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1、升级版的龟兔赛跑故事升级版的龟兔赛跑故事( (中英中英文文) )龟龟 兔兔 赛赛 跑跑 Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare hadan argument about who was faster They decided to settle thean argument about who was faster They decided to settle theargument with a race They agreed on a route and start

2、ed offargument with a race They agreed on a route and started offthe racethe race从前有一只乌龟和一只兔子在互相争辩谁跑得快他们决从前有一只乌龟和一只兔子在互相争辩谁跑得快他们决定来一场比赛分上下选定了路线就此起跑定来一场比赛分上下选定了路线就此起跑 The hare shot ahead The hare shot aheadandand ranran brisklybriskly forfor somesome timetime ThenThen seeingseeing thatthat hehe waswa

3、s farfar aheadaheadof the tortoise he thought hed sit under a tree for some timeof the tortoise he thought hed sit under a tree for some timeand relax before continuing the raceand relax before continuing the race兔子带头冲出奔驰了一兔子带头冲出奔驰了一阵子眼看它已遥遥领先乌龟心想它可以在树下坐一会儿放松一下然阵子眼看它已遥遥领先乌龟心想它可以在树下坐一会儿放松一下然后再继续比赛后再继

4、续比赛 He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep The He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep Thetortoise plodding on overtook him and soon finished the racetortoise plodding on overtook him and soon finished the raceemerging as the undisputed champemerging as the undisputed champ兔子很快地在树下就睡著了兔子很快地在树

5、下就睡著了而一路上笨手笨脚走来的乌龟那么超越过它不一会儿完成比赛而一路上笨手笨脚走来的乌龟那么超越过它不一会儿完成比赛 成为成为货真价实的冠军货真价实的冠军 The The harehare wokewoke upup andand realisedrealised thatthat hedhed lostlostthe race The moral of the story is that slow and steady winsthe race The moral of the story is that slow and steady winsthe racethe race等兔子一觉醒

6、来才觉察它输了这个故事给我们的启示是等兔子一觉醒来才觉察它输了这个故事给我们的启示是缓慢且持续的人会赢得比赛缓慢且持续的人会赢得比赛 This is the version of the story This is the version of the storythat weve all grown up withthat weve all grown up with这是从小伴随我们长大的龟兔赛这是从小伴随我们长大的龟兔赛跑故事的版本跑故事的版本 But then recently someone told me a more But then recently someone told m

7、e a moreinteresting version of this story It continuesinteresting version of this story It continues但最近有人但最近有人告诉了我一个更有趣的版本故事这麼连续下去告诉了我一个更有趣的版本故事这麼连续下去 The hare was The hare wasdisappointeddisappointed atat losinglosing thethe racerace andand hehe diddid somesome DefectDefectPrevention RootPrevention

8、 Root CauseCause Analysis HeAnalysis He realisedrealised thatthat hedhed lostlost thetherace only because he had been overconfident careless and laxrace only because he had been overconfident careless and lax兔子当然因输了比赛而倍感失望为此他做了些缺失预防工作根本原兔子当然因输了比赛而倍感失望为此他做了些缺失预防工作根本原因解析它很清楚失败是因它太有信心大意以及散漫因解析它很清楚失败是因它

9、太有信心大意以及散漫 If If hehe hadhad notnottakentaken thingsthings forfor grantedgranted therestheres nono wayway thethe tortoisetortoise couldcould havehavebeaten him So he challenged the tortoise to another race Thebeaten him So he challenged the tortoise to another race Thetortoise agreedtortoise agreed如

10、果它不要自认一切都是理所当然的乌龟是不可如果它不要自认一切都是理所当然的乌龟是不可能打败它的因此它单挑乌龟再来另一场比赛而乌龟也同意能打败它的因此它单挑乌龟再来另一场比赛而乌龟也同意 This Thistimetime thethe harehare wentwent allall outout andand ranran withoutwithout stoppingstopping fromfrom startstartto finish He won by several milesto finish He won by several miles这次兔子全力以赴从头到这次兔子全力以赴从

11、头到尾一口气跑完领先乌龟好几公里尾一口气跑完领先乌龟好几公里 The The moralmoral ofof thethe storystory FastFast andandconsistent will always beat the slow and steadyconsistent will always beat the slow and steady这故事的这故事的有什麼启示动作快且前后一致的人将可胜过缓慢且持续的人有什麼启示动作快且前后一致的人将可胜过缓慢且持续的人 If Ifyou have two people in your organisation one slow me

12、thodicalyou have two people in your organisation one slow methodicaland reliable and the other fast and still reliable at what heand reliable and the other fast and still reliable at what hedoes the fast and reliable chap will consistently climb thedoes the fast and reliable chap will consistently c

13、limb theorganisationalorganisational ladderladder fasterfaster thanthan thethe slowslow methodicalmethodical chapchap 如如果在你的工作单位有两个人一个缓慢按部就班且可靠另一个那么是果在你的工作单位有两个人一个缓慢按部就班且可靠另一个那么是动作快且办事还算牢靠那麼动作快且牢靠的人会在组织中一直往上动作快且办事还算牢靠那麼动作快且牢靠的人会在组织中一直往上爬升迁的速度比那缓慢且按部就班办事的人快爬升迁的速度比那缓慢且按部就班办事的人快 Its good to be Its good

14、 to beslow and steady but its better to be fast and reliableslow and steady but its better to be fast and reliable缓缓慢且持续固然很好但动作快且牢靠那么更胜一筹慢且持续固然很好但动作快且牢靠那么更胜一筹 But the story But the storyan organisation if you are a good speaker make sure youan organisation if you are a good speaker make sure youcrea

15、te opportunities to give presentations that enable thecreate opportunities to give presentations that enable thesenior management to notice yousenior management to notice you在你的工作单位如果你是一个在你的工作单位如果你是一个能言善道的人一定要想法创造时机好好表现自己以便让层峰注意到能言善道的人一定要想法创造时机好好表现自己以便让层峰注意到你你 If your strength is analysis make sure

16、you do some sort If your strength is analysis make sure you do some sortofof researchresearch makemake a a reportreport andand sendsend itit upstairsupstairs WorkingWorking toto youryourstrengths will not only get you noticed but will also createstrengths will not only get you noticed but will also

17、createopportunities for growth and advancementopportunities for growth and advancement 如果你的优势是从事如果你的优势是从事分析工作那麼你一定要做一些研究写一个报告然后呈送上楼依著自分析工作那麼你一定要做一些研究写一个报告然后呈送上楼依著自己的优势己的优势 专长专长 来工作不仅会让上头的人注意到你也会创造成长和来工作不仅会让上头的人注意到你也会创造成长和进步的时机进步的时机 The story still hasnt ended The story still hasnt ended故事还没结束故事还没结束T

18、he hare and the tortoise by this time had become pretty goodThe hare and the tortoise by this time had become pretty goodfriendsfriends andand theythey diddid somesome thinkingthinking togethertogether BothBoth realisedrealised thatthatthe last race could have been run much betterthe last race could have been run much better这下子兔子和这下子兔子和乌龟成了惺惺相惜乌龟成了惺惺相惜



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