my friend英语作文怎么读

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1、my friendmy friend 英语作文怎么读英语作文怎么读 I have a friend, eternal good friends; I have a friendship, truefriendship priceless; My friend, the real close friends; My friendship;Colorful real friendship. Name, my friend, is very pleasing to the ear, called independentlyharmonics is commitment, representing t

2、he keeping the promise. But, totell the truth, she also really keep promise, the following case is enough toprove her promise. One day, I went to her house to play, took a fancy to her a cpainggeneral mobilization, but she was watching, I begged her to lend me. She isalso a dilemma: to borrow for me

3、, or did you see? So, I read it during theday, night delivered to your home to see you, ok? Well, well! I should be away. That night, I and his father in the xinhua bookstore, my father saw Ilike very much, just bought me a book. I returned home, just callindependently, her up, immediately said: to

4、push books? Waiting for you, Illsend the past! Say that finish, just hang up with a bang, I have nolanguage. Five minutes later, she arrived at my home, see my hand and she the samebook, somehow looked at me: you, how can you.? I cry: my father bought me,wanted to call to tell you, let you dont have

5、 to send, who knows you over thephone just hang up. Well, then I walked first, goodbye! Ha, ha, ha, you say that my friend is a promise!我有朋友,永恒的好朋友;我有友谊,无价的真友谊;我的朋友,真实的亲朋友;我的友谊;五彩的实友谊。我的朋友,名字很动听,叫做陈诺,谐音就是“允诺”,代表着“信守允诺”。不过,说道真的的,她也真的信守允诺,以下的事例就足够多证明她信守允诺了。有一天,我去她家玩,看中了她的一本皮皮鲁总动员,可是她正在看,我恳求她先借我看。她也左右为难:是先借我呢,还是自己看?“这样吧,我白天看完它,晚上送到你家给你看,好吗?”“嗯,好吧!”我应道。当天晚上,我跟爸爸到了新华书店,爸爸看见我很喜欢,就给我买了一本。我回到家,就给陈诺打电话,她一接,马上就说:“来催书啦?你等着,我马上就送过去!”说完,就“砰”地一声挂电话了,我无语。五分钟后,她赶往我家里,看见我手里拎的和她一模一样地书,莫明其妙地看著我:“你,你怎么?”我哭笑不得:“我爸爸给我卖的,本想要电话说你,使你不必送来了,谁晓得你电话一下子就摆了。”“哦,那我就先跑了,我爱你!”哈哈哈,你说我的朋友是不是信守承诺啊!



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