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1、大学英语(外教社版)教案课程名称授课章节授课对象课程性质授课时间大学英语 _ 2011_ 2011 级艺术类本科级艺术类本科_公共基础课公共基础课4 4 学时学时_ _ _ _ Unit 8 Text A_ _. General Introduction. General Introduction. Teaching Procedures (of Text A). Teaching Procedures (of Text A)STEPSSTEPSIntroductionIntroductionWarming-upWarming-upStudyStudy of the Textof the Te

2、xtTextText :Unit 8Unit 8 Text AText AA Magician at Stretching a DollarA Magician at Stretching a DollarTeaching AimsTeaching Aims【教学目的】【教学目的】: : To enable the students (Ss) to1. grasp the main idea: Love will always flow naturally between parents andchildren;2. appreciate the love shown between Mom

3、and Son;3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related tothe theme of the unit.Teaching FocusTeaching Focus【教学重点】【教学重点】: :1. Key Words, Phrases & Expressions absolutely, acquire, approach, as

4、tonish,avoid, community, compose, confidence, deny, expose, gratitude, indicate,privacy, range, reveal, slap, slight ,snap, somehow, startle, spontaneously, stretch,come true, come upon, hold back, in search of , robof, scrape together,something like, etc.2. Word Formation - suffix“ful” “less” “er,

5、ar, or“3. Structure -appositive clause, so (such)thatDifficultiesDifficulties【教学难点】【教学难点】: :1. Structure - appositive clause, so (such)that2. Some complicated sentences in the textTeaching MethodsTeaching Methods【教学方法】【教学方法】: :Questions, explanation, analysis, sentence-making, oral practice and exer

6、cises.METHODSMETHODSexplanationQuestions, andintroductory remarkOBJECTIVESOBJECTIVESTIMETIMETo inform the Ss of the3 minteaching proceduresTo lead into the topic of text20 minAQuestionsforTo grasp the main ideas,30 mincomprehension,makecleartheauthorsanalysis, explanationideas2北京联合大学大学英语教案DetailedDe

7、tailedReadingReadingExplanation,& Language Study& Language Studysentence-makingUseful ExpressionsUseful ExpressionsTranslationGrammar FocusGrammar FocusGroup workGroup DiscussionGroup DiscussionCheck ExerciseCheck ExerciseAssignmentAssignmentDiscussionpresentationExplanationWritten workTo discover S

8、s difficulties,study key language pointsTo consolidate the usefulexpressionsTo practicethestructure“appositive clause ” and“ so (such) that ”andTo develop the studentsspeaking skill.To explain difficult points.60 min20 min15 min20 min10minTotalTotalAsk students to do Exercise2 minVI and learn Text B

9、 bythemselves after class180 min. Detailed Teaching Activities. Detailed Teaching ActivitiesPre-reading tasks1. Read aloud with T the following 100 words and expressions, which are supposedto be learnt by heart: (given before class)at firstdelighthidehiddenno longermagicstretchapproachat workin sear

10、ch ofsafetypincommunityhallwaylockunlockstepagainstballoontireinstantadmireshop windowpriceshocksomething likesomehowscrapepaymentmoveddiscoverysickenknowledgerob ofcome uponstrikestruckblowthink overabsolutelyrevealslightesthintterribleavoidleastpossesspossessiondenyprivatecomposecompositionluckies

11、talivelivingowecome truerealizeactactiontalentfalsecriticalnothing butspeechspeechlessescapegratitudeworkactormanage tocueon cueclueexpressionmirrorrangeslapfirmlyjawkeep fromfall offteethexposeacquireconfidenceconfidentnaturallySanta Claustonetuneindicateindicationwrapdollbittersnapwheelbreedhold b

12、ack32. Ss further study with T the following words and expressions: (60 minutes)1).approach: v. i. come near or nearerii. go to sth./sb. with a request or offerE.g. The 2008 Olympic Games are quickly approaching.As you approach the bed, walk softly please!That, I am afraid, was not the proper way to

13、 approach her.Did he approach you about lending him some money?n. method of doing sth.每个人的学习方法都不一样。Everyone has his own approach to study.2).come upon: find or meet by chanceE.g. I came upon the novel yet again in another bookstore and felt compelledto buy it.他上网冲浪时偶然看见一个学生对他的评论。He came upon a stude

14、nts comment on him while surfing the Internet.3).reveal: vt. make known, allow or cause to be seen, displayE.g. She suddenly revealed that she was not married. (D)The director revealed his new movie plot to the press.expose: vt.i. uncover; leave uncovered or unprotectedii. make knownE.g. Dont expose

15、 your skin to the sun.I threatened to expose him to the police.reveal, disclose & expose这几个词都是动词,都有“暴露” 、 “透露”之意。reveal意思是“泄漏”、“透露”、“显示”。其内容多是事先不为人知的秘密、 事件等。disclose 意思是“公开”、“揭发”、“透露(秘密)”。其内容多指曾保密的或不愿公开的事件真相,常为不正当、不光彩的事。expose意为“暴露”,含有弃置、不予保护、听之任之之意;还可以指揭露某罪人或罪行。4).Directions:Fillintheblankswiththew

16、ordsabove.Changetheform where necessary.1. The wall has been _ to the wind and rain. (expose)2. He promised not to _ my secret. (reveal)3. He dared to _ illegal activities in his native place. (expose/disclose)4. She _ that she had been the former presidents lover. (disclose)5. The teacher did not _

17、 to his students the test result. (reveal)avoid: vt. keep or get away fromE.g. To avoid the center of town, turn left here.The actor avoids talking about his marriage.deny: vt.i. refuse to give ii. refuse to accept as a fact, declare untrueE.g. The elder brother was denied the chance of going to col

18、lege. (D)She denied knowing anything. He denied (that) he had told me the story.Theres no denying that this will be a serious blow to the government.4北京联合大学大学英语教案5).compose: v. i. write music, poetry, etc.ii. make up sth.E.g. Well-known composer Sandeep Chowta will compose the music for theOlympics

19、2008.Abraham Lincoln is said to have composed the famous GettysburgSpeech during his ride on the train.Water is composed of hydrogen and pose, comprise, constitute & consist这几个词都是动词, 都有 “组成” 之意。compose的主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。但在被动语态中,意思正好相反。comprise既可以表示“包含”、“由组成”之意,即主语表示事物的整体,宾语表示事物的组成部分;也可以表示“构成”之意,

20、即主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。constitute的主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。consist是个不及物动词,与介词of一起连用,不用于被动语态。consist的主语表示事物的整体,of后的宾语表示事物的组成部分。Directions: Choose the correct expressions to fill in the blanks.1. The committee _ ten persons. A B CA) comprisesB) is composed ofC) constitutesD) consists ofE) composes2. Eigh

21、teen departments _ the famous university. A C DA) composeB) are composed ofC) compriseD) constituteE) consist of6). range: n.i. extent; distance between limitsii. distance to which a gun will shoot or towhich a shell, etc.can be firedE.g. China is a country with a wide range of temperature.I only fi

22、red when the enemy were well within range.7). after all:E.g.Dont be too hard on him; after all, he is still a child.8). hold back:i. hinder the progress ofii. keep secret to oneselfE.g. Trees are planted to hold back the desert. (D)Australians seldom hold back anything. They are very open in whateve

23、rthey do.3. Ss get to know the following background knowledge: (30 minutes)1).Word-webWord-webChristmas EveChristmas treeChristmas cardChristmas carolchurchchimneyDecember 25family reunion presentparadereindeerSanta Clausstockingsleigh bellsnowflaketurkey52). ChristmasChristmasChristmas is the name

24、for the festival service of worship held onDecember 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Although it is accepted thatJesus was born in the small town of Bethlehem a few miles south ofJerusalem, there is no certain information on the date of His birth, not even ofthe year.The word comes from the Old

25、 English term Cristes maesse, meaning“Christs mass.” The word Xmas is sometimes used instead of Christmas.This tradition began in the early Christian church. In Greek, X is the firstletter of Christs name. It was frequently used as a holy symbol. Over thecenturies a significant number of customs and

26、 traditional observanceshaveemerged to make the Christmas season one of the most colorful and festivetimes of the year. Probably the most universal custom is gift giving,frequently associated with the person of Santa Claus. Other customs have todo with decorations (including evergreen trees, lights,

27、 wreaths, and holly),going to church, the sending of cards, good and plentiful food and drink, andthe singing of carols and other songs.Santa ClausSanta ClausThe legend began with a real person: St. Nicholas, who lived during the4th century in what is now Turkey. He is one of the most popular saints

28、honored by Christians and there are many stories about his generosity. SantaClausasweknowhimtodayisarelativelyrecentAmericaninvention. These were introduced into American by Dutch settlers. The name“Santa Claus” comes from his Dutch name “Sinta Klaus”. In the UnitedStates he became associated with C

29、hristmas rather than December 6, histraditional fast day, and he developed into a purely secular figure. Most ofthe central features of the Santa Claus legend, such as his climbing down thechimney and his red suit rimmed with white fur, are of Dutch origin. Hisassociation with reindeer and the North

30、 Pole, however, apparently came fromScandinavia.4.Ss read aloud the text part by part, and discuss with T the important and difficultlanguage points. (75 minutes)A Magician at Stretching a DollarA Magician at Stretching a DollarRussell BakerThat December, with Christmas approaching, she was out at w

31、ork and Doriswas in the kitchen when I let myself into her bedroom one afternoon in search of asafety pin. Since her bedroom opened onto a community hallway, she kept thedoor locked, but needing the pin,I took the key from its hiding place, unlockedWhile-reading tasks6北京联合大学大学英语教案the door and steppe

32、d in. Standing against the wall was a big, black bicycle withballoon tiresballoon tires. I recognized it instantly. It was the same second-hand bike I d beenadmiring in a Baltimore Street shop window. Id even asked about the price. Itwas a shock. SomethingSomething likelike $15. Somehow my mother ha

33、d scraped togetherenough for a down payment and meant to surprise me with the bicycle onChristmas morning.1).About the author and the title.(See Note 1 & 2 on P184)2).Review the structure.(See Note 3 on P184)3).What is “balloon tire”?(See Note 4 on P184)4).something like: about, approximatelyE.g.约有一

34、千人参加了会议。Something like one thousand people attended the conference.What can you learn from this sentence?(Open.)5).Paraphrase the sentence.(My mother managed to collect enough money to pay a part of the full priceof the bike and want to give me a happy surprise on Christmas morning.)I was deeply mov

35、ed by the discovery and yet sickened by the knowledge that,bursting into her room like this, I had robbed her of the pleasure of seeing meastonished and delighted on Christmas day. I hadnt wanted to know her lovelysecret; still coming upon it like this made me feel as though Id struck a blowagainst

36、her happiness. I backed out, put the key back in its hiding place, andthought over what to do.I decided that between now and Christmas I must do nothing, absolutelynothing, to reveal the slightestslightest hint of my terrible knowledge. I must avoid theleast word that might reveal my possession of h

37、er secret. Nothing must deny herthe happiness of seeing me completely amazed on Christmas day.6).Review the structure.(See Structure Ex. 1 on P193)7).Why did the author think he had robbed his mother of her pleasure?(Because of the high price of the bicycle, the boy never thought he wouldhave it. To

38、 get it as a Christmas present is out of his imagination. So as hismother carefully chose the present and wanted to give him a happy surprise,if the boy knew there was such a present, she might not be so happy.)78). slight: adj. i. not great, not considerableii. thin and delicateE.g. Often there are

39、 folks who make a brief, slight error but pay with theirlives.I felt a slight pain in my chest.That slight old lady is my grandma. 9). What is his terrible knowledge?(He found the bicycle and knew it would be his Christmas present.)How to understand the word “terrible”?(As to the boy, he would rathe

40、r not have found it.)What do you think of this determination? If you were the boy, would you doso? (Open.)In the privacy of my bedroom I began composing and testing exclamationsof delight: “Wow!” “A bike with balloon tires! I dont believe it!” “Im theluckiest boy alive!” And so on. They all owed a l

41、ot toowed a lot to movies in which boys likeMickey Rooney had seen their wildest dreams come true. I soon realized that,with my lack of acting talent, all of them were going to sound false at the criticalmoment when I wanted to cry out my love spontaneously from the heart. Maybeit would be better to

42、 say nothing but appear to be shocked into suchsuch deep pleasurethatthat speech had escaped me. I wasnt sure, though. Id seen speechless gratitudegratitudein the movies too, and it never reallyworkedworked until the actors managed to cry afew quiet tears. I doubted I could cry on cue, so I began th

43、inking about otherexpressions of speechless amazement. In front of a hand-held mirror in mybedroom I tried the whole range of expressions; mouth open and eyes wide;hands slapped firmly against both cheeks to keep the jaw from falling off;ear-to-ear grin with all teeth fully exposed while hugging mys

44、elf with both arms.These and more I practiced for several days without acquiringacquiring confidence in anyof them. I decided to wait until Christmas morning and see if anything camenaturally10). Why is the boy doing this?(Because he wanted his mother to see his natural response.)11). What does the

45、word “they” refer to?(It refers to exclamations of delight he composed and tested.)owe to:归功于E.g. Her success owes to her hard work.She owes her success to her hard work.Who are “Mickey Rooney”?(See Note 5 on P184)How to understand the expression “wildest dreams”?(The dreams that can hardly be reali

46、zed.)8北京联合大学大学英语教案12).such + n. that = so + adj. that(See Structure Ex. 2 on P194)What does“ speech had escaped me” mean?(It means I was unable to speak.)13).What does“ though ” mean?(See Note 6 on P185)14).gratitude:n. thankfulness, being gratefulE.g. In Chinese there is a term“ Bao En” for “ payin

47、g back out of gratitude.”她请我吃饭以对我表示谢意。She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner.work: vi. move or act for a certain resultParaphrase “ the actors managed to cry a few quiet tears” .(theactorstried very hard and succeededin letting tearswellup withoutcrying aloud)15). acquire:vt.get, gain,

48、 obtain & acquire这几个词都是动词,都有“得到” 、 “获得”之意。get是最普通的用语,可指通过任何方式的获得,多用于口语中。gain多指在竞争中获得,所得的东西往往是有用的或是所期待的。obtain是书面语,指靠他人或自己努力而得到,强调结果或目的。acquire指通过自己的努力或行为而获得某种东西。这种东西一经获得,即变为永久的所有物。That Christmasmorning she woke us early, “ to see what Santa Clausbrought, ”she saidwithjusttheright toneof voicetoindic

49、ate we were alloldenough to know who SantaClaus was. I came out of my bedroom with mypresentforher and Doris,and Doriscame with hers.Mymother s has beenplaced under the tree during the night. There were a few small brightly wrappedpackages, a big doll for Doris, but no bicycle. I must have looked di

50、sappointed.“ It looks like Santa Claus didn t do too well by you this year, Buddy,” shesaid, as I opened packages. A shirt. A necktie. I said something halfhearted like,“ It s the thoughtthatcounts, ”but what I feltwas bitter disappointment. Isupposed she d found the bike just too expensive and sent

51、 it back.16). What does this sentence mean?(It seems that Santa Claus has not been very generous to you this year.)Why did mother say so?(Because the boy only got a shirt and a necktie in the packages.)17). What does “ count ” mean?(See Note 7 on P185)How do you understand this sentence?(The boy was

52、 old enough to know that the presents were given by his mother9instead of Santa Claus. He told his mother what was important was that shecared enough to buy him a present, not the present itself.)Was the boy happy with those presents?(No. He felt very disappointed because he didnt see that bicycle.)

53、“Wait a minute!” she cried, snapping her fingers. “Theres something in mybedroom I forgot all about.”She went out, and a moment later came back wheeling the big blacktwo-wheeler with balloon tires. I didn t have to pretend, after all. The three of us Doris, my mother, and I were people bred to hold

54、back emotionalexpressions of love, but I did something that startled both my mother and me. Ithrew my arms around her spontaneously and kissed her.“All right now, dontcarry onabout it. Its only a bicycle,” she said.Still, I knew that she was as happy as I was to see her so happy.18). What does“carry

55、 on” mean?(See Note 8 on P185)19). What can you learn from this story?(Open.)Post-reading tasks1. Ss and T ask questions in turn about the exercises from P18-205. (75 minutes)2. Ss and T ask questions in turn about the three texts in Extensive Reading. (30minutes)3. Ss read passage 7 and 8 in Fast Reading, and check the answers by themselves.(15 minutes)10



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