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1、Unit 5 Marriage and Family.Word powerMatrimony: the state of being marriedArranged Marriage Marry/wed sb. / get married /engaged /divorced / be wedded to sb. Propose/ proposal engage /engagement separate- divorceLive together/ cohabit /cohabitationWedding ceremony vows honeymoonsingle/bachelor /spin

2、ster fianc fiance newlyweds couple life partner spouse divorce ex-wife stepmother widow -widowerBride/groom bridesmaid /best man/ flower girl / ring bearerMonogamy bigamy polygamy adultery Tie the knotStay in the marriage Walk away from the marriageFamily Extended familyNuclear familySingle parent f

3、amilyBroken familyOn the brink of divorce.family tree.What do you think about marriage? Marriage is about.Why do people get married?Financial, emotional, social, historical, economic, cultural, political, religious.Why nowadays we have so many single people? Is it typical in China?.Some quotesP 112恋

4、爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜。When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. (娶对老婆,你这一生就完整了。)When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. (娶错老婆,你这一生就完蛋了。) And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED. (让老婆逮到你跟小三,你就彻底地完蛋了。) .Origin of marriage: more than 4,000 years old

5、Bible: Adam: “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh” (Gen. 2:23). God: “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” (Gen. 2:18). Jesus himself defined the origin and essence of marriage in Matthew 19:4-6: “Havent you read . . . that at the beginning t

6、he Creator made them male and female, and said For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” Commandment “You shall not commit adu

7、ltery.”.Biological reason: to ensure that the children are their biological heirs. Emotional reason: romantic loveFinancial reason: property Political: stability of the societyMany people hold the view that regardless of how people enter into matrimony, marriage is a bond between two people that inv

8、olves responsibility and legalities, as well as commitment and challenge. That concept of marriage hasnt changed through the ages. .Family How important is family to us? In what way it plays an important role in our life?.Development of familyExtended familyNuclear familyStepfamilyUnmarried couples

9、living together / cohabitation Key driving force: Womens role / status; industrialization .Importance of familyA social / economic unit Where you learn how to love, how to behave, how to come along in life, how to relate to others Emotional support, unconditional loveWhere we foster our values, form

10、 our personality key agent of socialization.Topic for presentation: Wedding1. western wedding: before, during and after the wedding (procedure, ceremony) p114 D, p116 A.2. Western wedding VS Chinese wedding3. perform a wedding ceremony(act it out; the church scene; the banquet scene).What are the pr

11、oblems in marriage?The reasons for divorce statistics.Marital problems Extramarital affair/ infidelity / unfaithfulness /cheatingDomestic abuseSexual problemsMarriage stressors.Models for marriageMain ideaThough it is recognized by some politicians that marriage is important to the national unity, t

12、he divorce rate remains very high in our society, which drives us to ask what goes wrong with this marriage institution and whether it is possible to reverse this trend. The reasons behind the high divorce rate can be traced down to the culture of immediate gratification and social values of self-im

13、portance which do not prepare the young to make sacrifice in marriage when faced with the challenges of marriage. This problem begins when people view marriage as an optional addition to a sexual relationship. They enter marriage with a high expectation of personal satisfaction and when moments of d

14、ifficulty and examination arise, they just quit. The joys of the spirit and of the heart, the enduring happiness, the moral satisfaction that come from fulfilling the commitment and selfishless giving in times of adversity of marriage are not savored when the education of our young do not aim at tea

15、ching them what a life of selfless love can promise. The solution is to teach the young to love without counting the cost. .Part I: para 1-3Proposal to do sth. Propose thatPut forward/ approve/ reject a proposalset aside我同学每月都会花至少一百元我同学每月都会花至少一百元买书。come to do sth.unionbeyondget back on track get / r

16、un off the track; keep/lose track of sb./ sth. -orientedPut sth. in second placeContext: circumstances, situation You are quoting my words out of context.FulfillfulfillingFulfilling career / experienceComprehension questions1. What is the novel idea mentioned in para 1?2. What is the authors opinion

17、 of the proposal?3. substitute? Dynamics?4. the challenges of marriage?4. Do you agree with the author that marriage and family life help us to transform from thinking about ourselves to thinking about others? What do you think marriage and family life benefit us?5. How does family influence ones ma

18、rriage?6. What is marriage in your opinion?Paraphrase: p120.Marriage,sociallyrecognized and approved union between individuals, who commit to one another with the expectation of a stable and lasting intimate relationship.paraphrasingThis original idea shows that some politicians begin to realize Uni

19、ted States united status is largely by the American families united status, in other words, whether the married couple have a good relationship.Apart from all the research figures and interesting personal stories about divorce, what are the most important elements that make the marriage system succe

20、ssful or problematic?The key to the marriage issue is whether or not our society has encouraged an atmosphere or fostered a way of thinking that make people no longer able to face and solve the challenges of marriage. .Part II: para 4- 5be ignorant oftempt to; be tempted to cut ones lossApproach在我看来

21、,没有哪个作曲家可以比得上Mozart. with/without reference to关于你上封信提到的产品缺陷问题,我们的答复如下。Figure in 他出演了好几部他出演了好几部电视剧的主的主角。角。comprehensionquestions:1.Rather than marriage, what are we actually preparing the young people for?.2. What are the reasons for divorce?3. What does our culture of easy promiscuity encourage?4. W

22、hats wrong when pleasure figures in the beginning of a relationship?4. paraphrasing.Pleasure and happinessPleasure is a discreet and enjoyable experience: a sugar-covered donut, sex, listening to music, watching an absorbing movie. As satisfying as pure pleasure is, it is also transitory and often q

23、uite superficial. Happiness, is making steady, measurable, and observable progress in achieving the long-term goals that are a part of a lifetime plan. . Happiness is rooted in some combinationofthemostbasicdesiresforagoodlifethatnearlyeveryindividualholds:toloveandbeloved;tosuccessfullyraiseafamily

24、;toshareamplequalitytimewithfriendsandlovedones;tobeenjoyablyengagedinagainfulpursuit,onethatfullyemploysandcontinuouslyexpandsonesskills,haspurpose,earnsfairrecognitionandprovidesrewardsthatareeconomicallyand/oremotionallysatisfying;andtobeavaluedandrespectedmemberofonescommunityandsociety. Inthisr

25、egard,pleasureisanevent;happinessisaprocess.Pleasureisanendpoint;happinessisthejourney.Pleasureismaterial;happinessisspiritual.Pleasureisself-involved;happinessisouter-andother-involved.paraphrasingThe common practice of having many sexual partners in the society influences many young people. They d

26、ecide to have sexual relationships without thinking about future marriage. If one begins a relationship with another mainly focusing on the sexual side, this relationship is one that begins with pleasure but the pleasure doesnt last long. .Part III: para 6-9para 6-7neither. norbe impeded by.战争与疾病阻碍了

27、他事业的发展。fashion sth. out of.in anticipation ofoptional additionContribute to teach the lessonWhere do your joys of heart come from?What is a strong marriage like?Whats wrong of viewing marriage as a kind of optional addition to a sexual relationship? What does it mean?.Para 8-9at every stagepreoccupa

28、tion withBe preoccupied with: be engaged in pave the way for.sth. (a situation, opportunity) present itself/themselvesthe prospect ofin the times offill the years to followlay the foundation forprepare sb. for sth.be prepared to do sth.turn away from commitment.When does the most dangerous moment co

29、me?Where did the foundation of permanent happiness in marriage come from? (para 9)In what way we should prepare our children for marriage?Para 8 analyze the first sentencePara 8 duty and labor for anotherPara 9 the first moments of sacrifice; examination? What are they? Examples?Paraphrasing .paraph

30、rasingIf a marriage begins not with the wish to love and serve each other, but with the expectation to have sexual pleasure, that marriage is actually not going to be a strong one.Those who decided to have sexual relationship with one another without thinking about future marriage may as well consid

31、er a marriage can be something add on to a sexual relationship, but not a necessary part. Will it be surprising then, if they also consider children something they can choose to add on to a marriage, but not a necessary part of marriage?Also, is it possible that a marriage in which the parents think

32、 childrens existence/function is to make the parents happier really can teach the family members to try their best to make others life happy?.paraphrasingAt the time when marriage is not the future concern of a sexual relationship or when children are not considered crucial in a marriage, the couple

33、s will feel unpleasant to find their partners have needs for them which they cant escaping from meeting. Since the relationship begins with self-centeredness, the call for sacrificing for the other comes as a surprise. (para 8) .Part IV:para 10-12spit outsavorlie hidden inaim at doing sth. above all

34、paradoxicallydomestic uniondeign to do sthlove without counting the costrevive the happiness.What were the unexpected flavor and the something that if expected, we would have savored with the highest regard actually referring to?What are commitments of family life?What goal should the education of o

35、ur young people aim at?What are the things in marriage that our culture of self-gratification should prepare the young to taste?What does the author mainly argue in this article? Do you agree with him? Is China facing the same problem?.paraphrasingSince we do not expect to make sacrifice in a marria

36、ge, we reject the good things that come from our serving the other. If we had expected it, we would enjoy it to its utmost extent. (para 10).paraphrasingOur societys value that people tend to seek personal pleasure makes the young people become ready and look for the wrong things in marriage such as

37、 sexual pleasure and romantic satisfaction, instead of the right things which should be the pure concrete joyful feeling from the spirit and from the heart, which are the main purpose and outcome of marriage. Such spiritual joy comes first from the marriage life, and then from the children in the fa

38、mily. With the bringing back of family, we will be able to bring back the happiness which many fellow brothers and sisters try hard to find and have lost in the search. .Analyze the structure of the articleI. Introductiona proposal - importance of marriage - raise questions on why the divorce rates are so high? - present the opinionII. Main bodyfundamental cause of divorce - the effect of the starting point for our marriage - what are the joys of the hearts - moral satisfactionIII. conclusionlove without counting the cost is the cure.



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