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1、group study6made by彭丁祥,姚旭,周子晗,费青龙,姚崴,王泽综合教程 VocabularyI. 1.1) The cook put the meat on a plate, sprinkled (撒)it with salt and pepper(胡椒), wrapped up the plate in aluminum(铝箔)and then placed it in oven to roast.2) Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk,

2、 the thoughts we communicate to ourselves, in turn control the way we feel and act.3) John made everyone laugh when he got the words reversed(颠倒的,相反的) and referred to himself as “my husbands wife.”4) You cant live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will perhaps never be able to re

3、pay(回报)you. Weep(哭泣) reverse(背面,相反) sprinkle(撒) diminish(减少)long for(渴望) put away(放好,储存) repay(回报) at sea(茫然,在海上)traditional(传统的) in secret(秘密地) statement(陈述) unload(卸) sincere(真诚的) in turn under way5) Because the earth is sphere, sailors(水手) at sea only can view other ships to the distance of about

4、 13 miles before those ships seem to disappear into the horizon.6) Johnson dismissed (摒弃)traditional ideas lightly as no good on several occasions.7) One tends to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently(充分的) often, whenever the statement be true or false.8) Susan told me numerous times

5、how her sister longed for (渴望)children.9) I dont know what my roommate is up to because he does everything in secret, either when I am away or when I am asleep.10) For economic reasons, shipbuilders have designed vessels that can be loaded and unloaded (卸)in a minimum amount of time with minimum lab

6、or.11) Laugh, and the worlds laughed with you; weep, and you weep alone.12) A national debate is now under way about the manner in which we as a society should protect our natural resources.2.1) At the end of a hard day sue likes to go home and stretch out (伸手,伸展)in her favorite are armchair listeni

7、ng to a record.2) Tom listened hard, but couldnt make out(理解) what his parents were saying because they were talking too softly.3) How often things occur(发生) by mere chance which we dared not even hope for.4) If he hears something he cant understand, my brothers always turns it over (反复考虑)in his min

8、d until he can make sense of it.5) A national flag should be fold carefully and put away (储存)when not in use.6) Poetry often reveals(陶醉) to us the loveliness(可爱,美好) of nature and brings back (使。回忆)the freshness(精神饱满) of youthful feelings.7) Since she met some disabled young girls at college, she got

9、 to (定位,打算)think about their world.8) Setting the goal is not the main thing. What really matters is deciding how you will go about (着手)achieving it.4.1) Id like to express my sincere (真诚)thanks to everyone who has been so considerate (重要的)of my well- being. My heart is filled with gratitude 感谢的心情)t

10、hat words cannot express.2) After everyone assembled (集合)on the playground amid(在其中) the noise and excitement of the spectators, our coach again impressed on us the need to do our best in quest of (探寻)excellence(长处,优秀).3) Everything I saw in my hometown was marvelous损毁). I could hardly believe that

11、it had undergone such swift (快的)changes through cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers and the rest in the past few years.3.1) As supplies of traditional fuels diminish, people are working to increase the use of solar energy.2) We accord high priority to meeting the challenges of economic and envir

12、onmental development in the region.3) While it is true that children of today are exposed to more information than were children of the past, it does not follow that they automatically become more sophisticated.4) Since she borrowed those books from the library she has been immersed in British histo

13、ry and culture.5) Everything changed in a flash on June 1, 2000 when he lost both legs in a serious traffic accident.II.collocation1) The man who isfond of(喜爱)books is usually a man of noble(高尚的) thought.2) A few yeras after George settled down in the small town , he became sick of (对。厌恶) the same o

14、ld routine every day.3) Thank you for calling to see if Amys ankle is getting better its very thoughtful of you.4) Considering the odds stacked(堆) against him , I do not feel confident of his chances of success.5) Let a man become conscious(意识到) of what he is and he will soon learn what he should be

15、.6) When you write a letter of application , you must pay particular attention to punctuation ,grammar and spelling , as employers are always critical of(挑剔,对。不满) poor letters.7) Margaret felt guilty of cheating on the recent test in physics and made up her mind never to let this recur(复发,重现).8) Jar

16、ed is ashamed of himself for being so ignorant(无知).Sick(病人,厌恶的) thoughtful(体贴的) critical(批评的,爱挑剔的) guilty(有罪的,内疚的) ashamed confident conscious(意识到的,故意的) fond(喜欢)III.usage1)To know what people really think , pay regard to what they do instead of what they say. To know what people really think, pay re

17、gard to what they do, rather than what they say.2)It is cooperation , not conflict, that will enable you to achieve success. It is cooperation, rather than conflict, that will enable you to achieve your success. .3)Ann made students think for themselves instead of telling them what to think . Ann ma

18、de students think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.4) I dont think Id like to go out this evening . Ill stay home instead I think Ill stay at home this evening rather than go / going out.5)Most people are content to let perfect days happen at random instead of planning for them.

19、 Most people are content to let perfect days happen at random rather than plan / planning for them.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1 Alex Haley was at sea (1) when he started thinking how best he could mark Thinksgiving . Turning over(反复思考)(2) the meaning of the holiday in his mind , he came to rever

20、se (颠倒的)(3) the order of the word and got to (4) thinking about giving thanks . How, he wondered ,could he repay(5) those who had been so helpful to him in the past ? It seemed to him that the best way he could express his gratitude(感激)(6)would be to write to them . For too long he had gone about wi

21、thout troubling to well the how much he appreciated all that they had done for him . Before long he had assembled(准备好了,摆放好了)(7) pen and paper and was immersed in(沉浸于)(8)writing . Not long after the ship reached port , people starter unloading(卸)(9)its cargo together with his letters. The replies wer

22、e not swift(快的)(10) in arriving , but when they did , he found them deeply moving .Miracles(奇迹) cherish(珍爱) instead possessions(财产) considerate gift richer surprise specific special Shining(光亮的,发光) prettier(较美丽的) breath work favorites2 Wake up each day and give gratitude for what you have.Instead(1)

23、of giving any thought at all to what you do not have in your life , just spend as much time as you possibly can each day giving thanks for all of the people, opportunities , material posessions(财产)(2), good heath and any other things that you have in your life that make it so good . It is said that

24、we take so much for granted that we sometimes forget to be thankful for the small things that make our lives so much richer(3). If you have ever been out of breath(4) or under water for too long , the next breaths you take are that much sweeter . Tell others how much you love and cherish(珍爱)(5)them

25、every chance you get , You may never see someone again so you always want to leave them by telling them just how special(6) they are to you , When you are telling them how much you care about them and how thankful you are for having them in your life , give them specific(7) examples of what you love

26、 about them the most. Take the time to appreciate every little thing in your life .When the sun is shining(8) , the grass is wet beneath your feet and your dog is barking , give thank for these small miracles(奇迹)(9). Every moment we have is a gift(10). Use your time to show and tell others how impor

27、tant and special they are . Giving someone your time and kind words is the greatest gift of all.II. Translation1.奶奶想当然的认为粮价要涨, 所以买了许多大米。(take sth . For granted)我可以给你引用几个例子来说明她献身科学的精神。(quote, instance)20世纪80年代中国一些经济特区(zone)开始迅速发展起来。(see , swift)两国关系的紧张部分是由最近的间谍事件(spy affair)引起的。(in part )彼得已在一家律师事务所(

28、law firm)当了多年律师。你可考虑邀请他做你的律师,当你需要法律援助时,由他代你行事。( on sbs behalf) 2.I can quote you several instances of her dedication to science.1.Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar, so she bought a lot of rice.3.The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of some special economic zones in

29、China.4.Tension between the two countries stemmed in part from the latest spy affair.5.Peter has worked in a law firm for many years. You can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help.2.在感恩节的气氛中,乔治沉浸于阅读他父亲留给他的日记,他的父亲在连续两次完成环球旅行后在海上去世。这份日记使他回忆起自己与父亲一起度过的每一刻以及父亲

30、为他所做的许多具体事情。乔治的父亲过去经常向他强调必须经历各种艰难困苦去追求卓越(excellence)。即使今天,他依然记得父亲如何引用“懂得感激是高尚者的标志”这句伊索(Aesop)名言来教导他要把懂得感激放在最重要的位置。 Be immersed in successive specific on sbs behalf at sea undergo In quest of bring back gratitude amid accord quoteAmid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving George was immersed in the diary le

31、ft to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world. The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many of the specific things his father did on his behalf. Georges father used to impress on him the need to undergo all kinds of

32、 hardship in quest of excellence. He also taught him that nothingin the world could be taken for granted. Even today, George still remembers how his father would quote Aesops famous saying Gratitude is the sign of noble souls and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it.快速阅读Passage 1 .what r

33、esources are available at your school1)People at your school may not seem to know about your problems though they are willing to help you.(Y) (答案在第二段五行)2)Instructors can only give you information during scheduled classes.(N)(第五段第二行)3)Besides teaching,one task for instructors is that they should publ

34、ish articles and books.(N) (第六段第二行)4)In order to be an instructor,a teaching assistant must study to get a degree.(NG) (第七段是讲teaching assistants,但没提到上述内容)5)When you want to make changes in your academic life,you may visit your academic advisor for advice.(Y)(第八段最后一句)6)All schools offer various servi

35、ces like child care service,housing,and adult education service.(N)(倒数第五段第三四五行)7)You can find some organizations to join in if you want to help others.(Y)(倒数第三段最后一句)8)Students who take part in organizations are more persistent in their educational goals.(Y) (倒数第二段最后一句)Passage 2 .Endangered species1)

36、One way to obtain new species is to _mix materials from many different species_.(第二段第三行)2)One way to prevent coffee trees from being destroyed by weather changes or insect attacks is to grow different kind of coffee trees.(第三段五行)3)In Europe and the Mediterranean area almost 115 of the original 145 k

37、inds of cattle are in danger of dying out. (第四段第二行)4)As a result of combined efforts to protect elephants in Africa,the number of elephants killed has fallen sharply. (第六段第二三行)5)In many cases,the goal of taking endangered animals out of their natural homes s to produce enough animals to put back int

38、o the wild.(第九段)6)In the past 15 years,the greatest success is the creation of national protected areas and parks in almost all countries.(第十二段)7)The protected area in Mexico saved the home of about 300 species of birds.(倒数第四段最后一行)8)The new plans to save species concern not only economic development

39、 but also environmental protection.倒数第二段第一句Passage 3 .Emergy1)The sun gives out energy in the form of _D_.(第一段第二行) A)coal B)electricity C)oxygen D)light and heat2)How the power of fire was probably discovered? _A_.(第二段第二行) A)by accident B)by using the sun to burn things C)by changing energy D)by fin

40、ding forms of energy3)What advantage does coal have over wood? _C_(第三段最后一句). A)it can be found on the ground. B)it is made by old trees. C)it produces more heat D)it is buried deep in the ground4)Natural gas is very often found _D_(第五段第二句). A)under the rocks B)in the oil C)in the sea D)between the o

41、il and the rocks 5)_A_ generators produce more than 90 percent of electricity used in Sweden. (第六段第一句) A)Water-powered B)Coal-powered C)Gas-powered D)Oil-powered 6)Both water and wind power can only be produced when _B_.(倒数第四段最后一句) A)they are easily available B)the weather is right C)they are cheap

42、enough D)the weather is fine7)Scientists can put fuels to better use by _A_(倒数第三段最后一句)_. A)turning them into a different form of energy B)finding a new instrument C)burning them more efficiently D)preventing them from disappearing into the air8)A problem with coke is that it is difficult to start it

43、 burning.(倒数第二段第三行中间)9)Crude oil is a mixture of different sorts of oil.(最后一段第三行开头)10)To separate the different sorts of oils,the crude oil needs to be heated and cooled (最后一段第三行最后)many times.Passage 4.national weather service1.In the beginning,the main task of weather service was to help farmers pr

44、otect their cotton against storms.(N)(第二段最后一句)2.Since 1940,the weather service has provided forecasts for not only ship captains and farmers but also for military pilots.(Y)(第三段第三行)3.True national weather forecasts began in the 1950s.(Y)(第四段最后两句)4.The National Weather Service provides weather inform

45、ation to more than 300 stations.(N)(第四段第一句)5.As a weather expert,Ryan was once a military officer.(NG) (Bob Ryan的这一段讲的Ryan的事,但没提到上述内容)6.According to Ryan,the longer one stays in one area,the more correct weather forecasts one can make.(Y)(Bob Ryan这一部分的第二段倒数第二三行)7.Local forecasters are responsible fo

46、r providing correct weather information for local people.(Y)(倒数第五段的第一句)8.Only about 50 percent(倒数第四段的第二句of the time the National Weather Services week-long forecasts is correct.9.The use of a nationwide system of radar devices(倒数第二段第一句)greatly helps improve the warning capacity of the National Weath

47、er Service.10.One weather service official compares weather forecasting to choosing the winner of a horse race.(最后一段的最后三句)泛读13.on the seventh day of the Christmas1.From paragraphs 2 and 3 ,we know that (A)(第八段第一句“carol was six and knew better”,从中可以知道carol比johnny大) A.carol was older than johnny B.joh

48、nny was older than carl C.henny lost his job that day D.johnny wanted to go shopping2.the gift carmella bought for henny was (C)(从60段到110段这中间的文段可以推出这个礼物kite是一种东西能把希望寄托在上边的) A.something that could fly in the sky forever B.Something could be kept only in the sky C.Something that they could put all the

49、ir hope on D.Something that could last for a long time3.the whole family was living in (C)(第53段有提到) A.their own house on farmland B.Henrys mothers house downtown C.A rented house in a residential area D.A suburban house with two bedrooms4.the theme of the passage is that(D)(综合全文可以得知) A.Christmas may

50、 be a occasion of sorrow for poor family B.Gift-giving custom is against the real spirit of Christmas C.The poor families need more help during Christmas D.The essence of Christmas consists in the hope and sharing14.the borrowed daughter 1.suzanne was a young lady(D)(第六行和第七行) A.who was going to marr

51、y Edward Haynes B.Who was going to marry David Haynes C.Who had grown up with her own parents since she was a little baby D.Who had lived with edward and kate since sha was a little baby2.Edward was worried because (C)(第一段的第六七行) A.suzanne would leave the family forever without knowing who her parent

52、s were B.Suzanne didnt want to accept the fact that he and kate were her parents C.He was not sure whether suzanne still regarded him and kate as her parents D.He knowing Suzanne would not come back to see hin any more after the wedding3.in the sentence in paragraph 2,“the door handle was warm to hi

53、s hands ,but hers was cool when she slipped it into his hand and stood beside hin,”what does “it”refer to?(B)(第十五行) A.in refers to the door handle B.It refers to Suzannes hand C.In refers to Edwards hand D.It refers to the ushers hand4.when sha was five yeas old ,Suzanne got as her birthday present

54、from Edward before he told her the whole story of her adoption(C)(第二十五行) A.a green velvet party dress B.A seashore tour in their car C.A little gold locket with her birthstone D.A new pair of buckled black shoes 5.the “my expenses”story occurred when suzanne that(D) (由于之前是五岁发生的事,加上第71行中知加上7年则为12岁) A

55、.15 years old B.14 years old C.13 years old D.12 years old6.form the very end of the story we may conclude that(A)(由105行到125行中间的文段可以得知) A.Suzanne would never stop loving her foster parents B.Suzanne would keep on asking her parents to raise allowance C.Edward would feel lonely after Suzannes wedding

56、 D.Edward would be worried more after his daughters wedding15.the night before Christmas T 1.the narrator experienced a totally different Christmas when just eight years .(第四五行) T 2.in their tribe,Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas day dinner are the two most important dinners the Christmas season.(

57、第十二,十三,十四行) F 3.On Christmas Day in Africa, everyone was supposed to stay at home and pray to God.(文中没有提到) T 4.they were out of their village from march to December that year.(第三十四行) T 5.“fire on the Mountain”refers to the beautiful flowers on a kind of tree in the village.(第46行第一句话) F 6.the travele

58、rs came to the boys village on purpose to help the villagers celebrate the Christmas.(指的是军队攻打村庄) F 7.the narrators oldest sister gave birth to a baby girls on Christmas Eve.(第90,91行) F 8.the new-born baby was named Gye Nyame , which means”pray to God”.(第97行最后一句话) T 9.Africans dance on joyous occasions even when there is a war.(综合全文可以知道) T 10.the whole story is narrated by a young villager.(综合全文可以知道)thanks



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