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1、Unit 7 WhatUnit 7 Whats the matters the matterSectionSection【单元教学目标】本单元是鲁教版七年级下untit7的教学内容,对应新目标八年级下unitl,本单元的话题是健康与急救,主要学习有关伤 病及处理建议的表达方式。通过本单元的学习学生需达到以下 目标。1.语言技能目标:通过本单元的学习,学生能:(1)听懂相当于本单元Section B 1c难度的有关谈论健康 与急救的对话。(2)正确运用Whats the matter ? What should I do?等特 殊疑问句及相关答语与同伴就健康与急救的话题进行角色扮演与交流。(3)

2、读懂Section A 3a, Section B , 2b中的短文并理解大 意;正确朗读这些短文。读懂课外读物上难度相当的有关意外 事故的文章。(4)运用所学, 写一篇护士与学生之间有关意外伤害或健 康问题的对话。2.语言知识目标:通过本单元的学习,学生能:(1)熟练掌握以下单词:matter,stomachache, foot, neck ,stomach, throat, fever, cough , X-ray, toothache, headache , break,passenger, trouble, knee, climber, risk, situation, kilo, r

3、ock, knife, blood,importance, decision, control, spirit, death, nurse, lie, rest, hurt, hit,mean, herself, ourselves, off, onto, sick(2)熟练掌握以下常用表达:have a cold, have a stomachache, liedown, take one s temp eiave a fever , take breaks, cut off, runout(of), get out of, be in control, give up在文章中识另U并在听力

4、对话中听出以下单词:sore, bandage,nosebleed, breathe, sunburned, accident(3)熟练掌握本单元Grammar Focus中的常用句型。3.情感态度:通过本单元的学习,学生能主动去救助处于危险境地的人;在生死抉择之际, 要有勇气做出正确的决定;享受运动的同时一定注意生命安全。4.学习策略:认识到听录音前,浏览相关图画和文字信息 有助于听力任务的完成。利用事件的发展顺序来辅助理解所阅 读的材料;根据情境及上下文推测生词词性及词义,通过查阅 词典寻找合理的词义。5.文化意识:通过本单元的学习,学生能:了解阿伦罗尔顿(AronRalston)的经历及

5、其回忆录生死两难a Hard Place)【课时教学内容分析】(Between a Rock and本课时教学内容从2a到2e,是以阅读为核心的整体设计活动2a是阅读前的铺垫,目的是激活学生的背景知识,汇。活动2b是核心的阅读语篇,讲述的是美国一名叫阿伦熟悉词罗尔顿的登山家真实的经历,一方面语篇反应了人物积极向上、 顽强坚韧的精神意志,另一方面也通过活动设计培养学生一边 阅读一边记录生词进行后续语言学习的习惯。题的形式对文章细节信息的检测。提炼文章的信息回答活动2c是以判断活动2d通过提问,引导学生问题。 活动2e本身是一个复述文章的练习,但是呼应了本单元重点要求把握故事性文章的先后顺序 这一

6、阅读策略,使学生学会通过事件发展的时间顺序去梳理文 章的脉络,并进一步锻炼复述故事的能力。课时教学目标: 基于课程标准和本课的教学内容, 将本课 的学习目标定为:1.1.能掌握以下重点词汇和句子:ourselves, almost, situation, rock, knife, blood, decision, control,spirit, deathAs a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, andof being in

7、 control of one s life.2.2.能通过教师的示范,尝试运用“事件发生的顺序”、“查词典,结合上下文理解新单词”等阅读策略,读懂有关意 外伤害的文章。3.3.在生活中遇到意外或困难时,做出明智抉择和珍惜自己的生命。【课时教学活动】Before ReadingBefore ReadingWarming up:Warming up:观察几幅运动的图片及相关意外的图片,习部分新词汇。学While ReadingWhile Reading | |1.Prediction:Prediction:观察呈现的图片和信息。2b标题,预测短文主题2. Skimming :2. Skimmin

8、g : Match the paras with the main idea.(快速阅读文章,将下列自然段与段落大意匹配,注意段首句)Paragraph.1paragraph.2Aron Ralston wrote a book.Aron Ralston is an American mountainclimberparagraph.3paragraph.43. Scanning3. ScanningA rock fell on him when he was climbing.We should have the same spirit as Aron.1) Read Para.2,care

9、fully, put the phrases in the correct order.(仔细阅读第二段将短语排序)How did Aron lose his arm?cut off his arm1 a rock fell on himbandaged himselfstayed for five dayswater ran outclimbed down the mountain2) Read Para.3, answer the question.(细读第三段回答问题)What did Aron do after the accident?3)Read the whole passage

10、,and put the sentences in the correct order.(再次阅读整个语篇,将句子排序)On April 26, 2003, he had a serious mountain climbing accident. Aron loves mountain climbing and doesn rhind taking risksAron did not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing mountainstoday.He wrote a book about his experience.Aron

11、lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.4. Reading4. Reading叩:回读语篇猜测词义和词性,搭配并将词汇与释义1 1)Use a dictionary to help understand new words better ,词 典能提供词语的多种词性及含义,我们通常根据 确 定该词语在句中的恰当意义。2 2)Practicerun outcontrolknifea tool for cutting thingsdepend(决定)by yourselfuse up5. Question Time:5. Question T

12、ime: Read the passage again, find out the wordsor the sentences you don t understand , then discuss in gTbups.(出疑难点,小组讨论)After ReadingAfter Reading1. What should we learn from Aron Ralston?2. Imagine you are Aron Ralston, please work in groups and make aspeech to the students of our school.(设想你是Aron

13、 Ralston ,小组合作,根据提示词汇给大家做个 事迹报告演讲。)Good morning, boys and girls!I m Aron Ralston. I m interested in mountainclimbing, but on April 26, 2003, I had an accident.Now let me tell you about it.温髻提小:a rock fell on me stayed for five days water ran out cutoff my armbandaged myself climbed down the mountain wrote a book keep on climbing精神【家庭作业】必做:向你的同学讲述阿伦.罗尔斯的故事。选做:观看127 Hours,进一步感受阿伦.罗尔斯顿的



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