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1、百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上Unit OneUnit OneCollege LifeCollege Life1 Teaching ObjectivesA Understand the main idea of the textB Mater the key language points and grammatical structures in the TextC Training of basic reading, listening, speaking, and translation activities in the Text.2 Time AllocationText A :3

2、Text B: 2Listening an speaking : 13 Key points for this Texthope ; well 构成的复合词;祈使句;not onlybut also; sothat; the morethe more4 Teaching procedure Language Focus1Every college student hopes to live a happy college life. (Para. 1)hope 是常用动词, 意为 “希望” 。 hope 通常有三个常用结构, 分别是: hope to do sth., hopefor sth.

3、 和 hope that 。例如:1)He hopes to become a manager some day.他希望有一天能当经理。2) I hope for a better job.我希望能找到比较好的工作。3) We all hope that he will succeed this time.我们都希望这次他能成功。2Get well-organizedwell-organized是合成词, 它是由副词 well由过去分词转化过来的形容词organized 组合而成的。副词 well 可以加由过去分词转化过来的形容词组合而成一个合成词。例如:-1百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上w

4、ell-done.well-informed?3Make a daily schedule of all your activities. (Para. 2)这是一个祈使句。祈使句可以用来表示命令、请求或建议。例如:1) Stop talking.别说话了。2) Open the window, please.请打开窗户,好吗?3) Doing exercise every day. You will keep fit this way.每天锻炼一下。这样你会保持身体强健。4Arrange your notes and assignments by topic or date, so you

5、can easily findinformation.这里的 so 是连词,它可以用来连接两个并列的句子,而第二句通常是表示由第一句产生的结果。例如:1)I heard a knock at the door, so I got up and walked to the door.我听到有人敲门,所以我起身向门口走去。5. If you have an assignment that requires a lot of work, put it at the top of your list.that requires a lot of work 是定语从句,修饰 assignment,其中关

6、系代词 that 是作定语从句中的主语。定语从句通常置于它所要修饰的词后面,从意义上来说,它是对其所要修饰的名词(短语)进行限定和说明。例如:1)This is the shirt that costs 200 dollars.这是一件价值 200 美元的衬衣。6Doing some sort of physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week will greatlylower your stress level. (Para. 4)Doing week 是动名词短语作主语。动名词(短语)可以在句中作主语,例如:1)Seein

7、g is believing.眼见为实。7Also, it is important for you to eat regularly. (Para. 6)这里的 it 是形式主语,而真正的主语是动词不定式to eat regularly。动词不定式可以在-2百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上句中作主语,不过它通常置于句尾,而用it 置于句首充当形式主语。例如:1)It is important for us to learn English well.对于我们来说,学好英语很重要。8Talking to others will not only help you feel better, bu

8、t also help you find more ways todeal with problems. (Para. 7)not only but also 是常用句型,表示“不仅而且”的意思,其中的also可以省略。例如:1)He is not only an actor but also a college teacher.他不仅是演员还是个大学教师。9Give yourself talks: “I can do this. I will not stress over this.”(Para. 8)give 是一个可以带双宾语的动词,其中一个是直接宾语,另一个则是间接宾语。give 也

9、可以作为普通动词使用。例如:1)The teacher gave students some books.老师给了学生几本书。(students 是间接宾语,some books 是直接宾语)此句也可以改写为:Give talks to yourself.10Taking the time to relax will give you so much energy that you can live a much bettercollege life. (Para. 9)sothat 是常用句型,表示 “太以至于”的意思。例如:1)She was then so excited that sh

10、e could not help bursting into tears.她当时激动地禁不住热泪盈眶。Extra Reading Language Focus1Everything seemed new and interesting to me. (Para. 1)seem 是半系动词,所以后面跟形容词作其表语。例如:1)The questions seem easy.这些问题似乎不难。2To be frank, I liked Mrs. Zhangs class most because she could speak English very-3百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上fluen

11、tly, and I benefited a lot from her teaching. (Para. 2)to be frank 是动词不定式短语作状语,表示“坦率地说”的意思。例如:1)To be frank, I didnt believe you at the beginning.坦率地说,我一开始是不相信你的。and teaching 是一个并列句,其中 benefit from 是固定词组,也可是 benefit by,表示“从中获益”的意思。例如:1)I have benefited from your help. 我已经从你的帮助中获益了。3.On weekends, I w

12、ould climb the mountains or go to the beach with my classmates bybicycle. (Para. 2)would 是情态动词,可以用来表示“过去常常(做)”的意思。例如:1)I would get up very early when I stayed there.我在那儿逗留期间,常常很早就起床了。4 During our first summer vacation, we took part in military training, which lasted forthree weeks. (Para. 3)whichwee

13、ks 是非限制性定语从句,which 是关系代词,其修饰的先行词是 militarytraining。在非限制性定语从句中,表示事物的关系代词只能是which,而不可以使用 that。例如:1)She sent me the book as a gift, which I have kept for many years.她把书作为礼物送给了我,这本书我已经保存多年了。5As I remembered, the more we starved at lunchtime, the more crowded it was in thedining hall. (Para. 4)该句中 the mo

14、re the more 是一个特殊的形容词或副词比较级结构,表示“越越”的意思。使用该结构时,应当特别注意以下几个要点:1)该结构中 more 前的两个定冠词 the 缺一不可。例如:错误:The more he talked, more she disliked him.正确:The more he talked, the more she disliked him.-4他话说得越多,她就越不喜欢他。百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上2)该结构中应当使用两个并列的比较级,不可以只使用一个比较级。例如:错误:The more preparation you do now, themany cha

15、nces you will have.正确:The more preparation you do now, themore chances you will have.你准备得越多,你的机会就越多。6When we were about to graduate, we held quite a lot of parties on campus and offcampus. (Para. 4)be about to do sth. 是一常用结构,在该句中表示“将要”的意思。例如:1) We were about to hold a meeting to discuss about his su

16、ggestion.我们将开会讨论他的建议。7. Now five years have passed, but college life is still fresh in my mind and I still cherishthose good old days at college. (Para. 5)这里的 at college 不是表示 “在大学里” , 而是表示 “上大学期间” 。 注意, 这里的 college前面没有任何冠词。试比较:1)He had a wonderful time at the college.他在大学里度过了一段美好的时光。2)He learned a l

17、ot at college.他在上大学期间学到了很多东西。8 I miss my classmates very much, and I dream that all of our classmates can meet againat our college some day. (Para. 5)some day 是一固定词组,常用来表示“将来的某一天” 。例如:1)You will see him succeed some day.你将来会看到他成功的。Unit Two-5百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上Friendship1 Teaching ObjectivesA Understand

18、 the main idea of the textB Mater the key language points and grammatical structures in the TextC Training of basic reading ,listening, speaking, and translation activities in the Text.2 Time AllocationText A :3Text B: 2Listening an speaking : 13 Key points for this Textkey to; 从句;by doing ; stick w

19、ith sb. ; stick up for4 Teaching procedure Language Focus1 The key to opening up the world of friendship is not only to expand on similarities but to accepteach others faults. (Para. 2)句中的key是名词,表示“关键”的意思。注意:“的关键”应当是:key to。例如:1)This is the key to a better life.这就是生活更加美好的关键。Review not only but (also

20、)2If one person feels edgy around the person, then something isnt quite right. (Para. 4)feel edgy around sb.意为“和某人在一起感到担忧,和某人在一起感到焦躁不安” 。例如:1)I have never felt edgy around her.和她在一起,我从来没有感觉到担忧。3 They have little angry moments but whats done is done and all that they should do is to forgiveand forget

21、. (Para. 5)whats done是主语从句,关系代词what表示“the thing that”的意思。例如:1)What you said is quite right.你的话真对。that they should do是定语从句,其所修饰的先行词是all。当定语从句所修饰的先行词是不定-6百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上代词all的时候,定语从句中的关系代词应当使用that来表示事、抽象概念或人。例如:1)All that you talked about is quite new to us.你的话对我们来说真是前所未闻。4Why do we let something tha

22、t happened in the past ruin what happiness you could have in thefuture? (Para. 5)something that happened in the past 是谓语动词let的宾语,其中that happened in the past 是something的定语从句。当定语从句的先行词是不定代词something的时候,定语从句中的关系代词应当使用that。例如:1)I can understand something that you are talking about.我理解你正在谈论的有些事情。ruin是谓语l

23、et的宾语something that happened in the past的补语。let 可以跟动词原形作其宾语补语。例如:1)Please let me say something about it.请让我对此发表我的观点。what happiness you could have是动词ruin的宾语从句,其中what是用来修饰名词happiness的。1)I would like to know what book are you reading.我想知道你正在看什么书。5Friends are those who are always interesting, and always

24、 interested. (Para. 8)who interested是定语从句, 修饰those。例如:1)Those who disagree can raise your hands.那些不同意的人可以举手示意。interesting意为“令人感兴趣的”,而interested则意为“感到有趣的”。例如:1) This TV show is interesting.这个电视秀有趣。2) Im interested in this TV show.我对这个电视秀感兴趣。6They stick with you, and stick up for you. (Para. 8)-7百度文库

25、- 好好学习,天天向上stick with sb. 和stick up for是两个不同的词组,分别表示: “跟在一起,忠于”和“支持,维护,为辩护”的意思。例如:1)I would like to stick with Awei since then.从那时以来,我就想跟阿薇在一起。2)No one can stick up for you all the time.没人能够一直支持你。7Positive problem solving is considered essential. (Para. 10)consider可以跟形容词作其宾语补语, 当consider用作被动语态时, 其原先

26、的宾语补语便成了主语补语。试比较:1)I consider it easy.我认为这不难。(宾语补语)2)It is considered easy.这被认为是不难的。(主语补语)Extra Reading Language Focus1Chinese people seem to expect their friendships to stay the same over a long period of time,maybe for a lifetime. (Para. 1)stay the same意为“”一直这样。 stay可用作半系动词, 表示“一直是”或“依然是”的意思。 例如:1

27、)Its going to stay cold for the next few days.接下来几天,天还会冷的。maybe for a lifetime 是省略句,完整的部分应当是:maybe stay the same for a lifetime.2However, in the United States a person is likely to change even “best friends” several timesover the years. (Para. 1)-8be likely to是常用句型,表示“有可能”的意思。例如:1)She is likely to m

28、arry him.她有可能会嫁给他的。百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上over the years意为“”几年中。介词over可用来表示“过去一段时间里”的意思。例如:1)Weve made great successover the past ten years.过去十年中,我们已经取得了很大的成功。3I think the reason is that friendship, like so many other relationships in the United Statesincluding marriage, depends on frequent interaction wit

29、h the other person.that person是表语从句。表语从句中应当使用连词that,而不是关系代词which。例如:1)The mothers dream is that her daughter can make her dream come true.母亲的梦想就是她女儿能实现她的梦想。4 Chinese friends give each other money and might help each other out financially over a longperiod of time, but this is rarely part of Western

30、friendships. (Para. 2)help sb. out是固定词组,表示“帮助某人摆脱困难”的意思。例如:1) Ill help you out if you havent got time to finish it.如果你没时间完成工作,我可以帮你忙。rarely是含有否定意义的副词。例如:1) He rarely visits me.他很少来看我。5A Westerner will respond to a friends trouble by asking, “What do you want to do?” (Para. 3)by doing sth. 是行为方式状语,表示

31、“通过(做)”的意思。例如:1) He attracted others by dressing himself in funny clothes.他靠奇装异服来吸引别人。6As we have seen Chinese codes of etiquette require more formal and polite interactions withstrangers or guests than is typical in the West, but in China relationships with friends are muchmore informal than simila

32、r Western relationships.(Para. 4)As we have seen是状语从句,表示“正如我们所看见的一样”的意思。连词as可用来引导状语从句。例如:1)As we have seen, he has made great progress.正如我们所看见的一样,他取得了很大的进步。-9百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上2)As you have seen, he is not cautious about his work.正如你所看见的一样,他工作马马虎虎。more.than用于比较级句型,其中连词than引导状语从句。如果状语从句中的主语是主句中的主语,状语从句

33、中的主语则可以省去。例如:1)The work is progressing more rapidly than was expected.工作进展得比预料的要快。2) Hes got more than is needed.他所得到的已经超过了所需要的。relationships with friends是并列句的主语;副词much修饰more formal以加强语气。7 Even in close friendships Americans use polite forms such as “could you” and “would youmind”, but Chinese do no

34、t use these polite forms, even when speaking English with Westernersthey know well. (Para. 5)they know well是定语从句,其中省去了关系代词whom。whom在定语从句中作宾语,通常可以省去。例如:1)Yesterday I saw the man (whom) you got angry with.我昨天看到了你所生气的那个人。2)She refused to see those (whom) she did not know.她拒绝见那些她不认识的人。U Un ni it t T Th

35、hr re ee eT Tr ra av ve el l1 Teaching ObjectivesA Understand the main idea of the textB Mater the key language points and grammatical structures in the TextC Training of basic reading ,listening, speaking, and translation activities in the Text.-10百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上2 Time AllocationText A :3Text B: 2

36、Listening an speaking : 13 Key points for this Texthow many & how much; feel like ; forget to do sth& forget doing sth. ; It s important 句型4 Teaching procedure Language Focus1How many times in a lifetime can you fall in love with New York?how many 是一个常用句型,意为“有多少数量”。how many 可以引导一个疑问句,也可以作诸如 tell, kn

37、ow 等的宾语。how many 后应当紧跟所要修饰的名词,这个名词一般是复数名词。如要修饰不可数名词,则用how much。例如:1)How many sisters do you have?你有多少姐妹?2)How much flour should I use in the sauce?在调料中要用多少面粉?2You go to some cities several times and feel like you know them. (Para. 1)feel like 意为“感觉是,似乎”。例如:1)I felt like Id really achieved something.

38、我感觉自己真的成功了。feel like 在许多别的场合下表示“想要”的意思。例如:2)I just dont feel like doing anything tonight.今晚我什么都不想做。3I live in southern California, where Mother Nature has forgotten to give us seasons. (Para. 2)where 在这里作关系副词,引导一个定语从句,修饰California(加利福尼亚)。where 用在表示地点的先行词如 place, room, street后, 可以引导限制性定语从句, 也可以引导非限制性

39、定语从句。例如:1)This is the place where I hid the key.这就是我藏钥匙的地方。forget 后面跟不定式表示“忘记做某事”,说明不定式表达的动作后于 forget。而后面跟动词-11百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上的 ing 形式,则表示“忘记做过某事了”,说明不定式表达的动作先于 forget。试比较下列句子:1)I often forget to sign my check.我经常忘记在支票上签名。(sign 发生在 forget 之后)2)I forgot signing my check.我忘记了已经在支票上签过名了。(sign 发生在 forg

40、et 之前)4However, New York in summer is not bad either. (Para. 2)either 在这里是副词,表示“也,而且”的意思,用在否定句或否定词组后面。肯定句表示相同意思时则用 too。例如:1)I havent seen the movie and my brother hasnt either.我没看过这部电影,我哥哥也没看过。5This was also the height of the tourist season, and the streets were crowded with tourists fromaround the

41、world.(Para. 2)crowded 经常用在 be crowded with 词组中,意为“被挤满,被塞满”,被挤的东西常作主语。例如:1)The narrow roads were crowded with holiday traffic.假日里狭窄的道路交通阻塞。6I believe its important to take kids to museums at a young age. (Para. 5)important 可以用在“It is important”这个句型中,后面可以跟不定式,如果要表示动作的执行者, 则在该执行者前加for, 也可以跟that从句, 如果跟

42、that从句, 则从句中的动词要用should+原形或者原形。例如:1)Its important to explain the procedure to the patient.向病人解释步骤是重要的。2)It was important for the president to continue his-12百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上schedule.主席能继续他的日程是重要的。3)I think its important that this type of meeting (should)be held.我认为开这种会议是重要的。7This gets them to really

43、 look at the piece. (Para. 7)get somebody to do something表示“使某人干某事”的意思。例如:1)Im sure I can get Tom to do it.我肯定我能让汤姆做这件事。8Two hours or less is enough for kids under twelve. (Para. 7)Two hours or less是一个表示时间数量概念的名词, 尽管是复数形式, 但是作为一个完整的概念,把它当作单数名词,因而谓语动词也用单数。其他类似的还有表示长度、重量和价值等数量概念的名词。例如:1)Ten pounds is

44、a lot of money.十磅是很大一笔钱。2)Twenty miles is not a great distance nowadays.当今 二十英里已不算远距离了。9You will miss a lot by being underground.(Para. 9)miss 在该句中是“错失”的意思。例如:1)She was upset at missing all the excitement.她对错失了所有的兴奋而感到心烦意乱。miss 表示“想要什么,但是错失了”的意思,而 lose 则表示“找不到,丢失”。试比较:1)Lets hurry back so we dont mi

45、ss the start of the game.让我们快点回去,这样我们就不会错过比赛的开始。2)Ive lost the tickets for tonights show.-13百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上我丢失了今晚演出的票。 L La an ng gu ua ag ge e F Fo oc cu us s1Arrival in Shanghai(Para. 2)arrival 是动词 arrive 去 e 加后缀 al 构成的名词。 类似的词还有: refuserefusal (拒绝) ;approveapproval(赞成) ;disposedisposal(处理)2Excur

46、sion to Suzhou(Para. 4)excursion 表示“远足, 短程旅行”的意思,后面如果要说明去什么地方远足,要加to。例如:1)The resort also offers daily excursions to nearby towns.旅游胜地还提供去附近城镇的短途旅行。3Depart for a full day trip to Suzhou(Para. 4)depart 较 leave 正式,强调行动的起点,且多指事先有安排的离去,不是临时的决定。1)Before you depart, let me give you a word of advice.你临行前,请

47、听我一句劝告。2)Dont leave until I return.我没有回来之前,请不要离开。4Return late afternoon to Shanghai(Para. 4)late afternoon 意为“黄昏,下午较晚的时候”。late 表示“晚的”或“晚期的”的意思。例如:1)Pauls in his late forties.保罗四十多岁了。2)The house was built in the late 19th century.那所房子建于十九世纪晚期。U Un ni it t F Fo ou ur r-14百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上MMo on ne ey y

48、1 Teaching ObjectivesA Understand the main idea of the textB Mater the key language points and grammatical structures in the TextC Training of basic reading ,listening, speaking, and translation activities in the Text.2 Time AllocationText A :3Text B: 2Listening an speaking : 13 Key points for this

49、Textsensitive & sensible ; agree on & agree with & agree to ; set about ; experience4 Teaching procedure Language Focus1Money mattered a great deal to Patsy and Sam, but it meant something different toeach of them. (Para. 1)matter在该句中是动词,表示“有关系,要紧”的意思。例如:1)Will it matter if Im a little late?我迟到一点有关系

50、吗?2That was why they argued. (Para. 1)疑问副词why引导的句子经常用于“Thats why”句型, 表示“这就是为什么”的意思。 例如:1)Simon loves you thats why he wants to be with you.西蒙喜欢你,这就是他为什么想跟你在一起的原因。3When they got married Patsy and Sam decided they would be very sensible aboutmoney.-15百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上动词marry用作及物动词时,直接跟宾语。例如:1)He marrie

51、d Mary in 1925.他1925年与玛丽结婚。假如没有直接宾语,更为常见的是用课文中出现的get married。例如:1)John and Lisa got married last week.约翰和莉萨上周结婚了。sensible 用来表示“明智的”,即:不会表现出愚蠢或感情冲动;而另有一个与sensible非常形似的词是sensitive,sensitive表示“敏感的”,也就是说对事物容易感受或感受很深。试比较下列句子:1)Be sensibleyou cant go out without a coat in this weather.理智些,这种天气不穿大衣怎么出去。2)O

52、lder people tend to be very sensitive to cold.老年人对冷非常敏感。4They worked out how much each of them would have to save every month so that intwo years time theyd have the deposit on a house. (Para. 2)so that 引导的是目的状语从句。如果主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时或现在完成体,那么从句中一般用can, may, will和shall等这些情态动词。如果主句中的谓语动词是过去,那么从句中的情态动词一般用

53、could, might, would和should等。例如:1) Shes studying English at night school so that she can go to university.她在夜校学习英语,以便能进大学。deposit表示“存款”的意思。如果表达存款的用途,后面则加on,表达有多少存款,后面用of。例如:1)We can have a deposit on a house soon. 我们的存款马上就够买房子了。2)Tom has a deposit of 1,000 in his account.汤姆的帐户上有1000英镑的存款。5Then there

54、was his fathers fiftieth birthdayhe had to get the old man a nice present.-16百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上(Para. 2)get在这里的意思是“买”, 经常用在get somebody something或get something for somebody的句型中。例如:1)While youre out, could you get me some batteries?你出去的时候,能给我买些电池吗?6When he won a bit of money on a bet he thought hed spe

55、nd it on a great Christmasparty for all their friends. (Para. 2)spend后面如果跟名词的话,要用on,如果后面跟动词的话,则用动词的ing形式。例如:1)Mum never spends any money on herself.妈妈从来不在她自己身上花钱。2)He spent the whole morning reading the report.他整个上午都在看报道。7In fact, she always put away a bit more than agreed. (Para. 3)she always put a

56、way a bit more than agreed意为“她存的钱总是比她所预定的还多”,这里在than后面省略了she。在than引导的比较从句中可以省略与主句相同的成分。例如:1)Natalie was prettier than her sister (was ).娜塔丽比她姐姐漂亮。8When Patsy and Sam read their joint bank statement or put their change together tobuy a coffee, they agreed on what the figures and the coins meant. (Par

57、a. 4)agree on意为“商定,约定”。agree with可用来表示“同意某人的观点或看法”。agree to表示“赞同一项建议”。试比较:1)We need to agree on a date for our next meeting.我们必须商定下次会议的日期。2)If she felt he was right, she would agree with him.如果她感觉他是正确的,她会同意他的观点的。-17百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上3)My sister wont agree to our mother going into a nursing home.我姐姐不同意

58、我妈妈去养老院。9They were each using a set of meanings which they shared with one another and withthe rest of society. (Para. 4)each可以跟在一个句子的主语后面。 在这种结构中, 主语与谓语动词都用复数形式。 例如:1)We each have our own skills.我们每人有自己的技巧。10But when they set about deciding what they would do with the money they each usedtheir own

59、individual meanings which they had given to money. (Para. 4)set about在该句中是“开始,着手”的意思,后面直接跟名词(短语)或动名词,如果后面要跟动词的话,就要用动词的ing形式。例如:1)A team of volunteers set about the task with determination.自愿者决心开始这项工作。2)Tony set about decorating their new house in blue and yellow.托尼开始用蓝色和黄色装修他们的新家。11 With our public

60、meanings we agree that this piece of metal is a dollar, or a pound, andthat piece of metal can be thrown away.(Para. 5)这里的with表示“对,就来说,关于”的意思。例如:1)We have a problem with parking in this area.我们在这里遇到了停车问题。12Our private meanings are ours alone and come out of our own personal experience,needs and wish

61、es. (Para. 5)experience在这里是不可数名词,表示“通过学习或实践取得的经验”,experience也可以作可数名词,表示“经历过的事情”。试比较下列句子:1)He had no previous experience of managing a farm.-18百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上他没有经营农场的经验。2)Failing an exam was a new experience for me.没有通过考试对我来说是一种新的经历。 Extra Reading Language Focus1Checking Account (Line 6 in the form)

62、checking account指的是“支票活期存款”,一般没有利息。checking account是美国英语,英国英语用current account。1) Philip never had a checking account during his years in office.菲利普在政期间从来没有过支票活期存款。2ATM WITHDRAWAL (Line 16 in the form)ATM是automated teller machine或automatic teller machine的缩写, 表示“自动取款机”的意思。常见的类似缩写还有:UN: United Nations

63、(联合国)/ NBA: National BasketballAssociation (美国全国篮球协会) / CD: compact disc (光盘) / BBC: British BroadcastingCorporation(英国广播公司)/ UFO: unidentified flying object(不明飞行物)/ WC: watercloset (厕所) / .: physical education(体育) / WTO: the World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织) / IQ: intelligence quotient(智商) / VIP: ve

64、ry important person(重要人物) 。3Closing date (Line 19 in the form)closing是一个形容词,表示“结束的”的意思,常用在名词前面。例如1)I turned on the TV just in time to catch the closing minutes of the race.我打开电视看到了比赛快要结束前的几分钟。4Include the date the letter was issued. (Para. 5)issue表示“发行,发给”的意思,经常用在“issue sth. to sb.”和“issue sb. with

65、sth.”-19百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上句型中。例如:1)The policy document will be issued to all employees.政策文件将发给所有的雇员。5Postal Code (Para. 6)postal code是“邮政编码”的意思。与code有关的名词短语还有:product code(产品编号)/bar code(条形码)/ zip code(美国邮区的五位编码)/ genetic code(遗传密码)。Unit FiveUnit FiveSuccessSuccess1 Teaching ObjectivesA Understand the

66、 main idea of the textB Mater the key language points and grammatical structures in the TextC Training of basic reading ,listening, speaking, and translation activities in the Text.2 Time AllocationText A :3Text B: 2Listening an speaking : 13 Key points for this Text形容词短语作名词定语后置; get down to; end up

67、4 Teaching procedure Language Focus1 Many students new to college do not know what it takes to be successful in the college.(Para. 1)new to college是形容词短语作many students的定语,其中的new 表示“不熟悉的” 意-20百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上思。形容词短语作名词定语应当置于它所要修饰的名词后面。例如:1)He is a young bank clerk new to the job.他是一个对银行工作还不熟悉的年轻职员。ne

68、w作为形容词,还可表示“对陌生的”的意思。例如:1)Shes new to the job so you cant expect her to know how to do everything already.她对这工作是生疏的,你别指望她样样都会做。what it takes是固定词组,意为“取得成功的必要条件”。例如:1)He has what it takes to succeed in business.他具有在商界成功的必要条件。2For one thing, a good student is not necessarily the most intelligent one in

69、 the class.(Para. 2)for one thing 意为“首先,一来,一则”,用来举出理由。例如:1)For one thing we cant afford it, and for another its ugly.一来我们买不起,二来这东西也难看。3These guidelines will help you get down to the business of becoming a serious andsuccessful student. (Para. 3)get down to 意为“认真办某事”,后接名词或动名词短语。例如:1)Its time to get d

70、own to the business of privacy.到了该认真保护个人隐私的时候了。2)I will have to get down to filling in my tax form.我得要认真填写报税表了。4They often do the optional assignments that many other students avoid. (Para. 5)that many other students avoid是定语从句,修饰assignments , 关系代词that引导了定语从句。例如:1)Did you get the books that I sent y

71、ou? 你收到我寄给你的书了吗?-21百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上5They dont talk, read, or stare out windows. (Para. 6)stare意为“盯着看,凝视”。stare out windows 是表示“盯着窗外”的意思。out是介词, 意为“向外面(表示一种向外的动作)”。例如:1)John continued to stare out the window.约翰继续两眼盯着窗外。2)He went out the door.他走到门外去了。6They end up at their teachers office door at least

72、 once during the semester. (Para. 7)end up意为“以而结束”,后面可接名词、介词短语或者V-ing。例如:1)He ended up (as) head of the firm.他最后成了公司的主管人。2)We set off for Tianjin but ended up in Beijing.我们动身去天津,可后来却去了北京。7Theyll go out of their way to find the teacher and engage in meaningful conversation.(Para. 7)go out of ones way

73、 to do sth.是表示“特地、想尽办法做某事”的意思。例如:1)Although he was busy he went out of his way to help me.他虽然很忙,还是想尽办法帮助我。8They take the time to make a final product that looks good and careful. (Para. 8)that looks good and careful是定语从句,修饰product。关系代词 that可引导定语从句。例如:1)Did you see the newspaper that came today?你看到今天

74、送来的报纸了吗?Extra ReadingLanguage Focus-22百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上1I simply knew I had to do it. (Para. 4)simply是副词,意为“仅仅,只不过”。例如:1)Dont get angry; I was simply trying to help her.别生气,我只不过是想帮她忙。2)I dont like bicycling; I do it simply because I have to get to work every day.我不喜欢骑自行车,我之所以骑自行车只是因为我每天必须去上班。2When I

75、was nine years old, I made up stories and told them to the kids who lived in myneighborhood. (Para. 5)make up是短语动词,意为“虚构,编造”。make up 的宾语有时可以置于up 之前。例如:1)I made up a story to tell the children.我编了一个故事讲给孩子们听。3When I was a teenager, I started writing stories and winning awards. (Para. 6)writing stories

76、 and winning awards 是动名词短语作宾语。动名词(短语)可以在句中作宾语。例如:1)I started learning English when I was ten.我10岁时便开始学英语。award意思是“奖,奖品”,win an award意为“得奖”。例如:1)Who do you think should win the Academy Award for Best Director this year?你认为今年谁会获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖?4Next, I began editing novels for other authors who are from the

77、 USA, Canada, the UK,Australia, New Zealand, China, even Turkey and Germany. (Para. 7)who are from the USA 是定语从句,修饰先行词other authors。who 是关系代词,在定语从句中作主语,这里的关系代词也可以是that。例如:1)Do you know the man who/that lives here?你认识住在这里的那个人吗?5When I was a young writer, and everybody was rejecting my writing, (Para.

78、 10)-23百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上and everybody was rejecting my writing这一句的动词是过去进行时。过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作。与一般过去时相比,过去进行时所表示的动作可能更具感情色彩。例如:1)From four to six he was washing the car.从4点到6点,他一直在洗车。6It was my dream, and I would not give it up. (Para. 11)give up意为“放弃,中止”。人称代词it作宾语时,需置于up 之前。例如:1)He had to g

79、ive up his studies because of the illness.他因病而辍学。Unit SixUnit SixLearningLearning1 Teaching ObjectivesA Understand the main idea of the textB Mater the key language points and grammatical structures in the TextC Training of basic reading ,listening, speaking, and translation activities in the Text.2

80、 Time AllocationText A :3Text B: 2Listening an speaking : 13 Key points for this Textwhether or ; throw oneself into; what引导的从句作宾语4 Teaching procedure Language Focus-24百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上1One of my answers is to speak English all the time, whatever you are doing, whereveryou are, whether alone or with

81、others, since listening and speaking is the natural way tolearn a language. (Para. 1)to speak English all the time是动词不定式作表语。动词不定式可作表语。例如:1)We are to wait until he comes.我们应当等到他回来。whether or 表示“不管还是”的意思,引导让步状语从句。例如:1)I will go, whether you come with me or stay at home.不管你是我和一起去还是呆在家里,我都要去。since在句中是连词

82、,意为“因为,既然”,引导原因状语从句。与连词because和as相比,since的语气较弱,常常表示彼此已知道的事实。例如:1)Since we have got a few minutes to wait for the train, lets have a cup of tea.既然等火车还需要几分钟,我们喝一杯茶吧。2Chinese students often react to this second suggestion with blank faces and raisedeyebrows, as if I were mad. (Para. 2)blank表示“迷茫的,不解的”

83、意思。例如:1)I tried to explain it, but he just gave me a blank look.我想向他解释,可他只是不解地看了我一眼。raise (eyebrows)意为“竖起眉毛”,表示“惊奇、疑虑、不快”的意思。例如:1)There were a lot of raised eyebrows at the suggestions.很多人对这些建议都眉毛直竖,十分反感。as if意为“仿佛,就好像”,引导比较状语从句,从句中动词 be用were,表示与现在事实相反或有所怀疑。例如:1)She remembered it all as if it were y

84、esterday.她记得这一切,宛如昨天。3I am well aware that most students feel a great deal of competitive pressure and thatthe traditional Chinese society requires that students only study and do little else. (Para.-25百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上2)well是副词,表示“充分地,彻底地” 意思。例如:1)Im well aware of the problems.这些问题我知道得很清楚。aware表示“明白

85、的,意识到的” 意思,后面可接that 引导的从句。例如:1)Im well aware that this is dangerous.我很清楚这是危险的。require意为“需要”,后可接that 引导的宾语从句,从句中的should可以省略。例如:1)The situation required that we (should) stay there.当时的情况使我们必须留在那儿。else是副词,表示“此外,另外”的意思, 可以置于all, much, little 等不定代词之后。例如:1)There is little else you can do to improve yourse

86、lf.除此之外,几乎没有方法能使你进步。4Your university years are a valuable time when you should be developing your socialcontacts, interests and potential, to help fit yourself for future opportunities. (Para. 3)contact这里是可数名词,表示“社会关系,熟人”的意思。例如:1)She has contacts with top officials in the government.她与政府高官有联系。fit fo

87、r sth. 表示“使适应,胜任”的意思。例如:1)His experience fitted him for the job.他有经验,能胜任这项工作。5So throw yourself into whatever catches your fancy, music, debating, or just chatting toentertain yourself and others. (Para. 3)throw oneself into表示“积极从事,投入”的意思。例如:1)They threw themselves into their work.他们积极地工作起来。whatever

88、这里是what的强调形式,表示“任何,什么都”的意思,可以引导宾语从句。例如:-26百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上1)Choose whatever you like.你喜欢什么就选择什么。catch sb.s fancy表示“合某人的心意,吸引某人”的意思。例如:1)She saw a dress in the shop window and it caught her fancy immediately.她看见商店橱窗里的一件连衣裙,立刻觉得很合心意。6As a student, if you take time out to relax and chat with your fello

89、w students, read morewidely, and talk your problems over with others, you will be under much less stress.take time out表示“抽出时间,腾出时间做某事”的意思。例如:1)The father took time out to be with his children.父亲腾出时间和孩子们在一起。chat with表示“闲谈,聊天”的意思。chat也可与about, away, on等介词连用。例如:1)She chatted with most of the guests at

90、the party. 她和晚会上大多数宾客都聊了天。2)They were chatting away in the restaurant.他们在餐厅里聊天。talk sth. over表示“详尽地商议,商量”的意思。例如:1)Well talk it over when Ive got some more details.等我了解到更多详情后,我们再讨论。7This will help you to develop better learning techniques, pick up useful bits ofinformation, get some valuable support

91、and finally make great achievement in your study.(Para. 3)pick up表示“得到,获得”的意思。例如:1)The nurse had picked up the information from a conversation she overheard.护士是从她偶尔听到的对话中获得这个信息的。bits (a bit )of 表示“少量,少许”的意思,后面一般接不可数名词。例如:1)There are bits of broken glass all over the floor.地上到处都是碎玻璃。8What I suggest i

92、s that they make an effort to find balance in their college life. (Para. 4)-27百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上make an effort表示“努力,尽力做某事”的意思,后可接动词不定式短语。例如:1)Please make an effort to get there on time. 请尽力准时到达那里。2)The students made an effort to improve their scores.学生们努力提高考试成绩。Extra Reading Language Focus1Sometimes i

93、t helps to just listen. (Para. 2)这里help是不及物动词,表示“有帮助,有用”的意思。例如:1)Your sympathy helps a lot.你的同情很起作用。to just listen是动词不定式作主语。 英语中常用it作形式主语,作真正主语的动词不定式应放在谓语之后。例如:1)Its been an honor to be able to help you.能够帮助您是一种荣幸。2Remember that much of what you hear on TV is slang. (Para. 4)what you hear on TV是疑问代词

94、what引导的宾语从句。what引导的从句可以作宾语。例如:1)I can not hear what the teacher is saying.我听不见老师说的话。3Choose ones with subtitles, or ones from ESL(provides useful notes on popularmovies). (Para. 6)one作为不定代词,可以替代前面已提到过的可数名词,其复数形式是ones。例如:1)He looked for a pen and found one in his pocket.他找钢笔,在衣袋里找到了一支。4Every day ther

95、e are more and more places to listen to English online. (Para. 7)to listen to English online是动词不定式短语,作后置定语,修饰名词places。动词不定式短语作定语时,须放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。例如:1)I have got an article to write. 我有一篇文章要写。5Do it in the privacy of your own home. (Para. 9)-28百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上in the privacy of ones own home表示“在某人家里”的

96、意思,privacy意为“独处”。例如:1)The accountant worked in the privacy of her own home. 这位会计在自己家里工作。6You can do this for almost any type of reading. (Para. 15)type意为“类,型,种”,the type of表示“的种类”,of后面所跟的名词通常不用冠词。例如:1)Shes the type of person I like.她是我喜欢的那一类人。7It is a bad habit to always rely on a translation dictio

97、nary or electronic dictionary. (Para.17)to always rely on是动词不定式短语作句子的主语,it是形式主语。动词不定式短语可作句子的主语。例如:1)It is a pleasure to be with you.和你在一起很愉快。8Think of your English-English dictionary as your lifeline. (Para. 17)think of as意为“把看作”,后接名词。例如:1)We think of him as a good person.我们把他看成一个好人。2)I think of him

98、 as a happy person with lots of friends.我认为他是个快乐、有许多朋友的人。Unit SevenUnit SevenStressStress1 Teaching ObjectivesA Understand the main idea of the textB Mater the key language points and grammatical structures in the TextC Training of basic reading ,listening, speaking, and translation activities in th

99、e Text.-29百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上2 Time AllocationText A :3Text B: 2Listening an speaking : 13 Key points for this Textif 引导条件状语从句; which 引导非限制性定语从句; 不定式短语用作表语4 Teaching procedure Language Focus1. Stress is caused by the bodys response to protect itself. (Para. 2)这里cause是动词,意为“引起”, cause也可作名词,意为“原因”。例如:1)

100、The heavy rain caused the flood.大雨引起了洪水。2. This is good in dangerous situations, such as getting out of the way of a speeding car.(Para. 2)in dangerous situations意为“处于危险情形”。例如:She is in a hopeless situation. 她处于无助情形。speeding是现在分词用作形容词,通常置于所修饰词之前。例如:1)How lovely the singing girl is!这位唱歌的女孩多可爱!3. But

101、it can bring about physical illness if it goes on for too long, such as in response tolifes daily challenges and changes. (Para. 2)这里的if是连接词,它可以用来引导条件状语从句。例如:1)What would Diana think of him if he failed?如果他失败,戴安娜会怎么看他?bring about是动词词组,表示“导致,引起”的意思。例如:1)I am sure your words will bring about misunders

102、tanding to people.我相信你的话会引起大家的误解。-30百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上in response to是固定词组,意为“响应,适应”。例如:1)The place was changed in response to his request.应他的要求而改变了地点。句中daily是表示时间的形容词,是由名词+后缀-ly构成的。例如:1)This article was published in a daily newspaper two months ago.这篇文章两个月前在一份日报上发表。4. Your body is working overtime, wh

103、ich can make you feel anxious, afraid, and worried.这里关系代词which引导了一个非限制性定语从句,非限制性定语从句是对主句的补充说明。例如:1) The exam, which lasted for an hour, was well arranged.考试安排得很好持续一个小时。在make you feel anxious 中,feel anxious是省略了to的不定式短语。动词make, let,have后面通常跟省略to的动词不定式作其宾语补语。例如:1)It was John who made me do so.是约翰让我这样做的

104、。句中形容词anxious, afraid,和worried充当感观动词feel的表语。常用的感观动词还有look,appear, seem, taste, smell, sound等。语法上,可以称其为半系动词,因此其后面通常可以跟形容词作其表语,而不跟副词。例如:5. What may be stressful is different for each person. (Para. 5)这里What may be stressful是由疑问词what引导的主语从句。 当所要表达的意思含有“疑问”的概念时,用相应的疑问词。注意,此时的 “疑问”并不是一个疑问句,故不要使用疑问语序而要用陈述

105、语序。例如:1)When he will go is unknown to us. 他什么时候走我们不清楚。6. Other stressful things include losing your job, your child leaving or returning home, thedeath of your relative, divorce or marriage, an illness, an injury, money problems, or even-311)He feels bad.他感到很难受。百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上having a baby.句中连接词or连

106、接了名词或动名词短语。这里your child leaving or returning home 是动名词的复合结构。 当动名词前加上一个名词或代词的所有格形式,这个名词或代词的所有格形式就是动名词的逻辑主语。例如:1)The teachers praising the boy made all the other boys happy.老师表扬了这孩子,这使得所有的孩子都很高兴。7. Talk to your family doctor about it. (Para. 8)talk to sb. about sth.是固定搭配, 表示“向某人述说某事”的意思。例如:1)Have you

107、talked to your mother about your trouble?你是否向你妈妈说过你的烦恼?8. Its important to make sure that your symptoms arent caused by other health problems.(Para. 8)to make sure是动词不定式(短语),在句中作主语,而it只是形式上的主语。英语中的动词不定式(短语)在作主语时, 通常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语(动词不定式短语)置于句后。例如:1)Its very good for us to learn English.对我们来说,学英语很有好

108、处。9. The next step is to choose a way to deal with your stress. (Para. 21)句中to choose a way是不定式短语用作表语; to deal with your stress是不定式短语作定语,修饰way。不定式短语可作定语。例如:1)I have got a chair to sit on.我拿到一个可以坐的椅子。10. Prepare to the best of your ability for events you know may be stressful, like a jobinterview. (P

109、ara. 24)prepare for是动词短语,表示“为做好准备”的意思。例如:1)Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.存最好的希望,做最坏的准备。这里you know 是省略了关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词events。当定语从句中所-32百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上修饰的名词(词组)被形容词最高级所修饰时,关系代词只能用 that来指代人或事物,而不能使用which。例如:1)This is the best film (that) we have ever seen.这是我们所看过的电影中最好的一部。Extra Readi

110、ng Language Focus1. With the development of society, more and more people, especially young people,suffer from stress. (Para. 1)这里with是介词,表示伴随状态。例如:1)It will change with the temperature.它随着温度而变化。suffer from是常用的动词短语,意为“遭受,受之苦”。例如:1)Perhaps youve suffered from overwork.或许你是工作过度了。2. A recent China Yout

111、h Daily survey found 66 percent of young people seeingthemselves as being under great pressure and fewer than 1 percent feeling stress-free.(Para. 1)find sb. doing sth.意为“发现某人在做某事”。例如:1) I found him sitting beside his best friend John.我发现他坐在他最好的朋友约翰的旁边。其中themselves 是反身代词,意为“他们自己” 。 see as是固定搭配,表示“把看

112、作”。例如:1)I see him as my best friend. 我把他看作是我最好的朋友。fewer than表示“少于”,用于可数名词,而less than则用于不可数名词。试比较:1)We have fewer students this year than last year.我们今年的学生人数少于去年。3. It also shows that such a problem is getting worse and worse with the passing of time.(Para. 1)that such a problem is getting worse and

113、worse 是宾语从句,修饰shows。连接词that-33百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上可以引导宾语从句。例如:1)George knew that he should save more time for study.乔治知道应当多留一些时间学习。get worse and worse表示“变得越来越糟”的意思。例如:1)The patient is getting worse and worse.病人的病情越来越差了。4. Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something.what

114、 you feel 是表语从句;when you are worried 是表语从句中when引导的时间状语从句。连接词what表示“什么”,可引导表语从句。例如:1)This is what you hope for a long time, isnt it?这就是你一直期望的,是吗?5. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. (Para. 2)make your body feel bad意为“使感到身体不适”。 表示“使”或“让”意思的make可以接不带to的动词不定式作其宾语补语。例如:1)Who made you d

115、o the work?是谁让你干这活的?6. If you suffer from stress, you may feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid, which cangive you a stomachache or a headache. (Para. 2)句中feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid 是一种系表结构, angry, frustrated, scared,or afraid是四个并列的形容词用作表语。类似的还有:7. Then, some people have anxiety,

116、which leads to stress. (Para. 3)which leads to stress是非限定性定语从句,which是关系代词,其修饰的先行词是anxiety。在非限制性定语从句中,表示事物的关系代词只能是which,而不可以使用that。例如:1)The train, which takes only two hours to get there, isquicker than the bus, whichtakes three.火车到那儿只要两个钟头, 比公共汽车快, 公共汽车到那儿需要三个小时。1)This will lead to trouble in the fu

117、ture.-341)When she heard the news, she felt very happy.听到这个消息,她感到很幸福。百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上这将导致以后的麻烦。2)This investment program will lead to the creation of hundreds of new jobs.这项投资将创造成百上千的新的工作机会。8. So analysts say that those very forces that brought the opportunities for young peoplealso brought levels o

118、f stress. (Para. 4)that those very forces 是由连词that引导的宾语从句,在主句中作谓语动词say的宾语。that brought the opportunities for young people是关系代词that引导的定语从句,在定语从句中用作主语,修饰先行词forces。在这种情况下,which和that可以互为替换。例如:1)I need a coat that (which) is both warm and light in weight.我需要一件既暖和又轻巧的外套。从句中的very是形容词,用来表示强调,修饰 forces,意为“真正

119、的”。very除了用作副词表示“非常”外,还可以用作形容词表示强调。例如:9. Insecurity among young people often shows itself in frequent job-hopping. (Para. 5)句中among是介词,表示“在之间”。注意:between用于两者之间,而among用于二者以上。例如:1)She was traveling among a group of tourists.1)He was caught in the very act of stealing. 他正在行窃时被当场擒住。她和一群观光客一起旅游。10. This i

120、s especially true when its close to home a neighbor getting rich even thoughhe used to be a classmate. (Para 6)在even though he used to be a classmate 中,even though意为“尽管,即使”,引导了让步状语从句。even though可以引导让步状语从句。例如:1)Even though they loved each other, they decided to part.即使他们相爱,他们还是分手了。-35百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上

121、11. On the other hand, Chinas one-child policy has meant more money for young people.(Para. 7)one-child是数词+名词组成的复合词,常用作定语。注意:该结构中的名词应当用单数形式。例如:12. But these single children also have two parents and four grandparents with their gazeon the childs success, which brings them under great pressure. (Para

122、. 7)with their gaze on the childs success是独立主格结构,表示伴随状况。例如:came in with a book in hand. 他手里拿着书走了进来。which在该句中是关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句。引导非限制性定语从句的which可用来指代主句所表达的意思。例如:1)He smokes a lot, which is not good for his health.他抽烟很多,这对他身体不好。13. , either to avoid the event that leads to your stress or to change the w

123、ay you react tothe stress. (Para. 10)either to or to 是动词不定式作目的状语。例如:1)She went there either to visit him or to make some money.她去那儿是为了能看望他,或者是为了能赚点钱。you react to the stress是way的定语从句,在way和you之间省略了in which。例如:1)Can you tell me the way you treat him?你能告诉我你对待他的方法吗?1)Apple is a five-letter word.苹果是由五个字母拼

124、成的单词。Unit EightUnit EightAthleteAthlete-36百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上1 Teaching ObjectivesA Understand the main idea of the textB Mater the key language points and grammatical structures in the TextC Training of basic reading ,listening, speaking, and translation activities in the Text.2 Time AllocationText A

125、:3Text B: 2Listening an speaking : 13 Key points for this Text同位语; and连接的两个并列句 ; keep doing sth.& keep on doing sth.; 现在分词短语作状语4 Teaching procedure Language Focus1Michael Jordan, the winner of six NBA titles, is one of the greatest athletes in the world.the winner of six NBA titles是名词短语作主语Michael Jo

126、rdan的同位语, 同位语通常置于它所要说明的词后面,前后有逗号与其他成分分开。例如:1) Robinson, a 47-year-old professor, died in a car accident yesterday.鲁滨逊是一位47岁的教授,在昨天的一场车祸中丧生。2He is very popular and admirable, and is viewed as the soul of a champion. (Para. 1)这是and连接的两个并列句。 如果第二个并列句中的主语和第一个并列句的主语是相同的话,第二个并列句中的主语可以省略。例如:1)He came into

127、the room and sat down beside the girl.他走进房间,在那女孩身边坐了下来。be viewed as是固定短语,表示“被看作是”的意思。例如:1)He is viewed as one of the best teachers in our university.他被看作是我们学校最好的教师之一。-37百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上3 but he kept on practicing for hours every day before school, which showed his workethic. (Para. 1)keep on doing s

128、th.是固定词组,表示“继续(做)”的意思。例如:1)He kept on talking until he was very tired.他继续说话一直说到他精疲力竭。which ethic是非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句中表示物体或抽象概念的关系代词只能使用which而不可以使用that。例如:1)She sent me the gift, which I will never forget.她送给我这份礼物,这我将永生难忘。4 Michael Jordan is also a genius because he always kept trying, especially when

129、hewas in trouble. (Para. 2)keep doing sth.是固定词组, 可用来表示“一直 (做) ”的意思, 还有一个相似词组: keepon doing sth.,意为“继续(不断做)”。例如:1)I keep forgetting to mail the letter.我一直忘了寄这封信。2)Daddy! Melanie keeps on hitting him!老爸,米兰妮打了他好几次!5 When he played in a championship game with a fever that would keep most men in bed,alth

130、ough he was physically too weak to stand, by an act of will, he scored thirty-eightpoints and hit the game-winning shot. (Para. 2)that in bed是定语从句,修饰fever,表示“会使大部分人卧床休息的高烧”的意思;tooto是英语中的常见固定结构,意为“太以至于不”。例如:1)He was too excited to say anything at that time.当时,他激动得一句话也说不出来。by an act of will是“凭意志”的意思。例

131、如:-38百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上1) By an act of will, he fought against the enemy.他凭意志同敌人展开了斗争。6Then we cannot help asking ourselves: what can we achieve if we try like MichaelJordan in our life? (Para. 2)cannot help doing sth.是一常见句型,表示“情不自禁地(做)”的意思。例如:1) We couldnt help laughing at that moment.我们当时情不自禁地笑了起来。7

132、As we know, basketball, like any other kind of sport, is merely a game, but its events ofathletic competition are not entirely without meaning. (Para. 3)as we know通常用作状语或插入语, 表示“如同我们所知道的那样”的意思, 其用法上类似于as you know (详见本课注解5);like any other kinds of sport是插入语,意为“如同其他类型的体育项目一样”;be not without meaning是一种

133、双重否定结构。双重否定往往可以表示肯定意义。例如:1)What she said is not without her feeling.她说那番话不是没有情感的。8 As a symbol of mans striving for perfection, Michael Jordan sets a good example for us.(Para. 3)As a symbol of mans striving for perfection是介词短语作状语,意为“作为人类追求完美的象征”;strive for是固定词组,表示“为而奋斗”的意思。例如:1) We must continue to

134、 strive for greater efficiency.我们必须为更高效率而奋斗。7He always tries to be excellent, ie, to be all he can be. (Para. 3)ie是that is的意思,通常用作插入语。例如:1)Well start the work, ie, what you asked us to do just now.我们要开始工作,也就是做你刚才说的事。-39百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上he can be是定语从句,修饰all。当定语从句所修饰的先行词是不定代词all的时候,定语从句中的关系代词是that,如果th

135、at是定语从句中的宾语,that则可以省去。例如:8Such spirit is necessary and important in winning a championship, giving sports withmuch greater significance. (Para. 3)giving是现在分词短语作表示伴随状况的状语。现在分词可在句中作表示伴随状况的状语。例如:1)She worked, leaving her son at home.1)Thats all (that) I want to say.这就是我要说的话。她在外面工作,让儿子呆在家里。9So, on the o

136、ther hand he is a concrete reminder of the motto that expresses theessence of the Olympic Games: “Swifter, Higher, Stronger.” (Para. 3)on the other hand 是介词短语用作状语,表示“在另一方面”的意思,通常该短语与on theone hand(一方面)连用。例如:1)On the one hand I want to sell the house, but on the other hand I cannot bear thethought of

137、 moving.一方面我想把房子卖了,但另一方面一想到要搬家我就无法忍受了。that expresses . Stronger.”是定语从句,修饰motto。10No other athletes of our times demonstrated this as much as Michael Jordan. (Para.3)no置于名词前相当于not any的意思,这是一种特殊的否定形式,即:否定主语。例如:1)No student can solve this difficult maths problem.没有一个学生能解答这道数学难题。11The way Michael Jordan

138、 conducted his life also greatly inspired people, such as theway he spoke and dressed, the loyalty he showed to his coach and team and the dignity-40百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上and grace with which he dealt with problems, etc. (Para. 4)这是一个比较长的复合句,其中包含了4个定语从句,它们分别是:修饰the way的定语从句:Michael Jordan conducted his li

139、fe修饰the way的定语从句:he spoke and dressed修饰the loyalty的定语从句:he showed to his coach and team修饰the dignity and grace的定语从句:with which he dealt with problem注意:定语从句通常应当置于它所要修饰的词后面。12He truly stands high above his peers. (Para. 4)stand high above sb.在不同的语境中可以表示不同的语义。例如:1) He was afraid that his wife would sta

140、nd high above him some day.他害怕他太太有朝一日会超越了他。2) The teacher hopes that his students can stand high above him in the future.老师希望他的学生们将来能站得比他高。在该句中stand high above the other people是表示“出类拔萃,胜人一筹”的意思。Extra Reading Language Focus1 When he was a child, Yao himself didnt have any dreams of being a famous bas

141、ketballstar. (Para. 1)not have any dreams of doing sth. 意为“从未梦想过 (做) ”, 这一表达方法也可以是:have no dream of doing sth.。例如:1)I have no dream of being a teacher.我没梦想过要当老师。2But when he was nine years old, the countrys sports officials came calling. (Para. 1)在came calling中,calling是现在分词。come后面可以接现在分词,表示行为方式。例如:1

142、) She came running.她是跑着来的。-41百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上3 By the age of just 21, he began to surprise his countrymen with his great athletic talents.(Para. 2)surprise sb. with sth.是固定词组,表示“以使某人吃惊”的意思。例如:1) We surprised him with such high efficiency.我们如此高的效率令他惊讶不已。4No surprise, then, that he was voted onto the

143、All-Star team as a starting center inFebruary. (Para. 2)这是一个省略句,全句应当是:There is no surprise, then, that he was voted onto theAll-Star team as a starting center in February. 因此,that February是surprise的同位语从句。同位语从句是前面名词的具体内容。例如:1) Can you give us any evidence that he is not at home?你能向我们提供他不在家的证据吗?5 He f

144、inished the season averagingpoints andrebounds per gamenot eye-catchingnumber, which is not bad for a first-year center. (Para. 2)averaging game是现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随状况。现在分词短语,可用作状语表示伴随状况。例如:1) He stayed up late, watching an American movie.他熬夜在看美国电影。not eye-catching number是对 points andrebounds per game的补充说

145、明;whichcenter是非限制性定语从句, 而从句中的which指的是前面的主句。 定语从句中的关系代词which不仅可以指代主句中的某个单词或词组,也可以指代整个主句。例如:1) John went back with a magazine, which he bought from his university library.约翰拿着本杂志回来了,这本杂志是他从学校图书馆里借来的。6He now likes joking with American reporters and NBA teammates. (Para. 3)like doing sth.是固定结构,表示“喜欢(做)”

146、的意思。like doing sth. 不同于like to dosth.,前者表示一般动作,而后者则表示具体动作。试比较:-42百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上1) He likes swimming.他喜欢游泳。2) He likes to swim with her in the sea.他喜欢同她在大海里游泳。7Perhaps the most unusual thing is that he is possibly even more popular in the U.S.than he is at home. (Para. 4)that he is possibly even mo

147、re popular是连词that引导的表语从句,引导表语从句中的连词通常是that而不是which。例如:1) The brightest pupil is that he can ask many good questions.最聪明的学生是能问很多好问题的学生。8There is no living Chinese as famous as Yao in the world today. (Para. 5)句中asas是特殊的比较级结构,是用as+形容词或副词+as结构表示同等比较。例如:1) Girls are as clever as boys.女孩和男孩一样聪明。在no livin

148、g Chinese中,no相当于“not any”,表示“毫不,一点也不”的意思。 例如:1) I have no particular reason to do this.我做这事没有什么特别的原因。9. He has single-handedly transformed his countrymen from nameless, faceless millionsinto mighty men. (Para. 5)句中transform from into表示“从改变成或转化成”的意思。例如:1)In only 20 years the country has been transfor

149、med from a common country into anadvanced industrial power.这个国家只用了二十年就变成了一个先进的工业强国。这里single-handedly是用形容词和名词+后缀-ed+后缀-ly构成的复合词。10. For Americans, Yaos kind manners and witty replies are a welcome alternative of theNBAs bad boys. (Para. 5)-43百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上for 是介词,表示“就而言,鉴于”的意思。例如:1) Its cold for th

150、e time of the year.就一年中这个时期来说,天气算是冷的了。11And for the Chinese, Yaos great achievement and excellent personality are nothingless than proof that China finally measures up. (Para. 5)句中nothing less than是对后面proof的强调,意为“完全,确实”。例如:1) His words are nothing less than nonsense.他的话简直是胡说八道。12Now Chinese are delighted that their guy has established himself so dominantly.that dominantly是表示原因的状语从句。在有些形容词后面,that可引导原因状语从句。例如:1) I was surprised that he didnt come to the meeting.我很惊讶,他竟然没来开会。这里so是程度副词,表示“如此,那么”的意思。当程度副词so修饰另一个形容词或副词时,通常置于所修饰的形容词或副词之前。例如:1) Dont be so silly!别那么傻。-44



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