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1、Cross-cultural Communication跨文化交际跨文化交际第1页,共23页。Unit One: Language and Culture in Communication第2页,共23页。Case studies5Cross-cultural Communication2Communication 3Activities4Culture1ContentsHomework6第3页,共23页。2.Toananthropologistthewordculturemeansallthewaysinwhichagroupofpeopleact,dress,think,andfeel.1

2、. What is culture?1.Peoplewhoknowaboutart,musicandliteraturearecultured.3.Peoplehavetolearntheculturalwaysoftheircommunity:theyarenotsomethingthatthepeopleinthegrouparebornwith.第4页,共23页。Differentcountrieshavedifferentcultures.Communicatingwithpeoplefromdifferentcultureiscalledcross-cultural/intercul

3、turalcommunication.2. Cross-cultural Communication第5页,共23页。交际传理交通通信传播沟通交流CommunicationCommunication means life and development.3.Communication第6页,共23页。3.1. The Basics of CommunicationCommunication occurs if: 1. two or more people; 2. contact; 3. a shared language; 4. an exchange of information. 第7页,

4、共23页。Human languageverbalnonverbalChinese non-word soundsbody languagee.g.: sounds uttered to control animalse.g.: gestures, headmovementsArtificial languageSpecial purpose symbolicmachinee.g.: Braillee.g.: logice.g.: computer3.1.3 Analysis of language第8页,共23页。3.2.Types of Communicationhumancommunic

5、ation(人类交际)animalcommunication(动物交际)human-animalcommunication(人类与动物的交际)human-machinecommunication(人机交际)machine-to-machinecommunication(机器交际)第9页,共23页。Two-way contact: Communicators can see each other and monitor each others behaviour direct communicationOne-way contact: communicators cannot see each

6、other, and hence cannot monitor each others behaviour indirect communication3.3. Ways of Communication第10页,共23页。4. ActivitiesActivity 1: Instances of CommunicationBest exampleBest example2.You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone.5. Two blind people exchange ideas

7、in Braille.6. A German businessman negotiates, through an interpreter, with his Chinese counterpart.Yes, but not goodYes, but not good 1.An orator delivers a speech to a large gathering.3. You send an e-mail message to an American friend.4.Jane lies in bed reading a novel.7. A mother talks to her 3-

8、month-old baby. None communicationNone communication 8. A farmer gives instructions to his ploughing cow.9. A programmer issues commands to a computer.10. Tom talks to himself while flourishing his toy gun.第11页,共23页。Activity 2: Models of Communication Source of informationencodercoder*channel*medium

9、*noisedecoderretrieval of informationelectric signalstelephone lineInformation Model第12页,共23页。Model One: mono-cultural model(samelanguageandculturalenvironment)shared knowledge:language &cultureLinguistic competenceCommunicative skillsLinguistic competenceCommunicative skillsspeakinginterpretingmess

10、agespeakeraddresseeMr. Gordon talks with his neighbor Mrs. Lewis about his latest trip to Spain.Mr. Gordon says: “The sea beaches are absolutely gorgeous!” 第13页,共23页。Model Two: unilateral-cultural model(oneknowsanotherslanguageandculturalenvironmentbuttheotheronedoesnt)Lu Bing ,a Chinese tour guide

11、is talking in English with George Luke, a British tourist who does not know Chinese at all.1.LuBinghaslearnedGeorgeLukes_and_.2.Thisshared_makestheircommunication_.3.LuBingactivateshisEnglish_andexerciseshisEnglish_togenerateamessage:“Thisissweetandsourpork.Trytry.”4.GeorgeLuke_hisEnglishcompetencea

12、nd_hisEnglishcommunicativeskillstointerpretLuBingsspeech.第14页,共23页。Model Three: bilateral-cultural model(peoplefromdifferentculturalbackgroundbutknoweachotherslanguageandculturalenvironment)Prof. Xia:Wouldyouliketohaveacupofcoffee?Prof.Graham:ShouldIreplyinEnglishwayorChineseway?Prof. Xia: InEnglish

13、way.Prof.Graham:Then,yes.Prof. Xia:TeainEnglishwayaswell?Prof.Graham:No,inChinesewaythistime.Prof. Xia:Jollygood.Youvesavedme.Justoutofmilk.Prof.Graham:(startslaughing)第15页,共23页。Activity 3: Meanings in communicationUtterance meaning:whatitnormallymeans.Speakers meaning:themeaningthespeakerwantstocon

14、vey.Hearers meaning:themeaningthehearerhasunderstood.第16页,共23页。Activity 4: Communication in Social SituationsA social situation is created when two or more people gather to do an activity or fulfill a purpose. Its essential components:utwo or more participantsudefinition of the situation and goalsus

15、ettinguschemauverbal communicationunon-verbal communicationutime and space第17页,共23页。Activity 5 Effective Cross-cultural CommunicationHow to be a cross-cultural speaker?1.Calmdownandrelax.2.Watchoutforbilingualdifferencesinusingpoliteexpressions.3.Usemeaninglessbutusefulsyllablestogain.time.How to be

16、 a cross-cultural hearer?Agoodlistenerisacarefulbutnotintenselistener,whogetsthemessage,noteverysingleword.第18页,共23页。5.CasestudiesXiu went to a BC buffet reception in the BC headquarters in Beijing. It just sohappened that Xiu arrived a little too early. The waiting lounge was almostempty except a c

17、harming lady sitting at a corner seat. After a long interval ofunbearable silence Xiu decided to break the silence by approaching the lady.Xiu: Im Xiu from BFSU. Are you a guest too?Lady: (stands up) Yes. Im Lin.Answer the following Questions:1.Why did the silence become unbearable to Xiu? Do you th

18、ink the charming lady felt the same way?2.What functions does the verbal communication fulfil under such circumstances?3.Do Xiu and Lin behave in the Chinese way or in the Western Way?Mutual Monitoring Process第19页,共23页。I felt exhausted after much sightseeing. I looked for a seat to rest my legs. ItS

19、o happened that on the nearby roadside there was a two-person stone chairWith one place already occupied by a charming young girl. I hesitated , but Still went over. “Is it occupied”?I asked. “No” was the answer. The momentI sat down, the woman stood up and left. I was a bit hurt by her instant depa

20、rture.A social situation may receive two definitions: one is given by the community, and the other by the participants.the community definition=official situation, such as a social situation of meeting, a social situation of classroom teaching, etc.Different Definitions of a Social Situation第20页,共23

21、页。6. HomeworkDiagnosing Problems in Cross-cultural Communication.AChinesestudenthadjustarrivedattheStates.Oneday,whenhewasreadinginhisroom,heheardsomeoneshoutingoutside:“Watchout!”Sohewenttothewindowandstretchedouthisheadandtriedtofindoutwhatsgoingonoutside.Justthen,hisheadwasrightpouredbythewaterfromaboveQuestion: Would you please analyze the saying “ Watch out” with the three meanings in communication?第21页,共23页。Keytothequestion:1.Utterancemeaning:Becareful!2.Speakersmeaning:Dontpullout!3.Hearersmeaning:Somethingishappening!Lookout!第22页,共23页。第23页,共23页。



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