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1、外研社英语必修一Module2-Language-points完成句子_ , his false beard fell off.使我感到极其好笑的是他的假胡子掉下来了。To my great amusement词汇点击词汇点击1. amusing adj. 有趣的; 引人发笑的2021/5/222如果老师(讲课)没条理也没多大关系。句型探究句型探究1. It doesnt matter if a teacher is not organised.It doesnt matter (to sb.) 从句 (对某人来说)没关系,不要紧It matters a lot / a great deal

2、从句 非常重要It doesnt matter. (口语)没关系。no matter who / why / what无论谁/为什么/什么as a matter of fact = in fact实际上,事实上Whats the matter?(口语)怎么了?有什么麻烦?2021/5/223句型探究句型探究1. It doesnt matter if a teacher is not organised.It matters that it works well.what matters is that it works well.要紧的是它要好用。It matters a lot to he

3、r what other people think of her.其他人怎么看她对她来说极为重要。2021/5/2242. so that 因此He got up early so that / in order that he could catch the first bus.为了赶第一班车,他起得很早。He didnt plan his time well, so that he didnt finish his work in time.他没有把时间计划好,结果没有按时完成这项工作。Its so hot that I cant sleep.天气热得我不能入睡。2021/5/225The

4、re are so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses.I have so much work to do that Im busy all day.Mary is such a good girl that everyone likes her.(Mary is so good a girl that everyone likes her.)He made such rapid progress in English that the teacher praised him.These are such small shoes that

5、 I cant wear them.Mr. Green is so busy that he cant go to the party with us.2021/5/2261 I have never seen_ little ants carry _ much food before. A. so, such B. such , so C. so, so D. such , such2 Never before have I heard _ a nice voice sing _ beautiful a song. A. so, such B. such, such C. so, so D.

6、 such, so 3 _ many people were gathering round the broken lorry_ they blocked the road. A. Such, that B. So, that C. So, as D. Such, as 2021/5/2273 3 we we dont dont daredare to to say say a a word word unlessunless she she asks asks us us to.to. unless unless = = if if not. not. 这这这这句句句句话话话话可可可可变变变

7、变成成成成 we we dont dont dare dare to say a word if she doesnt ask us to.to say a word if she doesnt ask us to. dare dare 作作作作为为为为实实实实义义义义动动动动词词词词时时时时, , ( (一一一一般般般般用用用用于于于于否否否否定定定定句句句句和和和和疑疑疑疑问句问句问句问句) dont dare to do /Do you dare to do.?) dont dare to do /Do you dare to do.?情情情情态态态态动动动动词词词词时时时时, , (

8、(一一一一般般般般用用用用于于于于肯肯肯肯定定定定句句句句, , 否否否否定定定定句句句句和和和和疑疑疑疑问问问问句句句句) dare do / dare not do ) dare do / dare not do I I dare dare not not answer answer his his question. question. = = I I dont dont dare dare to to answer his question.answer his question.2021/5/228策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作

9、:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 dare作行为动词时,有人称,数和时态的变作行为动词时,有人称,数和时态的变化,后接带化,后接带to 的不定式的不定式 (否定句中可以省略)(否定句中可以省略)他敢回答这些问题。他敢回答这些问题。She dares to answer the questions.你干摸这条蛇吗?你干摸这条蛇吗?Do you dare to touch the snake?他不敢告诉他的母亲。他不敢告诉他的母亲。He doesnt dare tell his mothe

10、r.2021/5/229策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 2 unless 时从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有时从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义。所以否定意义。所以 unless= if not.除非我打电话,否则就不要来。除非我打电话,否则就不要来。Dont come unless I phone you. 除非你努力工作,否则你会失败的。除非你努力工作,否则你会失败的。You will f

11、ail unless you work hard.除非你仔细读,否则你不会真正理解它的。除非你仔细读,否则你不会真正理解它的。You cant really understand it unless you read it carefully.把以上句子用把以上句子用if not替换。替换。2021/5/2210句型探究句型探究2. Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.1.with 宾语v.ing形式(表主动或进

12、行)With so much work filling my mind, I almost break down.脑子里装这么多的工作,我几乎要垮掉了。他在老师的讲解中睡着了。He fell asleep with the teacher explaining.2021/5/22112.with 宾语形容词(或副词)Dont sleep with the door and windows open.不要开着门窗睡觉。with 宾语过去分词(表被动和完成)With all the work finished, they hurried back home for lunch.所有的工作都做完了,

13、他们匆忙回家吃午饭。with 宾语不定式(表将来)With a lot of work to do, we have to be busy working day and night.有这么多的工作要做,我们只得日夜忙碌。2021/5/2212with的复合宾语在句中除可以用作状语表示方式或伴随动作,还可以用作定语。知识拓展The teacher with a book in his hand is a new English teacher.手里拿着一本书的那位老师是一位新来的英语老师。with 宾语介词短语The teacher entered the classroom with a b

14、ook in his hand.老师手中拿着一本书走进教室。2021/5/2213完成句子_, we had no trouble in getting to the station.有这个男孩带路,我们很容易就到达了火车站。With the boy leading the wayTiananmen Square looks even more beautiful _.所有的灯都亮着,天安门广场显得更加美丽。with all lights on2021/5/2214During scientific experiments, Mr. Chen carefully poured the wate

15、r into the tube, with my classmates _ beside to see what would happen.A. were standing B. stoodC. standing D. to stand句型探究句型探究4. (北京)_ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of2021/5/22151 1MrMr WuWus s only only been been teaching

16、teaching usus for for two two weeks weeks and hes already very popularand hes already very popular. .2 2Have/has Have/has been been V+ingV+ing 强强强强调调调调动动动动作作作作从从从从过过过过去去去去开开开开始始始始, , 一一一一直直直直进进进进到到到到现现现现在在在在, , 此此此此动动动动作作作作可可可可能能能能仍仍仍仍会会会会继继继继续续续续下下下下去去去去. . 完完完完成体成体成体成体 + + 进行体进行体进行体进行体对对对对比比比比: :

17、现现现现在在在在完完完完成成成成时时时时( (表表表表示示示示已已已已完完完完成成成成的的的的或或或或现现现现在在在在已已已已经经经经做做做做过过过过的事的事的事的事) )I have typed your letter. I have typed your letter. 我把你的信打出来了我把你的信打出来了我把你的信打出来了我把你的信打出来了I have been typing your letter. I have been typing your letter. 我一直给你打信我一直给你打信我一直给你打信我一直给你打信I have been learning English for 4

18、 years.I have been learning English for 4 years.It has been raining for 3 years.It has been raining for 3 years.1. Now that she is out of job, Lucy _ going back 1. Now that she is out of job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet.to school, but she hasnt decided yet. A. has consider

19、ed B. has been considering A. has considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to consider C. considered D. is going to consider2021/5/2216策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 句型探究句型探究4. Hes about 28,I thin

20、k, and is rather goodlooking.I think 我认为I believe 我相信I guess 我认为I suppose 我猜想Im afraid 我恐怕as far as I know / remember 据我所知you see 你晓得whats more 此外常见的插入语有:2021/5/2217策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 句型探究句型探究4. Hes about

21、 28,I think, and is rather goodlooking.thats to say 也就是说believe it or not 信不信由你whats worse 使事情更糟糕的是generally speaking 一般来说frankly speaking 坦白地说to tell you the truth 说真的;老实说to be honest 说实在的to make matters worse 更糟糕的是常见的插入语有:2021/5/2218策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英

22、语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 句型探究句型探究4. Hes about 28,I think, and is rather goodlooking.I dont suppose I shall be back until 8 oclock.我想8点以前我回不来。I must say, I love that picture of the six horses.(必修2Module 4)我必须说,我爱有六匹马的那幅画。2021/5/2219策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作:

23、广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 句型探究句型探究4. Hes about 28,I think, and is rather goodlooking.By the way, where is Xiao Li?顺便问一句,小李在哪儿?(介词短语)Worse still, it began to rain heavily.更糟糕的是,开始下大雨了。(副词)Id really rather not go, if you dont mind.我确实不想去,如果你不介意的话。(从句)2021/5

24、/2220策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 句型探究句型探究4. Hes about 28,I think, and is rather goodlooking.复杂疑问句/双重疑问句的组成:疑问词插入语(do you think / believe / guess)主语其他该句式需要注意:插入语为一般疑问句形式;插入语后面不再加引导词;插入语后接陈述语序。知识拓展2021/5/2221策划:学生双语

25、报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 句型探究句型探究4. Hes about 28,I think, and is rather goodlooking.你认为他在等谁? Who do you think that he is waiting for?()Who do you think is he waiting for?()Who do you think he is waiting for?()知识拓展2021

26、/5/2222策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报策划:学生双语报制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学制作:广东英语教学E-classroomE-classroom课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心课件创作中心 3 consider vt.考虑,思考,认为,看作考虑,思考,认为,看作1 consider+n/doing 考虑考虑(做做). 他正在考虑出国留学。他正在考虑出国留学。 He is considering studying abroad.2 consider+how引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句 我们再考虑该怎样帮助他们。我们再考虑该怎样帮助他们。 We are considering how we should help them3 consider sth to be+adj/n 认为认为是什么是什么 我把他视为我最好的朋友。我把他视为我最好的朋友。 I consider hm to be my best friend.4 consider as把把看做看做 我们把它看做亲密的朋友。我们把它看做亲密的朋友。 We consider him as our close friend.2021/5/2223谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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