, normal human body temperature is 98.6. BrainstormBrainstormA: Look at the following picture and say the words for the objects on the picture.L LInisteningL LInisteningReference B: What words and expressions can you think of as related to the weather?L LInisteningWarm; cool; hot; freezing; fr

4、osty; sweltering; sunny; clear; shining; scorching; bright; mild; wet; dry; humid; foggy; misty; windy; gale; gust; breezy; hurricane; rainy; stormy; lightening; downpour; shower; storm; cloud; torrential rain; flash flood; flood; thundershower; snowy; blizzard; sleet; hail; cloudy and gray; hot and

5、 stickyWhat a downpour! How the wind howls!weather centre 气象中心气象中心 uestion:Q QMake yourself be familiar with the following expressions and learn to use them:Important Words and ExpressionsImportant Words and Expressionsweather bureau 气象局气象局 weatherman/weatherperson 气象播报员气象播报员 weather ship 气象观测船气象观测船

6、weather station 气象站气象站 Todays Graphic 今今 日日 气气 象象 图 uestion:Q QMake yourself be familiar with the following expressions and learn to use them:Important Words and ExpressionsImportant Words and ExpressionsFive day forecast 未未 来来 五五 天天 预 报 Weather Forecast 天天 气气 预 报 oceanic climate 海洋性气候海洋性气候 continen

7、tal climate 大大 陆 性性 气气 候候 Visibility(能(能见度)度) SAMPLE:常温常温恒温恒温空气温度空气温度水温水温Important Words and ExpressionsImportant Words and ExpressionsTranslate the following words into English. uestion:Q Qroom temperatureconstant temperatureair temperaturewater temperatureImportant structuresImportant structures r

8、anslation:T T白天最高温度达到白天最高温度达到3535摄氏度。摄氏度。 夜间温度应该在零度以上。夜间温度应该在零度以上。The maximum daytime temperature reached 35 C. The nighttime temperature should be above freezing.SAMPLE:L LTalkets1Whats your favorite weather? What kind of weather do you dislike? Do your moods change with the weather?QuestionREFEREN

9、CEL LTalkets2Whats the weather like in the city where your university locates? Compare it with that in your hometown. QuestionREFERENCEL LTalketsI like rainy weathers a lot. Everything is washed clean when it rains. And the air gets really fresh after the rain. I dont think my moods change much with

10、 the weather, as the weather in my hometown does not vary a lot throughout a year.ReferenceL LTalketsMy university is in Beijing. Beijing has a continental monsoon climate with clear-cut seasons. Spring is dry and windy. Summer is hot and humid. Autumn offers the best weather, with generous sunshine

11、. In winter, the city is severely affected by freezing winds from Siberia. The weather here is totally different with that in my hometown, which is warm throughout a year. Whats more, it rains a lot, especially in summer and autumn. And it rarely snows in winter.ReferenceRole-playL LTalketsACreate d

12、ialogues with your partner based on the following situations and act them out. SAMPLE Its a cool and rainy day. Trapped indoors by the downpour, you feel rather annoyed. But your roommate is rather excited. He/she says its the exact weather he/she loves. You argue with him/her about the inconvenienc

13、e caused by the rain while he/she describes all kinds of fun coming with the rain. Role-playL LTalketsBCreate dialogs with your partner based on the following situations and act them out. Youve planned all the details for tomorrows outing with your visiting relatives. But you are disrupted by the we

14、atherman who forecasts storm tomorrow. Your friend tries to cheer you up and finally talks you into planning indoor pleasures instead.L LTalketsA: Oh. Its raining. Why do we have to have such poor weather on Sunday?B: Really? Its raining? Oh, what lovely weather!A: Lovely? What makes you think its l

15、ovely? Ive planned to go to the park. But now I have to stay in the dorm the whole day.B: It seldom rains in my hometown. So I always get excited when it rains. This is my favorite weather. I dont know why you dont like it. Raining does not mean you cant go out.A: But its so inconvenient. I dont wan

16、t to get all wet.ReferenceL LTalketsB: Dont you think walking in the rain with a beautiful umbrella in your hand is something romantic?A: Never think so. We have plenty of rain here throughout the year. I never feel excited. And I seldom go out when it rains.B: How about the rainbow? Its beautiful,

17、isnt it?A: But it doesnt appear after each rain.B: It does appear sometimes. And Id like to see everything washed clean in the rain, including the air.ReferenceL LTalketsA: I just feel its a pity that we have to stay in the dorm on Sunday.B: Why not going for a walk in the rain? Come on. Youll see h

18、ow beautiful the world becomes when it rains!ReferenceL LInisteningC: What natural disasters are related to climate?hurricane tornado flood drought storm DiscussionDiscussionL LInisteningHow would you forecast the weather? Has the weather in your hometown changed a lot these years? What are the caus

19、es?ReferenceReferenceDiscussionDiscussionL LInisteningWhat measures do you think should be taken to protect the nature? And what can you do in your everyday life to contribute to the protection?A green person is someone who is concerned about the environment and nature. Are you a green person? What

20、do you know about greenhouse effects?ReferenceDiscussionDiscussionAnts move out from their nest. Swallows fly low near the ground.L LInisteningDiscussionDiscussionL LInisteningSay what the situation was like in the past.Ten years ago,Say what changed and why.Then,Say what the situation is like today

21、.Today,Say what the situation will be in the future.In ten years time,DiscussionDiscussionL LInisteningCauses: industrial waste, automobile exhaust, chemicals contained in the painting, waste dumping, oil spill, Problems caused: skin cancer, new diseases, flooding, deforestation, drought, species ch

22、angesSolutions: be environmentally friendly, recycling plant, waste control, biodegradable and environment sustaining products, eco-tourismQuestionActivityH Home ome A AssignmentssignmentWork out a plan with your partners to contain sand storm.ActivityCollect as much information about sand storm as possible.Find out the causes for sand storm.Find out the problems caused by sand storm.Find out some cities most inflicted by sand storm.



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