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1、18Processed Tomato Products Situation and Outlook in Selected CountriesProduction of tomatoes for processing in 11 major producing countries in 2002 isforecast at 22.3 million tons, up 9 percent from 2001. The increase was attributedmainly to a 22-percent increase in U.S. output as well as increases

2、 in Turkey (up 12percent) and Portugal (up 6 percent). Production of tomato paste in selectedcountries, excluding the United States, in 2002/03 is forecast at 1.35 million tons,unchanged from last year, due mostly to continued abundant supplies and lowerprices. Production of canned tomato pack in se

3、lected countries in 2002/03 isforecast at 2 million tons, down 2 percent from last year, due to an expected drop inproduction in both Italy and Greece. During this same period, exports of tomatopaste from selected countries are forecast at 928,000 tons, up 8 percent from2001/02, while exports of can

4、ned tomato pack are forecast at 1.01 million tons, up 2percent from 2001/02.GLOBAL PRODUCTION & TRADEWorld production of tomatoes for processing is expected to reach 22.3 million tons in 2002/03, up 9percent from the previous year. The United States produces approximately 46 percent of all the tomat

5、oesfor processing produced worldwide.The top four producers in 2001/02 are the United States (10.1 million tons), Italy (4.7 million tons), Spain(1.45 million tons) and Turkey (1.45 million tons). Other key producers include Brazil, Portugal, and Chile.World Production of Tomatoes for ProcessingMill

6、ion MT1210864201999200020012002U.S.ItalySpainTurkeyBrazilOtherSource: USDA/FAS Agricultural Attach ReportsJuly 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities19Production of canned tomato pack in selected countries in 2002/03 is forecast at 2 million tons, down 2percent from last year, due

7、to an expected drop in production in both Italy and Greece. Duringthis same period, exports of tomato paste from selected countries are forecast at 928,000 tons, up 8percent from 2001/02, while exports of canned tomato pack are forecast at 1.01 million tons, up 2percent from 2001/02.(000) MTTop Toma

8、to Paste ExportersItaly Dominates the World CannedTomatoes Export Market1,0009008007006005004003002001000(000) MT10009008007006005004003002001000Exports of Canned Tomatoes2000/012001/022002/032000/012001/022002/03Italy Greece Portugal U.S. Chile SpainItalyU.S.SpainGreeceWestern HemisphereUnited Stat

9、esProduction of processing tomatoes under contract in 2002 is estimated at 10.1 million tons, up 22 percentfrom 2001. The increase in output is due mainly to a major increase in area planted caused by smallercarryover of stocks and higher wholesale prices for tomato products during the marketing yea

10、r. The bulk ofU.S. tomatoes for processing are for tomato paste output.U.S. Contribution to World ProductionMillion MT302520151050of Processed Tomato Products1998/991999/002000/012001/022002/03July 2002WorldSource: USDA Agricultural Attach ReportsUnited StatesWorld Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export O

11、pportunities20California accounts for about 95 percent of the U.S. processing tomato crop. As of May 15, Californiastomato processors reported they have or will have contracts for 9.53 million tons of processing tomatoesfor 2002. This production is 23 percent more than the contracted production of l

12、ast year. Planted area forcontracted production is expected to rise 11 percent from last year to 114,121 hectares. Due to excellentweather conditions, processors are expecting a high yielding crop.(000) MT160140120100806040200U.S. Exports of ProcessedTomato Products(000) MT80706050403020100U.S. Impo

13、rts of ProcessedTomato Products1997/981998/991999/002000/011997/981998/991999/002000/01Canned TomatoesTomato PasteKetchupTomato SauceCanned TomatoesTomato PasteKetchupTomato SauceSource: U.S. Census BureauMexicoProduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 is forecast at 96,000 tons, down 30 percent

14、 from an earlierforecast, mainly due to a reduction in planted area. The reduction is attributed to less utilization from theprocessing industry, decreased international demand, and lower world prices. Tomato paste production inMexico in 2002/03 (March to February) is forecast at 11,000 tons, down 2

15、2 percent from the revisedvolume in 2001. As in previous years, world supplies continue to be very high and costs of productioncontinues to rise. Industry experts claim that importing tomato paste from the United States, China, andChile is less expensive than producing in Mexico, thus forcing Mexica

16、n companies to reduce production.The situation has become so critical that some companies have completely stopped production andimportation of tomato paste for processing into other products.Mexicos possibilities of increasing its tomato paste exports have dwindled as the United States hasincreased

17、tomato paste exports. In addition, Chinas access to the international market, with high levels ofproduction, has lowered international prices. As the industry finds that it is more profitable to import tomatopaste, exports for 2002 are forecast to decrease further. The main markets for Mexican tomat

18、o paste arestill the United States and South America. Tomato paste imports for 2002 are expected to increase to meetthe expected demand from the domestic market, as the industry faces a decrease in production andinternational prices remain low.July 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportun

19、ities21BrazilProduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 is forecast at 1.27 million tons, up 2 percent from the revisedlevel in the previous year. Sales and associated prices of the 2001 crop were considerably better thanduring the previous year, thereby encouraging producers to increase acreage

20、and production. Increasedsuccess in fighting pests in the Bahia region should also contribute to the production increase. New higher-yielding tomato varieties are also expected to further boost yields and production. Nearly all of Brazilsprocessing tomatoes are made into paste. Output of tomato past

21、e in 2002 is forecast at 130,000 tonsunchanged from the previous year.Historically, the majority of Brazilian imports of tomato products are in the form of tomato paste, which isused to supplement domestic production and is further processed in Brazil into consumer-ready sauces andother similar prod

22、ucts. In the past, the vast majority of Brazilian imports of tomato products have comefrom Chile, as they are the largest and most efficient producer in the region. Imports of most tomatoproducts dropped considerably in 1999 due to the January 1999 devaluation of the Brazilian currencyincreased the

23、cost of imported products. The United States is the leading supplier of ketchup to Brazil.ChileProduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 is forecast at 935,000 tons, down 4 percent from 2001, duelargely to lower-than-expected tomato quality as a result of adverse weather conditions. Tomatoes for

24、processing in Chile are planted from mid-September through December and harvested from January 10 toApril 15. Output of tomato paste in 2002 is forecast at 102,000 tons, down 8 percent from 2001. Thisdrop is due in part to the lower-than-expected output of tomatoes for processing.Mediterranean AreaP

25、roduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 in the major producing countries in the European Union(EU) is forecast at 8.3 million tons, about the same as the previous year. Under the reformed commonmarket organization (CMO) for fruits and vegetables of 2001, the minimum price for fresh tomatoes to

26、beprocessed is no longer applicable. The producer organizations and the processors now set this price. Onlytomatoes delivered by a producer organization and corresponding to some quality standards will getsubsidies from the EU. Subsidies are now paid directly to growers through the producer organiza

27、tions andreduced proportionally if production exceeds the national quota. Compensations are possible when otherEU countries processing tomato production falls below their national quotas. This new system seems tofavor processors because they will not have to pay a fixed minimum price to growers in o

28、rder to receive aprocessing subsidy. In addition, the processors will be free to purchase processing tomatoes from whateversource they chose, including from foreign markets.SpainProduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 is forecast at 1.45 million tons, down slightly from 2001.Improvement in mec

29、hanization, as well as new varieties and technologies, are increasing yields andJuly 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities22productivity. Production of canned tomatoes under the new CMO reforms for processing tomatoes will belocated more and more in Extramadura, a region in wester

30、n Spain where land and water are abundant.The market price for tomatoes for processing was about $47.30 per ton in marketing year 2001/02.Farmers and processors have agreed to a price of $45.75 per ton for marketing year 2002/03. Besides thismarket price, farmers will also receive a EU subsidy of $2

31、8.60 per ton of fresh tomatoes for processing intopaste or most other tomato products and $31.30 per ton for processing into whole peeled tomatoes. Atthese rates, farmers delivering to processors receive about 60 percent of their income from the market andthe remaining 40 percent from EU subsidies.

32、If the production quotas for processing were removed, Spaincould increase production dramatically. Despite the penalty of 10 percent in the subsidy for processingtomatoes (other than whole peeled tomatoes) the production for processing remains profitable.In calendar year 2001, exports of tomato past

33、e declined by 20 percent compared to the previous year.Imports of tomato paste remained stable, as a spike in imports from China was offset by a decline fromother suppliers. Spanish processors are very concerned about imports from China, which they believe willbecome a very strong competitor in the

34、next few years. Imports of whole peeled tomatoes declineddramatically due to lower local consumption. Most exports of canned tomatoes and tomato paste went toother EU countries. Exports of canned tomatoes to the United States rose by 20 percent in 2001.PortugalProduction of tomatoes for processing i

35、n 2002 is forecast at 972 million tons, up six percent from 2001.Yields for 2001/02 averaged 78 mt/hectare, 20 percent above last year, due to a combination of goodweather plus some rains over the whole season. Crop quality and color is reportedly very good. Inaddition, industrial yields and quality

36、 are also reported to be good, although the average solid content in thecrop is considered normal. Roughly 80 percent of total production in Portugal is produced in the Ribatejo eOeste and the Algarve areas. Most of the tomatoes for processing are produced on small 5-10 hectareplots. However, the st

37、ructure of the industry is changing, and an estimated 50 percent of all tomato areas(6,000 hectares) now consist of larger-scale plots with new direct-seeding technologies. All areas areirrigated. While the low cost of rural labor is one advantage that the Portuguese sector enjoys, costs ofother inp

38、uts (especially land cost) are reported to be much higher than in the rest of the EU.Exports of tomato paste are estimated at 124,000 tons in 2001, slightly above the previous years level.The main export market continues to be the EU followed by Japan. Sales to the United States are minimal.Processo

39、rs in Portugal are very concerned about the large increase of Chinese products being importedinto the EU. Although the quality is reportedly mixed, Portuguese processors believe that the quality ofChinese products will improve in the near future. Processors are already contemplating new products tor

40、eplace the production of tomato paste.GreeceProduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 is forecast at 880,000 tons, down 9 percent from a yearago, due largely to a decrease in planted area. Production of tomato paste in Greece in 2002 is forecast atJuly 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export

41、Opportunities23134,000 tons, down 8 percent from 2001. Only 17 plants will process tomato paste during the 2002season compared to 38 plants in 2000. Most of the plants are located in Macedonia, Thrace, andThessaly. The reduced number of operating plants reflects the financial problems of the Greek t

42、omato pasteindustry. Canned tomato production in 2002 is forecast at 28,400 tons, down 10 percent from 2001, duemostly to large 2001 ending stocks and low world prices. Countries such as China and Israel are enteringthe market with extremely low prices. At the same time, recent changes in EU policie

43、s have causedreductions in the support price paid to growers from $.07/kg to $.02/kg today. This development hascontributed to farmers fears that their income from industrial tomatoes will be reduced. Most processingtomato farmers are trying to increase their income by utilizing part of their land r

44、esources for crops otherthan tomatoes, such as cotton, cucumber, onions, and corn.The foreign demand for tomato paste at present is low because of large world production levels in recentyears. At present, prices for the 2002 crop product are approximately the same as last year and Greekproducers hav

45、e already proceeded with advanced sales to their traditional buyers.FranceProduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 is forecast at 297,000 tons, down slightly from 2001 as aresult of a decrease in subsidy for French tomato growers. In Europe, France is a minor producer ofprocessed tomato product

46、s, with 4 percent of the total European production. The EU threshold for Franceset in 2001 by the EU under CMO for fruits and vegetables was 401,500 tons of fresh tomatoes.Production of tomato paste accounts for the bulk of processed tomatoes in France. In 2002, output ofpaste is forecast at 42,200

47、tons, unchanged from the previous year. Production of canned tomatoes for thesame period is forecast at 5,900 tons, also unchanged from 2001. France is a minor producer of processedtomato products and continues to be a net importer of both canned tomatoes and tomato paste. There isalmost no trade be

48、tween the United States and France for these products.ItalyProduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 is forecast at 4.7 million tons, up slightly from the previousyear, due to an increase in yields. Since 2001, the Italian national production quota was set at 4.35 milliontons. That means that It

49、alian processing tomato output exceeded the quota by over 350,000 tons, includingtomato juice. Under the new EU tomato system, growers in 2002 will receive $32/ton, down slightly fromthe previous year. Subsidies are now paid directly to growers through producer organizations and reducedproportionall

50、y if production exceeds the national quota. Compensations are possible when other EUcountries processing tomato production falls below their national quotas. This occurred in 2001 andtherefore the situation permitted a reduction to the cut in Italian subsidies.Italian exports of tomato products cont

51、inue to increase. Prices of Italian tomato exports remainedcompetitive in the international market due to a large domestic supply. Most Italian exports, especiallywhole tomatoes, are delivered to European and other developed countries. However, a significant share oftomato paste exports is of low qu

52、ality and is destined for Russia and some of the African countries. Most ofJuly 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities24this tomato product is prepared using tomato paste for reprocessing imported duty-free from Greece,Turkey, China, and other countries where production costs are m

53、uch lower. In 2001, 84 percent of totaltomato paste imports came from China.Italian Exports of ProcessedTomato Products(000) MT100090080070060050040030020010002000/01Canned Tomatoes2001/02Tomato Paste2002/03Tomato SauceSource: U.S. Agricultural Attach Report, USDAIsraelProduction of tomatoes for pro

54、cessing in 2002 is forecast at 165,000 tons, up 13 percent from the revisedoutput in 2001, which was one of the worst years for the Israelis tomato processing industry. The total areaplanted for processing tomatoes is dictated by the quantities the processors are willing to accept. In 2001,1,650 hec

55、tares were planted, compared to 2,150 hectares in crop year 2000. In 2002, planted area willremain almost the same. The Golan Heights, previously an important growing area, mainly for the lateripening varieties, has almost abandoned tomato production due to severe water shortages. Farms therehave sh

56、ifted most of their reduced irrigation quotas to their fruit orchards. Economies of size are a keyfactor in the production of tomatoes for the processing industry. They have caused most small holders toabandon the industry to large cooperative farms or private companies. Between 85 and 90 percent of

57、 allprocessing tomatoes are produced on large holdings of 50 to 150 hectares. In 2002, production of tomatopaste in Israel is forecast at 18,975 tons, up 15 percent from the previous year, due mostly to a largeincrease in tomato deliveries to processors.Exports have declined steadily in recent years

58、 from a level of $33 million in 1995, to $14 million in 1999,and only $8 million in 2000. The decline is a result of surpluses in the world market and the failure of Israeliproducers to compete with low-cost producers such as China.TurkeyProduction of tomatoes for processing in 2002 is forecast at 1

59、.45 million tons, up 12 percent from theprevious year, due mainly to insufficient local stocks and expectations for increased exports. Commercialtomato paste production for 2002 is projected to reach 220,000 tons, up 30 percent from last year. Higherprices, which are the result of low domestic stock

60、s, and an expected 10-percent increase in exports, are theJuly 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities25reasons for this increase. Also, processors in Turkey are cautious about the potentially large output inCalifornia and extremely low export prices offered by China, and are not wi

61、lling to increase their overallproduction volume to the 300,000-ton level that was achieved a few years ago. Access to the EU-marketalso remains a major problem due to a dispute over duty free EU meat exports to Turkey.The Turkish tomato paste industry is very dependent on exports. In recent years,

62、exports to traditionalmarkets, particularly Libya and Algeria, have declined sharply as a result of political and economic problemsin the importing countries. To compensate for the loss of these markets, the Turkish industry is turningincreasingly to quality markets, particularly Japan and non-EU Eu

63、ropean countries. Japan continues to beTurkeys leading export destination because the Japanese prefer the color and taste of Turkish paste andbelieve that hand picking improves the quality. The EU is not allowing Turkey to utilize its 38,400-ton dutyfree tomato paste export quota due to a dispute ov

64、er duty free EU meat exports to Turkey. Over quotaimports of tomato paste to the EU are subject to a 15 percent tariff. Industry members believe that Turkeyhas a comparative advantage in production and processing over the European producers and will benefitgreatly from the resolution of quota disput

65、es.The Attach Report search engine contains reports on the Processed Tomato industry for severalcountries including Brazil, Chile, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, andTurkey. For more information on production and trade, contact Erik Hansen at 202-720-0875.Also, please visit t

66、he processed vegetables commodity page:http:/ for further information.July 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities26Table 1: Production of Processing Tomatoes in Selected CountriesRegion/1997/981998/991999/00 2000/01 2001/022002/03Count

67、ryNorth AmericaThousand Metric TonsUnited States9,0478,52311,4169,851 1/ 8,316 F 10,083MexicoTotal3009,3472908,81319011,6061129,963968,41210010,183South AmericaBrazilChileTotal9509121,8621,2259502,1751,0009751,9751,2009402,1401,2409752,2151,2659352,200Western MediterraneanItalyGreeceSpainPortugalFra

68、nceTotal3,5201,2459817722866,8044,3721,3251,3369883278,3484,9001,3501,6879973639,2974,8101,1501,3818553248,5204,6909701,4639172988,3384,7008801,4509722978,299Eastern MediterraneanTurkeyIsraelTotalTotal MediterraneanGrand Total1,0801761,2568,06019,2692,0502672,31710,66521,6532,0502672,31711,61425,195

69、1,7002231,92310,44322,5461,3001461,4469,78420,4111,4501651,6159,91422,297Source: Horticultural and Tropical Products Division, FAS, USDA1/ based on contractsF= forecast based on contract intentionsJuly 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities27Table 2: Canned Tomatoes 1/Production, S

70、upply, and Distribution in Selected CountriesMarketingBeginningProductionImportsSupplyExportsDomesticEndingYear 2/StocksDistributionConsumptionStocksBrazil2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F8553602102,3002,6002,8006,0006,2006,2009,1559,1609,2101952002008,6008,7508,800360210210Chile2000/20012001/20022002/2

71、003 F748024526,0005,9004,4000006,0746,7024,8521,9722,8501,2753,3003,4003,400802452177France2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F9,7198,4848,00016,0305,9005,90088,62995,00095,000114,378109,384108,9005,8945,5005,500100,00095,88495,4008,4848,0008,000Greece2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F1,7992,1995,55536,90031,35

72、628,40014,00019,00016,00052,69952,55549,95518,00014,50014,00032,50032,50032,7502,1995,5553,205Israel2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F8,1056,0112,01118,04611,10013,365260025026,41117,11115,62611,8007,0007,5008,6008,1007,5006,0112,011626Italy2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F417,000517,000467,0001,888,0001,780

73、,0001,750,00012,00010,00010,0002,317,0002,307,0002,227,000900,000920,000940,000900,000920,000930,000517,000467,000357,000Spain2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F20,0005,8926,489195,623195,400195,8332,8171,0631,000218,440202,355203,32254,54840,86642,000158,000155,000156,3225,8926,4895,000Total2000/20012001

74、/20022002/2003 F457,552540,748489,7172,162,8992,032,2562,000,698123,706131,263128,4502,744,1572,704,2672,618,865992,409990,9161,010,4751,211,0001,223,6341,234,172540,748489,717374,218Source: U.S. Agricultural Attach Reports, FAS/USDA1/ Includes whole peeled, and/or wedged, diced, crushed, and other

75、non-concentrated products2/ Marketing years are July-June with the exception of Frances, which is August-July, and Brazils is May-April.F = ForecastJuly 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities0000000000018Table 3: Tomato PasteProduction, Supply, and Distribution in Selected Countrie

76、sMarketingYear 1/Beginning Production ImportsStocksSupplyDistributionExportsDomesticConsumptionEndingStocksBrazil2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F17,4491,5994,499110,000130,000130,000500400400127,949131,999134,8991,0001,0001,000125,350126,500127,5001,5994,4996,399Chile2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F1,3631

77、2,0992,410110,000111,000102,000111,363123,099104,41087,584109,00990,00011,68011,68011,71012,0992,4102,700France2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F38,64460,00066,20043,10042,20042,20084,17770,00070,000165,921172,200178,4005,9926,0006,00099,929100,000105,00060,00066,20067,400Greece2000/20012001/20022002/200

78、3 F43,00021,00025,500180,000145,000134,0003,50012,00014,000226,500178,000173,500190,000135,000135,00015,50017,50017,50021,00025,50021,000Israel2000/20012001/20029,4205,15726,29016,56035,71021,71716,3536,00014,20012,5005,1573,2172002/2003 F3,21718,97550022,6927,00012,5003,192Italy2000/20012001/200220

79、02/2003 F160,000141,00097,000340,000330,000328,00065,00070,00073,000565,000541,000498,000350,000370,000380,00074,00074,00074,000141,00097,00044,000Mexico2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F00021,00014,00011,00017,18322,00024,00038,18336,00035,0007,1765,0004,00031,00731,00031,000000Portugal2000/20012001/200

80、22002/2003 F27,65020,00013,500155,955158,387155,000183,605178,387168,500124,38364,781125,00039,222100,10638,50020,00013,5005,000Spain2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F20,9003,70938,455169,718225,849205,35715,05813,71510,000205,676243,273253,81275,96764,81870,000126,000140,000150,0003,70938,45533,812Turke

81、y2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F25,03538,1213,121265,000170,000220,000290,035208,121223,121134,914100,000110,000117,000105,000107,50038,1213,1215,621Total2000/20012001/20022002/2003 F343,461302,685253,9021,421,0631,342,9961,346,532185,418188,115191,9001,949,9421,833,7961,792,334993,369861,608928,00065

82、3,888718,286675,210302,685253,902189,124Source: U.S. Agricultural Attach Reports, FAS/USDA1/ Marketing year July-June with the exception of France (August-July), Brazil (May-April), Mexico (March-February), and Turkey (September-August). 2/ 28-30 Percent Basis. F=Forecast.July 2002World Horticultura

83、l Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities19Table 4: United States ExportsCanned Tomatoes, Ketchup, Tomato Paste, Sauce 1/Commodity/July-MarchJuly-MarchDestination1997/981998/991999/002000/012000/012001/02Metric TonsCanned TomatoesCanadaJapanKorea; Republic ofMexicoAustraliaOtherTotal24,3201,9473826,2932574

84、,39837,59720,73613,0551,4309545162,58739,27828,05210,9167761,5121244,56545,94530,6612,4007773,429909,85247,20924,4081,8575802,520696,59536,02921,7471,3547762,2401613,36839,501KetchupJapanCanadaMexicoBrazilHong KongIsraelUnited KingdomNetherlands AntillesSaudi ArabiaOtherTotal9,3906,7714,2234173,4581

85、,3713346491,24012,45540,3088,8615,1484,2014,0353,4742,1711,72596992313,10244,6096,2835,8797,1869393,5671,2951,6515971,1569,67038,2235,9968,4057,129712,4752,0202865021,0159,22437,1234,5365,8905,692711,7911,2711353568736,38627,0013,6966,4734,9091713,8551,8119104493138,61331,200Tomato PasteCanadaJapanD

86、ominican RepublicKorea; Republic ofPhilippinesMexicoTaiwanHong KongHaitiOtherTotal46,17114,35811610,6345,8045,3071,8391,3133,24747,036135,82541,5567,4556,8915,4724,6233,7682,0581,4281,1833,35377,78746,09710,274776,4654,2887,1881,8191,0612,09710,45889,82447,73116,7489007,98950812,6708231,4665368,2789

87、7,64937,16911,1683296,2743569,1273541,2023046,74473,02736,2739,9071,1864,7161,8448,729531,6521,2952,67368,328Tomato SauceCanadaMexicoJapanSaudi ArabiaKorea; Republic ofUnited KingdomNetherlandsSwedenOtherTotal63,6865,7574,2651,4411,8401,5861,2501,32411,12292,27171,2066,3033,2781,9171,7341,4891,2011,

88、01510,20998,35269,4656,2873,8398062,6173,7111,5251,40916,576106,23566,64210,6406,0781,3041,7654,3451,2661,34118,956112,33747,4967,5704,9961,0671,3713,2061,0901,10414,28582,18551,09010,0532,1078281,5242,5164371,07311,81181,4391/ Marketing year (July-June). Source: U.S. Census BureauJuly 2002World Hor

89、ticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities20Table 5: United States ImportsCanned Tomatoes, Ketchup, Tomato Paste, Sauce 1/Commodity/July-MarchJuly-MarchDestination1997/981998/991999/002000/012000/012001/02Metric TonsCanned TomatoesItalyIsraelCanadaSpainChileTurkeyOtherTotal47,3526,4615,8805,7622,39

90、440219168,44239,02810,4649,8705,4822,84113933868,1622,0035,6112,7472,24346232280014,1883711,1782,7671,036688401,7347,8143328272,110591353385944,8451553,0744,3711,383402164889,889KetchupCanadaChinaHong KongIndiaJapanOtherTotal31,786001701131,81438,7472224516161839,06437,87138001305038,31439,207402931

91、07839,72730,87428901606631,24543,3481,8463047010245,373Tomato PasteChileMexicoPeruIsraelItalyChinaCanadaPortugalTurkeyOtherTotal4918,35001,118425014986310010,70527,30222,8155,9484,7224,6594,2651,6351,2951,2822,11176,0342,3486,8841,2386,7351753,3639703246021,2246693,5087952,2157296,28314034228714,842

92、3713137551,9336701,737002902446,3131,40703541,7045564,16611204424479,188Tomato SauceCanadaFrancePortugalDominican RepublicItalyMexicoOtherTotal5,385061,266821693297,8765,6383,0161,10890267455958812,4856,036001,8481,0873,21038112,5627,741023,1941,7152,91637015,9386,769021,0021,3181,82431511,2305,492706,5791,3032,32130916,0111/ Marketing year (July-June). Source: U.S. Census BureauJuly 2002World Horticultural Trade &U.S. Export Opportunities



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