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1、 Respiratory Respiratory systemsystem第一页,共三十一页。Respiratory system第二页,共三十一页。n nNasal cavity, pharynx & larynx. n nTrachea & bronchi.n nLung.第三页,共三十一页。一、一、trachea第四页,共三十一页。mucosasubmucosaadventitiatrachea trachea (HE)(HE)Mixed glandMixed gland第五页,共三十一页。EM: epithelium of trachea4. Small granule C4. Sma

2、ll granule C1.Ciliated C1.Ciliated C2.Brush C2.Brush C3.Goblet C3.Goblet C5.Basal C5.Basal C第六页,共三十一页。The wall of trachea1. 1. Mucosa=epithelium+lamina propriaMucosa=epithelium+lamina propriauu pseudostratiated ciliated columnar pseudostratiated ciliated columnaruu Ciliated Ciliated C, goblet , gobl

3、et C, brush , brush C, , basal basal C, small granular , small granular C.2. Submucosa=2. Submucosa=CT+ + mixed glandsmixed glands3. Adventitia=16-20 3. Adventitia=16-20 C shaped shaped hayline hayline cartilage rings.cartilage rings.第七页,共三十一页。n n atmosphere & atmosphere & alveolialveolin n alveoli

4、& alveoli & blood blood (blood & tissue)(blood & tissue)Gas exchangeGas exchangebronchiolelunglung二、二、lunglung第八页,共三十一页。Lung L Lo ow w p po ow we er r第九页,共三十一页。lungn nparenchyma: bronchial trees & alveoli .parenchyma: bronchial trees & alveoli .uuPrincipal bronchi(Principal bronchi(Br)lobular)lobula

5、r、segmental segmental Brsmaller smaller Brbronchioleterminal bronchiolebronchioleterminal bronchiolerespiratory bronchiolerespiratory bronchiolealveolar ductalveolar duct、alveolar sacalveoli.alveolar sacalveoli.uuConduction portion : above terminal Conduction portion : above terminal bronchioles. br

6、onchioles. uuRespiratory portion :respiratory Respiratory portion :respiratory bronchiole to alveoli.bronchiole to alveoli.uuPulmonary lobulePulmonary lobule: bronchiole and : bronchiole and its ramifications.its ramifications.第十页,共三十一页。Conduction portionConduction portionConduction portionConductio

7、n portionlobular Br & small Brlobular Br & small Brlobular Br & small Brlobular Br & small BrEpitheliumGoblet CGlandsCartilage plateSMC第十一页,共三十一页。Conduction portionConduction portionbronchiole & bronchiole & terminal brochioleterminal brochioleSimple ciliated columnar.Goblet C ()()Gland ()()Cartilag

8、e plate ()()SMC第十二页,共三十一页。Rules of structural variance in conducting portionRules of structural variance in conducting portionSmall BrSmall BrSmall BrSmall Brbronchiolbronchiolbronchiolbronchiole e e eTerminal Terminal Terminal Terminal bronchiolebronchiolebronchiolebronchioleEpi Epi Epi Epi Pseudos

9、tratifiePseudostratifiePseudostratifiePseudostratified d d dCiliated Ciliated Ciliated Ciliated columnar columnar columnar columnar Simple Simple Simple Simple ciliated ciliated ciliated ciliated columnarcolumnarcolumnarcolumnarSimple Simple Simple Simple columnarcolumnarcolumnarcolumnar* * * * clar

10、aclaraclaraclaracellcellcellcellGoblet Goblet Goblet Goblet C C + + + + +/-+/-+/-+/- - - -Mixed Mixed Mixed Mixed glandglandglandgland+ + + + +/-+/-+/-+/- - - -CartilagCartilagCartilagCartilage platee platee platee plate+ + + + +/-+/-+/-+/- - - -SMCSMCSMCSMC+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 第十三页,共三十一页

11、。Respiratory portionRespiratory portionRespiratory portionRespiratory portionRespiratory bronchioleRespiratory bronchioleRespiratory bronchioleRespiratory bronchiole The wall is interruptedThe wall is interrupted Simple cuboidal Epi, clara Simple cuboidal Epi, clara C C SMCSMC第十四页,共三十一页。Respiratory

12、portionRespiratory portionRespiratory portionRespiratory portionAlveolar duct & alveolar sacAlveolar duct & alveolar sacAlveolar duct & alveolar sacAlveolar duct & alveolar sacThe wall, many alveoliThe wall, many alveoli SMCSMC*Simple cuboidalSimple cuboidal, squamous, squamousAlveolar ductAlveolar

13、ductAlveolar sacAlveolar sac No SMCNo SMC*第十五页,共三十一页。Respiratory portionRespiratory portionalveolusalveolus肺泡肺泡(fipo)(fipo)(fipo)(fipo)管管Simple alveolar Epi.第十六页,共三十一页。(1)(1) Respiratory portionn n#constituentsconstituents:respiratory respiratory bronchiolebronchiole,alveolar ductalveolar duct,alveo

14、lar alveolar sacsac,alveolusalveolus。1.Respiratory bronchiole1.Respiratory bronchioleuuThe wall, few alveoli open into.The wall, few alveoli open into.uuSimple cuboidal Epi,SMC.Simple cuboidal Epi,SMC.第十七页,共三十一页。(2)(2) Respiratory portion2.2.Alveolar duct & alveolar sacAlveolar duct & alveolar sacuu

15、The wall, many alveoli open into.The wall, many alveoli open into.uuKnobs in the wall of alveolar duct Knobs in the wall of alveolar duct uuKnobs is sphincter-like SMC.Knobs is sphincter-like SMC.第十八页,共三十一页。(3)(3) Respiratory portion3. alveolus:3. alveolus:uu type type I alveolar alveolar Cuu type t

16、ype II alveolar Cuu alveolar septum. alveolar septum.第十九页,共三十一页。Type II alveolar CmacrophageElastic fiber第二十页,共三十一页。type I alveolar C第二十一页,共三十一页。Type II alveolar COsmiophilic Multilamellar bodiesOsmiophilic Multilamellar bodies第二十二页,共三十一页。blood-air barrier第二十三页,共三十一页。Alveolin nType I celluusquamouss

17、quamous, covered most surface , covered most surface of the alveoli .of the alveoli .n nType II celluuLM: round or cuboidal, cell body round or cuboidal, cell body protrude into the lumen.protrude into the lumen.uuEM: osmiophilic multilamellar body, osmiophilic multilamellar body, with abundant phos

18、pholipids.with abundant phospholipids.uuFunctions: secret Functions: secret surfactant, surfactant, reduce reduce surface tension, stabilize alveoli.surface tension, stabilize alveoli.第二十四页,共三十一页。n nAlveolar septum: Alveolar septum: continuous continuous Cap., , elastic fiber. macrophage dust elasti

19、c fiber. macrophage dust C. .blood-air barrierblood-air barrier includes includes: :1.mucus layer on surface of alveoli1.mucus layer on surface of alveoli2.type 2.type I alveolar alveolar C3.BM of alveolar 3.BM of alveolar C4.delicate layer of 4.delicate layer of CT5.continuous 5.continuous Cap. BM

20、BM6.continuous 6.continuous Cap. Endothelium.Endothelium.第二十五页,共三十一页。TerminalbronchioleRespiratorybronchioleAlveolar ductAlveolar ductAlveolar sac1 12 23 34 4第二十六页,共三十一页。Rules of structural variance in respiratory portionRules of structural variance in respiratory portionwallwallwallwallEpi.Epi.Epi.

21、Epi.SMCSMCSMCSMCRespiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory bronchiolebronchiolebronchiolebronchioleNot integratedNot integratedNot integratedNot integratedAlveoli open Alveoli open Alveoli open Alveoli open Simple columanSimple columanSimple columanSimple columanSimple cuboidalSimple cuboidalSi

22、mple cuboidalSimple cuboidalthinthinthinthinAlveolar Alveolar Alveolar Alveolar ductductductductMany alveoli Many alveoli Many alveoli Many alveoli open into open into open into open into Simple cuboidalSimple cuboidalSimple cuboidalSimple cuboidalA fewA fewA fewA fewAlveolar Alveolar Alveolar Alveo

23、lar sacsacsacsac of alveoli of alveoli of alveoli of alveoli Alveolar Epi.Alveolar Epi.Alveolar Epi.Alveolar Epi.nonononoalveolusalveolusalveolusalveolusIrregular Irregular Irregular Irregular vesicularvesicularvesicularvesicularAlveolar Epi.Alveolar Epi.Alveolar Epi.Alveolar Epi.nononono第二十七页,共三十一页

24、。Alveolar epithelial cellshapeshapeshapeshapecytoplasmcytoplasmcytoplasmcytoplasmfunctionsfunctionsfunctionsfunctionsType Type I IsquamoussquamoussquamoussquamousPhagocytotic Phagocytotic Phagocytotic Phagocytotic vesiclevesiclevesiclevesicleCovered 95% of the Covered 95% of the Covered 95% of the C

25、overed 95% of the surface of alveoli to surface of alveoli to surface of alveoli to surface of alveoli to benefit gas exchange.benefit gas exchange.benefit gas exchange.benefit gas exchange.Type Type IIIIroundroundroundroundcuboidalcuboidalcuboidalcuboidalOsmiophilic Osmiophilic Osmiophilic Osmiophi

26、lic multilamellar multilamellar multilamellar multilamellar bodybodybodybodySecret surfactant to Secret surfactant to Secret surfactant to Secret surfactant to reduce surface tension reduce surface tension reduce surface tension reduce surface tension and stabilize the and stabilize the and stabiliz

27、e the and stabilize the alveoli.alveoli.alveoli.alveoli.Type IType I cell can not regenerate.cell can not regenerate.Type II cell can differentiate into Type IType II cell can differentiate into Type I cell .*第二十八页,共三十一页。keypointsn nThe basic structure of trachea.n nHistologic structure of conduction portion.n nHistologic structure of respiratory portion.n nEsp. the alveolar epithelium第二十九页,共三十一页。第三十页,共三十一页。内容(nirng)总结Respiratory。1. Mucosa=epithelium+lamina propria。+ +。+ +。SMC*。No SMC*。5.continuous Cap. BM。6.continuous Cap. Endothelium.。*。Thank you第三十一页,共三十一页。



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